List of usage examples for java.lang Number intValue
public abstract int intValue();
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@Override @Deprecated//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m public int queryForInt(String sql, Object... args) throws DataAccessException { Number number = queryForObject(sql, args, Integer.class); return (number != null ? number.intValue() : 0); }
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@Override @Deprecated/*from ww w. jav a 2 s .c o m*/ public int queryForInt(String sql, Object[] args, int[] argTypes) throws DataAccessException { Number number = queryForObject(sql, args, argTypes, Integer.class); return (number != null ? number.intValue() : 0); }
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/** * Test if the specified user has any of the specified MembershipTypes on * any active profile.// w ww . j av a 2s . c o m * * @param user the user. * @param timeZone the current TimeZone * @param types the types. * * @return true or false. */ public boolean hasMembership(User user, TimeZone timeZone, MembershipType... types) { final Date now = convertForPersistence(getZonedDateTimeForComparison(timeZone)); Number count = (Number) getSession().createQuery( "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT p) FROM Profile p INNER JOIN p.membershipSet m INNER JOIN m.membershipType mt\n" + " WHERE m.user = :user AND mt IN (:types)\n" + " AND (m.startDate IS NULL OR m.startDate <= :now)\n" + " AND (m.endDate IS NULL OR m.endDate >= :now)") .setParameter("user", user).setParameterList("types", types).setParameter("now", now) .setCacheRegion(ProjectCacheRegions.PROFILE_QUERY).setCacheable(true).uniqueResult(); return count.intValue() > 0; }
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@continuable protected void addPageToParent(final boolean ended) throws JRException { if (printPage == null) { return;/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s . c om*/ } FillerPageAddedEvent pageAdded = new FillerPageAddedEvent() { @Override public JasperPrint getJasperPrint() { return jasperPrint; } @Override public JRPrintPage getPage() { return printPage; } @Override public boolean hasReportEnded() { return ended; } @Override public int getPageStretchHeight() { return offsetY + bottomMargin; } @Override public int getPageIndex() { Number pageNumber = (Number) calculator.getPageNumber().getValue(); if (pageNumber == null)//this happens when whenNoDataType="BlankPage" //FIXMEBOOK maybe we should set the variable? { return 0; } return pageNumber.intValue() - 1; } @Override public JRBaseFiller getFiller() { return JRBaseFiller.this; } @Override public DelayedFillActions getDelayedActions() { return delayedActions; } }; //FIXMEBOOK use a fill listener instead of this? bandReportParent.addPage(pageAdded); }
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/** * dao?????// w ww. j a v a 2 s . c o m */ @Override public long getCountByName(String name) throws DaoException { int count = 0; try { String jpql = "SELECT count(*) FROM product where name like ?1"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(jpql).setParameter(1, "%" + name + "%"); Number result = (Number) query.getSingleResult(); count = result.intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("dao?????", e); } return count; }
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/** * ??/*from w w w.j a va 2 s . c om*/ * @author LongXianZhen 2015/05/06 */ @Override public boolean judgeProductOrgModify(Long organization) throws DaoException { try { String sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lead_product_org WHERE organization=?1 "; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql).setParameter(1, organization); Number result = (Number) query.getSingleResult(); int count = result.intValue(); return count > 0 ? true : false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("ProductDAOImpl.judgeProductOrgModify()-->> ?", e); } }
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/** * ???//from www . j av a 2s . c o m * @param organization id * @param hotWords ?? * @return * @throws DaoException */ @Override public long countByHotWord(Long organization, String hotWord) throws DaoException { try { String sql = "SELECT count(*)" + " FROM product, nutri_rpt" + " WHERE product.organization = " + organization + " AND = nutri_rpt.product_id" + " AND nutri_rpt.`name` = '" + hotWord + "'"; Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql.toString()); Number result = (Number) query.getSingleResult(); int count = result.intValue(); return count; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DaoException("?DAO-error???", e); } }
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@Test public void testConvertLinkFromIntValue() { // A int/long that is wrapped between two at (@) symbols must always // convert to a Link Number number = Random.getInt(); String value = MessageFormat.format("{0}{1}", "@", number.toString()); // must // use // number.toString() // so // comma // separators // are // not // added // to // the // output Link link = (Link) Convert.stringToJava(value); Assert.assertEquals(number.intValue(), link.intValue()); }