Example usage for java.lang String hashCode

List of usage examples for java.lang String hashCode


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String hashCode.


public int hashCode() 

Source Link


Returns a hash code for this string.


From source file:com.alibaba.china.talos.service.impl.AuthDataItemTransportAO.java

 * @param relatedBizId/* w w  w .j  av  a2  s  . c o m*/
 * @return
private String getAuthDataItemRelationTableName(String relatedBizId) {
    return "auth_data_item_relation_"
            + StringUtils.leftPad("" + (Math.abs(relatedBizId.hashCode()) % 64), 4, "0");

From source file:net.demilich.metastone.game.behaviour.decicionTreeBheavior.DecisionDataBase.java

public synchronized void addExample(GameContext context, String actionName, Player player, int label) {

    //we want to add an example to the knowledge that hash the same actionName
    int index = hashToIndex.get(actionName.hashCode());
    if (index == -1) {
        System.err.println("could not find " + actionName);
        return;//from  w w  w . j  a va 2 s  .c o  m
    CardContextKnowledge knowledge = database[index];

    //populate feature data
    this.furfillOrder(context, this.featureAndHash[0], null, player);

    //add the example
    knowledge.addExample(this.featureData.clone(), label);


From source file:com.github.stephanarts.cas.ticket.registry.provider.AddMethod.java

 * Execute the JSONRPCFunction.//from   www.  j  av a2s  .  c  o  m
 * @param params    JSONRPC Method Parameters.
 * @return          JSONRPC result object
 * @throws JSONRPCException implementors can throw JSONRPCExceptions containing the error.
public JSONObject execute(final JSONObject params) throws JSONRPCException {

    JSONObject result = new JSONObject();

    String ticketId = null;
    String serializedTicket = null;

    Ticket ticket = null;

    logger.debug("Add Ticket");
    if (params.length() != 2) {
        throw new JSONRPCException(-32602, "Invalid Params");
    if (!(params.has("ticket-id") && params.has("ticket"))) {
        throw new JSONRPCException(-32602, "Invalid Params");
    try {
        ticketId = params.getString("ticket-id");
        serializedTicket = params.getString("ticket");

        ByteArrayInputStream bi = new ByteArrayInputStream(
        ObjectInputStream si = new ObjectInputStream(bi);

        ticket = (Ticket) si.readObject();
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new JSONRPCException(-32501, "Could not decode Ticket");

    if (this.map.containsKey(ticketId.hashCode())) {
        logger.error("Duplicate Key {}", ticketId);
        throw new JSONRPCException(-32502, "Duplicate Ticket");
    } else {
        this.map.put(ticketId.hashCode(), ticket);

    logger.debug("Ticket-ID '{}'", ticketId);

    return result;

From source file:au.edu.uws.eresearch.cr8it.TransformationHandler.java

private String getJsonMapping(String jsonString) throws IOException, ParseException {

    String template = readFile("./template.json");
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    JSONObject original = (JSONObject) parser.parse(template);
    JSONObject manifest = (JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonString);

    JSONObject dataObject = (JSONObject) original.get("data");
    JSONArray dataArray = (JSONArray) dataObject.get("data");

    JSONArray creators = (JSONArray) manifest.get("creators");
    JSONArray activities = (JSONArray) manifest.get("activities");
    JSONArray vfs = (JSONArray) manifest.get("vfs");

    LocalDate today = new LocalDate();
    int creatorIndex = 1;
    int grantIndex = 1;
    for (Object data : dataArray) {

        ((JSONObject) data).put("datasetId", jsonString.hashCode());
        JSONObject tfpackage = (JSONObject) ((JSONObject) data).get("tfpackage");
        tfpackage.put("dc:created", today.toString());

        Object root = vfs.get(0);
        if (root != null) {
            String crateName = (String) ((JSONObject) root).get("name");
            tfpackage.put("dc:title", crateName);
            tfpackage.put("title", crateName);
        }//from   w  ww.j av  a  2 s.com
        for (Object creator : creators) {
            //TODO we might need to split the name into first and last name
            String name = (String) ((JSONObject) creator).get("name");
            tfpackage.put("dc:creator.foaf:Person." + creatorIndex + ".foaf:name", name);

