List of usage examples for java.lang.reflect AccessibleObject setAccessible
@CallerSensitive public static void setAccessible(AccessibleObject[] array, boolean flag)
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/** * Append all properties of the object to the parameter map using reflection. * //from w w w.jav a 2 s . c o m * @param namePrefix * string to prefix object parameter name with * @param obj * object to serialize */ private void appendAllFieldsUsingReflection(final String namePrefix, final Object obj) { final Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass(); final Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); final String parentPrefix = isBlank(namePrefix) ? EMPTY_STRING : (namePrefix + PROPERTY_SCOPE_CHAR); try { for (final Field field : fields) { final Object fieldValue = field.get(obj); final XmlElement xmlElement = field.getAnnotation(XmlElement.class); if (xmlElement != null) { // Add field to map with a proper parameter name // final String xmlName =; // final String propertyName = (xmlName == null) ? field.getName() // : xmlName; // Important: for now, we ignore JAXB names and use the field names, // for consistency with Spring's data binder. In the future, if we // find an efficient way to alias property names (recursively, for the // whole object graph) in Spring, we can use the code commented above // so that the XML binding is taken from the JAXB annotation's "name" // attribute. final String propertyName = field.getName(); appendFieldUsingReflection(parentPrefix + propertyName, fieldValue); } } } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not serialize object into a parameter map", e); } }
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/** * Calls {@link #shouldReflect(Object)} to determine if the object needs to be reflected on to * generate a good key. If so {@link AccessibleObject#setAccessible(AccessibleObject[], boolean)} is * used to enable access to private, protected and default fields. Each non-transient, non-static field * has {@link #deepHashCode(Object, Object)} called on it. */// w ww.j ava2s . com protected final void reflectionDeepHashCode(G generator, final Object element) { //Special objects which shouldn't be reflected on due to lack of interesting fields if (element instanceof Class<?>) { this.append(generator, element); return; } //Determine if the element should be reflected on if (!this.shouldReflect(element)) { this.append(generator, element); return; } //Accumulate the data that makes up the object being reflected on so it can be recursed on as a single grouping of data final List<Object> reflectiveObject = new LinkedList<Object>(); //Write out the target class so that two classes with the same fields can't collide reflectiveObject.add(element.getClass()); try { for (Class<?> targetClass = element.getClass(); targetClass != null; targetClass = targetClass .getSuperclass()) { final Field[] fields = targetClass.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { final Field field = fields[i]; final int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); //Ignore static and transient fields if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) { final Object fieldValue = field.get(element); reflectiveObject.add(fieldValue); } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) { ReflectionUtils.handleReflectionException(exception); } this.deepHashCode(generator, reflectiveObject); }
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/** * Append fields in internal.//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m * * @param clazz the clazz * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean appendFieldsInInternal(Class<?> clazz) { registerObject(getObject()); if (clazz.isArray()) { this.reflectionAppendArray(this.getObject()); return false; } Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field field = fields[i]; String fieldName = field.getName(); if (this.accept(field) == false) { continue; } try { // Warning: Field.get(Object) creates wrappers objects // for primitive types. Object fieldValue = this.getValue(field); if (isObjectRegistered(fieldValue) == true && field.getType().isPrimitive() == false) { this.getStringBuffer().append(fieldName).append("="); this.appendAsObjectToString(fieldValue); this.getStringBuffer().append(","); } else { this.append(fieldName, fieldValue); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { // this can't happen. Would get a Security exception // instead // throw a runtime exception in case the impossible // happens. throw new InternalError("Unexpected IllegalAccessException: " + ex.getMessage()); } } return true; }
