List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder redirectError
public ProcessBuilder redirectError(File file)
From source
static ProcessBuilder buildProcess(String javaCmd, String etlJobName, long whEtlExecId, String cmdParam, Properties etlJobProperties) { String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String outDir = etlJobProperties.getProperty(Constant.WH_APP_FOLDER_KEY, WH_APPLICATION_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY); String configFile = outDir + "/" + whEtlExecId + ".properties"; String[] cmdParams = isNotBlank(cmdParam) ? cmdParam.trim().split(" ") : new String[0]; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(new ImmutableList.Builder<String>().add(javaCmd) .addAll(Arrays.asList(cmdParams)).add("-cp").add(classPath).add("-Dconfig=" + configFile) .add("-DCONTEXT=" + etlJobName).add("-Dlogback.configurationFile=etl_logback.xml") .add("-DLOG_DIR=" + outDir).add(Launcher.class.getCanonicalName()).build()); pb.redirectOutput( File(outDir + "/stdout"))); pb.redirectError( File(outDir + "/stderr"))); return pb;//from w w w. j av a 2 s. co m }
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private static List<String> system(ProcessBuilder.Redirect errorRedirector, ProcessBuilder.Redirect outputRedirector, String... command) { try {/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); builder.redirectError(errorRedirector); builder.redirectOutput(outputRedirector); final Process process = builder.start(); Verify.verify(0 == process.waitFor(), "Process %s failed\n%s", Arrays.asList(command), IOUtils.toString(process.getErrorStream())); try (InputStream stream = process.getInputStream()) { return IOUtils.readLines(stream); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } }
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/** * Call Rtrace to run the simulation/*from w w w.j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * @param config Radiance Configuration * @param WorkDir The working directory where the input files are stored and the output files to be generated * @param args * @param model * @param in * @param out * @param err * @param process * @return the result code represents the state of execution steps. >=0 means successful */ public static int runRtrace(RadianceConfig config, String WorkDir, String args, String model, String in, String out, String err, ProcessWrapper process) { int ExitValue = -99; try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedRadianceBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("rtrace"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); String[] arglist = args.split("\\s+"); command.addAll(Arrays.asList(arglist)); command.add(model); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedRadianceLibDir()); builder.redirectError(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err)); builder.redirectOutput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out)); builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); Process proc = builder.start(); if (process != null) { process.setWrappedProc(proc); } ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing Rtrace", ex); } // Return Radiance exit value return ExitValue; }
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/** * Call a sequence of DaySim programs to run the simulation * @param config Radiance Configuration//from ww w .j a v a 2 s. com * @param WorkDir The working directory where the input files are stored and the output files to be generated * @param model * @param in * @param out * @param err * @param process * @return the result code represents the state of execution steps. >=0 means successful */ public static int runDaySim(RadianceConfig config, String WorkDir, String model, String in, String out, String err, ProcessWrapper process) { int ExitValue = -99; // Manipulate header file HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); // props.put("project_name", ""); props.put("project_directory", "./"); props.put("bin_directory", config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); props.put("tmp_directory", "./"); props.put("Template_File", config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir() + "../template/DefaultTemplate.htm"); props.put("sensor_file", in); try { FileUtils.moveFile(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + model), new File(WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori")); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Error renaming header file to " + WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori", ex); } DaySimModel.updateHeaderFile(WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori", WorkDir + File.separator + model, props); // Run gen_dc command try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("gen_dc"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); command.add(model); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedDaySimLibDir()); builder.redirectError(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err)); builder.redirectOutput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out)); if (in != null) { builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); } Process proc = builder.start(); if (process != null) { process.setWrappedProc(proc); } ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing gen_dc", ex); } // Run ds_illum command try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("ds_illum"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); command.add(model); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedDaySimLibDir()); builder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err))); builder.redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out))); if (in != null) { builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); } Process proc = builder.start(); if (process != null) { process.setWrappedProc(proc); } ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing ds_illum", ex); } // Run ds_el_lighting command try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("ds_el_lighting"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); command.add(model); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedDaySimLibDir()); builder.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err))); builder.redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out))); if (in != null) { builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); } Process proc = builder.start(); ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing ds_el_lighting", ex); } // Return Radiance exit value return ExitValue; }
