List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder start
public Process start() throws IOException
From source
/** * Executes a command with one argument, returning true if the command succeeds. * Gathers the output from stdout and stderr into the provided list of lines. *//*from w w w . j a v a2 s.c o m*/ private boolean execute(String command, File arg, List<String> lines) { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command, arg.getAbsolutePath()); pb.redirectErrorStream(true); // redirect stderr to stdout try { Process proc = pb.start(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { lines.add(line); } proc.waitFor(); return proc.exitValue() == 0; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while executing: " + command + " " + arg, e); lines.add(e.getMessage()); return false; } }
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/** * Starts the HiveMQ process with the given parameters * * @param commandParameters the parameters * @return the running HiveMQ process// w w w.j a va 2s . com * @throws MojoExecutionException if the execution of HiveMQ did not work */ private Process startHiveMQ(final List<String> commandParameters) throws MojoExecutionException { final ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(commandParameters);; processBuilder.redirectErrorStream(true); Process p; try { p = processBuilder.start(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("An error occured while starting HiveMQ:", e); throw new MojoExecutionException("An error occured while starting HiveMQ", e); } return p; }
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public int run(List<String> cmd) throws IOException { if (cmd == null || cmd.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cmd is invalid."); }/* ww w .j a va 2s . c o m*/ /* * Used to show which command was executed */ String cmdLine = logArguments ? StringUtils.join(cmd, ",") : cmd.get(0); logger.debug("Starting application. cmdLine: " + cmdLine); /* * Watchdog that will be used to destroy the process on a timeout */ TaskScheduler watchdog = new TaskScheduler(ProcessRunner.class.getCanonicalName() + "#" + cmdLine); try { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); Process process = processBuilder.start(); if (timeout > 0) { /* * Task that will destroy the process on a timeout */ Task processWatchdogTask = new DestroyProcessTimeoutTask(process, watchdog.getName()); watchdog.addTask(processWatchdogTask, timeout); /* * Task that will interrupt the current thread on a timeout */ Task threadInterruptTimeoutTask = new ThreadInterruptTimeoutTask(Thread.currentThread(), watchdog.getName()); watchdog.addTask(threadInterruptTimeoutTask, timeout); } Thread inputThread = null; Thread outputThread = null; Thread errorThread = null; if (input != null) { inputThread = new StreamCopier(input, process.getOutputStream(), "input", false, true); inputThread.start(); } if (output != null) { outputThread = new StreamCopier(process.getInputStream(), output, "output", true, false); outputThread.start(); } if (error != null) { errorThread = new StreamCopier(process.getErrorStream(), error, "error", true, false); errorThread.start(); } try { exitCode = process.waitFor(); /* * We need to wait for the threads to finish because otherwise there is * a chance we will start using the output before all the output has been * written/read. */ if (inputThread != null) { inputThread.join(); } if (outputThread != null) { outputThread.join(); } if (errorThread != null) { errorThread.join(); } /* * We MUST close the standard streams otherwise some "FIFO pipes" won't be closed until * the garbage collector is run. If there are too many open "FIFO pipes", the following * exception might occur: * * error=24, Too many open files * * Closing the standard streams makes sure that the pipes are closed. * * Note: The Javadoc for Process does not mention that you should close the standard streams * even if not used. Perhaps they rely on the GC? * * Note2: The number of FIFI pipes can be counted with: * * lsof | grep java | grep pipe | wc -l */ IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getInputStream()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getOutputStream()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getErrorStream()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Error running [" + cmdLine + "]", e); } if (exitCode != successExitCode) { throw new ProcessException("Error running [" + cmdLine + "]. exit value: " + exitCode, exitCode); } } finally { logger.debug("Application finished. cmdLine: " + cmdLine); /* * Need to cancel any pending watchdog tasks */ watchdog.cancel(); } return exitCode; }
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@BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true) @Parameters({ "resetSwitch" }) //Run ansible reset switch script public void resetSwitchAnsible(@Optional("1") String resetSwitch) throws Exception { if (Integer.parseInt(resetSwitch) == 1) { String out1;/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s . co m*/ StringBuffer output = null; String[] command = { "src/test/resources/resetSwitch.expect" }; ProcessBuilder probuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command); //You can set up your work directory File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); Process process = probuilder.start(); //Read out dir output InputStream is = process.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; System.out.printf("Output of running %s is:\n", Arrays.toString(command)); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } //Wait to get exit value try { int exitValue = process.waitFor(); System.out.println("\n\nExit Value is " + exitValue); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return; }
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private String getConnectorClasspath(Connector connector) throws IOException, InterruptedException { byte[] pom = new byte[0]; // TODO: Fix generation to use an Action projectGenerator.generatePom(connector); java.nio.file.Path tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("syndesis-connector"); try {/* w w w .j av a 2 s. c om*/ Files.write(tmpDir.resolve("pom.xml"), pom); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("mvn"); args.add("org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.0:build-classpath"); if (localMavenRepoLocation != null) { args.add("-Dmaven.repo.local=" + localMavenRepoLocation); } ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder().command(args) .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT).directory(tmpDir.toFile()); Map<String, String> environment = builder.environment(); environment.put("MAVEN_OPTS", "-Xmx64M"); Process mvn = builder.start(); try { String result = parseClasspath(mvn.getInputStream()); if (mvn.waitFor() != 0) { throw new IOException( "Could not get the connector classpath, mvn exit value: " + mvn.exitValue()); } return result; } finally { mvn.getInputStream().close(); mvn.getOutputStream().close(); } } finally { FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(tmpDir.toFile()); } }
