List of usage examples for java.lang Short valueOf
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static Short valueOf(short s)
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@Override protected Number fromDoubleToNumber(double x) { short r = (short) (long) x; // ADD_CAST // PRIM_TYPE_LONG return Short.valueOf(r); // CLASS_TYPE // return Integer.valueOf((int) (long) x); // BOOLEAN_USE // return null; // OBJECT_USE }
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/** * Checks if the parameter <code>parameter</code> is present in the request * and is a valid <code>short</code>. In that case, the parameter is returned * as a <code>short</code>, otherwise <code>0</code> is returned. * <p>/*ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ * If the parameter is required, then an {@link IllegalStateException} is * thrown. * * @param request * the weblounge request * @param parameterName * the parameter name * @param required * <code>true</code> if this parameter is mandatory * @return the parameter value or <code>0</code> if the parameter is not * available * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the parameter value cannot be cast to a <code>short</code> * @throws IllegalStateException * if the parameter was not found in the request */ private static short getShortParameter(WebloungeRequest request, String parameterName, boolean required) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { String p = null; if (required) p = getRequiredParameter(request, parameterName); else p = getParameter(request, parameterName); if (p == null) return 0; try { return Short.valueOf(p); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request parameter '" + parameterName + "' must be a short"); } }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/inscSesInd", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView inscSesInd_GET(ModelMap map, HttpSession session) { long turno = 0; String estado = ""; String nombre = ""; String apellidoP = ""; String apellidoM = ""; String paisNac = ""; String depNac = ""; String proNac = ""; String fechaNac = ""; String edad = ""; String doc = ""; String numDoc = ""; String profesion = ""; String cel = ""; String correo = ""; String pais = ""; String dep = ""; String prov = ""; String dist = ""; String dir = ""; String telf = ""; try {// www . j a va2 s .co m turno = Long.parseLong(session.getAttribute("turno").toString()); estado = session.getAttribute("estado").toString(); nombre = session.getAttribute("nombre").toString(); apellidoP = session.getAttribute("apellidoP").toString(); apellidoM = session.getAttribute("apellidoM").toString(); paisNac = session.getAttribute("paisNac").toString(); depNac = session.getAttribute("depNac").toString(); proNac = session.getAttribute("proNac").toString(); fechaNac = session.getAttribute("fechaNac").toString(); edad = session.getAttribute("edad").toString(); doc = session.getAttribute("doc").toString(); numDoc = session.getAttribute("numDoc").toString(); profesion = session.getAttribute("profesion").toString(); cel = session.getAttribute("cel").toString(); correo = session.getAttribute("correo").toString(); pais = session.getAttribute("pais").toString(); dep = session.getAttribute("dep").toString(); prov = session.getAttribute("prov").toString(); dist = session.getAttribute("dist").toString(); dir = session.getAttribute("dir").toString(); telf = session.getAttribute("telf").toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { return new ModelAndView("redirect:/", map); } session.removeAttribute("estado"); session.removeAttribute("turno"); session.removeAttribute("nombre"); session.removeAttribute("apellidoP"); session.removeAttribute("apellidoM"); session.removeAttribute("paisNac"); session.removeAttribute("depNac"); session.removeAttribute("proNac"); session.removeAttribute("fechaNac"); session.removeAttribute("edad"); session.removeAttribute("doc"); session.removeAttribute("numDoc"); session.removeAttribute("profesion"); session.removeAttribute("cel"); session.removeAttribute("correo"); session.removeAttribute("pais"); session.removeAttribute("dep"); session.removeAttribute("prov"); session.removeAttribute("dist"); session.removeAttribute("dir"); session.removeAttribute("telf"); Turno temp = ServicioMain.getTurno(turno); FormularioSesion fs = new FormularioSesion(); Asistente asis = new Asistente(); AsistenciaFT aft = new AsistenciaFT(); fs.setSesion(temp.getSesion()); aft.setTurno(temp); String asistencia = "F"; char asist = asistencia.charAt(0); aft.setAsistencia(asist); String inajust = "1"; Short i = Short.valueOf(inajust); aft.setInasJus(i); Date today = new