From source
/** * Call Rpict to run the simulation//from w w w . j av a2 s . co m * @param config Radiance Configuration * @param WorkDir The working directory where the input files are stored and the output files to be generated * @param args * @param model * @param in * @param out * @param err * @param png Switch for converting scene to jpg or not * @param process * @return the result code represents the state of execution steps. >=0 means successful */ public static int runRpict(RadianceConfig config, String WorkDir, String args, String model, String in, String out, String err, boolean png, ProcessWrapper process) { int ExitValue = -99; // Call rpict StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedRadianceBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("rpict"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); String[] arglist = args.split("\\s+"); command.addAll(Arrays.asList(arglist)); command.add(model); try { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedRadianceLibDir()); builder.redirectError(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err)); builder.redirectOutput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out)); if (in != null) { builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); } Process proc = builder.start(); if (process != null) { process.setWrappedProc(proc); } ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing Rpict", ex); } if (png) { // Sweep everything with the same extension as out. This is for handling // -o option in rpict String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(out); File[] files = new File(WorkDir).listFiles((FileFilter) new WildcardFileFilter("*." + ext)); for (File file : files) { String outname = file.getName(); // Filter scene try { buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedRadianceBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("pfilt"); command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); // String [] arglist = "-1 -e -3".split("\\s+"); // command.addAll(Arrays.asList(arglist)); command.add(outname); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedRadianceLibDir()); builder.redirectError(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err)); builder.redirectOutput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + outname + ".flt")); Process proc = builder.start(); ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing pfilt", ex); } // Convert to bmp try { buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedRadianceBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("ra_bmp"); command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); //String [] arglist = "-g 1.0".split("\\s+"); //command.addAll(Arrays.asList(arglist)); command.add(outname + ".flt"); command.add(outname + ".bmp"); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedRadianceLibDir()); builder.redirectError( ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err))); Process proc = builder.start(); ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing ra_bmp", ex); } // Convert to png BufferedImage input_image = null; try { input_image = File(WorkDir + File.separator + outname + ".bmp")); //read bmp into input_image object File outputfile = new File(WorkDir + File.separator + outname + ".png"); //create new outputfile object ImageIO.write(input_image, "png", outputfile); //write PNG output to file } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error converting bmp to png.", ex); } // Remove flt and bmp new File(WorkDir + File.separator + outname + ".flt").delete(); new File(WorkDir + File.separator + outname + ".bmp").delete(); } } // Return Radiance exit value return ExitValue; }
From source
public static int execCommand(String command, Map envs, boolean shellCmd) { ProcessBuilder pb; if (shellCmd) { pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sh", "-c", command); } else {/* w w w . j av a 2 s . c om*/ pb = new ProcessBuilder(command.split(" ")); } Map<String, String> pEnv = pb.environment(); pEnv.putAll(envs);"Executing: " + command); int exitCode = -1; Process p = null; File tempOut = null; File tempErr = null; try { tempOut = File.createTempFile("wwdExec", ".out"); tempErr = File.createTempFile("wwdExec", ".err"); pb.redirectOutput(tempOut); pb.redirectError(tempErr); p = pb.start(); exitCode = p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (tempOut != null && tempErr != null) { try { FileInputStream(tempOut))); logger.error(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(tempErr))); tempOut.delete(); tempErr.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to get output from log files"); } } if (p != null) { p.destroy(); exitCode = p.exitValue(); } } logger.trace("Exit code: " + exitCode); return exitCode; }
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public static Map<String, String> execCapture(String command, Map envs, boolean shellCmd) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap(); ProcessBuilder pb; if (shellCmd) { pb = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sh", "-c", command); } else {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ pb = new ProcessBuilder(command.split(" ")); } Map<String, String> pEnv = pb.environment(); if (envs != null) { pEnv.putAll(envs); }"Executing: " + command); int exitCode = -1; Process p = null; File tempOut = null; File tempErr = null; try { tempOut = File.createTempFile("wwdExec", ".out"); tempErr = File.createTempFile("wwdExec", ".err"); pb.redirectOutput(tempOut); pb.redirectError(tempErr); p = pb.start(); exitCode = p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (tempOut != null && tempErr != null) { try { result.put("stdout", StringUtils.chomp(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(tempOut)))); result.put("stderr", StringUtils.chomp(IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream(tempErr)))); tempOut.delete(); tempErr.delete();"stdout")); logger.error(result.get("stderr")); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to get output from log files"); } } if (p != null) { p.destroy(); exitCode = p.exitValue(); } } result.put("exitCode", Integer.toString(exitCode)); return result; }
