List of usage examples for java.lang Runtime freeMemory
public native long freeMemory();
From source
private void addMemoryMetrics(List<MetricDatum> pTargetList, Set<MachineMetric> pCustomSet) { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); long oTotalMem = rt.totalMemory(); long oFreeMem = rt.freeMemory(); long oUsedMem = oTotalMem - oFreeMem; long oSpareMem = rt.maxMemory() - oUsedMem; List<Long> oValues = Arrays.asList(oTotalMem, oFreeMem, oUsedMem, oSpareMem); MetricValues oMetricValues = memoryMetricValues(pCustomSet, oValues); addMetrics(pTargetList, oMetricValues, StandardUnit.Bytes); }
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/** * Complete initializations./* w w w. j ava 2*/ * * @param commandLineFile a {@link} object. * @param argList a {@link java.util.List} object. * @param logHandler a {@link ffx.ui.LogHandler} object. */ public HeadlessMain(File commandLineFile, List<String> argList, LogHandler logHandler) { // Start a timer. stopWatch.start(); // Construct the MainPanel, set it's LogHandler, and initialize then it. mainPanel = new MainPanel(); logHandler.setMainPanel(mainPanel); mainPanel.initialize(); // Open the supplied script file. if (commandLineFile != null) { if (!commandLineFile.exists()) { /** * See if the commandLineFile is an embedded script. */ String name = commandLineFile.getName(); name = name.replace('.', '/'); String pathName = "ffx/scripts/" + name; ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader(); URL embeddedScript = loader.getResource(pathName + ".ffx"); if (embeddedScript == null) { embeddedScript = loader.getResource(pathName + ".groovy"); } if (embeddedScript != null) { try { commandLineFile = new File(FFXClassLoader.copyInputStreamToTmpFile( embeddedScript.openStream(), commandLineFile.getName(), ".ffx")); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Exception extracting embedded script " + embeddedScript.toString() + "\n" + e.toString()); } } } if (commandLineFile.exists()) { mainPanel.getModelingShell().setArgList(argList);, null); } else { logger.warning(format("%s was not found.", commandLineFile.toString())); } } /** * Print start-up information. */ if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(format("\n Start-up Time (msec): %s.", stopWatch.getTime())); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.runFinalization(); runtime.gc(); long occupiedMemory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory(); long KB = 1024; sb.append(format("\n In-Use Memory (Kb): %d", occupiedMemory / KB)); sb.append(format("\n Free Memory (Kb): %d", runtime.freeMemory() / KB)); sb.append(format("\n Total Memory (Kb): %d", runtime.totalMemory() / KB)); logger.fine(sb.toString()); } }
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public void testToJsonLibOnInheritedClassInput() throws Exception { SpecialPerson[] spa = new SpecialPerson[TEST_SIZE]; SpecialPerson[] sparesult = new SpecialPerson[TEST_SIZE]; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.gc();//w w w.ja va2 s . c o m long personStart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { spa[i] = new SpecialPerson(String.valueOf(i), "robot", "nonsense"); } long personEnd = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); String[] serializeOutput = new String[TEST_SIZE]; r.gc(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { serializeOutput[i] = beanJsonLibConverter.convertToString(spa[i]); } r.gc(); long memstart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); long startInput = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { sparesult[i] = beanJsonLibConverter.convertToObject(serializeOutput[i], SpecialPerson.class); } long endInput = System.currentTimeMillis(); long memend = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory();"SF JSON Lib Input " + average(startInput, endInput, TEST_SIZE) + " ms/conversion, " + (average(memstart, memend, TEST_SIZE) - average(personStart, personEnd, TEST_SIZE)) + " heap bytes/conversion, person object consumed on average " + average(personStart, personEnd, TEST_SIZE)); }
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public void XtestToJsonOnInheritedClassInput() throws Exception { SpecialPerson[] spa = new SpecialPerson[TEST_SIZE]; SpecialPerson[] sparesult = new SpecialPerson[TEST_SIZE]; Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.gc();//from w ww . jav a2s .c o m long personStart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { spa[i] = new SpecialPerson(String.valueOf(i), "robot", "nonsense"); } long personEnd = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); String[] serializeOutput = new String[TEST_SIZE]; r.gc(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { serializeOutput[i] = beanJsonConverter.convertToString(spa[i]); } r.gc(); long memstart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); long startInput = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { sparesult[i] = beanJsonConverter.convertToObject(serializeOutput[i], SpecialPerson.class); } long endInput = System.currentTimeMillis(); long memend = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory();"SF JSON Lib Input " + average(startInput, endInput, TEST_SIZE) + " ms/conversion, " + (average(memstart, memend, TEST_SIZE) - average(personStart, personEnd, TEST_SIZE)) + " heap bytes/conversion, person object consumed on average " + average(personStart, personEnd, TEST_SIZE)); }
