List of usage examples for java.lang NumberFormatException getMessage
public String getMessage()
From source
/** * This method instantiates the parameters needed for the submission of a * Opal job without metadata/* w ww.j a v a 2s. c o m*/ */ private void _createSimpleSubmission(AppMetadata app) throws IllegalActionException { _emptyParamtersArray(); // TODO delete this _interfaceParameters is useless"Creating simple submission form. For service URL: " + app.getURL()); try { (new StringParameter(this, "commandLine")).setContainer(this); (new StringParameter(this, "cpuNumber")).setContainer(this); // let's try to get the number of files int numFiles; try { numFiles = Integer.parseInt(numberFiles.stringValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalActionException(this, "The numberFiles parameter is not a valid integer, please correct the value"); } _updateUploadFileNumber(numFiles); } catch (NameDuplicationException e) { log.error("The parameter could not be instantiated. Error message: " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
private void addReservedCostOptions(String schemeName, String pricingSchemeURL, CloudProvider cloudProvider, Map<String, CloudOfferedService> units, Map<String, List<ElasticityCapability.Dependency>> costDependencies) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException { {/* ww w. j a v a2 s. co m*/ URL url = new URL(pricingSchemeURL); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream())); String json = ""; String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { json += line; } //remove newline json = json.replace("\\n", ""); json = json.replace(" ", ""); //for some URLs, the JSON is not json, it does not contain {"name, instead is {name if (!json.contains("{\"")) { json = json.replace("{", "{\""); json = json.replace(":", "\":"); json = json.replace(",", ",\""); //fix overreplace from above json = json.replace("\"{", "{"); json = json.replace("\"\"", "\""); } //remove "callback" json = json.substring(json.indexOf("{"), json.lastIndexOf("}") + 1); // System.out.println(json); // System.exit(1); JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(json); //get regions JSONArray regions = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) obj.get("config")).get("regions"); for (int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++) { JSONObject region = (JSONObject) regions.get(i); if (region.get("region").toString().equals("us-east")) { //types separate GeneralPurpose, and ComputeOptimized, etc JSONArray instanceTypes = (JSONArray) region.get("instanceTypes"); for (int instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < instanceTypes.size(); instanceIndex++) { JSONObject instance = (JSONObject) instanceTypes.get(instanceIndex); //sizes separate m1.small, etc // sizes:[{valueColumns:[{name:"yrTerm1",prices:{USD:"110"}},{name:"yrTerm1Hourly",rate:"perhr",prices:{USD:"0.064"}},{name:"yrTerm3",prices:{USD:"172"}},{name:"yrTerm3Hourly",rate:"perhr",prices:{USD:"0.05"}}],size:"m3.medium" JSONArray sizes = (JSONArray) instance.get("sizes"); for (int sizeIndex = 0; sizeIndex < sizes.size(); sizeIndex++) { JSONObject size = (JSONObject) sizes.get(sizeIndex); String sizeName = size.get("size").toString(); if (units.containsKey(sizeName)) { CostFunction _1YearReservedCost = new CostFunction( "1Year" + schemeName + "Cost_" + sizeName); CostFunction _3YearReservedCost = new CostFunction( "3Year" + schemeName + "Cost_" + sizeName); List<ElasticityCapability.Dependency> costElasticityTargets = null; if (costDependencies.containsKey(sizeName)) { costElasticityTargets = costDependencies.get(sizeName); } else { costElasticityTargets = new ArrayList<>(); costDependencies.put(sizeName, costElasticityTargets); } costElasticityTargets.add(new ElasticityCapability.Dependency(_1YearReservedCost, ElasticityCapability.Type.OPTIONAL_ASSOCIATION) .withVolatility(new Volatility(365 * 24, 1))); //365 days in 1 year, times 24 hours costElasticityTargets.add(new ElasticityCapability.Dependency(_3YearReservedCost, ElasticityCapability.Type.OPTIONAL_ASSOCIATION) .withVolatility(new Volatility(3 * 365 * 24, 1))); //365 days in 1 year, times 24 hours // ServiceUnit unit = units.get(sizeName); JSONArray prices = (JSONArray) size.get("valueColumns"); for (int priceIndex = 0; priceIndex < prices.size(); priceIndex++) { JSONObject price = (JSONObject) prices.get(priceIndex); String priceName = price.get("name").toString(); // ServiceUnit _1YearReservationScheme = new ServiceUnit("Management", "ReservationScheme", "1YearLightUtilization"); // cloudProvider.addCloudOfferedService(_1YearReservationScheme); // // Resource r = new Resource("ReservationPeriod"); // r.addProperty(new Metric("Reservation", "duration"), new MetricValue("1 year")); String priceValue = ((JSONObject) price.get("prices")).get("USD").toString(); try { Double convertedPriceValue = Double.parseDouble(priceValue); switch (priceName) { case "yrTerm1": { CostElement upfrontCost = new CostElement("UpfrontCost", new Metric("OneTimePay", "value", Metric.MetricType.COST), CostElement.Type.PERIODIC); upfrontCost.addBillingInterval(new MetricValue(1), convertedPriceValue); _1YearReservedCost.addCostElement(upfrontCost); } break; case "yrTerm1Hourly": { CostElement hourlyCost = new CostElement("vmCost", new Metric("instance", "#", Metric.MetricType.COST), CostElement.Type.PERIODIC) .withBillingCycle(CostElement.BillingCycle.HOUR); hourlyCost.addBillingInterval(new MetricValue(1), convertedPriceValue); _1YearReservedCost.addCostElement(hourlyCost); } break; case "yrTerm3": { CostElement upfrontCost = new CostElement("UpfrontCost", new Metric("OneTimePay", "value", Metric.MetricType.COST), CostElement.Type.PERIODIC); upfrontCost.addBillingInterval(new MetricValue(1), convertedPriceValue); _3YearReservedCost.addCostElement(upfrontCost); } break; case "yrTerm3Hourly": { CostElement hourlyCost = new CostElement("vmCost", new Metric("instance", "#", Metric.MetricType.COST), CostElement.Type.PERIODIC) .withBillingCycle(CostElement.BillingCycle.HOUR); hourlyCost.addBillingInterval(new MetricValue(1), convertedPriceValue); _3YearReservedCost.addCostElement(hourlyCost); } break; } } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException exception) { log.error(exception.getMessage(), exception); } } } } } } } } }
From source
/** * Process the RACP Membership search parameters. * * @param request the request/*from ww w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ * * @return the membership bean[] */ private MembershipBean[] processRACPMembership(final HttpServletRequest request) { MembershipBean criteria = membershipDAO.getInstance("RACP", ""); MembershipBean constraints = membershipDAO.getInstance("RACP", ""); String strCandidateA = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("candidateNumberA")); String strCandidateB = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("candidateNumberB")); String strDivision = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("division")); String strMemberClass = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("membershipClass")); String strMemberType = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("membershipType")); String strStatus = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("status")); String strTrainingType = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("trainingType")); String strSupervisorStatus = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("supervisorStatus")); String strFinancialExcemption = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("financialExcemption")); String strRegionRepresentative = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("regionRepresentative")); String strJoinedDateA = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("joinedDateA")); String strJoinedDateB = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("joinedDateB")); String strLeftDateA = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("leftDateA")); String strLeftDateB = DataFilter.getHtml(request.getParameter("leftDateB")); /* Add Candidate Number to criteria if successfully parsed to int */ try { int criteriaCN = Integer.parseInt(strCandidateA); criteria.setField("Candidate Number", new Integer(criteriaCN)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { dataLogger.debug("Error parsing Candidate Number A: " + nfe.getMessage()); } if (strCandidateB != null) { int constraintCN = 0; try { constraintCN = Integer.parseInt(strCandidateB); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { dataLogger.debug("Error parsing Candidate Number B: " + nfe.getMessage()); } if (strCandidateB.compareTo("+") == 0) { constraintCN = MAX_ID; } if (strCandidateB.compareTo("-") == 0) { constraintCN = -1; } constraints.setField("Candidate Number", new Integer(constraintCN)); } if (strSupervisorStatus != null) { if (strSupervisorStatus.compareTo("Null") != 0) { criteria.setField("Supervisor Status", strSupervisorStatus); } } if (strDivision != null) { if (strDivision.compareTo("Null") != 0) { ObjectTypeBean object = new ObjectTypeBean(); object.setClassName(strDivision); object.setName(""); criteria.setField("Division", object); } } ObjectTypeBean membership = new ObjectTypeBean(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strMemberClass) && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(strMemberClass, "Null")) { membership.setClassName(strMemberClass); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strMemberType) && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(strMemberType, "Any")) { membership.setName(strMemberType); } criteria.setField("Membership Type", membership); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strStatus)) { if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(strStatus, "Null")) { ObjectTypeBean