From source
/** * Call DaySim gen_dc to run the simulation * @param config Radiance Configuration/*from ww w. j a v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param WorkDir The working directory where the input files are stored and the output files to be generated * @param model * @param in * @param out * @param err * @param process * @return the result code represents the state of execution steps. >=0 means successful */ public static int runGen_DC(RadianceConfig config, String WorkDir, String model, String in, String out, String err, ProcessWrapper process) { int ExitValue = -99; // Manipulate header file HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<>(); // props.put("project_name", ""); props.put("project_directory", "./"); props.put("bin_directory", config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); props.put("tmp_directory", "./"); props.put("Template_File", config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir() + "../template/"); props.put("sensor_file", in); try { FileUtils.moveFile(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + model), new File(WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori")); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("Error renaming header file to " + WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori", ex); } DaySimModel.updateHeaderFile(WorkDir + File.separator + model + ".ori", WorkDir + File.separator + model, props); // Run command try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(config.getResolvedDaySimBinDir()); buf.append(File.separator).append("gen_dc"); List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(buf.toString()); command.add(model); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); File(WorkDir)); builder.environment().put("RAYPATH", "." + File.pathSeparator + config.getResolvedDaySimLibDir()); builder.redirectOutput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + out)); if (err == null || out.equals(err)) { builder.redirectErrorStream(true); } else { builder.redirectError(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + err)); } if (in != null) { builder.redirectInput(new File(WorkDir + File.separator + in)); } Process proc = builder.start(); if (process != null) { process.setWrappedProc(proc); } ExitValue = proc.waitFor(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Error occoured when executing DaySim gen_dc", ex); } // Return Radiance exit value return ExitValue; }
From source
@Async public Future<Void> runAlgorithmFromQueue(JobQueueInfo jobQueueInfo) { Long queueId = jobQueueInfo.getId(); String fileName = jobQueueInfo.getFileName() + ".txt"; String jsonFileName = jobQueueInfo.getFileName() + ".json"; String commands = jobQueueInfo.getCommands(); String tmpDirectory = jobQueueInfo.getTmpDirectory(); String outputDirectory = jobQueueInfo.getOutputDirectory(); List<String> cmdList = new LinkedList<>(); cmdList.addAll(Arrays.asList(commands.split(";"))); cmdList.add("--out"); cmdList.add(tmpDirectory);// w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); cmdList.forEach(cmd -> { sb.append(cmd); sb.append(" "); });"Algorithm command: " + sb.toString()); String errorFileName = String.format("error_%s", fileName); Path error = Paths.get(tmpDirectory, errorFileName); Path errorDest = Paths.get(outputDirectory, errorFileName); Path src = Paths.get(tmpDirectory, fileName); Path dest = Paths.get(outputDirectory, fileName); Path json = Paths.get(tmpDirectory, jsonFileName); Path jsonDest = Paths.get(outputDirectory, jsonFileName); try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdList); pb.redirectError(error.toFile()); Process process = pb.start(); //Get process Id Long pid = Processes.processId(process); JobQueueInfo queuedJobInfo = jobQueueInfoService.findOne(queueId);"Set Job's pid to be: " + pid); queuedJobInfo.setPid(pid); jobQueueInfoService.saveJobIntoQueue(queuedJobInfo); process.waitFor(); if (process.exitValue() == 0) {"Moving txt file %s to %s", src, dest)); Files.move(src, dest, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);"Moving json file %s to %s", json, dest)); Files.move(json, jsonDest, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.deleteIfExists(error); } else {"Deleting tmp txt file %s", src)); Files.deleteIfExists(src);"Moving error file %s to %s", error, errorDest)); Files.move(error, errorDest, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } catch (IOException | InterruptedException exception) { LOGGER.error("Algorithm did not run successfully.", exception); }"Delete Job ID from queue: " + queueId); jobQueueInfoService.deleteJobById(queueId); return new AsyncResult<>(null); }
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private void initPythonProcess() throws NoSuchKernelException { //cleanup communication resources if already in use exit();//from w ww .j a v a 2s.c o m port = findFreePort(); pythonPort = findFreePort(); try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(getPy4jCommand()); pb.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT); pythonProcess = pb.start(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pythonProcess.getInputStream())); while (!PY4J_INIT_MESSAGE.equals(br.readLine()) && pythonProcess.isAlive()) { //wait for python process to initialize properly } if (!pythonProcess.isAlive() && pythonProcess.exitValue() == NO_SUCH_KERNEL_CODE) { throw new NoSuchKernelException(kernelName); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }