Example usage for java.lang.reflect Method getTypeParameters

List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect Method getTypeParameters


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang.reflect Method getTypeParameters.


@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public TypeVariable<Method>[] getTypeParameters() 

Source Link


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String... args) {
    try {/*from   w w w.  java2s  .  co m*/
        Class<?> c = Class.forName("Main");
        Method[] allMethods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
        for (Method m : allMethods) {
            TypeVariable[] types = m.getTypeParameters();
            for (TypeVariable t : types) {

    } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {

From source file:GenericReflectionTest.java

public static void printMethod(Method m) {
    String name = m.getName();// ww  w  . j  av a2s .c om
    System.out.print(" ");
    printTypes(m.getTypeParameters(), "<", ", ", "> ", true);

    printType(m.getGenericReturnType(), false);
    System.out.print(" ");
    printTypes(m.getGenericParameterTypes(), "", ", ", "", false);

From source file:com.ms.commons.test.common.ReflectUtil.java

public static Object invokeMethodByMemoryRow(Object object, Method method, MemoryRow memoryRow,
        Mutable outParameters) {// ww w. ja  va 2s. c  o m
    Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
    Object[] parameterObjects = new Object[parameterTypes.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
        Class<?> clazz = parameterTypes[i];
        MemoryField field = memoryRow.getField(i + 1);
        Object value = (field.getType() == MemoryFieldType.Null) ? null : field.getValue();
        parameterObjects[i] = TypeConvertUtil.convert(clazz, value);
    if (outParameters != null) {
    try {
        return method.invoke(object, parameterObjects);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw ExceptionUtil.wrapToRuntimeException(e);

From source file:Main.java

public static void dumpMethod(final Method method) {
    final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    builder.append("MethodName: ").append(method.getName()).append("\n");
    for (Class<?> cls : method.getParameterTypes()) {
        builder.append(cls.getName()).append(", ");
    }/*from w w  w.  j a v  a 2 s  .com*/
    for (Type cls : method.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
        builder.append(cls.getClass()).append(", ");
    for (TypeVariable<Method> cls : method.getTypeParameters()) {
        builder.append(cls.getName()).append(", ");
    for (Annotation cls : method.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
        builder.append(cls).append(", ");
    for (Annotation cls : method.getAnnotations()) {
        builder.append(cls).append(", ");
    for (Class<?> cls : method.getExceptionTypes()) {
        builder.append(cls.getName()).append(", ");
    builder.append("ReturnType: ").append(method.getReturnType());
    builder.append("\nGenericReturnType: ").append(method.getGenericReturnType());
    builder.append("\nDeclaringClass: ").append(method.getDeclaringClass());


From source file:net.jodah.typetools.TypeResolver.java

 * Populates the {@code map} with variable/argument pairs for the {@code functionalInterface}.
 *///from  w  ww. j  ava2 s .co  m
private static void populateLambdaArgs(Class<?> functionalInterface, final Class<?> lambdaType,
        Map<TypeVariable<?>, Type> map) {
    if (GET_CONSTANT_POOL != null) {
        try {
            // Find SAM
            for (Method m : functionalInterface.getMethods()) {
                if (!m.isDefault() && !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) && !m.isBridge()) {
                    // Skip methods that override Object.class
                    Method objectMethod = OBJECT_METHODS.get(m.getName());
                    if (objectMethod != null
                            && Arrays.equals(m.getTypeParameters(), objectMethod.getTypeParameters()))

                    // Get functional interface's type params
                    Type returnTypeVar = m.getGenericReturnType();
                    Type[] paramTypeVars = m.getGenericParameterTypes();

                    // Get lambda's type arguments
                    ConstantPool constantPool = (ConstantPool) GET_CONSTANT_POOL.invoke(lambdaType);
                    String[] methodRefInfo = constantPool.getMemberRefInfoAt(
                            constantPool.getSize() - resolveMethodRefOffset(constantPool, lambdaType));