object = new ObjectTypeBean(); object.setClassName(strStatus); criteria.setField("Status", object); } } if (strTrainingType != null) { if (strTrainingType.compareTo("") != 0 && strTrainingType.compareTo("Null") != 0) { ObjectTypeBean object = new ObjectTypeBean(); object.setClassName(strTrainingType); criteria.setField("Training Type", object); } } if (this.getFunctionality().isEnabled("Region Representatives") && StringUtils.isNotBlank(strRegionRepresentative) && !StringUtils.equals(strRegionRepresentative, "Null")) { final ObjectTypeBean object = new ObjectTypeBean(); object.setClassName(strRegionRepresentative); criteria.setField("Region Representative", object); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(strFinancialExcemption, "Yes")) { criteria.setField("Financial Excemption", "Yes"); } if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(strFinancialExcemption, "No")) { criteria.setField("Financial Excemption", "No"); } if (strJoinedDateA != null) { if (strJoinedDateA.compareTo("") != 0) { criteria.setJoinedDate(DataFilter.parseDate(strJoinedDateA, false)); } } if (strJoinedDateB != null) { if (strJoinedDateB.compareTo("") != 0) { constraints.setJoinedDate(DataFilter.parseDate(strJoinedDateB, false)); if (strJoinedDateB.compareTo("+") == 0) { // All dates above Date A requested constraints.setJoinedDate(getMaximumDate()); } if (strJoinedDateB.compareTo("-") == 0) { // Add dates below Date A requested constraints.setJoinedDate(getMinimumDate()); } } } if (strLeftDateA != null) { if (strLeftDateA.compareTo("") != 0) { criteria.setLeftDate(DataFilter.parseDate(strLeftDateA, false)); } } if (strLeftDateB != null) { if (strLeftDateB.compareTo("") != 0) { constraints.setLeftDate(DataFilter.parseDate(strLeftDateB, false)); if (strLeftDateB.compareTo("+") == 0) { // All dates above Date A requested constraints.setLeftDate(getMaximumDate()); } if (strLeftDateB.compareTo("-") == 0) { // Add dates below Date A requested constraints.setLeftDate(getMinimumDate()); } } } return new MembershipBean[] { criteria, constraints }; }
From source
public static boolean postComment(int datasetId, Map<String, String[]> commentMap, String user) { boolean result = false; if ((commentMap == null) || commentMap.size() == 0) { return false; }/* w ww. j a v a 2s. co m*/ String text = ""; if (commentMap.containsKey("text")) { String[] textArray = commentMap.get("text"); if (textArray != null && textArray.length > 0) { text = textArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) { return false; } String type = "Comment"; if (commentMap.containsKey("type")) { String[] typeArray = commentMap.get("type"); if (typeArray != null && typeArray.length > 0) { type = typeArray[0]; } } Integer commentId = 0; if (commentMap.containsKey("id")) { String[] idArray = commentMap.get("id"); if (idArray != null && idArray.length > 0) { String idStr = idArray[0]; try { commentId = Integer.parseInt(idStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error("DatasetDAO postComment wrong id parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); commentId = 0; } } } Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); if (userId != null && userId != 0) { if (commentId != null && commentId != 0) { int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UPDATE_DATASET_COMMENT, text, type, commentId); if (row > 0) { result = true; } } else { int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(CREATE_DATASET_COMMENT, text, userId, datasetId, type); if (row > 0) { result = true; } } } return result; }
From source
public static String watchURN(Map<String, String[]> params, String user) { String message = "Internal error"; if (params == null || params.size() == 0) { return "Empty post body"; }// w ww .ja va2 s . c o m String urn = ""; if (params.containsKey("urn")) { String[] urnArray = params.get("urn"); if (urnArray != null && urnArray.length > 0) { urn = urnArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(urn)) { return "urn parameter is missing"; } String notificationType = ""; if (params.containsKey("notification_type")) { String[] notificationTypeArray = params.get("notification_type"); if (notificationTypeArray != null && notificationTypeArray.length > 0) { notificationType = notificationTypeArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(notificationType)) { return "notification_type is missing"; } Long watchId = 0L; if (params.containsKey("id")) { String[] watchIdArray = params.get("id"); if (watchIdArray != null && watchIdArray.length > 0) { try { watchId = Long.parseLong(watchIdArray[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error("DatasetDAO watchURN wrong watch_id parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); watchId = 0L; } } } Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); if (userId != null && userId != 