Date(); fs.setFechaSol(today); fs.setPaisRes(pais); fs.setDepRes(dep); fs.setProvRes(prov); fs.setDistritoRes(dist); fs.setDireccionRes(dir); fs.setTelefono(telf); fs.setEstadoCivil(estado); String sexo = ""; if (estado.equals("soltero") || estado.equals("viudo") || estado.equals("divorciado")) { sexo = "m"; } if (estado.equals("soltera") || estado.equals("viuda") || estado.equals("divorciada")) { sexo = "f"; } char s = sexo.charAt(0); asis.setSexo(s); asis.setNombre(nombre); asis.setApellidoP(apellidoP); asis.setApellidoM(apellidoM); asis.setPaisNac(paisNac); asis.setDepNac(depNac); asis.setProvNac(proNac); short b = Byte.valueOf(edad); asis.setEdad(b); if (fechaNac != null && !fechaNac.equals("")) { asis.setFechaNac(df.stringToDate(fechaNac)); } char c = doc.charAt(0); asis.setTipoDoc(c); asis.setNDoc(numDoc); asis.setProfesion(profesion); asis.setCelular(cel); asis.setCorreo(correo); ArrayList<Asistente> tempList = new ArrayList(); tempList = ServicioMain.listaAsistentes(temp.getSesion().getIdsesion()); if (!tempList.isEmpty()) { for (Asistente asistente : tempList) { if (asistente.getNDoc().equals(numDoc)) { map.put("mensaje", "inscrito"); return new ModelAndView("/Inscripcion/inscripcion_sesion1b", map); } } } if (temp.getVacantes() > temp.getAsistenciaFTs().size()) { map.put("ts", ts); map.put("turno", temp); ServicioMain.InsertFormInd(asis, fs, aft); return new ModelAndView("/Inscripcion/inscripcion_sesion4", map); } else { map.put("ts", ts); map.put("turno", temp); //ServicioMain.InsertFormInd(asis, fs, aft); return new ModelAndView("/Inscripcion/inscripcion_sesion1b", map); } //return new ModelAndView("contacto", map); }
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private Object valueToObject(final Value theValue, final Model theGraph, final PropertyDescriptor theDescriptor) { if (theValue instanceof Literal) { final Literal aLit = (Literal) theValue; final IRI aDatatype = aLit.getDatatype() != null ? aLit.getDatatype() : null; if (aDatatype == null || XMLSchema.STRING.equals(aDatatype) || RDFS.LITERAL.equals(aDatatype)) { String aStr = aLit.getLabel(); if (theDescriptor != null && Character.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(theDescriptor.getPropertyType())) { if (aStr.length() == 1) { return aStr.charAt(0); } else { throw new RDFMappingException("Bean type is char, but value is a a string."); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ } else { return aStr; } } else if (XMLSchema.BOOLEAN.equals(aDatatype)) { return Boolean.valueOf(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (INTEGER_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) { return Integer.parseInt(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (LONG_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) { return Long.parseLong(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (XMLSchema.DOUBLE.equals(aDatatype)) { return Double.valueOf(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (FLOAT_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) { return Float.valueOf(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (SHORT_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) { return Short.valueOf(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (BYTE_TYPES.contains(aDatatype)) { return Byte.valueOf(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (XMLSchema.ANYURI.equals(aDatatype)) { try { return new; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warn("URI syntax exception converting literal value which is not a valid URI {} ", aLit.getLabel()); return null; } } else if (XMLSchema.DATE.equals(aDatatype) || XMLSchema.DATETIME.equals(aDatatype)) { return Dates2.asDate(aLit.getLabel()); } else if (XMLSchema.TIME.equals(aDatatype)) { return new Date(Long.parseLong(aLit.getLabel())); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported or unknown literal datatype: " + aLit); } } else if (theDescriptor != null && Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(theDescriptor.getPropertyType())) { IRI aURI = (IRI) theValue; Object[] aEnums = theDescriptor.getPropertyType().getEnumConstants(); for (Object aObj : aEnums) { if (((Enum) aObj).name().equals(aURI.getLocalName())) { return aObj; } } for (Field aField : theDescriptor.getPropertyType().getFields()) { Iri aAnnotation = aField.getAnnotation(Iri.class); if (aAnnotation != null && aURI.equals(iri(aAnnotation.value()))) { for (Object aObj : aEnums) { if (((Enum) aObj).name().equals(aField.getName())) { return aObj; } } // if the uri in the Iri annotation equals the value we're converting, but there was no field // match, something bad has happened throw new RDFMappingException("Expected enum value not found"); } }"{} maps to the enum {}, but does not correspond to any of the values of the enum.", aURI, theDescriptor.getPropertyType()); return null; } else { Resource aResource = (Resource) theValue; final Class aClass = pinpointClass(theGraph, aResource, theDescriptor); RDFCodec aCodec = mCodecs.get(aClass); if (aCodec != null) { return aCodec.readValue(theGraph, aResource); } else { return readValue(theGraph, aClass, aResource); } } }