From source
public void testToJsonLibOnInheritedClassOutput() throws Exception { SpecialPerson[] spa = new SpecialPerson[TEST_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { spa[i] = new SpecialPerson(String.valueOf(i), "robot", "nonsense"); }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c o m Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); r.gc(); long memstart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); long startOutput = System.currentTimeMillis(); String[] output = new String[TEST_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { output[i] = beanJsonLibConverter.convertToString(spa[i]); } long endOutput = System.currentTimeMillis(); long memend = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); String[] serializeOutput = new String[TEST_SIZE]; char[] source = output[0].toCharArray(); r.gc(); long stringsizeStart = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) { serializeOutput[i] = new String(source); } long stringsizeEnd = r.totalMemory() - r.freeMemory(); /* * Output the time per conversion and the memory usage - the output per * conversion. * */"SF JSON Lib Output " + average(startOutput, endOutput, TEST_SIZE) + " ms/conversion, " + (average(memstart, memend, TEST_SIZE) - average(stringsizeStart, stringsizeEnd, TEST_SIZE)) + " heap bytes/conversion, output packet consumed on average " + average(stringsizeStart, stringsizeEnd, TEST_SIZE) + " for a string length of " + output[0].length());"Output Was [" + output[0] + ']'); }
From source
/** * @return a list of produced metrics/*from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ */ @Override public Map<String, String> produceMetrics() { Map<String, String> metrics = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); // Memory Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); metrics.put("", FormatUtil.formatBytes(runtime.totalMemory())); metrics.put("", Long.toString(runtime.totalMemory())); metrics.put("", FormatUtil.formatBytes(runtime.freeMemory())); metrics.put("", Long.toString(runtime.freeMemory())); metrics.put("memory.maximum", FormatUtil.formatBytes(runtime.maxMemory())); metrics.put("memory.maximum.bytes", Long.toString(runtime.maxMemory())); // Date/time Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); metrics.put("datetime.display", DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(cal.getTime())); metrics.put("", DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(cal)); metrics.put("datetime.time", DateFormatUtils.ISO_TIME_NO_T_FORMAT.format(cal)); metrics.put("datetime.timezone", cal.getTimeZone().getDisplayName()); // Java Properties sp = System.getProperties(); metrics.put("version", sp.getProperty("java.version")); metrics.put("vendor", sp.getProperty("java.vendor")); metrics.put("jvmVersion", sp.getProperty("java.vm.version")); metrics.put("jvmVendor", sp.getProperty("java.vm.vendor")); metrics.put("runtimeName", sp.getProperty("")); metrics.put("runtimeVersion", sp.getProperty("java.runtime.version")); metrics.put("", sp.getProperty("")); metrics.put("user.language", sp.getProperty("user.language")); metrics.put("user.timezone", sp.getProperty("user.timezone")); metrics.put("", sp.getProperty("user.dir")); metrics.put("encoding", sp.getProperty("sun.jnu.encoding")); metrics.put("tempDirectory", sp.getProperty("")); return metrics; }
From source
/** * * @param username/*from w w w.j av a 2 s . com*/ * @param userPwd * @param nonce * @param request * @param anonymousLogin * @return Map with two entries: 1. "errors": ArrayList<LabelValueBean>; 2. * "mappingEnum": Integer with 2: bad credentials, 6: license * problems, 7: forward to URL, 8: first time admin user, 18: * request license, 9: standard login * */ public static Map<String, Object> setEnvironment(String username, String userPwd, String nonce, HttpServletRequest request, Map<String, Object> sessionMap, boolean anonymousLogin, boolean usingContainerBasedAuthentication, boolean springAuthenticated) { HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(); ArrayList<LabelValueBean> errors = new ArrayList<LabelValueBean>(); HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Integer mappingEnum = 0; // Make things robust if (username == null) { username = "x"; } if (userPwd == null) { userPwd = "x"; } // Move locale to one that we actually have, in case there // was a request for a locale that we do not have Locale locale = LocaleHandler.getExistingLocale(request.getLocales()); LocaleHandler.exportLocaleToSession(sessionMap, locale); Support support = new Support(); support.setURIs(request); if (username != null) {"LOGON: User '" + username.trim() + "' trying to log on" + " at " + new Date().toString() + " from " + request.getRemoteAddr()); } ServletContext servletContext = org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext.getServletContext(); try { if (!Torque.isInit()) { Torque.init(HandleHome.getTorqueProperties(servletContext, true)); LOGGER.debug("Database is " + Torque.getDefaultDB());"Torque was re-initialized."); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Could not initialize Torque (1)"); LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errGeneralError", getText("logon.err.noDataBase", locale) + ":" + e.getMessage())); mappingEnum = 1; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } TPersonBean personBean = null; if (anonymousLogin) { personBean = PersonBL.getAnonymousIfActive(); } else { try { String pwd = ""; if (nonce == null || nonce.length() == 0) { pwd = userPwd; // clear text } else { pwd = decrypt(nonce.charAt(0), userPwd); // key is first // character of // nonce } personBean = PersonBL.loadByLoginNameWithRights(username); if (personBean != null) { personBean.setPlainPwd(pwd); if (personBean.isDisabled()) { errors.add( new LabelValueBean("errCredentials", getText("logon.err.user.disabled", locale))); ACCESSLOGGER .warn("LOGON: User " + personBean.getLoginName() + " is disabled, login refused!"); } else if (usingContainerBasedAuthentication == false && springAuthenticated == false && !personBean.authenticate(pwd)) { ACCESSLOGGER.warn("LOGON: Wrong password given for user " + personBean.getFullName() + " at " + new Date().toString() + " from " + request.getRemoteAddr()); errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errCredentials", getText("logon.err.password.mismatch", locale))); } } else { ACCESSLOGGER.warn("LOGON: No such user: " + username + " at " + new Date().toString() + " from " + request.getRemoteAddr()); errors.add( new LabelValueBean("errCredentials", getText("logon.err.password.mismatch", locale))); LOGGER.debug("User '" + username + "' is not in database..."); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Could not initialize Torque (2)"); LOGGER.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errGeneralError", getText("logon.err.noDataBase", locale))); } } if (errors.size() > 0 || personBean == null) { mappingEnum = 2; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } // At this point, we have successfully identified the user. // Try to set the users preferred locale if (personBean.getPrefLocale() != null && !"".equals(personBean.getPrefLocale())) { // get as stored in user profile locale = LocaleHandler.getExistingLocale(LocaleHandler.getLocaleFromString(personBean.getPrefLocale())); } if (locale == null) { // rely on browser settings locale = LocaleHandler.getExistingLocale(request.getLocales()); } personBean.setLocale(locale); // set the bean with the last saved login date and save the actual date // as // last login date in the database personBean.setLastButOneLogin(personBean.getLastLogin()); personBean.setLastLogin(new Date()); PersonBL.saveSimple(personBean); LocaleHandler.exportLocaleToSession(sessionMap, locale); // ----------------------------------------------------- // check if opState // (reject users, but not admin, in maintenance state) ApplicationBean appBean = ApplicationBean.getInstance(); if (appBean == null) { LOGGER.error("appBean == null: this should never happen"); mappingEnum = 3; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } httpSession.setAttribute(Constants.APPLICATION_BEAN, appBean); TSiteBean siteBean = DAOFactory.getFactory().getSiteDAO().load1(); if (ApplicationBean.OPSTATE_MAINTENNANCE.equals(siteBean.getOpState()) && !personBean.getIsSysAdmin()) { // print error, refuse login errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errGeneralError", getText("logon.err.maintenance", locale))); mappingEnum = 4; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); long mbyte = 1024 * 1024; long freeMemoryMB = rt.freeMemory() / mbyte; if (freeMemoryMB < 50 && !personBean.getIsSysAdmin()) { rt.gc(); freeMemoryMB = rt.freeMemory() / mbyte; if (freeMemoryMB < 50) { errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errGeneralError", getText("logon.err.freeMemory", locale))); mappingEnum = 19; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } } // Save our logged-in user in the session // and set a cookie so she can conveniently point // directly to issues without having to log on for // the next CookieTimeout seconds httpSession.setAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY, personBean); int maxItemsProUser = GeneralSettings.getMaxItems(); FilterUpperTO filterUpperTO = new FilterUpperTO(); TreeFilterExecuterFacade.prepareFilterUpperTO(filterUpperTO, personBean, locale, null, null); int noOfProjectRoleItemsProUser = LoadTreeFilterItemCounts.countTreeFilterProjectRoleItems(filterUpperTO, personBean, locale, maxItemsProUser); int noOfRACIRoleItemsProUser = LoadTreeFilterItemCounts.countTreeFilterRACIRoleItems(filterUpperTO, personBean, locale, maxItemsProUser); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Maximum number of items per user " + maxItemsProUser); LOGGER.debug( "Number of project role items accessible by " + username + ": " + noOfProjectRoleItemsProUser); LOGGER.debug("Number of RACI role items accessible by " + username + ": " + noOfRACIRoleItemsProUser); } boolean projectRoleItemsAboveLimit = noOfProjectRoleItemsProUser >= maxItemsProUser; boolean raciRoleItemsAboveLimit = noOfRACIRoleItemsProUser >= maxItemsProUser; personBean.setProjectRoleItemsAboveLimit(Boolean.valueOf(projectRoleItemsAboveLimit)); personBean.setRaciRoleItemsAboveLimit(Boolean.valueOf(raciRoleItemsAboveLimit)); PersonBL.setLicensedFeatures(personBean); List<TListTypeBean> issueTypes = IssueTypeBL.loadAllByPerson(personBean.getObjectID(), locale); httpSession.setAttribute("issueTypesJSON", JSONUtility.encodeIssueTypes(issueTypes)); Integer sessionTimeoutMinutes = personBean.getSessionTimeoutMinutes(); if (sessionTimeoutMinutes != null && sessionTimeoutMinutes.intValue() != 0) { httpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(sessionTimeoutMinutes * 60); } // load the my filters in the menu List<FilterInMenuTO> myFilters = FilterBL.loadMyMenuFiltersWithTooltip(personBean, locale); httpSession.setAttribute(FilterBL.MY_MENU_FILTERS_JSON, FilterInMenuJSON.encodeFiltersInMenu(myFilters)); List<FilterInMenuTO> lastQueries = FilterInMenuBL.getLastExecutedQueries(personBean, locale); httpSession.setAttribute(FilterBL.LAST_EXECUTED_FILTERS_JSON, FilterInMenuJSON.encodeFiltersInMenu(lastQueries)); httpSession.setAttribute(ShortcutBL.SHORTCUTS_JSON, ShortcutBL.encodeShortcutsJSON()); // modules List modules = getModuleDescriptors(personBean); httpSession.setAttribute("usedModules", modules); httpSession.setAttribute("usedModulesJSON", MasterHomeJSON.encodeModules(modules, personBean)); httpSession.setAttribute("loggedInPersonUserLevel", personBean.getUserLevel()); httpSession.setAttribute("clientUserLevelID", TPersonBean.USERLEVEL.CLIENT); // maxFileSize int maxFileSize = AttachBL.getMaxFileSize(siteBean); httpSession.setAttribute("MAXFILESIZE", maxFileSize); // ------------------------------------------------------ // Create a new SessionBean for this session and bind it to the session SessionBean sBean = new SessionBean(); httpSession.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_BEAN, sBean); ItemLockBL.removeLockedIssuesByUser(personBean.getObjectID());"LOGON: User '" + personBean.getLoginName().trim() + "' (" + personBean.getFullName() + ")" + " logged in at " + new Date().toString() + " from " + request.getRemoteAddr()); LicenseManager lm = appBean.getLicenseManager(); if (lm != null) { int rf = lm.getErrorCode(); boolean haveLicenseErrors = false; switch (rf) { case 1: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add( new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("logon.err.license.needCommercial", locale))); break; case 2: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("logon.err.license.expired", locale))); break; case 3: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add( new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("logon.err.license.full.exceeded", locale))); break; case 4: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("logon.err.license.invalid", new String[] { ApplicationBean.getIpNumbersString() }, locale))); break; case 7: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add(new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("", locale))); break; case 8: haveLicenseErrors = true; errors.add( new LabelValueBean("errLicenseError", getText("logon.err.license.gantt.exceeded", locale))); break; default: break; } if (haveLicenseErrors == true) { mappingEnum = 6; result.put("errors", errors); result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } } result.put("errors", errors); httpSession.setAttribute("DESIGNPATH", personBean.getDesignPath()); Boolean isMobileDevice = LogoffBL.isThisAMobileDevice(request); httpSession.setAttribute("mobile", isMobileDevice); LOGGER.debug("Mobile is " + httpSession.getAttribute("mobile")); // check for post-login forward String forwardUrl = (String) httpSession.getAttribute(Constants.POSTLOGINFORWARD); if (forwardUrl != null) { LOGGER.debug("Forward URL found :" + forwardUrl); mappingEnum = 7; result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } Map ret = new GroovyScriptExecuter().handleEvent(IEventSubscriber.EVENT_POST_USER_LOGGED_IN, new HashMap()); if (ret.get(BINDING_PARAMS.CONTINUE).equals(Boolean.FALSE)) { mappingEnum = 10; result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } String extendedKey = ApplicationBean.getInstance().getExtendedKey(); if (extendedKey == null || extendedKey.length() < 10) { // no empty keys // allowed mappingEnum = 18; result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } String firstTime = (String) servletContext.getAttribute("FirstTime"); result.put("user", personBean); if (personBean.getIsSysAdmin() && firstTime != null && firstTime.equals("FT")) { servletContext.removeAttribute("FirstTime"); mappingEnum = 8; result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } else { // Forward control to the specified success URI mappingEnum = 9; result.put("mappingEnum", mappingEnum); return result; } }