            String identifier = (String) ((JSONObject) creator).get("identifier");
            tfpackage.put("dc:creator.foaf:Person." + creatorIndex + ".dc:identifier", identifier);

        for (Object activity : activities) {
            String identifier = (String) ((JSONObject) activity).get("identifier");
            tfpackage.put("foaf:fundedBy.vivo:Grant." + grantIndex + ".dc:identifier", identifier);

            String grantNumber = (String) ((JSONObject) activity).get("grant_number");
            tfpackage.put("foaf:fundedBy.vivo:Grant." + grantIndex + ".redbox:grantNumber", grantNumber);

            String title = (String) ((JSONObject) activity).get("title");
            String repositoryName = (String) ((JSONObject) activity).get("repository_name");
            tfpackage.put("foaf:fundedBy.vivo:Grant." + grantIndex + ".skos:prefLabel",
                    "(" + repositoryName + ") " + title);


    String updatedJson = original.toJSONString();
    return updatedJson;


From source file:fuse.okuyamafs.OkuyamaFilesystem.java

public int flush(String path, Object fh) throws FuseException {
    synchronized (this.parallelDataAccessSync[((path.hashCode() << 1) >>> 1) % 100]) {
        log.info("flush " + path + " " + fh);
        List bufferedDataFhList = writeBufFpMap.removeGroupingData(path);

        if (bufferedDataFhList != null) {
            for (int idx = 0; idx < bufferedDataFhList.size(); idx++) {
                Object bFh = bufferedDataFhList.get(idx);
            }//ww  w  .  ja  v  a  2s.c  o m

    return 0;

From source file:com.opengamma.integration.timeseries.snapshot.CronTriggerComponentFactory.java

protected void propertySet(String propertyName, Object newValue, boolean quiet) {
    switch (propertyName.hashCode()) {
    case -281470431: // classifier
        setClassifier((String) newValue);
        return;//from   ww  w  .  ja  va2 s .  c om
    case -1438096408: // jobName
        setJobName((String) newValue);
    case -1637271358: // jobGroup
        setJobGroup((String) newValue);
    case 3373707: // name
        setName((String) newValue);
    case -348729402: // cronExpression
        setCronExpression((String) newValue);
    case 836243736: // schemeBlackList
        setSchemeBlackList((String) newValue);
    case 1058119597: // dataFieldBlackList
        setDataFieldBlackList((String) newValue);
    case 1272470629: // dataSource
        setDataSource((String) newValue);
    case 650692196: // normalizationRuleSetId
        setNormalizationRuleSetId((String) newValue);
    case 951232793: // observationTime
        setObservationTime((String) newValue);
    case -747889643: // globalPrefix
        setGlobalPrefix((String) newValue);
    case -1707859415: // htsMaster
        setHtsMaster((HistoricalTimeSeriesMaster) newValue);
    case -745461486: // redisConnector
        setRedisConnector((RedisConnector) newValue);
    case -332642308: // baseDir
        setBaseDir((String) newValue);
    case -160710469: // scheduler
        setScheduler((Scheduler) newValue);
    super.propertySet(propertyName, newValue, quiet);

From source file:net.schweerelos.parrot.ui.GraphViewComponent.java

private String getLayoutFilename() {
    String dataID = model.getDataIdentifier();
    int lastSlashIndex = dataID.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
    int lastDotIndex = dataID.lastIndexOf('.');
    String filename;/*from ww w .  java 2  s  .  co  m*/
    if (lastSlashIndex < lastDotIndex) {
        // this is what we prefer
        filename = dataID.substring(lastSlashIndex, lastDotIndex);
    } else {
        filename = new StringBuilder(dataID.hashCode()).toString();
    return System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".digital-parrot" + File.separator + filename
            + LAYOUT_SUFFIX;