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@Ignore @Test//w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m public void testRedoLoanApplyFractionalMiscFeeBeforeRepayments() throws Exception { LoanBO loan = redoLoanWithMondayMeetingAndVerify(userContext, 14, new ArrayList<AccountFeesEntity>()); disburseLoanAndVerify(userContext, loan, 14); applyCharge(loan, Short.valueOf(AccountConstants.MISC_FEES), new Double("33.7")); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 1, 50.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 2, 51.2, 0.1, 0.0, 33.7, 0.0); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 3, 50.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 4, 50.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 5, 50.9, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); LoanTestUtils.assertInstallmentDetails(loan, 6, 45.2, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }
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/** * Convert the value of a given property to a specific object type. * <P>/*from w w w .jav a 2 s . co m*/ * Note: in most cases we can just use Configuration get*() methods. * * @param name Key of the property to convert * @param <T> object type * @return converted value */ private <T> T convert(String name, Class<T> type) { // If this key doesn't exist, just return null if (!configuration.containsKey(name)) { // Special case. For booleans, return false if key doesn't exist if (Boolean.class.equals(type) || boolean.class.equals(type)) return (T) Boolean.FALSE; else return null; } // Based on the type of class, call the appropriate // method of the Configuration object if (type.isArray()) return (T) configuration.getStringArray(name); else if (String.class.equals(type) || type.isAssignableFrom(String.class)) return (T) configuration.getString(name); else if (BigDecimal.class.equals(type)) return (T) configuration.getBigDecimal(name); else if (BigInteger.class.equals(type)) return (T) configuration.getBigInteger(name); else if (Boolean.class.equals(type) || boolean.class.equals(type)) return (T) Boolean.valueOf(configuration.getBoolean(name)); else if (Byte.class.equals(type) || byte.class.equals(type)) return (T) Byte.valueOf(configuration.getByte(name)); else if (Double.class.equals(type) || double.class.equals(type)) return (T) Double.valueOf(configuration.getDouble(name)); else if (Float.class.equals(type) || float.class.equals(type)) return (T) Float.valueOf(configuration.getFloat(name)); else if (Integer.class.equals(type) || int.class.equals(type)) return (T) Integer.valueOf(configuration.getInt(name)); else if (List.class.equals(type)) return (T) configuration.getList(name); else if (Long.class.equals(type) || long.class.equals(type)) return (T) Long.valueOf(configuration.getLong(name)); else if (Short.class.equals(type) || short.class.equals(type)) return (T) Short.valueOf(configuration.getShort(name)); else { // If none of the above works, try to convert the value to the required type SimpleTypeConverter converter = new SimpleTypeConverter(); return (T) converter.convertIfNecessary(configuration.getProperty(name), type); } }
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@Override public FilterType propertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(String propertyName, short literal) { isComparisonOperationSupported(ComparisonOperatorType.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO); propertyName = mapPropertyName(propertyName); if (isPropertyQueryable(propertyName)) { return cswFilterFactory.buildPropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToFilter(propertyName, Short.valueOf(literal)); } else {/* www . j av a 2s .c o m*/ return new FilterType(); } }
