List of usage examples for java.lang String regionMatches
public boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)
From source
/** Like startsWith except is case-independent */ public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String start) { return str.regionMatches(true, 0, start, 0, start.length()); }
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@Override public boolean finish() { String version = getSelectedJobVersion(); String destinationKar = getDestinationValue(); JavaCamelJobScriptsExportWSAction action = null; IRunnableWithProgress actionMS = null; Map<ExportChoice, Object> exportChoiceMap = getExportChoiceMap(); boolean needMavenScript = exportChoiceMap.containsKey(ExportChoice.needMavenScript) && exportChoiceMap.get(ExportChoice.needMavenScript) == Boolean.TRUE; if (needMavenScript && destinationKar.regionMatches(true, destinationKar.length() - 4, ".kar", 0, 4)) { destinationKar = destinationKar.substring(0, destinationKar.length() - 3) + "zip"; }/* w ww .j av a 2s .co m*/ if (exportAsZip) { exportChoiceMap.put(ExportChoice.needAssembly, Boolean.TRUE); } if (new File(destinationKar).exists()) { boolean yes = MessageDialog.openQuestion(getShell(), Messages.getString("JavaCamelJobScriptsExportWSWizardPage.OverwriteKarTitle"), Messages.getString("JavaCamelJobScriptsExportWSWizardPage.OverwriteKarMessage")); if (!yes) { return false; } } IESBMicroService microService = null; if (GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().isServiceRegistered(IESBMicroService.class)) { microService = (IESBMicroService) GlobalServiceRegister.getDefault().getService(IESBMicroService.class); } IBuildJobHandler buildJobHandler = null; if (exportTypeCombo.getText().equals(EXPORTTYPE_SPRING_BOOT)) { try { if (microService != null) { buildJobHandler = microService.createBuildJobHandler(getProcessItem(), version, destinationKar, exportChoiceMap); Map<String, Object> prepareParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); prepareParams.put(IBuildResourceParametes.OPTION_ITEMS, true); prepareParams.put(IBuildResourceParametes.OPTION_ITEMS_DEPENDENCIES, true); try { buildJobHandler.prepare(new NullProgressMonitor(), prepareParams); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(), getShell()); return false; } actionMS = microService.createRunnableWithProgress(exportChoiceMap, Arrays.asList(getCheckNodes()), version, destinationKar, ""); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(), getShell()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { getContainer().run(false, true, actionMS); NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(), getShell()); return false; } } else { if (getProcessItem() instanceof CamelProcessItem) { CamelProcessItem camelProcessItem = (CamelProcessItem) getProcessItem(); if (camelProcessItem.isExportMicroService()) { camelProcessItem.setExportMicroService(false); } } if (needMavenScript) { action = new JavaCamelJobScriptsExportWithMavenAction(exportChoiceMap, nodes[0], version, destinationKar, false); } else { exportChoiceMap.put(ExportChoice.esbExportType, "kar"); buildJobHandler = BuildJobFactory.createBuildJobHandler(getProcessItem(), getContextName(), version, exportChoiceMap, "ROUTE"); Map<String, Object> prepareParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); prepareParams.put(IBuildResourceParametes.OPTION_ITEMS, true); prepareParams.put(IBuildResourceParametes.OPTION_ITEMS_DEPENDENCIES, true); try { buildJobHandler.prepare(new NullProgressMonitor(), prepareParams); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(), getShell()); return false; } action = new JavaCamelJobScriptsExportWSAction(nodes[0], version, destinationKar, false); ProcessorUtilities.setExportAsOSGI(true); } try { getContainer().run(false, true, action); NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBoxExceptionHandler.process(e.getCause(), getShell()); return false; } } IFile targetFile = buildJobHandler.getJobTargetFile(); if (targetFile != null && targetFile.exists()) { try { FilesUtils.copyFile(targetFile.getLocation().toFile(), new File(getDestinationValue())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; }
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/** Like endsWith except is case-independent */ public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String end) { int lend = end.length(); return str.regionMatches(true, str.length() - lend, end, 0, lend); }
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/** * Trim a hostname, removing "www." from the front, if present, and the * TLD from the end. If this would result in an empty string, the entire * name is returned./*from www .j a v a 2 s . com*/ * @param hostname a hostname string * @return the trimmed hostname */ public static String trimHostName(String hostname) { if (hostname == null) return null; int start = 0; if (hostname.regionMatches(true, 0, "www.", 0, 4)) { start = 4; } int end = hostname.lastIndexOf('.'); if (end <= start) { // if trimming www left nothing but TLD, return whole name return hostname; } return hostname.substring(start, end); }
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/** Like indexOf except is case-independent */ public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String str, String substr, int fromIndex) { if (str == null || substr == null) { return -1; }//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m int sublen = substr.length(); int last = str.length() - sublen; for (int ix = fromIndex; ix <= last; ix++) { if (str.regionMatches(true, ix, substr, 0, sublen)) { return ix; } } return -1; }
From source
/** * Process incoming mail.// w w w . java 2s. com * * @param mail * ... */ public void service(Mail mail) throws MessagingException { // get the postmaster user User postmaster = null; try { postmaster = userDirectoryService.getUser(POSTMASTER); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { M_log.warn("service(): no postmaster, incoming mail will not be processed until a postmaster user (id=" + POSTMASTER + ") exists in this Sakai instance"); mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); return; } try { // set the current user to postmaster Session s = sessionManager.getCurrentSession(); if (s != null) { s.setUserId(postmaster.getId()); } else { M_log.warn( "service - no SessionManager.getCurrentSession, cannot set to postmaser user, attempting to use the current user (" + sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId() + ") and session (" + sessionManager.getCurrentSession().getId() + ")"); } MimeMessage msg = mail.getMessage(); String id = msg.getMessageID(); Address[] fromAddresses = msg.getFrom(); String from = null; String fromAddr = null; if ((fromAddresses != null) && (fromAddresses.length == 1)) { from = fromAddresses[0].toString(); if (fromAddresses[0] instanceof InternetAddress) { fromAddr = ((InternetAddress) (fromAddresses[0])).getAddress(); } } else { from = mail.getSender().toString(); fromAddr = mail.getSender().toInternetAddress().getAddress(); } Collection<MailAddress> to = mail.getRecipients(); Date sent = msg.getSentDate(); String subject = StringUtils.trimToNull(msg.getSubject()); Enumeration<String> headers = msg.getAllHeaderLines(); List<String> mailHeaders = new Vector<String>(); while (headers.hasMoreElements()) { String line = (String) headers.nextElement(); // check if string starts with "Content-Type", ignoring case if (line.regionMatches(true, 0, MailArchiveService.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, 0, MailArchiveService.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE.length())) { String contentType = line.substring(0, MailArchiveService.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE.length()); mailHeaders.add(line.replaceAll(contentType, MailArchiveService.HEADER_OUTER_CONTENT_TYPE)); } // don't copy null subject lines. we'll add a real one below if (!(line.regionMatches(true, 0, MailArchiveService.HEADER_SUBJECT, 0, MailArchiveService.HEADER_SUBJECT.length()) && subject == null)) mailHeaders.add(line); } //Add headers for a null subject, keep null in DB if (subject == null) { mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_SUBJECT + ": <" + rb.getString("err_no_subject") + ">"); } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug(id + " : mail: from:" + from + " sent: " + timeService.newTime(sent.getTime()).toStringLocalFull() + " subject: " + subject); } // process for each recipient Iterator<MailAddress> it = to.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String mailId = null; try { MailAddress recipient = (MailAddress); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug(id + " : checking to: " + recipient); } // the recipient's mail id mailId = recipient.getUser(); // eat the no-reply if ("no-reply".equalsIgnoreCase(mailId)) { mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") set to no-reply, mail processing cancelled"); } /* NOTE: this doesn't make a lot of sense to me, once the mail is ghosted * then it won't be processed anymore so continuing is kind of a waste of time, * shouldn't this just break instead? */ continue; } // find the channel (mailbox) that this is addressed to // for now, check only for it being a site or alias to a site. // %%% - add user and other later -ggolden MailArchiveChannel channel = null; // first, assume the mailId is a site id String channelRef = MailArchiveService.channelReference(mailId, SiteService.MAIN_CONTAINER); try { channel = MailArchiveService.getMailArchiveChannel(channelRef); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug( "Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") IS a valid site channel reference"); } } catch (IdUnusedException goOn) { // INDICATES the incoming message is NOT for a currently valid site if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") is NOT a valid site channel reference, will attempt more matches"); } } catch (PermissionException e) { // INDICATES the channel is valid but the user has no permission to access it // This generally should not happen because the current user should be the postmaster M_log.warn( "mailarchive failure: message processing cancelled: PermissionException with channelRef (" + channelRef + ") - user not allowed to get this mail archive channel: (id=" + id + ") (mailId=" + mailId + ") (user=" + sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId() + ") (session=" + sessionManager.getCurrentSession().getId() + "): " + e, e); // BOUNCE REPLY - send a message back to the user to let them know their email failed String errMsg = rb.getString("err_not_member") + "\n\n"; String mailSupport = StringUtils .trimToNull(serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if (mailSupport != null) { errMsg += (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_questions", new Object[] { mailSupport }) + "\n"; } mail.setErrorMessage(errMsg); mail.setState(userNotAllowedToPostProcessor); continue; } // next, if not a site, see if it's an alias to a site or channel if (channel == null) { // if not an alias, it will throw the IdUnusedException caught below Reference ref = entityManager.newReference(aliasService.getTarget(mailId)); if (ref.getType().equals(SiteService.APPLICATION_ID)) { // ref is a site // now we have a site reference, try for it's channel channelRef = MailArchiveService.channelReference(ref.getId(), SiteService.MAIN_CONTAINER); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") IS a valid site reference (" + ref.getId() + ")"); } } else if (ref.getType().equals(MailArchiveService.APPLICATION_ID)) { // ref is a channel channelRef = ref.getReference(); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") IS a valid channel reference (" + ref.getId() + ")"); } } else { // ref cannot be be matched if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) { + " : mail rejected: unknown address: " + mailId + " : mailId (" + mailId + ") does NOT match site, alias, or other current channel"); } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") is NOT a valid does NOT match site, alias, or other current channel reference (" + ref.getId() + "), message rejected"); } throw new IdUnusedException(mailId); } // if there's no channel for this site, it will throw the IdUnusedException caught below try { channel = MailArchiveService.getMailArchiveChannel(channelRef); } catch (PermissionException e) { // INDICATES the channel is valid but the user has no permission to access it // This generally should not happen because the current user should be the postmaster M_log.warn( "mailarchive failure: message processing cancelled: PermissionException with channelRef (" + channelRef + ") - user not allowed to get this mail archive channel: (id=" + id + ") (mailId=" + mailId + ") (user=" + sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId() + ") (session=" + sessionManager.getCurrentSession().getId() + "): " + e, e); // BOUNCE REPLY - send a message back to the user to let them know their email failed String errMsg = rb.getString("err_not_member") + "\n\n"; String mailSupport = StringUtils .trimToNull(serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if (mailSupport != null) { errMsg += (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_questions", new Object[] { mailSupport }) + "\n"; } mail.setErrorMessage(errMsg); mail.setState(userNotAllowedToPostProcessor); continue; } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + ") IS a valid channel (" + channelRef + "), found channel: " + channel); } } if (channel == null) { if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Incoming message mailId (" + mailId + "), channelRef (" + channelRef + ") could not be resolved and is null: " + channel); } // this should never happen but it is here just in case throw new IdUnusedException(mailId); } // skip disabled channels if (!channel.getEnabled()) { // INDICATES that the channel is NOT currently enabled so no messages can be received if (from.startsWith(POSTMASTER)) { mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); } else { // BOUNCE REPLY - send a message back to the user to let them know their email failed String errMsg = rb.getString("err_email_off") + "\n\n"; String mailSupport = StringUtils .trimToNull(serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if (mailSupport != null) { errMsg += (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_questions", new Object[] { mailSupport }) + "\n"; } mail.setErrorMessage(errMsg); mail.setState(courseMailArchiveDisabledProcessor); } if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) { id + " : mail rejected: channel (" + channelRef + ") not enabled: " + mailId); } continue; } // for non-open channels, make sure the from is a member if (!channel.getOpen()) { // see if our fromAddr is the email address of any of the users who are permitted to add messages to the channel. if (!fromValidUser(fromAddr, channel)) { // INDICATES user is not allowed to send messages to this group if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) { + " : mail rejected: from: " + fromAddr + " not authorized for site: " + mailId + " and channel (" + channelRef + ")"); } // BOUNCE REPLY - send a message back to the user to let them know their email failed String errMsg = rb.getString("err_not_member") + "\n\n"; String mailSupport = StringUtils .trimToNull(serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if (mailSupport != null) { errMsg += (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_questions", new Object[] { mailSupport }) + "\n"; } mail.setErrorMessage(errMsg); mail.setState(userNotAllowedToPostProcessor); continue; } } // prepare the message StringBuilder bodyBuf[] = new StringBuilder[2]; bodyBuf[0] = new StringBuilder(); bodyBuf[1] = new StringBuilder(); List<Reference> attachments = entityManager.newReferenceList(); String siteId = null; if (siteService.siteExists(channel.getContext())) { siteId = channel.getContext(); } try { StringBuilder bodyContentType = new StringBuilder(); parseParts(siteId, msg, id, bodyBuf, bodyContentType, attachments, Integer.valueOf(-1)); if (bodyContentType.length() > 0) { // save the content type of the message body - which may be different from the // overall MIME type of the message (multipart, etc) mailHeaders.add(MailArchiveService.HEADER_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE + ": " + bodyContentType); } } catch (MessagingException e) { // NOTE: if this happens it just means we don't get the extra header, not the end of the world //e.printStackTrace(); M_log.warn("MessagingException: service(): msg.getContent() threw: " + e, e); } catch (IOException e) { // NOTE: if this happens it just means we don't get the extra header, not the end of the world //e.printStackTrace(); M_log.warn("IOException: service(): msg.getContent() threw: " + e, e); } mailHeaders.add("List-Id: <" + channel.getId() + "." + channel.getContext() + "." + serverConfigurationService.getServerName() + ">"); // post the message to the group's channel String body[] = new String[2]; body[0] = bodyBuf[0].toString(); // plain/text body[1] = bodyBuf[1].toString(); // html/text try { if (channel.getReplyToList()) { List<String> modifiedHeaders = new Vector<String>(); for (String header : (List<String>) mailHeaders) { if (header != null && !header.startsWith("Reply-To:")) { modifiedHeaders.add(header); } } // Note: can't use recipient, since it's host may be configured as mailId@myhost.james String mailHost = serverConfigurationService.getServerName(); if (mailHost == null || mailHost.trim().equals("")) mailHost = mail.getRemoteHost(); MailAddress replyTo = new MailAddress(mailId, mailHost); if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug("Set Reply-To address to " + replyTo.toString()); } modifiedHeaders.add("Reply-To: " + replyTo.toString()); // post the message to the group's channel channel.addMailArchiveMessage(subject, from.toString(), timeService.newTime(sent.getTime()), modifiedHeaders, attachments, body); } else { // post the message to the group's channel channel.addMailArchiveMessage(subject, from.toString(), timeService.newTime(sent.getTime()), mailHeaders, attachments, body); } } catch (PermissionException pe) { // INDICATES that the current user does not have permission to add or get the mail archive message from the current channel // This generally should not happen because the current user should be the postmaster M_log.warn("mailarchive PermissionException message service failure: (id=" + id + ") (mailId=" + mailId + ") : " + pe, pe); mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); // ghost out the message because this should not happen } if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) { M_log.debug(id + " : delivered to:" + mailId); } // all is happy - ghost the message to stop further processing mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); } catch (IdUnusedException goOn) { // INDICATES that the channelReference found above was actually invalid OR that no channel reference could be identified // if this is to the postmaster, and there's no site, channel or alias for the postmaster, then quietly eat the message if (POSTMASTER.equals(mailId) || from.startsWith(POSTMASTER + "@")) { mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); continue; } // BOUNCE REPLY - send a message back to the user to let them know their email failed if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) {"mailarchive invalid or unusable channel reference (" + mailId + "): " + id + " : mail rejected: " + goOn.toString()); } String errMsg = rb.getString("err_addr_unknown") + "\n\n"; String mailSupport = StringUtils .trimToNull(serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if (mailSupport != null) { errMsg += (String) rb.getFormattedMessage("err_questions", new Object[] { mailSupport }) + "\n"; } mail.setErrorMessage(errMsg); mail.setState(courseMailArchiveNotExistsProcessor); } catch (Exception ex) { // INDICATES that some general exception has occurred which we did not expect // This definitely should NOT happen M_log.error("mailarchive General message service exception: (id=" + id + ") (mailId=" + mailId + ") : " + ex, ex); mail.setState(Mail.GHOST); // ghost the message to stop it from being further processed } } } finally { // clear out any current current bindings threadLocalManager.clear(); } }
From source
/** * Determines whether or not the string 'searchIn' contains the string * 'searchFor', dis-regarding case starting at 'startAt' Shorthand for a * String.regionMatch(...)//from w w w . j a va2 m * * @param searchIn * the string to search in * @param startAt * the position to start at * @param searchFor * the string to search for * * @return whether searchIn starts with searchFor, ignoring case */ public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String searchIn, int startAt, String searchFor) { return searchIn.regionMatches(true, startAt, searchFor, 0, searchFor.length()); }
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private boolean matches(String line, int pos, String arg) { return line.regionMatches(true, pos - arg.length(), arg, 0, arg.length()); }
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/** * Checks if one string starts with another using the case-sensitivity rule. * <p>/*from w w w .j av a 2s. c o m*/ * This method mimics {@link String#startsWith(String)} but takes case-sensitivity * into account. * * @param str the string to check, not null * @param start the start to compare against, not null * @return true if equal using the case rules * @throws NullPointerException if either string is null */ public boolean checkStartsWith(String str, String start) { return str.regionMatches(!sensitive, 0, start, 0, start.length()); }
From source
/** * Checks if one string contains another at a specific index using the case-sensitivity rule. * <p>// w w w.j av a 2 s.c o m * This method mimics parts of {@link String#regionMatches(boolean, int, String, int, int)} * but takes case-sensitivity into account. * * @param str the string to check, not null * @param strStartIndex the index to start at in str * @param search the start to search for, not null * @return true if equal using the case rules * @throws NullPointerException if either string is null */ public boolean checkRegionMatches(String str, int strStartIndex, String search) { return str.regionMatches(!sensitive, strStartIndex, search, 0, search.length()); }