Example usage for java.lang StackTraceElement getMethodName

List of usage examples for java.lang StackTraceElement getMethodName


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StackTraceElement getMethodName.


public String getMethodName() 

Source Link


Returns the name of the method containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element.


From source file:jp.co.opentone.bsol.framework.web.view.action.ActionHandler.java

private void logServiceAbortException(ServiceAbortException e) {
    StackTraceElement[] elem = e.getStackTrace();
    if (elem != null && elem.length > 0) {
        try {//  w w w .ja v a  2s . co  m
            StackTraceElement element = elem[0];
            String format = "%s.%s:%d [%s]";
            log.warn(String.format(format, getSimpleClassName(element.getClassName()), element.getMethodName(),
                    element.getLineNumber(), e.getMessageCode()));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);

From source file:org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.util.CopyUtils.java

 * Mix-in copy implementation for objects that implement the {@link Copyable} interface}
 * //  www  . j  a v  a 2s.  c  o m
 * @param <T> copyable type
 * @param obj The object to copy.
 * @return A deep copy of the object.
public static <T> T copy(Copyable obj) {
    if (obj == null) {
        return null;

    String cid = null;
    if (ViewLifecycle.isTrace()) {
        StackTraceElement[] trace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
        int i = 3;
        while (ComponentUtils.class.getName().equals(trace[i].getClassName()))
        StackTraceElement caller = trace[i];
        cid = obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + caller.getClassName() + ":" + caller.getMethodName() + ":"
                + caller.getLineNumber();
        ProcessLogger.ntrace("deep-copy:", ":" + cid, 1000L, 500L);

    return (T) getDeepCopy(obj);

From source file:com.dianping.dpsf.jmx.DpsfResponsorMonitor.java

private String getThreadStackTraces(RequestProcessor requestProcessor, State state, int threadCount) {
    ThreadGroup threadGroup = requestProcessor.getThreadPool().getFactory().getGroup();
    Thread[] threads = new Thread[threadGroup.activeCount()];
    threadGroup.enumerate(threads, false);
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    int count = 0;
    if (threads != null && threads.length > 0 && threadCount > 0) {
        for (Thread thread : threads) {
            if (state == thread.getState()) {
                count++;/* w  w w  . j a v a  2  s  .  c o  m*/
                if (count > 1) {
                builder.append("Thread ").append(thread.getId()).append("  ").append(thread.getName())
                        .append(" (state = ").append(state).append(")").append("\r\n");
                StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = thread.getStackTrace();
                for (StackTraceElement ste : stackTrace) {
                if (count >= threadCount) {
    return builder.toString();

From source file:com.ibm.sbt.test.lib.MockSerializer.java

private String getResource() {
    StackTraceElement trace = getStackTraceElement();
    String methodName = trace.getMethodName();

    String fullClassName = trace.getClassName().replace(".", "/");
    String packageName = fullClassName.substring(0, fullClassName.lastIndexOf("/"));
    String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName.lastIndexOf("/"));
    String resource = new StringBuilder("/").append(packageName).append("/").append("mockData").append("/")
    return resource;

From source file:com.stackify.log.log4j2.LogEventAdapter.java

 * @see com.stackify.api.common.log.EventAdapter#getStackifyError(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Throwable)
 */// w ww. j a v  a2  s .  c o m
public StackifyError getStackifyError(final LogEvent event, final Throwable exception) {

    StackifyError.Builder builder = StackifyError.newBuilder();
    builder.occurredEpochMillis(new Date(event.getTimeMillis()));

    if (exception != null) {
        builder.error(Throwables.toErrorItem(getMessage(event), exception));
    } else {
        String className = null;
        String methodName = null;
        int lineNumber = 0;

        StackTraceElement source = event.getSource();

        if (source != null) {
            className = source.getClassName();
            methodName = source.getMethodName();

            try {
                lineNumber = source.getLineNumber();
            } catch (Throwable e) {

        builder.error(Throwables.toErrorItem(getMessage(event), className, methodName, lineNumber));

    String user = APMLogData.isLinked() ? APMLogData.getUser() : ServletLogContext.getUser();

    if (user != null) {

    WebRequestDetail webRequest = APMLogData.isLinked() ? APMLogData.getWebRequest()
            : ServletLogContext.getWebRequest();

    if (webRequest != null) {


    return builder.build();

From source file:org.universAAL.samples.lighting.client.test.LightingRegularIT.java

 * Helper method for logging./* w w w . ja  v a  2  s  .  c om*/
 * @param msg
protected void logInfo(String format, Object... args) {
    StackTraceElement callingMethod = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2];
    LogUtils.logInfo(Activator.mc, getClass(), callingMethod.getMethodName(),
            new Object[] { formatMsg(format, args) }, null);

From source file:org.universAAL.samples.lighting.client.test.LightingRegularIT.java

 * Helper method for logging./*from   www  .  j a  v a2 s . c  o  m*/
 * @param msg
protected void logError(Throwable t, String format, Object... args) {
    StackTraceElement callingMethod = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[2];
    LogUtils.logError(Activator.mc, getClass(), callingMethod.getMethodName(),
            new Object[] { formatMsg(format, args) }, t);

From source file:com.saucelabs.sauce_ondemand.driver.SauceOnDemandSPIImpl.java

 * Try to find the name of the test as best we can.
 *///from  ww  w. ja v a 2s . c  om
public String getJobName() {
    // look for the caller of SeleniumFactory
    StackTraceElement[] trace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
    boolean foundFactory = false;
    String callerName = null;
    for (StackTraceElement e : trace) {
        if (foundFactory)
            callerName = e.getClassName() + "." + e.getMethodName();
        foundFactory = e.getClassName().equals(SeleniumFactory.class.getName());
    return callerName;

From source file:org.apromore.service.pql.impl.PQLServiceImpl.java

public List<String> runAPQLQuery(String queryPQL, List<String> IDs, String userID) {
    //Set<String> idNets=new HashSet<>();
    List<String> results = Collections.emptyList();
    IPQLAPI api = pqlBean.getApi();/*from   w w  w  . ja  v  a  2s .com*/
    LOGGER.error("-----------PQLAPI: " + api);
    LOGGER.error("----------- query: " + queryPQL);
    LOGGER.error("-----------   IDs: " + IDs);
    LOGGER.error("-----------  user: " + userID);
    try {
        PQLQueryResult pqlQueryResult = api.query(queryPQL, new HashSet<>(IDs));
        if (pqlQueryResult.getNumberOfParseErrors() != 0) {
            results = pqlQueryResult.getParseErrorMessages();
        } else {//risultati
            LOGGER.error("-----------IDS PQLServiceImpl" + IDs);
            map = pqlQueryResult.getTaskMap();
            LinkedList<PQLTask> tasks = new LinkedList<>(map.values());
                            idNets=new HashSet<>(IDs);
            results = new LinkedList<>(pqlQueryResult.getSearchResults());
            LOGGER.error("-----------QUERYAPQL ESATTA " + results);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("-----------ERRORRE: " + e.toString());
        for (StackTraceElement ste : e.getStackTrace())
            LOGGER.info("ERRORE6: " + ste.getClassName() + " " + ste.getMethodName() + " " + ste.getLineNumber()
                    + " " + ste.getFileName());
    return results;

From source file:au.id.wolfe.riak.log4j.RiakAppender.java

 * builds the JSON string containing the log event attributes.
 * @param recordKey The key for the record.
 * @param event log event// w  w w.  j a  v  a2s . c o  m
 * @throws JSONException This may be caused by malformed string input.
 * @return String containing log event serialised to JSON.
 * @see java.util.logging.XMLFormatter
 * */
private String buildJson(String recordKey, LoggingEvent event) throws JSONException {

    JSONStringer jsonLogEvent;

    jsonLogEvent = new JSONStringer();


    if (event.getLocationInformation() != null) {
        JSONObject sourceInfo = new JSONObject();

        sourceInfo.put("class", event.getLocationInformation().getClassName());
        sourceInfo.put("fileName", event.getLocationInformation().getFileName());
        sourceInfo.put("lineNumber", event.getLocationInformation().getLineNumber());
        sourceInfo.put("methodName", event.getLocationInformation().getMethodName());



    // ripple specific information, I don't see any issue including it even if it is not used.

    if (event.getThrowableInformation() != null) {
        ThrowableInformation throwableInformation = event.getThrowableInformation();

        JSONArray stack = new JSONArray();

        for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : throwableInformation.getThrowable().getStackTrace()) {
            JSONObject frame = new JSONObject();
            frame.put("class", stackTraceElement.getClassName());
            frame.put("method", stackTraceElement.getMethodName());
            if (stackTraceElement.getLineNumber() >= 0) {
                frame.put("lineNumber", stackTraceElement.getLineNumber());

        JSONObject throwableInfo = new JSONObject();

        throwableInfo.put("throwable", throwableInformation.getThrowable().getClass().getCanonicalName());
        throwableInfo.put("message", throwableInformation.getThrowable().getMessage());
        throwableInfo.put("stack", stack);




    return jsonLogEvent.endObject().toString();
