Example usage for java.lang.reflect Constructor getParameterTypes

List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect Constructor getParameterTypes


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang.reflect Constructor getParameterTypes.


public Class<?>[] getParameterTypes() 

Source Link


From source file:org.opencms.search.CmsSearchManager.java

 * Returns an analyzer for the given class name.<p>
 * /* w w  w.  jav  a 2 s  . c o m*/
 * Since Lucene 3.0, many analyzers require a "version" parameter in the constructor and 
 * can not be created by a simple <code>newInstance()</code> call.
 * This method will create analyzers by name for the {@link CmsSearchIndex#LUCENE_VERSION} version.<p>
 * @param className the class name of the analyzer
 * @param stemmer the optional stemmer parameter required for the snowball analyzer
 * @return the appropriate lucene analyzer
 * @throws Exception if something goes wrong
 * @deprecated The stemmer parameter is used only by the snownall analyzer, which is deprecated in Lucene 3.
public static Analyzer getAnalyzer(String className, String stemmer) throws Exception {

    Analyzer analyzer = null;
    Class<?> analyzerClass;
    try {
        analyzerClass = Class.forName(className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        // allow Lucene standard classes to be written in a short form
        analyzerClass = Class.forName(LUCENE_ANALYZER + className);

    // since Lucene 3.0 most analyzers need a "version" parameter and don't support an empty constructor
    if (StandardAnalyzer.class.equals(analyzerClass)) {
        // the Lucene standard analyzer is used
        analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(CmsSearchIndex.LUCENE_VERSION);
    } else if (CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer.class.equals(analyzerClass)) {
        // OpenCms gallery multiple language analyzer
        analyzer = new CmsGallerySearchAnalyzer(CmsSearchIndex.LUCENE_VERSION);
    } else {
        boolean hasEmpty = false;
        boolean hasVersion = false;
        boolean hasVersionWithString = false;
        // another analyzer is used, check if we find a suitable constructor 
        Constructor<?>[] constructors = analyzerClass.getConstructors();
        for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
            Constructor<?> c = constructors[i];
            Class<?>[] parameters = c.getParameterTypes();
            if (parameters.length == 0) {
                // an empty constructor has been found
                hasEmpty = true;
            if ((parameters.length == 1) && parameters[0].equals(Version.class)) {
                // a constructor with a Lucene version parameter has been found
                hasVersion = true;
            if ((stemmer != null) && (parameters.length == 2) && parameters[0].equals(Version.class)
                    && parameters[1].equals(String.class)) {
                // a constructor with a Lucene version parameter and a String has been found
                hasVersionWithString = true;
        if (hasVersionWithString) {
            // a constructor with a Lucene version parameter and a String has been found
            analyzer = (Analyzer) analyzerClass
                    .getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { Version.class, String.class })
                    .newInstance(CmsSearchIndex.LUCENE_VERSION, stemmer);
        } else if (hasVersion) {
            // a constructor with a Lucene version parameter has been found
            analyzer = (Analyzer) analyzerClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { Version.class })
        } else if (hasEmpty) {
            // an empty constructor has been found
            analyzer = (Analyzer) analyzerClass.newInstance();
    return analyzer;

From source file:de.escalon.hypermedia.spring.hydra.LinkListSerializer.java

 * Writes bean description recursively.//  w  w w  . ja  v  a  2s .c  o m
 * @param jgen
 *         to write to
 * @param currentVocab
 *         in context
 * @param valueType
 *         class of value
 * @param allRootParameters
 *         of the method that receives the request body
 * @param rootParameter
 *         the request body
 * @param currentCallValue
 *         the value at the current recursion level
 * @param propertyPath
 *         of the current recursion level
 * @throws IntrospectionException
 * @throws IOException
private void recurseSupportedProperties(JsonGenerator jgen, String currentVocab, Class<?> valueType,
        ActionDescriptor allRootParameters, ActionInputParameter rootParameter, Object currentCallValue,
        String propertyPath) throws IntrospectionException, IOException {

    Map<String, ActionInputParameter> properties = new HashMap<String, ActionInputParameter>();

    // collect supported properties from ctor

    Constructor[] constructors = valueType.getConstructors();
    // find default ctor
    Constructor constructor = PropertyUtils.findDefaultCtor(constructors);
    // find ctor with JsonCreator ann
    if (constructor == null) {
        constructor = PropertyUtils.findJsonCreator(constructors, JsonCreator.class);
    if (constructor == null) {
        // TODO this can be a generic collection, find a way to describe it
        LOG.warn("can't describe supported properties, no default constructor or JsonCreator found for type "
                + valueType.getName());

    int parameterCount = constructor.getParameterTypes().length;
    if (parameterCount > 0) {
        Annotation[][] annotationsOnParameters = constructor.getParameterAnnotations();