                    // Skip auto boxing methods
                    if (methodRefInfo[1].equals("valueOf") && constantPool.getSize() > 22) {
                        try {
                            methodRefInfo = constantPool.getMemberRefInfoAt(constantPool.getSize()
                                    - resolveAutoboxedMethodRefOffset(constantPool, lambdaType));
                        } catch (MethodRefOffsetResolutionFailed ignore) {

                    if (returnTypeVar instanceof TypeVariable) {
                        Class<?> returnType = TypeDescriptor.getReturnType(methodRefInfo[2])
                        if (!returnType.equals(Void.class))
                            map.put((TypeVariable<?>) returnTypeVar, returnType);

                    TypeDescriptor[] arguments = TypeDescriptor.getArgumentTypes(methodRefInfo[2]);

                    // Handle arbitrary object instance method references
                    int paramOffset = 0;
                    if (paramTypeVars[0] instanceof TypeVariable
                            && paramTypeVars.length == arguments.length + 1) {
                        Class<?> instanceType = TypeDescriptor.getObjectType(methodRefInfo[0])
                        map.put((TypeVariable<?>) paramTypeVars[0], instanceType);
                        paramOffset = 1;

                    // Handle local final variables from context that are passed as arguments.
                    int argOffset = 0;
                    if (paramTypeVars.length < arguments.length) {
                        argOffset = arguments.length - paramTypeVars.length;

                    for (int i = 0; i + argOffset < arguments.length; i++) {
                        if (paramTypeVars[i] instanceof TypeVariable) {
                            map.put((TypeVariable<?>) paramTypeVars[i + paramOffset],
                                    arguments[i + argOffset].getType(lambdaType.getClassLoader()));

        } catch (Exception ignore) {

From source file:org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver.java

 * Determine the target type for the generic return type of the given
 * <em>generic method</em>, where formal type variables are declared on
 * the given method itself./*from   w  w  w  . java  2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * <p>For example, given a factory method with the following signature,
 * if {@code resolveReturnTypeForGenericMethod()} is invoked with the reflected
 * method for {@code creatProxy()} and an {@code Object[]} array containing
 * {@code MyService.class}, {@code resolveReturnTypeForGenericMethod()} will
 * infer that the target return type is {@code MyService}.
 * <pre>{@code public static <T> T createProxy(Class<T> clazz)}</pre>
 * <h4>Possible Return Values</h4>
 * <ul>
 * <li>the target return type, if it can be inferred</li>
 * <li>the {@linkplain Method#getReturnType() standard return type}, if
 * the given {@code method} does not declare any {@linkplain
 * Method#getTypeParameters() formal type variables}</li>
 * <li>the {@linkplain Method#getReturnType() standard return type}, if the
 * target return type cannot be inferred (e.g., due to type erasure)</li>
 * <li>{@code null}, if the length of the given arguments array is shorter
 * than the length of the {@linkplain
 * Method#getGenericParameterTypes() formal argument list} for the given
 * method</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param method the method to introspect, never {@code null}
 * @param args the arguments that will be supplied to the method when it is
 * invoked, never {@code null}
 * @return the resolved target return type, the standard return type, or
 * {@code null}
 * @since 3.2
 * @see #resolveReturnType
public static Class<?> resolveReturnTypeForGenericMethod(Method method, Object[] args) {
    Assert.notNull(method, "method must not be null");
    Assert.notNull(args, "args must not be null");

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(String.format("Resolving return type for [%s] with concrete method arguments [%s].",
                method.toGenericString(), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(args)));

    final TypeVariable<Method>[] declaredTypeVariables = method.getTypeParameters();
    final Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType();
    final Type[] methodArgumentTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();

    // No declared type variables to inspect, so just return the standard return type.
    if (declaredTypeVariables.length == 0) {
        return method.getReturnType();

    // The supplied argument list is too short for the method's signature, so
    // return null, since such a method invocation would fail.
    if (args.length < methodArgumentTypes.length) {
        return null;