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@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Object createEntity(Class entity, Field[] fields, String[] nextLine) { Log.debug("createEntity()"); try {/* www .j av a2 s . co m*/ Object object = entity.newInstance(); for (Field field : fields) { Class type = field.getType(); // ignore Static fields if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (type.getSimpleName().equals("String")) { Integer index = fieldNames.get(field.getName()); if (index != null) { field.set(object, nextLine[index].trim()); Log.debug("Field name: " + field.getName() + " index[" + index + "] = " + nextLine[index]); } } else if (type.getSimpleName().equals("List")) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); Field declaredField = object.getClass().getDeclaredField(field.getName()); Type genericType = declaredField.getGenericType(); if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) genericType; Type[] t = pt.getActualTypeArguments(); // e.g. "class" String className = t[0].toString().substring(6); Log.debug("className: " + className); Class nestedEntity = Class.forName(className); Field[] nestedFields = nestedEntity.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(nestedFields, true); Object nestedObject = createNestedEntity(nestedEntity, nestedFields, nextLine); if (nestedObject != null) { list.add(nestedObject); field.set(object, list); } } } } // Log.debug(object.toString()); return object; } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error encountered while creating entity", e); } return null; }
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/** * Initialize property configurations from the dbStream. Existing proxies are * also initialized.//from w w w. ja va 2 s .com * <ul> * Structure of Stream : Data[size] * <li>properties[] [...]</li> * </ul> * * @param dbStream * the MDB file containing rules * @throws IOException * error during the database configuration. */ public static void init(InputStream dbStream) throws IOException { String[] dataProxyNameOrders = Configuration.getString("database.dataOrder", "").split("\\|"); String[] pictureProxyNameOrders = Configuration.getString("database.pictureOrder", "").split("\\|"); int count =; propertiesCacheConfig = new HashMap<String, PropertyConfig>(count); while (count-- > 0) { PropertyConfig propertyConfig = PropertyConfigFactory.getPropertyConfig(dbStream); propertiesCacheConfig.put(propertyConfig.getName(), propertyConfig); } // list available proxies final File proxiesLocation = MToolKit.getTbsFile(IdConst.PROXIES_LOCATION); final File[] lproxies; if (proxiesLocation == null) { Log.warn("The proxy directory '" + MToolKit.getTbsFile(IdConst.PROXIES_LOCATION, false) + "' does not exist"); lproxies = new File[0]; } else { lproxies = proxiesLocation.listFiles(new FileFilterPlus("xml")); } dataProxies = new Proxy[lproxies.length]; pictureProxies = new Proxy[lproxies.length]; XmlTools.initHashMaps(); // validate them and build 'Proxy' instances from XML for (int i = lproxies.length; i-- > 0;) { try { dataProxies[i] = new Proxy(lproxies[i]); pictureProxies[i] = dataProxies[i]; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // re-order proxies with the defined orders int index = 0; for (String dataProxyNameOrder : dataProxyNameOrders) { for (int j = 0; j < dataProxies.length; j++) { if (dataProxyNameOrder.equalsIgnoreCase(dataProxies[j].getXmlName())) { final Proxy oldProxy = dataProxies[index]; dataProxies[index] = dataProxies[j]; dataProxies[j] = oldProxy; index++; break; } } } index = 0; for (String pictureProxyNameOrder : pictureProxyNameOrders) { for (int j = 0; j < pictureProxies.length; j++) { if (pictureProxyNameOrder.equalsIgnoreCase(pictureProxies[j].getXmlName())) { final Proxy oldProxy = pictureProxies[index]; pictureProxies[index] = pictureProxies[j]; pictureProxies[j] = oldProxy; index++; break; } } } // Initialize source file accessibility try { sourceFile = FileImageSource.class.getDeclaredField("imagefile"); sourceUrl = URLImageSource.class.getDeclaredField("url"); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(new AccessibleObject[] { sourceFile }, true); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(new AccessibleObject[] { sourceUrl }, true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } XmlTools.clean(); }
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public static Object getImplementationDeep(Object o, Class clazz, HashSet<Objeto> set) throws Exception, IllegalAccessException { Field f[] = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(f, true); for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { final Object object = f[i].get(o); if (object instanceof ObjetoBase) { Objeto objeto = (Objeto) object; if (objeto instanceof HibernateProxy) { objeto = (Objeto) (((HibernateProxy) objeto).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getImplementation()); }/*from w ww . ja va 2s . c o m*/ prune(objeto); if (!set.contains(objeto)) { set.add(objeto); objeto = (Objeto) getImplementationDeep(objeto, objeto.getClass(), set); } f[i].set(o, objeto); } } if (clazz.getSuperclass().getSuperclass() != null) { System.out.println("*** Classe: " + clazz.getName() + " - " + clazz.getSuperclass().getName()); getImplementationDeep(o, clazz.getSuperclass(), set); } return o; }
