List of usage examples for java.lang String contains
public boolean contains(CharSequence s)
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *///from w w w .j a v a2 s.c o m public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException { Main x = new Main(); ResultSet rs = null; x.establishConnection(); //x.addColumns(); //already did this rs = x.getLatLong(); int id; double latitude; double longitude; String req; String street_no; String street; String neighborhood; String locality; String PC; JSONObject jObject; JSONArray resultArray; JSONArray compArray; try { while ( { id = rs.getInt("id"); latitude = rs.getDouble("latitude"); longitude = rs.getDouble("longitude"); //System.out.println("id: " + id); req = "" + Double.toString(latitude) + "," + Double.toString(longitude) + "&result_type=street_address|neighborhood|locality|postal_code&key=" + key; try { URL url = new URL(req + "&sensor=false"); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); IOUtils.copy(conn.getInputStream(), output); output.close(); req = output.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Geocoding Error"); } if (req.contains("OVER_QUERY_LIMIT")) { System.out.println("Over Daily Query Limit"); System.exit(0); } if (!req.contains("ZERO_RESULTS")) { //System.out.println("req: "); //System.out.println(req); jObject = new JSONObject(req); resultArray = jObject.getJSONArray("results"); // Retrieve information on street address and insert into table compArray0 = resultArray.getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("address_components"); street_no = compArray0.getJSONObject(0).getString("long_name"); street = compArray0.getJSONObject(1).getString("long_name"); x.insertValues(id, street_no, street); // Retrieve information on neighborhood and insert into table compArray1 = resultArray.getJSONObject(1).getJSONArray("address_components"); neighborhood = compArray1.getJSONObject(0).getString("long_name"); x.insertNbhd(id, neighborhood); // Retrieve information on locality and insert into table compArray2 = resultArray.getJSONObject(2).getJSONArray("address_components"); locality = compArray2.getJSONObject(0).getString("long_name"); x.insertLocality(id, locality); // Retrieve information on postal code and insert into table compArray3 = resultArray.getJSONObject(3).getJSONArray("address_components"); PC = compArray3.getJSONObject(0).getString("long_name"); x.insertPC(id, PC); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Problem when updating the database."); } x.closeConnection(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { totalMessageCount = 0;//from w w w . ja va 2 s .co m //For parsing the file and storing the information String line; String configurationFile = "configuration.txt"; int lineCountInFile = 0; myProcessId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(configurationFile); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if ((!(line.startsWith("#"))) && (!(line.isEmpty()))) { lineCountInFile = lineCountInFile + 1; String[] splitLine = line.split(" "); switch (lineCountInFile) { case 1: numberOfProcesses = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0]); interRequestDelay = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[1]); csExecutionTime = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); maxNumberOfRequest = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[3]); machineNames = new String[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; portNumbers = new int[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; break; default: machineNames[lineCountInFile - 2] = splitLine[1]; portNumbers[lineCountInFile - 2] = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); break; } } } conditionArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; finishFlagArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; //Initializing vector class VectorClass.initialize(numberOfProcesses); //Fill the arrays with zero false value for (int o = 0; o < numberOfProcesses; o++) { conditionArray[o] = 0; finishFlagArray[o] = 0; } // Write output to file filename = filename + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; file = new File(filename); file.createNewFile(); writer = new FileWriter(file); // Write clocks to file filenameClock = filenameClock + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; fileClock = new File(filenameClock); fileClock.createNewFile(); //writerClock = new FileWriter(fileClock); fw = new FileWriter(fileClock); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); // // Expo mean insert csExecutionExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(csExecutionTime); interRequestExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(interRequestDelay); // System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("My process id : " + myProcessId); System.out.println("Number of processes : " + numberOfProcesses); System.out.println("Inter-request delay : " + interRequestDelay); System.out.println("Critical section execution time : " + csExecutionTime); System.out.println("Maximum number of request : " + maxNumberOfRequest); System.out.println( "My process name : " + machineNames[myProcessId] + " My port number : " + portNumbers[myProcessId]); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfProcesses; i++) { System.out.println("Process name : " + machineNames[i] + " Port number : " + portNumbers[i]); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For hosting server localhost SctpServerChannel sctpServerChannel =; InetSocketAddress serverAddr = new InetSocketAddress(portNumbers[myProcessId]); sctpServerChannel.bind(serverAddr); System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Local server hosted"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For creating neighbor SCTP channels Thread.sleep(30000); socketAddress = new SocketAddress[numberOfProcesses]; sctpChannel = new SctpChannel[numberOfProcesses]; System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Neighbor channels created"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //Thread spanned for generating critical section request new Thread(new LamportBasicVersion()).start(); //while loop to receive all the requests and other messages while (true) { try (SctpChannel sctpChannelFromClient = sctpServerChannel.accept()) { mutex.acquire(); byteBufferFromNeighbor.clear(); String receiveMessage; MessageInfo messageInfoFromNeighbor = sctpChannelFromClient.receive(byteBufferFromNeighbor, null, null); //System.out.println("Raw Message : " + messageInfoFromNeighbor); receiveMessage = byteToString(byteBufferFromNeighbor, messageInfoFromNeighbor); //write to file start writer.write("Received Message : " + receiveMessage); writer.write("\n"); writer.flush(); //write to file end System.out.println("Received Message : " + receiveMessage); if (receiveMessage.contains("Request")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // int requestMade = Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3] + parseMessage[1]); queue.add(requestMade); //Send reply messages to that process for entering CS lamportClock++; //vector clock construction int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // for (int k = 0; k < numberOfProcesses; k++) { if (k == Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])) { try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[k].connect(socketAddress[k]); String sendMessage = "Reply from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + Integer.toString(requestMade) + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); //write to file start writer.write("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); writer.write("\n"); writer.flush(); //write to file end MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[k].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[k].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LamportBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Reply")) { conditionArray[myProcessId] = 1; String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // conditionArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int count = 0; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfProcesses; v++) { if (conditionArray[v] == 1) { count = count + 1; } } if (count == numberOfProcesses) { L1ConditionFlag = 1; System.out.println("Inside L1"); blockingQueue.put("L1"); //Clearing condition array after receiving all REPLY for (int z = 0; z < numberOfProcesses; z++) { conditionArray[z] = 0; } if (L2ConditionFlag == 0 && outstandingRequest == 1) { Integer[] queueArray = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray); Arrays.sort(queueArray); if (queueArray[0] == currentRequestBeingServed) { System.out.println("Inside L2"); L2ConditionFlag = 1; blockingQueue.put("L2"); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Release")) { int present = 0; int delete = 0; String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // if (queue.size() != 0) { Integer[] queueArray = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray); Arrays.sort(queueArray); for (int a = 0; a < queueArray.length; a++) { if (queueArray[a] == Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[2])) { present = 1; delete = a; } } if (present == 1) { for (int s = 0; s <= delete; s++) { queue.remove(); } } } if (L2ConditionFlag == 0 && outstandingRequest == 1) { if (queue.size() != 0) { Integer[] queueArray1 = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray1); Arrays.sort(queueArray1); if (currentRequestBeingServed == queueArray1[0]) { L2ConditionFlag = 1; System.out.println("Inside L2"); blockingQueue.put("L2"); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Finish")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // finishFlagArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int count = 0; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfProcesses; v++) { if (finishFlagArray[v] == 1) { count = count + 1; } } if (count == numberOfProcesses) { break; } } //logic for other messages //Print the queue to check System.out.println("********************************************************"); for (Object item : queue) { System.out.print(item); System.out.print("\t"); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); } mutex.release(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { groupId = RandomStringUtils.random(8, true, true); boolean isOnline = true; Scanner in = new Scanner(; while (isOnline) { String[] input = in.nextLine().split(" "); String command = input[0].toLowerCase(); switch (command) { case "/nick": if (input.length >= 2) { nickname = input[1];//w w w . jav a 2s .co m System.out.println("your nickname is " + nickname); } else { System.out.println("write nick name please!"); } break; case "/join": if (input.length >= 2) { KafkaConsumer consume = new KafkaConsumer(groupId, input[1]); consume.start(); channelGroup.put(input[1], consume); } else { System.out.println("write channel name please!"); } break; case "/leave": if (input.length >= 2) { if (channelGroup.containsKey(input[1])) { KafkaConsumer consume = channelGroup.get(input[1]); consume.shutdown(); channelGroup.remove(input[1]); System.out.println("your leave channel " + input[1]); } else { System.out.println("wrong channel name!!"); } } else { System.out.println("write channel name please!"); } break; case "/exit": System.out.println("bye"); System.exit(0); break; default: //broadcast if (command.contains("@")) { String channelname = command.substring(1); KafkaProducer produce = new KafkaProducer(); if (channelGroup.containsKey(channelname)) { String message = ""; for (int i = 1; i < input.length; i++) { message += input[i] + " "; } produce.sendMessage(channelname, message, nickname); } produce.closeConnection(); } else { String message = ""; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { message += input[i] + " "; } KafkaProducer produce = new KafkaProducer(); for (String cList : channelGroup.keySet()) { produce.sendMessage(cList, message, nickname); } produce.closeConnection(); } } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { //For parsing the file and storing the information String line;/*w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ String configurationFile = "configuration.txt"; int lineCountInFile = 0; myProcessId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(configurationFile); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if ((!(line.startsWith("#"))) && (!(line.isEmpty()))) { lineCountInFile = lineCountInFile + 1; String[] splitLine = line.split(" "); switch (lineCountInFile) { case 1: numberOfProcesses = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0]); interRequestDelay = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[1]); csExecutionTime = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); maxNumberOfRequest = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[3]); machineNames = new String[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; portNumbers = new int[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; break; default: machineNames[lineCountInFile - 2] = splitLine[1]; portNumbers[lineCountInFile - 2] = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); break; } } } //Initializing finish array finishFlagArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; //Initializing vector class VectorClass.initialize(numberOfProcesses); //Fill the arrays with zero false value for (int o = 0; o < numberOfProcesses; o++) { finishFlagArray[o] = 0; } //Initializing key array and inserting values keyArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; for (int q = 0; q < numberOfProcesses; q++) { if (q >= myProcessId) { keyArray[q] = 1; } } filename = filename + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; file = new File(filename); file.createNewFile(); writer = new FileWriter(file); // Write clocks to file filenameClock = filenameClock + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; fileClock = new File(filenameClock); fileClock.createNewFile(); //writerClock = new FileWriter(fileClock); fw = new FileWriter(fileClock); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); // // Expo mean insert csExecutionExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(csExecutionTime); interRequestExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(interRequestDelay); // System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("My process id : " + myProcessId); System.out.println("Number of processes : " + numberOfProcesses); System.out.println("Inter-request delay : " + interRequestDelay); System.out.println("Critical section execution time : " + csExecutionTime); System.out.println("Maximum number of request : " + maxNumberOfRequest); System.out.println( "My process name : " + machineNames[myProcessId] + " My port number : " + portNumbers[myProcessId]); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfProcesses; i++) { System.out.println("Process name : " + machineNames[i] + " Port number : " + portNumbers[i]); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); for (int q = 0; q < numberOfProcesses; q++) { System.out.println("KeyArray" + q + " - " + keyArray[q]); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For hosting server localhost SctpServerChannel sctpServerChannel =; InetSocketAddress serverAddr = new InetSocketAddress(portNumbers[myProcessId]); sctpServerChannel.bind(serverAddr); System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Local server hosted"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For creating neighbor SCTP channels Thread.sleep(30000); socketAddress = new SocketAddress[numberOfProcesses]; sctpChannel = new SctpChannel[numberOfProcesses]; System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Neighbor channels created"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //Thread spanned for generating critical section request new Thread(new RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion()).start(); while (true) { try (SctpChannel sctpChannelFromClient = sctpServerChannel.accept()) { mutex.acquire(); byteBufferFromNeighbor.clear(); String receiveMessage; MessageInfo messageInfoFromNeighbor = sctpChannelFromClient.receive(byteBufferFromNeighbor, null, null); //System.out.println("Raw Message : " + messageInfoFromNeighbor); receiveMessage = byteToString(byteBufferFromNeighbor, messageInfoFromNeighbor); System.out.println("Received Message : " + receiveMessage); if (receiveMessage.contains("Request")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // int requestMade = Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3] + parseMessage[1]); if (outstandingRequest == 1) { if (requestMade < currentRequestBeingServed) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Include block for reverse request lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector1 = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction1 = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector1.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + "," + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } } // try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "ReverseSend from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + currentRequestBeingServed + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction1; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (requestMade == currentRequestBeingServed) { if (Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1]) < myProcessId) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Include block for reverse request lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector1 = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction1 = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector1.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + "," + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } } // try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "ReverseSend from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + currentRequestBeingServed + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction1; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (myProcessId < Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])) { queue.add(requestMade); } } else if (requestMade > currentRequestBeingServed) { queue.add(requestMade); } } else if (outstandingRequest == 0) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Key")) { //receive check condition execute critical section block String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int countOnes = 0; for (int y = 0; y < numberOfProcesses; y++) { if (keyArray[y] == 1) { countOnes = countOnes + 1; } } if (countOnes == numberOfProcesses) { outstandingRequest = 0; currentRequestBeingServed = 0; enterCriticalSectionExecution(); timestamp2 = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); csExit(); } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("ReverseSend")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // int requestMade = Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[2]); if (outstandingRequest == 1) { if (requestMade < currentRequestBeingServed) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Include block for reverse request lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector1 = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction1 = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector1.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + "," + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } } // try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "ReverseSend from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + currentRequestBeingServed + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction1; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (requestMade == currentRequestBeingServed) { if (Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1]) < myProcessId) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } //Include block for reverse request lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector1 = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction1 = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector1.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction1 = vectorClockConstruction1 + "," + Integer.toString(vector1[g]); } } // try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "ReverseSend from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + currentRequestBeingServed + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction1; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else if (myProcessId < Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])) { queue.add(requestMade); } } else if (requestMade > currentRequestBeingServed) { queue.add(requestMade); } } else if (outstandingRequest == 0) { lamportClock++; //Newly inserted for vector timesatmp int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // keyArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 0; try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] .connect(socketAddress[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])]); String sendMessage = "Key from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + requestMade + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(RoucairolCarvahloBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Finish")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // finishFlagArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int count = 0; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfProcesses; v++) { if (finishFlagArray[v] == 1) { count = count + 1; } } if (count == numberOfProcesses) { break; } } } mutex.release(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { final Options options = new Options(); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") Option optionContentType = OptionBuilder.withArgName("content-type").hasArg() .withDescription("content type of model").create("content"); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") Option optionUrlPath = OptionBuilder.withArgName("httpRequestLine").hasArg() .withDescription("url path and parameters in HTTP Request Line format").create("url"); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") Option optionRootMessageName = OptionBuilder.withArgName("messageName").hasArg() .withDescription("root data object name, defaults to 'message'").create("root"); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") Option optionAdditionalMessages = OptionBuilder.withArgName("dataModelPaths") .hasArgs(Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES).withDescription("additional message object data sources") .create("messages"); @SuppressWarnings("static-access") Option optionDebugMessages = OptionBuilder.hasArg(false) .withDescription("Shows debug information about template processing").create("debug"); Option optionHelp = new Option("help", "print this message"); options.addOption(optionHelp);// ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m options.addOption(optionContentType); options.addOption(optionUrlPath); options.addOption(optionRootMessageName); options.addOption(optionAdditionalMessages); options.addOption(optionDebugMessages); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); // Check for help flag if (cmd.hasOption("help")) { showHelp(options); return; } String[] remainingArguments = cmd.getArgs(); if (remainingArguments.length < 2) { showHelp(options); return; } String ftlPath, dataPath = "none"; ftlPath = remainingArguments[0]; dataPath = remainingArguments[1]; String contentType = "text/xml"; // Discover content type from file extension String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(dataPath); if (ext.equals("json")) { contentType = "json"; } else if (ext.equals("txt")) { contentType = "txt"; } // Override discovered content type if (cmd.hasOption("content")) { contentType = cmd.getOptionValue("content"); } // Root data model name String rootMessageName = "message"; if (cmd.hasOption("root")) { rootMessageName = cmd.getOptionValue("root"); } // Additional data models String[] additionalModels = new String[0]; if (cmd.hasOption("messages")) { additionalModels = cmd.getOptionValues("messages"); } // Debug Info if (cmd.hasOption("debug")) { System.out.println(" Processing ftl : " + ftlPath); System.out.println(" with data model: " + dataPath); System.out.println(" with content-type: " + contentType); System.out.println(" data model object: " + rootMessageName); if (cmd.hasOption("messages")) { System.out.println("additional models: " + additionalModels.length); } } Configuration cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_23); cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(new File(".")); cfg.setDefaultEncoding("UTF-8"); cfg.setTemplateExceptionHandler(TemplateExceptionHandler.RETHROW_HANDLER); /* Create the primary data-model */ Map<String, Object> message = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (contentType.contains("json") || contentType.contains("txt")) { message.put("contentAsString", FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(dataPath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } else { message.put("contentAsXml", freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel.parse(new File(dataPath))); } if (cmd.hasOption("url")) { message.put("getProperty", new AkanaGetProperty(cmd.getOptionValue("url"))); } Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>(); root.put(rootMessageName, message); if (additionalModels.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < additionalModels.length; i++) { Map<String, Object> m = createMessageFromFile(additionalModels[i], contentType); root.put("message" + i, m); } } /* Get the template (uses cache internally) */ Template temp = cfg.getTemplate(ftlPath); /* Merge data-model with template */ Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out); temp.process(root, out); } catch (ParseException e) { showHelp(options); System.exit(1); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to parse ftl."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { System.out.println("XML parsing issue."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { System.out.println("Unable to configure parser."