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null; rows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_WATCHED_URN_ID, userId, urn); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { message = "watch item is already exist"; } else { int row = 0; if (watchId > 0) { row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UPDATE_URN_WATCH, userId, urn, notificationType, watchId); } else { row = getJdbcTemplate().update(WATCH_URN, userId, urn, notificationType); } if (row > 0) { message = ""; } } } else { message = "User not found"; } return message; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private Object getClassObject(String string, String klassString) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException { if (klassString == null || klassString.isEmpty()) return string; else {/*from www . j av a2 s .c om*/ Object o = null; Class klass = ClassPathLoader.getLatest().forName(klassString); if (klass.equals(String.class)) return string; if (JsonUtil.isPrimitiveOrWrapper(klass)) { try { if (klass.equals(Byte.class)) { o = Byte.parseByte(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Short.class)) { o = Short.parseShort(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Integer.class)) { o = Integer.parseInt(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Long.class)) { o = Long.parseLong(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Double.class)) { o = Double.parseDouble(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Boolean.class)) { o = Boolean.parseBoolean(string); return o; } else if (klass.equals(Float.class)) { o = Float.parseFloat(string); return o; } return o; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Failed to convert input key to " + klassString + " Msg : " + e.getMessage()); } } try { o = getObjectFromJson(string, klass); return o; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw e; } } }
From source
public static String watchDataset(int datasetId, Map<String, String[]> params, String user) { String message = "Internal error"; if (params == null || params.size() == 0) { return "Empty post body"; }//from ww w . j a v a 2s . com String notificationType = ""; if (params.containsKey("notification_type")) { String[] notificationTypeArray = params.get("notification_type"); if (notificationTypeArray != null && notificationTypeArray.length > 0) { notificationType = notificationTypeArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(notificationType)) { return "notification_type is missing"; } Long watchId = 0L; if (params.containsKey("id")) { String[] watchIdArray = params.get("id"); if (watchIdArray != null && watchIdArray.length > 0) { try { watchId = Long.parseLong(watchIdArray[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error( "DatasetDAO watchDataset wrong watch_id parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); watchId = 0L; } } } Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); if (userId != null && userId != 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null; rows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_WATCHED_DATASET_ID, userId, datasetId); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { message = "watch item already exist"; } else { int row = 0; if (watchId > 0) { row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UPDATE_DATASET_WATCH, userId, datasetId, notificationType, watchId); } else { row = getJdbcTemplate().update(WATCH_DATASET, userId, datasetId, notificationType); } if (row > 0) { message = ""; } } } else { message = "User not found"; } return message; }
From source
protected boolean onPostSave(SaveHandler saveControl) { Content role = this.getStorageNode(); // for each repository Iterator repositoryNames = ContentRepository.getAllRepositoryNames(); while (repositoryNames.hasNext()) { String repository = (String); // ###################### // # acl/*from w w w .jav a 2 s. c o m*/ // ###################### // remove existing try { role.delete("acl_" + repository); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (RepositoryException re) { // ignore, not existing } // rewrite try { Content acl = role.createContent("acl_" + repository, ItemType.CONTENTNODE); //$NON-NLS-1$ String aclValueStr = form.getParameter("acl" + repository + "List"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(aclValueStr)) { String[] aclEntries = aclValueStr.split(";"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < aclEntries.length; i++) { String path = StringUtils.EMPTY; long accessRight = 0; int accessType = 0; String[] aclValuePairs = aclEntries[i].split(","); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int j = 0; j < aclValuePairs.length; j++) { String[] aclValuePair = aclValuePairs[j].split(":"); //$NON-NLS-1$ String aclName = aclValuePair[0].trim(); String aclValue = StringUtils.EMPTY; if (aclValuePair.length > 1) { aclValue = aclValuePair[1].trim(); } if (aclName.equals("path")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ path = aclValue; } else if (aclName.equals("accessType")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ accessType = Integer.valueOf(aclValue).intValue(); } else if (aclName.equals("accessRight")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ try { accessRight = Long.parseLong(aclValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { accessRight = 0; } } } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path)) { if (path.equals("/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ accessType = RolesACLPage.TYPE_SUBS; //$NON-NLS-1$ path = StringUtils.EMPTY; } if ((accessType & RolesACLPage.TYPE_THIS) != 0) { try { String newLabel = Path.getUniqueLabel(hm, acl.getHandle(), "0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Content r = acl.createContent(newLabel, ItemType.CONTENTNODE); r.createNodeData("path").setValue(path); //$NON-NLS-1$ r.createNodeData("permissions").setValue(accessRight); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } if ((accessType & RolesACLPage.TYPE_SUBS) != 0) { try { String newLabel = Path.getUniqueLabel(hm, acl.getHandle(), "0"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Content r = acl.createContent(newLabel, ItemType.CONTENTNODE); r.createNodeData("path").setValue(path + "/*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ r.createNodeData("permissions").setValue(accessRight); //$NON-NLS-1$ } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } }; } catch (RepositoryException re) { log.error(re.getMessage(), re); } } return true; }
From source
public static String postColumnComment(int datasetId, int columnId, Map<String, String[]> params, String user) { String result = "Post comment failed. Please try again."; if (params == null || params.size() == 0) { return result; }/* w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ String text = ""; if (params.containsKey("text")) { String[] textArray = params.get("text"); if (textArray != null && textArray.length > 0) { text = textArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) { return "Please input valid comment."; } Long commentId = 0L; if (params.containsKey("id")) { String[] idArray = params.get("id"); if (idArray != null && idArray.length > 0) { String idStr = idArray[0]; try { commentId = Long.parseLong(idStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error( "DatasetDAO postColumnComment wrong id parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); commentId = 0L; } } } Integer userId = 0; try { userId = (Integer) getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_USER_ID, Integer.class, user); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Dataset postColumnComment get user id failed, username = " + user); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } if (userId != null && userId != 0) { if (commentId != null && commentId != 0) { int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UPDATE_COLUMN_COMMENT, text, commentId); if (row > 0) { result = ""; } } else { if (isSameColumnCommentExist(text)) { return "Same comment already exists."; } KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); final String comment = text; final int authorId = userId; getJdbcTemplate().update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement pst = con.prepareStatement(CREATE_COLUMN_COMMENT, new String[] { "id" }); pst.setString(1, comment); pst.setInt(2, authorId); pst.setString(3, comment); return pst; } }, keyHolder); commentId = (Long) keyHolder.getKey(); result = ""; } } try { getJdbcTemplate().update(CREATE_DATASET_COLUMN_COMMENT_REFERENCE, datasetId, columnId, commentId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Dataset postColumnComment insert ignore reference, datasetId = " + Integer.toString(datasetId) + " columnId = " + Integer.toString(columnId)); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } List<Map<String, Object>> defaultComment = null; try { defaultComment = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(CHECK_COLUMN_COMMENT_HAS_DEFAULT, datasetId, columnId); } catch (DataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Dataset postColumnComment - check for default, datasetId = " + Integer.toString(datasetId) + " columnId = " + Integer.toString(columnId)); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } Boolean hasDefault = false; if (defaultComment.size() > 0) { hasDefault = true; } if (hasDefault) { result = ""; } else { try { getJdbcTemplate().update(SET_COLUMN_COMMENT_DEFAULT, datasetId, columnId, commentId); result = ""; } catch (DataAccessException e) { result = "Post comment failed. Please try again."; Logger.error("Dataset postColumnComment set default comment, datasetId = " + Integer.toString(datasetId) + " columnId = " + Integer.toString(columnId)); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } } return result; }