From source file:fuse.okuyamafs.OkuyamaFilesystem.java

public int fsync(String path, Object fh, boolean isDatasync) throws FuseException {
    synchronized (this.parallelDataAccessSync[((path.hashCode() << 1) >>> 1) % 100]) {
        log.info("fsync " + path + " " + fh + " " + isDatasync);
        List bufferedDataFhList = writeBufFpMap.removeGroupingData(path);

        if (bufferedDataFhList != null) {
            for (int idx = 0; idx < bufferedDataFhList.size(); idx++) {
                Object bFh = bufferedDataFhList.get(idx);
            }/*from w  w  w.  j a va 2  s  .  c o  m*/

    return 0;

From source file:ch.epfl.data.squall.operators.ApproximateCountSketchOperator2.java

public List<String> processOne(List<String> tuple, long lineageTimestamp) {
    //   System.out.println("ZKM: processOne(" + tuple + ")");
    _numTuplesProcessed++;/*from  ww w .j a v  a 2s  .  c o m*/
    if (_numTuplesProcessed % 1000 == 0) {
        System.out.println("ZKM: processed: " + _numTuplesProcessed);

    if (_distinct != null) {
        tuple = _distinct.processOne(tuple, lineageTimestamp);
        if (tuple == null)
            return null;
    String tupleHash;
    if (_groupByType == GB_PROJECTION)
        tupleHash = MyUtilities.createHashString(tuple, _groupByColumns, _groupByProjection.getExpressions(),
        tupleHash = MyUtilities.createHashString(tuple, _groupByColumns, _map);

    //   final Long value = _storage.update(tuple, tupleHash);
    //   final String strValue = _wrapper.toString(value);
    final String strValue = "1";

    // propagate further the affected tupleHash-tupleValue pair
    final List<String> affectedTuple = new ArrayList<String>();

    //   long k = (new Long(tupleHash)).longValue();
    long k = tupleHash.hashCode();
    long v = _scm.UpdateSketch(k, 1);
    //   System.out.println("ZKM: " + k + " has count " + v + ", adding \"" + tupleHash + "\" to _unique_keys");

    //   System.out.println("ZKM: affectedTuple == " + affectedTuple);
    return affectedTuple;

From source file:com.chinamobile.bcbsp.graph.GraphDataForDisk.java

public synchronized void addForAll(Vertex vertex) {
    String vertexID = String.valueOf(vertex.getVertexID());
    int hashCode = vertexID.hashCode();
    int hashIndex = hashCode % this.hashBucketNumber; // bucket index
    hashIndex = (hashIndex < 0 ? hashIndex + this.hashBucketNumber : hashIndex);
    /* Add the vertex to the right hash bucket. */
    ArrayList<Vertex> hashBucket = this.hashBuckets.get(hashIndex);
    // When the hash bucket reference is null, create a bucket.
    if (hashBucket == null) {
        hashBucket = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
    }/*from w  ww  .  j  a  va 2 s . c  o  m*/
    this.hashBuckets.set(hashIndex, hashBucket);
    // Evaluate the memory size of the new Vertex.
    int newVertexSize = this.sizeOfRef + this.sizer.sizeOf(vertex);
    this.totalSizeOfVertex += newVertexSize;
    this.totalCountOfEdge += vertex.getEdgesNum();
    /** Add the vertex's size to the length of the bucket's meta. */
    BucketMeta meta = this.metaTable.get(hashIndex);
    meta.length = meta.length + newVertexSize;
    meta.lengthInMemory = meta.lengthInMemory + newVertexSize;
    meta.count = meta.count + 1;
    meta.activeCount = meta.activeCount + 1;
    this.metaTable.set(hashIndex, meta);
    /* Add the headnode's size to the graph data's size. */
    this.sizeOfGraphDataInMem = this.sizeOfGraphDataInMem + newVertexSize;
    /* Set the bitmap's refered bit to 1 */
    setBitmapTrue(hashIndex, meta.activeCount - 1, this.bitmaps);
    // Add a new Integer into the bitmaps every 8 nodes added.
    if (this.sizeForAll % 32 == 1) {
        this.sizeOfBitmapsInMem = this.sizeOfBitmapsInMem + this.sizeOfInteger + this.sizeOfRef;