    // Ensure that the type variable (e.g., T) is declared directly on the method
    // itself (e.g., via <T>), not on the enclosing class or interface.
    boolean locallyDeclaredTypeVariableMatchesReturnType = false;
    for (TypeVariable<Method> currentTypeVariable : declaredTypeVariables) {
        if (currentTypeVariable.equals(genericReturnType)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        "Found declared type variable [%s] that matches the target return type [%s].",
                        currentTypeVariable, genericReturnType));
            locallyDeclaredTypeVariableMatchesReturnType = true;

    if (locallyDeclaredTypeVariableMatchesReturnType) {
        for (int i = 0; i < methodArgumentTypes.length; i++) {
            final Type currentMethodArgumentType = methodArgumentTypes[i];

            if (currentMethodArgumentType.equals(genericReturnType)) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            "Found method argument type at index [%s] that matches the target return type.",
                return args[i].getClass();

            if (currentMethodArgumentType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) currentMethodArgumentType;
                Type[] actualTypeArguments = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments();

                for (int j = 0; j < actualTypeArguments.length; j++) {
                    final Type typeArg = actualTypeArguments[j];

                    if (typeArg.equals(genericReturnType)) {
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    "Found method argument type at index [%s] that is parameterized with a type argument that matches the target return type.",

                        if (args[i] instanceof Class) {
                            return (Class<?>) args[i];
                        } else {
                            // Consider adding logic to determine the class of the
                            // J'th typeArg, if possible.
                                    "Could not determine the target type for type argument [%s] for method [%s].",
                                    typeArg, method.toGenericString()));

                            // For now, just fall back...
                            return method.getReturnType();

    // Fall back...
    return method.getReturnType();

From source file:org.semispace.SemiSpace.java

 * Protected for the benefit of junit test(s)
 * //from   w w  w .  j a  v a2s  .  co m
 * @param examine Non-null object
 * /
protected Map<String, Object> retrievePropertiesFromObject(ISemiSpaceTuple examine) {
Map<String, Object> map = examine.getSearchMap();
addGettersToMap(examine, map);
//        if ( examine instanceof InternalQuery ) {
//            map.put(SemiSpace.ADMIN_GROUP_IS_FLAGGED, "true");
//        }
// Need to rename class entry in order to separate on class elements.
String tag = (String)map.remove("tag"); //TODO ????
map.put("tag", tag );
return map;
 * Add an objects getter names and values in a map. Note that all values are converted to strings.
private void addGettersToMap(ISemiSpaceTuple examine, Map<String, Object> map) {
    final Set<String> getters = new HashSet<String>();
    final Method[] methods = examine.getClass().getMethods();
    final Map<String, Method> keyedMethod = new HashMap<String, Method>();
    final Map<String, String> keyedMethodName = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Method method : methods) {
        final String name = method.getName();
        final int parameterLength = method.getTypeParameters().length;
        if (parameterLength == 0 && name.startsWith("get")) {
            // Equalize key to [get][set][X]xx
            String normalized = name.substring(3, 4).toLowerCase() + name.substring(4);
            keyedMethod.put(name, method);
            keyedMethodName.put(normalized, name);
            //log.info("Got name "+name+" which was normalized to "+normalized);
    for (String name : getters) {
        try {
            Object value = keyedMethod.get(keyedMethodName.get(name)).invoke(examine, null);
            //log.info(">> want to insert "+name+"="+value);
            if (value != null) {
                map.put(name, "" + value);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            log.logError("Could not access method g" + name + ". Got (masked exception) " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            log.logError("Could not access method g" + name + ". Got (masked exception) " + e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java

 * Determine the target type for the given bean definition which is based on
 * a factory method. Only called if there is no singleton instance registered
 * for the target bean already.// w  ww .  j av a  2  s.  c o  m
 * <p>This implementation determines the type matching {@link #createBean}'s
 * different creation strategies. As far as possible, we'll perform static
 * type checking to avoid creation of the target bean.
 * @param beanName the name of the bean (for error handling purposes)
 * @param mbd the merged bean definition for the bean
 * @param typesToMatch the types to match in case of internal type matching purposes
 * (also signals that the returned {@code Class} will never be exposed to application code)
 * @return the type for the bean if determinable, or {@code null} otherwise
 * @see #createBean
protected Class<?> getTypeForFactoryMethod(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, Class<?>... typesToMatch) {
    ResolvableType cachedReturnType = mbd.factoryMethodReturnType;
    if (cachedReturnType != null) {
        return cachedReturnType.resolve();