        Class[] parameters = constructor.getParameterTypes();
        int paramIndex = 0;
        for (Annotation[] annotationsOnParameter : annotationsOnParameters) {
            for (Annotation annotation : annotationsOnParameter) {
                if (JsonProperty.class == annotation.annotationType()) {
                    JsonProperty jsonProperty = (JsonProperty) annotation;
                    // TODO use required attribute of JsonProperty
                    String paramName = jsonProperty.value();

                    Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue, paramName);

                    ActionInputParameter constructorParamInputParameter = new SpringActionInputParameter(
                            new MethodParameter(constructor, paramIndex), propertyValue);

                    // TODO collect ctor params, setter params and process
                    // TODO then handle single, collection and bean for both
                    properties.put(paramName, constructorParamInputParameter);
                    paramIndex++; // increase for each @JsonProperty
        Assert.isTrue(parameters.length == paramIndex, "not all constructor arguments of @JsonCreator "
                + constructor.getName() + " are annotated with @JsonProperty");

    // collect supported properties from setters

    // TODO support Option provider by other method args?
    final BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(valueType);
    final PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
    // TODO collection and map
    // TODO distinguish which properties should be printed as supported - now just setters
    for (PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : propertyDescriptors) {
        final Method writeMethod = propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod();
        if (writeMethod == null) {
        // TODO: the property name must be a valid URI - need to check context for terms?
        String propertyName = getWritableExposedPropertyOrPropertyName(propertyDescriptor);

        Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue,

        MethodParameter methodParameter = new MethodParameter(propertyDescriptor.getWriteMethod(), 0);
        ActionInputParameter propertySetterInputParameter = new SpringActionInputParameter(methodParameter,

        properties.put(propertyName, propertySetterInputParameter);

    // write all supported properties
    // TODO we are using the annotatedParameter.parameterName but should use the key of properties here:
    for (ActionInputParameter annotatedParameter : properties.values()) {
        String nextPropertyPathLevel = propertyPath.isEmpty() ? annotatedParameter.getParameterName()
                : propertyPath + '.' + annotatedParameter.getParameterName();
        if (DataType.isSingleValueType(annotatedParameter.getParameterType())) {

            final Object[] possiblePropertyValues = rootParameter.getPossibleValues(allRootParameters);

            if (rootParameter.isIncluded(nextPropertyPathLevel)
                    && !rootParameter.isExcluded(nextPropertyPathLevel)) {
                writeSupportedProperty(jgen, currentVocab, annotatedParameter,
                        annotatedParameter.getParameterName(), possiblePropertyValues);
            // TODO collections?
            //                        } else if (DataType.isArrayOrCollection(parameterType)) {
            //                            Object[] callValues = rootParameter.getValues();
            //                            int items = callValues.length;
            //                            for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
            //                                Object value;
            //                                if (i < callValues.length) {
            //                                    value = callValues[i];
            //                                } else {
            //                                    value = null;
            //                                }
            //                                recurseSupportedProperties(jgen, currentVocab, rootParameter
            // .getParameterType(),
            //                                        allRootParameters, rootParameter, value);
            //                            }
        } else {
            jgen.writeStringField("hydra:property", annotatedParameter.getParameterName());
            // TODO: is the property required -> for bean props we need the Access annotation to express that
            jgen.writeObjectFieldStart(getPropertyOrClassNameInVocab(currentVocab, "rangeIncludes",
                    LdContextFactory.HTTP_SCHEMA_ORG, "schema:"));
            Expose expose = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotation(annotatedParameter.getParameterType(), Expose.class);
            String subClass;
            if (expose != null) {
                subClass = expose.value();
            } else {
                subClass = annotatedParameter.getParameterType().getSimpleName();
            jgen.writeStringField(getPropertyOrClassNameInVocab(currentVocab, "subClassOf",
                    "http://www.w3" + ".org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", "rdfs:"), subClass);


            Object propertyValue = PropertyUtils.getPropertyOrFieldValue(currentCallValue,

            recurseSupportedProperties(jgen, currentVocab, annotatedParameter.getParameterType(),
                    allRootParameters, rootParameter, propertyValue, nextPropertyPathLevel);


From source file:org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.creation.ThisCreationSupport.java

private Object create_usingCGLib(ExecutionFlowFrameVisitor visitor, Constructor<?> constructor,
        Class<?> componentClass, Object[] argumentValues) {
    createEnhancer(componentClass, visitor);
    // set current ASTNode = body of constructor
    ExecutionFlowDescription flowDescription;
    {/*from  www  .ja  v  a 2  s.c  om*/
        flowDescription = m_editorState.getFlowDescription();
    // create object
    try {
        if (constructor != null) {
                    ICoreExceptionConstants.EVAL_NON_PUBLIC_CONSTRUCTOR, constructor);
            return m_enhancer.create(constructor.getParameterTypes(), argumentValues);
        } else {
            return m_enhancer.create();
    } finally {

From source file:org.wandora.modules.ModuleManager.java

 * Parses a single param element and returns its value. Handles all the
 * different cases of how a param elements value can be determined.
 * //from  w w w . j a v a2  s . co  m
 * @param e The xml param element.
 * @return The value of the parameter.
public Object parseXMLParamElement(Element e)
        throws ReflectiveOperationException, IllegalArgumentException, ScriptException {
    String instance = e.getAttribute("instance");
    if (instance != null && instance.length() > 0) {
        Class cls = Class.forName(instance);
        HashMap<String, Object> params = parseXMLOptionsElement(e);
        if (!params.isEmpty()) {
            Collection<Object> constructorParams = params.values();
            Constructor[] cs = cls.getConstructors();
            ConstructorLoop: for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
                Constructor c = cs[i];
                Class[] paramTypes = c.getParameterTypes();
                if (paramTypes.length != constructorParams.size())

                int j = -1;
                for (Object o : constructorParams) {
                    if (o == null) {
                        if (!paramTypes[j].isPrimitive())
                            continue ConstructorLoop;

                    if (paramTypes[j].isPrimitive()) {
                        if (paramTypes[j] == int.class) {
                            if (o.getClass() != Integer.class)
                                continue ConstructorLoop;
                        } else if (paramTypes[j] == long.class) {
                            if (o.getClass() != Long.class)
                                continue ConstructorLoop;
                        } else if (paramTypes[j] == double.class) {
                            if (o.getClass() != Double.class)
                                continue ConstructorLoop;
                        } else if (paramTypes[j] == float.class) {
                            if (o.getClass() != Float.class)
                                continue ConstructorLoop;
                        } else if (paramTypes[j] == byte.class) {
                            if (o.getClass() != Byte.class)
                                continue ConstructorLoop;
                        } else
                            continue ConstructorLoop; //did we forget some primitive type?
                    } else if (!o.getClass().isAssignableFrom(paramTypes[j]))
                        continue ConstructorLoop;

                return c.newInstance(constructorParams.toArray());
            throw new NoSuchMethodException(
                    "Couldn't find a constructor that matches parameters parsed from XML.");
        } else {
            return cls.newInstance();

    String clas = e.getAttribute("class");
    if (clas != null && clas.length() > 0) {
        Class cls = Class.forName(clas);
        return cls;

    if (e.hasAttribute("null"))
        return null;

    if (e.hasAttribute("script")) {
        String engine = e.getAttribute("script");
        if (engine.length() == 0 || engine.equalsIgnoreCase("default"))
            engine = ScriptManager.getDefaultScriptEngine();
        ScriptManager scriptManager = new ScriptManager();
        ScriptEngine scriptEngine = scriptManager.getScriptEngine(engine);
        scriptEngine.put("moduleManager", this);
        scriptEngine.put("element", e);

        try {
            String script = ((String) xpath.evaluate("text()", e, XPathConstants.STRING)).trim();
            return scriptManager.executeScript(script, scriptEngine);
        } catch (XPathExpressionException xpee) {
            throw new RuntimeException(xpee);

    if (e.hasAttribute("module")) {
        String moduleName = e.getAttribute("module").trim();
        return new ModuleDelegate(this, moduleName);

    try {
        String value = ((String) xpath.evaluate("text()", e, XPathConstants.STRING)).trim();
        return replaceVariables(value, variables);
    } catch (XPathExpressionException xpee) {
        throw new RuntimeException(xpee);

From source file:org.apache.myfaces.application.ApplicationImpl.java

private static SystemEvent _createEvent(Class<? extends SystemEvent> systemEventClass, Object source,
        SystemEvent event) {//from   w w  w.  j  a v a2  s.  c om
    if (event == null) {
        try {
            Constructor<?>[] constructors = systemEventClass.getConstructors();
            Constructor<? extends SystemEvent> constructor = null;
            for (Constructor<?> c : constructors) {
                if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
                    // Safe cast, since the constructor belongs
                    // to a class of type SystemEvent
                    constructor = (Constructor<? extends SystemEvent>) c;
            if (constructor != null) {
                event = constructor.newInstance(source);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new FacesException("Couldn't instanciate system event of type " + systemEventClass.getName(),

    return event;

