List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect Constructor getName
public String getName()
From source
public static String ctorToString(final Constructor constructor) { if (constructor == null) { return "null"; }//from ww w .j a v a 2 s. c o m Class[] params = constructor.getParameterTypes(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(constructor.getName()); sb.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String s = params[i].getName(); sb.append(s); if (i < params.length - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); }
From source
public static long constructorHash(Constructor method) throws Exception { Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); String methodDesc = method.getName() + "("; for (int j = 0; j < parameterTypes.length; j++) { methodDesc += getTypeString(parameterTypes[j]); }//from w w w . j a v a 2s . co m methodDesc += ")"; long hash = 0; ByteArrayOutputStream bytearrayoutputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512); MessageDigest messagedigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); DataOutputStream dataoutputstream = new DataOutputStream( new DigestOutputStream(bytearrayoutputstream, messagedigest)); dataoutputstream.writeUTF(methodDesc); dataoutputstream.flush(); byte abyte0[] = messagedigest.digest(); for (int j = 0; j < Math.min(8, abyte0.length); j++) hash += (long) (abyte0[j] & 0xff) << j * 8; return hash; }
From source
protected static void addConstructorUse(Set<Relation> relations, Class<?> fromType, Type toType, Constructor<?> c) { String name = TypesHelper.getSimpleName(c.getName()) + "()"; addUse(relations, fromType, toType, c, name); }
From source
private static void checksumClass(Class<?> type, MessageDigest digest) { // we compute a big hash of all the members of the class, and its superclasses. List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Constructor<?> c : type.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (isInjectionSensitive(c)) { members.add(String.format("%s(%s)", c.getName(), StringUtils.join(c.getParameterTypes(), ", "))); }/*from w w w. j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ } for (Method m : type.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (isInjectionSensitive(m)) { members.add(String.format("%s(%s): %s", m.getName(), StringUtils.join(m.getParameterTypes(), ", "), m.getReturnType())); } } for (Field f : type.getDeclaredFields()) { if (isInjectionSensitive(f)) { members.add(f.getName() + ":" + f.getType().getName()); } } Collections.sort(members); Class<?> sup = type.getSuperclass(); if (sup != null) { checksumClass(sup, digest); } for (String mem : members) { digest.update(mem.getBytes(UTF8)); } }
From source
/** * Finds the constructor in the unproxied superclass if proxied. * @param constructor the constructor/*ww w . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ * @return the constructor in the unproxied class */ public static Constructor<?> unproxy(final Constructor<?> constructor) { Class<?> clazz = constructor.getDeclaringClass(); if (!AopUtils.isCglibProxyClass(clazz)) { return constructor; } Class<?> searchType = unproxy(clazz); while (searchType != null) { for (Constructor<?> c : searchType.getConstructors()) { if (constructor.getName().equals(c.getName()) && (constructor.getParameterTypes() == null || Arrays.equals(constructor.getParameterTypes(), c.getParameterTypes()))) { return c; } } searchType = searchType.getSuperclass(); } return null; }
From source
/** * Finds the constructor in the unproxied superclass if proxied. * @param constructor the constructor//from ww w .j a v a 2s . c om * @return the constructor in the unproxied class */ public static Constructor<?> unproxy(final Constructor<?> constructor) { Class<?> clazz = constructor.getDeclaringClass(); if (!isProxy(clazz)) { return constructor; } Class<?> searchType = unproxy(clazz); while (searchType != null) { for (Constructor<?> c : searchType.getConstructors()) { if (constructor.getName().equals(c.getName()) && (constructor.getParameterTypes() == null || Arrays.equals(constructor.getParameterTypes(), c.getParameterTypes()))) { return c; } } searchType = searchType.getSuperclass(); } return null; }
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public static void validateAccessible(Constructor<?> constructor) throws HermesException { if (constructor.isAnnotationPresent(WithinProcess.class)) { throw new HermesException(ErrorCodes.METHOD_WITH_PROCESS, "Constructor " + constructor.getName() + " of class " + constructor.getDeclaringClass().getName() + " has a WithProcess annotation on it, so it cannot be accessed from " + "outside the process."); }//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c om }
From source
/** * Returns a String that represents the signature for a constructor. * /*from ww w . ja va2 s.c o m*/ * @return String * @param c * java.lang.Constructor */ //start extract constructorHeaderToString public static String signatureToString(Constructor c) { return c.getName() + "(" + formalParametersToString(c.getParameterTypes()) + ")"; }
From source
/** * Ensures that a constructors of a class is null safe. * @param obj//from www .ja v a 2 s. co m * object to test * @param args * dummy arguments of all different parameter types that the constructor has * @param optional * optional dummy arguments that can also be set to {@code null} without breaking * null-safety * @throws any thrown exception that were not expected. Never an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. */ public static void checkConstructorIsNullSafe(Constructor<?> constructor, List<?> args, List<?> optional) throws Exception {"checked " + constructor); constructor.setAccessible(true); Class<?>[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); Object[] parameterValues = getParameterValues(parameterTypes, args); for (int idx = 0; idx < parameterValues.length; ++idx) { if (!isOptional(constructor.getName(), idx, optional, parameterValues[idx])) { Object[] parameterValuesWithNull = Arrays.copyOf(parameterValues, parameterValues.length); parameterValuesWithNull[idx] = null; try { constructor.newInstance(parameterValuesWithNull); fail("Should throw an " + IllegalArgumentException.class.getSimpleName()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { assertEquals(IllegalArgumentException.class, e.getCause().getClass()); } } } }
From source
public static boolean canUse(Constructor<?> c) { if (c.isSynthetic()) { return false; }/*www .j av a2 s. co m*/ // synthetic constructors are OK if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getDeclaringClass().getModifiers())) return false; // TODO we could enable some methods from Object, like getClass //if (c.getDeclaringClass().equals(java.lang.Object.class)) // return false;// handled here to avoid printing reasons if (c.getDeclaringClass().equals(java.lang.Thread.class)) return false;// handled here to avoid printing reasons if (c.getDeclaringClass().isAnonymousClass()) return false; if (c.getDeclaringClass().isLocalClass()) { logger.debug("Skipping constructor of local class " + c.getName()); return false; } if (c.getDeclaringClass().isMemberClass() && !TestUsageChecker.canUse(c.getDeclaringClass())) return false; if (!Properties.USE_DEPRECATED && c.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class)) { final Class<?> targetClass = Properties.getTargetClassAndDontInitialise(); if (Properties.hasTargetClassBeenLoaded() && !c.getDeclaringClass().equals(targetClass)) { logger.debug("Excluding deprecated constructor " + c.getName()); return false; } } if (isForbiddenNonDeterministicCall(c)) { return false; } if (Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers())) { TestClusterUtils.makeAccessible(c); return true; } for (java.lang.reflect.Type paramType : c.getGenericParameterTypes()) { if (!canUse(paramType)) return false; } // If default access rights, then check if this class is in the same package as the target class if (!Modifier.isPrivate(c.getModifiers())) { // && !Modifier.isProtected(c.getModifiers())) { String packageName = ClassUtils.getPackageName(c.getDeclaringClass()); if (packageName.equals(Properties.CLASS_PREFIX)) { TestClusterUtils.makeAccessible(c); return true; } } return false; }