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private static void copyShallow(DAG from, DAG to) { checkArgument(from.getClass() == to.getClass(), "must be same class %s %s", from.getClass(), to.getClass()); Field[] fields = from.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field field = fields[i];/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om*/ if (!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { try { field.set(to, field.get(from)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }
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private static void dumpObject(StringBuilder errorStr, String name, Object p, Class<?> c, int level) throws IllegalAccessException { String offsetStr = repeat(" ", level); if (p == null || c == String.class || c.isPrimitive() || ClassUtils.wrapperToPrimitive(c) != null) { errorStr.append(offsetStr).append(name + ": [" + p + "]\n"); } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(c, Iterable.class)) { errorStr.append(offsetStr).append(name + " is an iterable\n"); Iterator<?> i1 = ((Iterable<?>) p).iterator(); int i = 0; while (i1.hasNext()) { Object o1 =; Class<?> t = o1 == null ? Object.class : o1.getClass(); // ... dumpObject(errorStr, name + "[" + (i++) + "]", o1, t, level + 1); }//from www .j a v a2 s . c o m } else if (c.isArray()) { int len = Array.getLength(p); Class<?> t = c.getComponentType(); errorStr.append(offsetStr).append(name + " is an array\n"); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { dumpObject(errorStr, name + "[" + i + "]", Array.get(p, i), t, level + 1); } } else if (ClassUtils.isAssignable(c, Map.class)) { Map<?, ?> c1 = (Map<?, ?>) p; errorStr.append(offsetStr).append(name + " is a map\n"); dumpObject(errorStr, name + ".keys", c1.keySet(), Set.class, level + 1); dumpObject(errorStr, name + ".vals", c1.values(), Collection.class, level + 1); } else { errorStr.append(offsetStr).append(name + " is of type " + c.getCanonicalName() + "\n"); // TODO: this doesn't include superclass. Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; if (f.getName().indexOf('$') != -1 || Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers())) continue; dumpObject(errorStr, name + "." + f.getName(), f.get(p), f.getType(), level + 1); } } }
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/** * Convenience method to obtain all variables and values from the mojo (including its superclasses) * * Note: the values in the map are of type Object so the caller is responsible for casting to desired types. * * @param clazz//from ww w. ja v a2 s . co m * @param object * @return map of variable names and values */ protected Map<String, Object> getVariablesAndValuesFromObject(Class<?> clazz, Object object) throws IllegalAccessException { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (Field field : fields) { map.put(field.getName(), field.get(object)); } Class<?> superclass = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (!Object.class.equals(superclass)) { map.putAll(getVariablesAndValuesFromObject(superclass, object)); } return map; }
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/** * Formats the field values of the given object. * //from ww w . ja v a 2s . co m * @param object * The object, not null * @param clazz * The class for which to format the fields, not null * @param currentDepth * The current recursion depth * @param result * The builder to append the result to, not null */ protected void formatFields(Object object, Class clazz, int currentDepth, StringBuilder result) { Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { // skip transient and static fields Field field = fields[i]; if (isTransient(field.getModifiers()) || isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || field.isSynthetic()) { continue; } try { if (i > 0) { result.append(", "); } result.append(field.getName()); result.append("="); formatImpl(field.get(object), currentDepth + 1, result); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // this can't happen. Would get a Security exception instead // throw a runtime exception in case the impossible happens. throw new InternalError("Unexpected IllegalAccessException"); } } // format fields declared in superclass Class superclazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); while (superclazz != null && !superclazz.getName().startsWith("java.lang")) { formatFields(object, superclazz, currentDepth, result); superclazz = superclazz.getSuperclass(); } }