From source file:dinistiq.Dinistiq.java

 * Creates an instance of the given type and registeres it with the container.
 * @param dependencies dependencies within the scope
 * @param cls type to create an instance of
 * @param beanName beans name in the scope using the given dependencies
 */// w ww . j ava 2 s  .  com
private <T extends Object> T createInstance(Map<String, Set<Object>> dependencies, Class<T> cls,
        String beanName) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("createInstance({})", cls.getSimpleName());
    Constructor<?> c = null;
    Constructor<?>[] constructors = cls.getDeclaredConstructors();
    LOG.debug("createInstance({}) constructors.length={}", cls.getSimpleName(), constructors.length);
    for (Constructor<?> ctor : constructors) {
        LOG.debug("createInstance({}) {}", cls.getSimpleName(), ctor);
        c = (ctor.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null) ? ctor : c;
    } // for
    c = (c == null) ? cls.getConstructor() : c;
    // Don't record constructor dependencies - they MUST be already fulfilled
    Object[] parameters = getParameters(null, null, beanName, c.getParameterTypes(),
            c.getGenericParameterTypes(), c.getParameterAnnotations());
    dependencies.put(beanName, new HashSet<>());
    boolean accessible = c.isAccessible();
    try {
        return convert(c.newInstance(parameters));
    } finally {
    } // try/finally

From source file:org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.java

@Nullable//from  ww  w .j a v a 2s  .com
public Constructor<?>[] determineCandidateConstructors(Class<?> beanClass, final String beanName)
        throws BeanCreationException {

    // Let's check for lookup methods here..
    if (!this.lookupMethodsChecked.contains(beanName)) {
        try {
            ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(beanClass, method -> {
                Lookup lookup = method.getAnnotation(Lookup.class);
                if (lookup != null) {
                    Assert.state(beanFactory != null, "No BeanFactory available");
                    LookupOverride override = new LookupOverride(method, lookup.value());
                    try {
                        RootBeanDefinition mbd = (RootBeanDefinition) beanFactory
                    } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
                        throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
                                "Cannot apply @Lookup to beans without corresponding bean definition");
        } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
            throw new BeanCreationException(beanName, "Lookup method resolution failed", ex);

    // Quick check on the concurrent map first, with minimal locking.
    Constructor<?>[] candidateConstructors = this.candidateConstructorsCache.get(beanClass);
    if (candidateConstructors == null) {
        // Fully synchronized resolution now...
        synchronized (this.candidateConstructorsCache) {
            candidateConstructors = this.candidateConstructorsCache.get(beanClass);
            if (candidateConstructors == null) {
                Constructor<?>[] rawCandidates;
                try {
                    rawCandidates = beanClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
                } catch (Throwable ex) {
                    throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
                            "Resolution of declared constructors on bean Class [" + beanClass.getName()
                                    + "] from ClassLoader [" + beanClass.getClassLoader() + "] failed",
                List<Constructor<?>> candidates = new ArrayList<>(rawCandidates.length);
                Constructor<?> requiredConstructor = null;
                Constructor<?> defaultConstructor = null;
                Constructor<?> primaryConstructor = BeanUtils.findPrimaryConstructor(beanClass);
                int nonSyntheticConstructors = 0;
                for (Constructor<?> candidate : rawCandidates) {
                    if (!candidate.isSynthetic()) {
                    } else if (primaryConstructor != null) {
                    AnnotationAttributes ann = findAutowiredAnnotation(candidate);
                    if (ann == null) {
                        Class<?> userClass = ClassUtils.getUserClass(beanClass);
                        if (userClass != beanClass) {
                            try {
                                Constructor<?> superCtor = userClass
                                ann = findAutowiredAnnotation(superCtor);
                            } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
                                // Simply proceed, no equivalent superclass constructor found...
                    if (ann != null) {
                        if (requiredConstructor != null) {
                            throw new BeanCreationException(beanName, "Invalid autowire-marked constructor: "
                                    + candidate
                                    + ". Found constructor with 'required' Autowired annotation already: "
                                    + requiredConstructor);
                        boolean required = determineRequiredStatus(ann);
                        if (required) {
                            if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
                                throw new BeanCreationException(beanName,
                                        "Invalid autowire-marked constructors: " + candidates
                                                + ". Found constructor with 'required' Autowired annotation: "
                                                + candidate);
                            requiredConstructor = candidate;
                    } else if (candidate.getParameterCount() == 0) {
                        defaultConstructor = candidate;
                if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
                    // Add default constructor to list of optional constructors, as fallback.
                    if (requiredConstructor == null) {
                        if (defaultConstructor != null) {
                        } else if (candidates.size() == 1 && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                            logger.warn("Inconsistent constructor declaration on bean with name '" + beanName
                                    + "': single autowire-marked constructor flagged as optional - "
                                    + "this constructor is effectively required since there is no "
                                    + "default constructor to fall back to: " + candidates.get(0));
                    candidateConstructors = candidates.toArray(new Constructor<?>[candidates.size()]);
                } else if (rawCandidates.length == 1 && rawCandidates[0].getParameterCount() > 0) {
                    candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] { rawCandidates[0] };
                } else if (nonSyntheticConstructors == 2 && primaryConstructor != null
                        && defaultConstructor != null && !primaryConstructor.equals(defaultConstructor)) {
                    candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] { primaryConstructor, defaultConstructor };
                } else if (nonSyntheticConstructors == 1 && primaryConstructor != null) {
                    candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[] { primaryConstructor };
                } else {
                    candidateConstructors = new Constructor<?>[0];
                this.candidateConstructorsCache.put(beanClass, candidateConstructors);
    return (candidateConstructors.length > 0 ? candidateConstructors : null);