    Class<?> factoryClass;
    boolean isStatic = true;

    String factoryBeanName = mbd.getFactoryBeanName();
    if (factoryBeanName != null) {
        if (factoryBeanName.equals(beanName)) {
            throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
                    "factory-bean reference points back to the same bean definition");
        // Check declared factory method return type on factory class.
        factoryClass = getType(factoryBeanName);
        isStatic = false;
    } else {
        // Check declared factory method return type on bean class.
        factoryClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName, typesToMatch);

    if (factoryClass == null) {
        return null;
    factoryClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(factoryClass);

    // If all factory methods have the same return type, return that type.
    // Can't clearly figure out exact method due to type converting / autowiring!
    Class<?> commonType = null;
    Method uniqueCandidate = null;
    int minNrOfArgs = (mbd.hasConstructorArgumentValues()
            ? mbd.getConstructorArgumentValues().getArgumentCount()
            : 0);
    Method[] candidates = this.factoryMethodCandidateCache.computeIfAbsent(factoryClass,

    for (Method candidate : candidates) {
        if (Modifier.isStatic(candidate.getModifiers()) == isStatic && mbd.isFactoryMethod(candidate)
                && candidate.getParameterCount() >= minNrOfArgs) {
            // Declared type variables to inspect?
            if (candidate.getTypeParameters().length > 0) {
                try {
                    // Fully resolve parameter names and argument values.
                    Class<?>[] paramTypes = candidate.getParameterTypes();
                    String[] paramNames = null;
                    ParameterNameDiscoverer pnd = getParameterNameDiscoverer();
                    if (pnd != null) {
                        paramNames = pnd.getParameterNames(candidate);
                    ConstructorArgumentValues cav = mbd.getConstructorArgumentValues();
                    Set<ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder> usedValueHolders = new HashSet<>(
                    Object[] args = new Object[paramTypes.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                        ConstructorArgumentValues.ValueHolder valueHolder = cav.getArgumentValue(i,
                                paramTypes[i], (paramNames != null ? paramNames[i] : null), usedValueHolders);
                        if (valueHolder == null) {
                            valueHolder = cav.getGenericArgumentValue(null, null, usedValueHolders);
                        if (valueHolder != null) {
                            args[i] = valueHolder.getValue();
                    Class<?> returnType = AutowireUtils.resolveReturnTypeForFactoryMethod(candidate, args,
                    uniqueCandidate = (commonType == null && returnType == candidate.getReturnType() ? candidate
                            : null);
                    commonType = ClassUtils.determineCommonAncestor(returnType, commonType);
                    if (commonType == null) {
                        // Ambiguous return types found: return null to indicate "not determinable".
                        return null;
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Failed to resolve generic return type for factory method: " + ex);
            } else {
                uniqueCandidate = (commonType == null ? candidate : null);
                commonType = ClassUtils.determineCommonAncestor(candidate.getReturnType(), commonType);
                if (commonType == null) {
                    // Ambiguous return types found: return null to indicate "not determinable".
                    return null;

    if (commonType == null) {
        return null;
    // Common return type found: all factory methods return same type. For a non-parameterized
    // unique candidate, cache the full type declaration context of the target factory method.
    cachedReturnType = (uniqueCandidate != null ? ResolvableType.forMethodReturnType(uniqueCandidate)
            : ResolvableType.forClass(commonType));
    mbd.factoryMethodReturnType = cachedReturnType;
    return cachedReturnType.resolve();

From source file:org.evosuite.setup.TestClusterGenerator.java

private boolean addDependencyClass(GenericClass clazz, int recursionLevel) {
    if (recursionLevel > Properties.CLUSTER_RECURSION) {
        logger.debug("Maximum recursion level reached, not adding dependency {}", clazz.getClassName());
        return false;
    }/* w  ww. j av  a2  s .  co m*/

    clazz = clazz.getRawGenericClass();

    if (analyzedClasses.contains(clazz.getRawClass())) {
        return true;

    // We keep track of generic containers in case we find other concrete generic components during runtime
    if (clazz.isAssignableTo(Collection.class) || clazz.isAssignableTo(Map.class)) {
        if (clazz.getNumParameters() > 0) {

    if (clazz.equals(String.class)) {
        return false;

    try {
        TestCluster cluster = TestCluster.getInstance();
        logger.debug("Adding dependency class {}", clazz.getClassName());