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/** * Deserialize a raw byte value for this column into an Object * @param data The raw byte value/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param order Byte order in which the raw value is stored * @return The deserialized Object * @usage _advanced_method_ */ public Object read(byte[] data, ByteOrder order) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); buffer.order(order); if (_type == DataType.BOOLEAN) { throw new IOException("Tried to read a boolean from data instead of null mask."); } else if (_type == DataType.BYTE) { return Byte.valueOf(buffer.get()); } else if (_type == DataType.INT) { return Short.valueOf(buffer.getShort()); } else if (_type == DataType.LONG) { return Integer.valueOf(buffer.getInt()); } else if (_type == DataType.DOUBLE) { return Double.valueOf(buffer.getDouble()); } else if (_type == DataType.FLOAT) { return Float.valueOf(buffer.getFloat()); } else if (_type == DataType.SHORT_DATE_TIME) { return readDateValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.BINARY) { return data; } else if (_type == DataType.TEXT) { return decodeTextValue(data); } else if (_type == DataType.MONEY) { return readCurrencyValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.OLE) { if (data.length > 0) { return readLongValue(data); } return null; } else if (_type == DataType.MEMO) { if (data.length > 0) { return readLongStringValue(data); } return null; } else if (_type == DataType.NUMERIC) { return readNumericValue(buffer); } else if (_type == DataType.GUID) { return readGUIDValue(buffer, order); } else if ((_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_0D) || (_type == DataType.UNKNOWN_11)) { // treat like "binary" data return data; } else if (_type == DataType.COMPLEX_TYPE) { return new ComplexValueForeignKey(this, buffer.getInt()); } else if (_type.isUnsupported()) { return rawDataWrapper(data); } else { throw new IOException("Unrecognized data type: " + _type); } }
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private void addHostVersionInstallCommandsToStage(final String desiredRepoVersion, Cluster cluster, AmbariManagementController managementController, AmbariMetaInfo ami, final StackId stackId, Map<String, List<RepositoryEntity>> perOsRepos, Stage stage, Host host) throws SystemException { // Determine repositories for host String osFamily = host.getOsFamily(); final List<RepositoryEntity> repoInfo = perOsRepos.get(osFamily); if (repoInfo == null) { throw new SystemException( String.format("Repositories for os type %s are " + "not defined. Repo version=%s, stackId=%s", osFamily, desiredRepoVersion, stackId)); }// w ww . jav a 2 s . c o m // determine packages for all services that are installed on host List<ServiceOsSpecific.Package> packages = new ArrayList<ServiceOsSpecific.Package>(); Set<String> servicesOnHost = new HashSet<String>(); List<ServiceComponentHost> components = cluster.getServiceComponentHosts(host.getHostName()); for (ServiceComponentHost component : components) { servicesOnHost.add(component.getServiceName()); } List<String> blacklistedPackagePrefixes = configuration.getRollingUpgradeSkipPackagesPrefixes(); for (String serviceName : servicesOnHost) { ServiceInfo info; try { info = ami.getService(stackId.getStackName(), stackId.getStackVersion(), serviceName); } catch (AmbariException e) { throw new SystemException("Cannot enumerate services", e); } List<ServiceOsSpecific.Package> packagesForService = managementController.getPackagesForServiceHost( info, new HashMap<String, String>(), // Contents are ignored osFamily); for (ServiceOsSpecific.Package aPackage : packagesForService) { if (!aPackage.getSkipUpgrade()) { boolean blacklisted = false; for (String prefix : blacklistedPackagePrefixes) { if (aPackage.getName().startsWith(prefix)) { blacklisted = true; break; } } if (!blacklisted) { packages.add(aPackage); } } } } final String packageList = gson.toJson(packages); final String repoList = gson.toJson(repoInfo); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("stack_id", stackId.getStackId()); params.put("repository_version", desiredRepoVersion); params.put("base_urls", repoList); params.put("package_list", packageList); // add host to this stage RequestResourceFilter filter = new RequestResourceFilter(null, null, Collections.singletonList(host.getHostName())); ActionExecutionContext actionContext = new ActionExecutionContext(cluster.getClusterName(), INSTALL_PACKAGES_ACTION, Collections.singletonList(filter), params); actionContext.setTimeout(Short.valueOf(configuration.getDefaultAgentTaskTimeout(true))); try { actionExecutionHelper.get().addExecutionCommandsToStage(actionContext, stage); } catch (AmbariException e) { throw new SystemException("Can not modify stage", e); } }
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private Boolean isIndividualSavingsAccount(Short customerLevelId, Short recommendedAmountUnitId) { if (customerLevelId.compareTo(CustomerLevel.CENTER.getValue()) == 0) { return true; }//from w w w . jav a 2s .c o m if ((customerLevelId.compareTo(CustomerLevel.GROUP.getValue()) == 0) && (recommendedAmountUnitId != null) && (recommendedAmountUnitId.compareTo(Short.valueOf("1")) == 0)) { return true; } return false; }