From source
@Override public String execute() throws Exception { if (!checkAccess()) { return ERROR; }//ww w .ja va 2 s . c o m timestamp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); jvmFreeMemory = (double) rt.freeMemory() / (1024.0 * 1024.0); jvmTotalMemory = (double) rt.totalMemory() / (1024.0 * 1024.0); jvmMaxMemory = (double) rt.maxMemory() / (1024.0 * 1024.0); HttpServletRequest req = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); tomcatVersion = ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getServerInfo(); sessionCount = SessionCounter.getSessionCount(); host = req.getLocalName(); hostIp = req.getLocalAddr(); buildInfo = generateBuildInfo(); // The easiest way I found to get the URL and username for the DB. // It's not that easy and involves opening a connection... Context initialContext = new InitialContext(); Context context = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env"); DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("jdbc/AmbraDS"); Connection conn = null; try { conn = ds.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = conn.getMetaData(); dbUrl = metadata.getURL(); dbUser = metadata.getUserName(); } finally { conn.close(); } Configuration config = ConfigurationStore.getInstance().getConfiguration(); FileStoreService filestoreService = (FileStoreService) context.lookup("ambra/FileStore"); filestore = filestoreService.toString(); solrUrl = (String) config.getProperty(""); configuration = dumpConfig(config); cmdLine = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream("/proc/self/cmdline")); return SUCCESS; }
From source
/** * Answers the amount of free memory in this runtime environment, as a percentage. */// ww w. j a v a 2 s . co m @Override @ManagedAttribute() public int getFreeMemoryPercentage() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); // 'totalMemory' is how much heap we have *currently* // - this may increase up to 'maxMemory' (and can decrease) long totalMemory = runtime.totalMemory(); // 'freeMemory' is 'totalMemory' - allocated) long freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory(); // Work out how much we have used long allocatedMemory = totalMemory - freeMemory; // 'maxMemory' is equivalent to the JVM option '-Xmx' long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory(); // Work out the percentage used return (int) (100 - (allocatedMemory * 100 / maxMemory)); }
From source
@Override public JSONObject serviceImpl(Query post, HttpServletResponse response, Authorization rights, JSONObjectWithDefault permissions) throws APIException { post.setResponse(response, "application/javascript"); // generate json Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject system = new JSONObject(true); system.put("assigned_memory", runtime.maxMemory()); system.put("used_memory", runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()); system.put("available_memory", runtime.maxMemory() - runtime.totalMemory() + runtime.freeMemory()); system.put("cores", runtime.availableProcessors()); system.put("threads", Thread.activeCount()); system.put("runtime", System.currentTimeMillis() - Caretaker.startupTime); system.put("load_system_average", OS.getSystemLoadAverage()); system.put("load_system_cpu", OS.getSystemCpuLoad()); system.put("load_process_cpu", OS.getProcessCpuLoad()); system.put("server_threads", SusiServer.getServerThreads()); system.put("server_uri", SusiServer.getServerURI()); JSONObject index = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject messages = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject queue = new JSONObject(true); messages.put("queue", queue); JSONObject users = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject queries = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject accounts = new JSONObject(true); JSONObject user = new JSONObject(true); index.put("messages", messages); index.put("users", users); index.put("queries", queries); index.put("accounts", accounts); index.put("user", user); JSONObject client_info = new JSONObject(true); client_info.put("RemoteHost", post.getClientHost()); client_info.put("IsLocalhost", post.isLocalhostAccess() ? "true" : "false"); JSONObject request_header = new JSONObject(true); Enumeration<String> he = post.getRequest().getHeaderNames(); while (he.hasMoreElements()) { String h = he.nextElement(); request_header.put(h, post.getRequest().getHeader(h)); }//from w ww . j a v a2s .co m client_info.put("request_header", request_header); json.put("system", system); json.put("index", index); json.put("client_info", client_info); return json; }