        // TODO: Should we include declared classes as well?

        if (!canUse(clazz.getRawClass())) {
            logger.info("*** Cannot use class: {}", clazz.getClassName());
            return false;

        // Add all constructors
        for (Constructor<?> constructor : getConstructors(clazz.getRawClass())) {
            String name = "<init>" + org.objectweb.asm.Type.getConstructorDescriptor(constructor);

            if (Properties.TT) {
                String orig = name;
                name = BooleanTestabilityTransformation.getOriginalNameDesc(clazz.getClassName(), "<init>",
                if (!orig.equals(name))
                    logger.info("TT name: {} -> {}", orig, name);


            if (canUse(constructor)) {
                GenericConstructor genericConstructor = new GenericConstructor(constructor, clazz);
                try {
                    cluster.addGenerator(clazz.getWithWildcardTypes(), genericConstructor);
                    addDependencies(genericConstructor, recursionLevel + 1);
                    logger.debug("Keeping track of {}.{}{}", constructor.getDeclaringClass().getName(),
                            constructor.getName(), Type.getConstructorDescriptor(constructor));
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.info("Error adding constructor {}: {}", constructor.getName(), t.getMessage());

            } else {
                logger.debug("Constructor cannot be used: {}", constructor);


        // Add all methods
        for (Method method : getMethods(clazz.getRawClass())) {
            String name = method.getName() + org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(method);

            if (Properties.TT) {
                String orig = name;
                name = BooleanTestabilityTransformation.getOriginalNameDesc(clazz.getClassName(),
                        method.getName(), org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(method));
                if (!orig.equals(name))
                    logger.info("TT name: {} -> {}", orig, name);

            if (canUse(method, clazz.getRawClass()) && !method.getName().equals("hashCode")) {
                logger.debug("Adding method {}.{}{}", clazz.getClassName(), method.getName(),

                if (method.getTypeParameters().length > 0) {
                    logger.info("Type parameters in methods are not handled yet, skipping {}", method);
                GenericMethod genericMethod = new GenericMethod(method, clazz);
                try {
                    addDependencies(genericMethod, recursionLevel + 1);
                    cluster.addModifier(clazz.getWithWildcardTypes(), genericMethod);
                    //               GenericClass retClass = new GenericClass(
                    //                       genericMethod.getReturnType(), method.getReturnType());
                    GenericClass retClass = new GenericClass(method.getReturnType());

                    if (!retClass.isPrimitive() && !retClass.isVoid() && !retClass.isObject()) {
                        cluster.addGenerator(retClass.getWithWildcardTypes(), genericMethod);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.info("Error adding method {}: {}", method.getName(), t.getMessage());
            } else {
                logger.debug("Method cannot be used: {}", method);

        // Add all fields
        for (Field field : getFields(clazz.getRawClass())) {
            logger.debug("Checking field {}", field);
            if (canUse(field, clazz.getRawClass())) {
                logger.debug("Adding field {} for class {}", field, clazz);
                try {
                    GenericField genericField = new GenericField(field, clazz);
                    cluster.addGenerator(new GenericClass(field.getGenericType()).getWithWildcardTypes(),
                    if (!Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) {
                        cluster.addModifier(clazz.getWithWildcardTypes(), genericField);
                        addDependencies(genericField, recursionLevel + 1);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.info("Error adding field {}: {}", field.getName(), t.getMessage());

            } else {
                logger.debug("Field cannot be used: {}", field);
        logger.info("Finished analyzing {} at recursion level {}", clazz.getTypeName(), recursionLevel);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
         * NOTE: this is a problem we know it can happen in some cases in SF110, but don't
         * have a real solution now. As it is bound to happen, we try to minimize the logging (eg no
         * stack trace), although we still need to log it
        logger.error("Problem for {}. Failed to add dependencies for class {}: {}\n{}", Properties.TARGET_CLASS,
                clazz.getClassName(), t, Arrays.asList(t.getStackTrace()));

        return false;
    return true;