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (TemplateException e) { System.out.println("Unable to parse template."); e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { CommandLine commandLine = processArgs(args); ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setBellEnabled(false);//from w w w. ja va 2s. c o m reader.setExpandEvents(false); // TODO: look into this // TODO: Pasting in text with tabs prints out a ton of completions //reader.addCompleter(new jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter(keywords)); String line; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); RuntimeContext ctx = new RuntimeContext(); if (!commandLine.hasOption("nosignals")) { ConsoleSignalHander.install("INT", ctx); } boolean nextLinePrompt = false; ANSIBuffer buf = new ANSIBuffer(); buf.setAnsiEnabled(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor"));"Welcome to EQL\n");"(c) 2015 Dave Parfitt\n"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); if (!commandLine.hasOption("noconfig")) { String config = null; try { config = readConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (config != null && !config.trim().isEmpty()) { processInput(config, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); } } // if (commandLine.hasOption("infile")) { // String filename = commandLine.getOptionValue("infile"); // readInputFile(filename, ctx); // ctx.getActionListener().term(); // System.exit(0); // } StringBuffer lines = new StringBuffer(); ANSIBuffer ansiprompt = new ANSIBuffer(); ansiprompt.setAnsiEnabled(true);"> "); String prompt = ansiprompt.toString(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); boolean inHereDoc = false; while ((line = reader.readLine(nextLinePrompt ? "" : prompt)) != null) { out.flush(); String chunks[] = line.split(" "); String consoleCommandCheck = chunks[0].toLowerCase().trim(); if (consoleOnlyCommands.containsKey(consoleCommandCheck)) { consoleOnlyCommands.get(consoleCommandCheck).run(line, reader); continue; } if (line.contains("~%~") && !line.contains("\\~%~")) { inHereDoc = !inHereDoc; } if (!line.trim().endsWith(";")) { nextLinePrompt = true; lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } else if (line.trim().endsWith(";") && !inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); String input = lines.toString(); nextLinePrompt = false; processInput(input, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); lines = new StringBuffer(); } else if (inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { CommandLine commandLine = processArgs(args); ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setBellEnabled(false);/*from w w w .j a va 2 s . c om*/ reader.setExpandEvents(false); // TODO: look into this // TODO: Pasting in text with tabs prints out a ton of completions //reader.addCompleter(new jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter(keywords)); String line; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); KashRuntimeContext ctx = new KashRuntimeContext(); if (!commandLine.hasOption("nosignals")) { ConsoleSignalHander.install("INT", ctx); } boolean nextLinePrompt = false; ANSIBuffer buf = new ANSIBuffer(); buf.setAnsiEnabled(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor"));"Welcome to Kash\n");"(c) 2015 Dave Parfitt\n"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); if (!commandLine.hasOption("noconfig")) { String config = null; try { config = readConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (config != null && !config.trim().isEmpty()) { processInput(config, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); } } // if (commandLine.hasOption("infile")) { // String filename = commandLine.getOptionValue("infile"); // readInputFile(filename, ctx); // ctx.getActionListener().term(); // System.exit(0); // } StringBuffer lines = new StringBuffer(); ANSIBuffer ansiprompt = new ANSIBuffer(); ansiprompt.setAnsiEnabled(true);"> "); String prompt = ansiprompt.toString(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); boolean inHereDoc = false; while ((line = reader.readLine(nextLinePrompt ? "" : prompt)) != null) { out.flush(); String chunks[] = line.split(" "); String consoleCommandCheck = chunks[0].toLowerCase().trim(); if (consoleOnlyCommands.containsKey(consoleCommandCheck)) { consoleOnlyCommands.get(consoleCommandCheck).run(line, reader); continue; } if (line.contains("~%~") && !line.contains("\\~%~")) { inHereDoc = !inHereDoc; } if (!line.trim().endsWith(";")) { nextLinePrompt = true; lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } else if (line.trim().endsWith(";") && !inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); String input = lines.toString(); nextLinePrompt = false; processInput(input, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); lines = new StringBuffer(); } else if (inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } } }
From source
/** * @param args First one indicates which topic model to use *//* w w w.j a v a2 s.c om*/ public static void main(String[] args) { TMGibbsSampler tmGibbsSampler = null; Option modelType = Option.builder("model").longOpt("model-type").desc("Type of topic models to use") .hasArg().required().build(); Option dataName = Option.builder("name").longOpt("data-name").desc("Data name: used for saving outputs") .hasArg().required().build(); Option alpha = Option.builder("a").longOpt("alpha") .desc("Dirichlet prior for document (author) over topic multinomial").hasArg().required().build(); Option beta = Option.builder("b").longOpt("beta").desc("Dirichlet prior for topic over word multinomial") .hasArg().required().build(); Option pi = Option.builder("p").longOpt("pi").desc("Dirichlet prior for topic over time multinomial") .hasArg().build(); Option