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/** * Execute an arbitrary command, forwarding the process stdout to the Log info level * and the process stderr to the Java error level. * * @param command Command to execute// w w w . j a v a 2s .co m * @param workingDirectory Working directory * @throws IOException IO problem executing command */ private int runCommand(List<String> command, String workingDirectory) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(workingDirectory)); Process composerProcess = processBuilder.start(); // Link Maven stdout/stderr with process pipe(composerProcess.getInputStream(), System.out); pipe(composerProcess.getErrorStream(), System.err); while (true) { try { composerProcess.waitFor(); break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Do nothing, re-run loop } } return composerProcess.exitValue(); }
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@Override public void exportSchema(ExportParams params) throws MojoExecutionException { BufferedInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null;/*from w ww .j ava 2s .c o m*/ try { File dumpFile = params.getDumpFile(); String user = params.getUser(); String password = params.getPassword(); String schema = params.getSchema(); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("mysqldump", schema, "-u", user, "--password=" + password, "--default-character-set=utf8", "--hex-blob", "-R"); Process process = pb.start(); in = new BufferedInputStream(process.getInputStream()); out = FileOutputStreamUtil.create(dumpFile); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; while (true) { int res =; if (res <= 0) break; out.write(buf, 0, res); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("mysqldump", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out); } }
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/** * Execute this process, blocking until it has completed. *//*from w w w .j ava 2s. c om*/ public void run() throws IOException { if (this.isStarted() || this.isComplete()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The process can only be used once."); } ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); File(workingDir)); builder.environment().putAll(env); builder.redirectErrorStream(true); this.process = builder.start(); try { this.processId = processId(process); if (processId == 0) { logger.debug("Spawned thread with unknown process id"); } else { logger.debug("Spawned thread with process id " + processId); } this.startupLatch.countDown(); LogGobbler outputGobbler = new LogGobbler(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()), logger, Level.INFO, 30); LogGobbler errorGobbler = new LogGobbler(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()), logger, Level.ERROR, 30); outputGobbler.start(); errorGobbler.start(); int exitCode = -1; try { exitCode = process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Process interrupted. Exit code is " + exitCode, e); } completeLatch.countDown(); // try to wait for everything to get logged out before exiting outputGobbler.awaitCompletion(5000); errorGobbler.awaitCompletion(5000); if (exitCode != 0) { String output = new StringBuilder().append("Stdout:\n").append(outputGobbler.getRecentLog()) .append("\n\n").append("Stderr:\n").append(errorGobbler.getRecentLog()).append("\n") .toString(); throw new ProcessFailureException(exitCode, output); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getInputStream()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getOutputStream()); IOUtils.closeQuietly(process.getErrorStream()); } }
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private Process launchJAR(URL jarURL, URI activityURI) { final String JAR_PATH = "jars/"; String jarName = JAR_PATH + "/" + jarURL.getPath().substring(1).replace("/", "-"); File jarFile = new File(jarName); File tmpFile = new File(jarName + ".tmp"); if (!jarFile.exists() && !tmpFile.exists()) { try {/*ww w . j a v a2s.c om*/ FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); InputStream in = jarURL.openStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[4 * 1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { out.write(buf, 0, bytesRead); } in.close(); out.close(); boolean res = tmpFile.renameTo(jarFile); if (!res) { throw new Exception("Could not rename file."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } if (!jarFile.exists()) { System.out.println("Failed to get JAR file " + jarFile.getName()); return null; } // Launch the new JVM try { List<String> command = new ArrayList<String>(); command.add("java"); command.add("-jar"); command.add(jarFile.getAbsolutePath()); command.add(activityURI.toString()); System.out.println("Executing: " + command.toString()); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(command);; pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process p = pb.start(); // TODO: make sure it worked return p; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("failed to launch JAR."); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
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public void runJythonScriptOnInstall(File outputDirectory, List<String> args) throws MojoExecutionException { getLog().info("running " + args + " in " + outputDirectory); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);;/*from w ww . ja v a2 s .c om*/ final Process p; try { p = pb.start(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Executing jython failed. tried to run: " + pb.command(), e); } copyIO(p.getInputStream(), System.out); copyIO(p.getErrorStream(), System.err); copyIO(, p.getOutputStream()); try { if (p.waitFor() != 0) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Jython failed with return code: " + p.exitValue()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Python tests were interrupted", e); } }