From source file:org.freebxml.omar.server.persistence.rdb.SQLPersistenceManagerImpl.java

 * Given a Binding object returns the OMARDAO for that object.
 *///  w  w w .j  a  v a  2s  . c  om
private OMARDAO getDAOForObject(RegistryObjectType ro, ServerRequestContext context) throws RegistryException {
    OMARDAO dao = null;

    try {
        String bindingClassName = ro.getClass().getName();
        String daoClassName = bindingClassName.substring(bindingClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1,
                bindingClassName.length() - 4);

        //Construct the corresonding DAO instance using reflections
        Class daoClazz = Class.forName("org.freebxml.omar.server.persistence.rdb." + daoClassName + "DAO");

        Class[] conParameterTypes = new Class[1];
        conParameterTypes[0] = context.getClass();
        Object[] conParameterValues = new Object[1];
        conParameterValues[0] = context;
        Constructor[] cons = daoClazz.getDeclaredConstructors();

        //Find the constructor that takes RequestContext as its only arg
        Constructor con = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) {
            con = cons[i];
            if ((con.getParameterTypes().length == 1) && (con.getParameterTypes()[0] == conParameterTypes[0])) {
                dao = (OMARDAO) con.newInstance(conParameterValues);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RegistryException(e);

    return dao;


From source file:it.cnr.icar.eric.server.persistence.rdb.SQLPersistenceManagerImpl.java

 * Given a Binding object returns the OMARDAO for that object.
 * /*w  w  w .ja va  2  s.  c  om*/
private OMARDAO getDAOForObject(RegistryObjectType ro, ServerRequestContext context) throws RegistryException {
    OMARDAO dao = null;

    try {
        String bindingClassName = ro.getClass().getName();

        // reuse same mapper as for tablenames
        // this handles Type1 endings correctly

        String daoClassName = Utility.getInstance().mapDAOName(ro);

        // Construct the corresponding DAO instance using reflections
        Class<?> daoClazz = Class.forName("it.cnr.icar.eric.server.persistence.rdb." + daoClassName + "DAO");

        Class<?>[] conParameterTypes = new Class[1];
        conParameterTypes[0] = context.getClass();
        Object[] conParameterValues = new Object[1];
        conParameterValues[0] = context;
        Constructor<?>[] cons = daoClazz.getDeclaredConstructors();

        // Find the constructor that takes RequestContext as its only arg
        Constructor<?> con = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < cons.length; i++) {
            con = cons[i];
            if ((con.getParameterTypes().length == 1) && (con.getParameterTypes()[0] == conParameterTypes[0])) {
                dao = (OMARDAO) con.newInstance(conParameterValues);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RegistryException(e);

    return dao;


From source file:com.github.wshackle.java4cpp.J4CppMain.java

private static boolean isConstructorToMakeEasy(Constructor c, Class relClss) {
    Class<?> types[] = c.getParameterTypes();
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        Class<?> type = types[i];
        if (type.isArray() && !type.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
            return false;
        }/*ww  w . ja v a2s  . c  o  m*/
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        Class<?> type = types[i];
        if (type.isArray() || isString(type)) {
            return true;
    return false;
    //        return Arrays.stream(c.getParameterTypes())
    //                .anyMatch(t -> t.isArray() || isString(t))
    //                && Arrays.stream(c.getParameterTypes())
    //                .noneMatch(t -> t.isArray() && !t.getComponentType().isPrimitive());