K = Option.builder("K").longOpt("K").desc("The number of timestamp indices").hasArg().build(); /*Option tau = Option.builder("tau").longOpt("tau") .desc("Smoothing constant for topic time") .hasArg().build();*/ Option doc = Option.builder("doc").longOpt("document-file").desc("WD matrix to use").hasArg().required() .build(); Option voc = Option.builder("voc").longOpt("vocabulary-file") .desc("Vocabulary file of the corpus of interest").hasArg().required().build(); Option auth = Option.builder("auth").longOpt("auth-file").desc("Author indices for each token").hasArg() .build(); Option authArray = Option.builder("authArray").longOpt("author-list-file").desc("Author list").hasArg() .build(); Option dkArray = Option.builder("dk").longOpt("document-time-file").desc("Document timestamp file").hasArg() .build(); Option citationMat = Option.builder("cm").longOpt("citation-matrix") .desc("Citation overtime for the corpus").hasArg().build(); Option numTopics = Option.builder("topic").longOpt("num-topics").desc("The total number of topics").hasArg() .required().build(); Option numIters = Option.builder("iter").longOpt("num-iters").desc("The total number of iterations") .hasArg().required().build(); Option outputDir = Option.builder("odir").longOpt("output-dir").desc("Output directory").hasArg().required() .build(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(modelType).addOption(alpha).addOption(beta).addOption(numTopics).addOption(K) .addOption(pi).addOption(citationMat).addOption(numIters).addOption(doc).addOption(voc) .addOption(dkArray).addOption(outputDir).addOption(auth).addOption(authArray).addOption(dataName); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); String model = line.getOptionValue("model"); String name = line.getOptionValue("name"); String docFile = line.getOptionValue("doc"); String vocFile = line.getOptionValue("voc"); int topics = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("topic")); int iters = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("iter")); double a = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("a")); double b = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("b")); String modelLower = model.toLowerCase(); if (modelLower.equals("lda")) { tmGibbsSampler = new LDAGibbsSampler(topics, iters, a, b, docFile, vocFile); } else if (modelLower.equals("at")) { String authFile = line.getOptionValue("auth"); String authArrayFile = line.getOptionValue("authArray"); //double tau_val = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("tau")); tmGibbsSampler = new ATGibbsSampler(topics, iters, a, b, docFile, vocFile, authFile, authArrayFile); } else if (modelLower.equals("tot")) { String dkFile = line.getOptionValue("dk"); //double tau_val = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("tau")); tmGibbsSampler = new ToTGibbsSampler(topics, iters, a, b, docFile, vocFile, dkFile); } else if (modelLower.equals("tiot")) { String timeFile = line.getOptionValue("dk"); String citationFile = line.getOptionValue("cm"); double p = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("p")); //int k = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue("K")); tmGibbsSampler = new TIOTGibbsSampler(topics, iters, a, b, p, docFile, vocFile, timeFile, citationFile); } else { System.err.println("Invalid model type selection. Must be lda, at, tot or atot."); System.exit(ExitStatus.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } long startTime = System.nanoTime();; TMOutcome outcome = tmGibbsSampler.get_outcome(); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long duration = (endTime - startTime); System.out.println("Overall elapsed time: " + duration / 1000000000. + " seconds"); tmGibbsSampler.showTopics(10); outcome.showTopicDistribution(); String oDir = line.getOptionValue("odir"); if (!oDir.endsWith("/")) { oDir = oDir + "/"; } // append name to `oDir` oDir = oDir + name + "-"; if (modelLower.contains("tot")) { // topic over time (tot and atot) has beta distribution parameters to write Utils.write2DArray(((ToTOutcome) outcome).getPsi(), oDir + "psi-" + modelLower + ".csv"); } if (modelLower.contains("tiot")) { // topic over time (tot and atot) has beta distribution parameters to write Utils.write2DArray(((TIOTOutcome) outcome).getPsi(), oDir + "psi-" + modelLower + ".csv"); double[][][] ga = ((TIOTOutcome) outcome).getGa(); for (int t = 0; t < ga.length; t++) { Utils.write2DArray(ga[t], oDir + "gamma-" + t + "-" + modelLower + ".csv"); } } Utils.write2DArray(outcome.getPhi(), oDir + "phi-" + modelLower + ".csv"); Utils.write2DArray(outcome.getTheta(), oDir + "theta-" + modelLower + ".csv"); System.out.println("Output files saved to " + oDir); } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { CommandLine commandLine = processArgs(args); ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setBellEnabled(false);/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ reader.setExpandEvents(false); // TODO: look into this // TODO: Pasting in text with tabs prints out a ton of completions //reader.addCompleter(new jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter(keywords)); String line; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); DefaultConnectionProvider connections = new DefaultConnectionProvider(); RuntimeContext ctx = new RuntimeContext(connections, System.out, System.err); if (!commandLine.hasOption("nosignals")) { ConsoleSignalHander.install("INT", ctx); } ContactWalker walker = new ContactWalker(ctx); ContactAdminWalker adminWalker = new ContactAdminWalker(ctx); List<ContactBaseListener> walkers = new ArrayList<ContactBaseListener>(); walkers.add(walker); walkers.add(adminWalker); boolean nextLinePrompt = false; ANSIBuffer buf = new ANSIBuffer(); buf.setAnsiEnabled(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor"));"Welcome to Riak Contact\n");"(c) 2013 Dave Parfitt\n"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); if (!commandLine.hasOption("noconfig")) { String config = null; try { config = readConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (config != null && !config.trim().isEmpty()) { processInput(config, walkers, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); } } if (commandLine.hasOption("infile")) { String filename = commandLine.getOptionValue("infile"); readInputFile(filename, walkers, ctx); ctx.getActionListener().term(); System.exit(0); } StringBuffer lines = new StringBuffer(); ANSIBuffer ansiprompt = new ANSIBuffer(); ansiprompt.setAnsiEnabled(true);"> "); String prompt = ansiprompt.toString(!commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); boolean inHereDoc = false; while ((line = reader.readLine(nextLinePrompt ? "" : prompt)) != null) { out.flush(); String chunks[] = line.split(" "); String consoleCommandCheck = chunks[0].toLowerCase().trim(); if (consoleOnlyCommands.containsKey(consoleCommandCheck)) { consoleOnlyCommands.get(consoleCommandCheck).run(line, reader); continue; } if (line.contains("~%~") && !line.contains("\\~%~")) { inHereDoc = !inHereDoc; } if (!line.trim().endsWith(";")) { nextLinePrompt = true; lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } else if (line.trim().endsWith(";") && !inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); String input = lines.toString(); nextLinePrompt = false; processInput(input, walkers, ctx); processOutput(ctx, out, !commandLine.hasOption("nocolor")); lines = new StringBuffer(); } else if (inHereDoc) { lines.append(line); lines.append("\n"); } } ctx.getActionListener().term(); }
From source
/** * @param args/* w w w . j av a 2 s. com*/ */ public static void main(String[] args) { boolean inplace = false; String workspace = "/Users/davidabad/workspaces/SIDE-Modules/"; String frameworkmodulesPath = "/Volumes/Data/SVN/side/HEAD/S-IDE/FrameworksModules/trunk/"; String classifier_base = "enterprise"; String version_base = "3.4.6"; String classifier_target = "enterprise"; String version_target = "3.4.11"; String frameworkmodulesInplace = "/Volumes/Data/SVN/projects/Ifremer/IfremerV5/src/modules/mavenProjects"; Properties props = new Properties(); try { InputStream resourceAsStream = PrepareSIDEModulesMigration.class .getResourceAsStream(""); if (resourceAsStream != null) { props.load(resourceAsStream); inplace = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("inplace", Boolean.toString(inplace))); workspace = props.getProperty("workspace", workspace); frameworkmodulesPath = props.getProperty("frameworkmodulesPath", frameworkmodulesPath); classifier_base = props.getProperty("classifier_base", classifier_base); version_base = props.getProperty("version_base", version_base); classifier_target = props.getProperty("classifier_target", classifier_target); version_target = props.getProperty("version_target", version_target); frameworkmodulesInplace = props.getProperty("frameworkmodulesInplace", frameworkmodulesInplace); } else { System.out.println("no configuration founded in classpath"); } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return; } System.out.println("properties :"); Enumeration<?> propertyNames = props.propertyNames(); while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) { String nextElement = propertyNames.nextElement().toString(); System.out.println("\t " + nextElement + " : " + props.getProperty(nextElement)); } File workspaceFile = new File(workspace); File targetHome = new File(workspaceFile, MIGRATION_FOLDER); if (targetHome.exists()) { try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(targetHome); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } final String versionInProjectName = getVersionInProjectName(classifier_base, version_base); String versionInProjectName2 = getVersionInProjectName(classifier_target, version_target); if (frameworkmodulesPath.contains(",")) { // this is a list of paths String[] split = frameworkmodulesPath.split(","); for (String string : split) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(string) != null) { executeInpath(inplace, string, classifier_base, version_base, classifier_target, version_target, frameworkmodulesInplace, workspaceFile, versionInProjectName, versionInProjectName2); } } } else { executeInpath(inplace, frameworkmodulesPath, classifier_base, version_base, classifier_target, version_target, frameworkmodulesInplace, workspaceFile, versionInProjectName, versionInProjectName2); } System.out.println("Job's done !"); System.out.println("Please check " + MIGRATION_FOLDER); System.out.println( "If all is ok you can use in a terminal do : cd " + MIGRATION_FOLDER + "; sh"); System.out.println( "This script will create new svn projet and commit resources, add 'target' to svn:ignore ..."); }