List of usage examples for java.lang Math toRadians
public static double toRadians(double angdeg)
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public double getAngle(double startLat, double startLng, double endLat, double endLng) throws JSONException { double longitude1 = startLng; double longitude2 = endLng; double latitude1 = Math.toRadians(startLat); double latitude2 = Math.toRadians(endLat); double longDiff = Math.toRadians(longitude2 - longitude1); double y = Math.sin(longDiff) * Math.cos(latitude2); double x = Math.cos(latitude1) * Math.sin(latitude2) - Math.sin(latitude1) * Math.cos(latitude2) * Math.cos(longDiff); return (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x)) + 360) % 360; }
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public static double euclideanDistance(double[] p1, double[] p2) { double EARTH_RADIUS = 6371; double lat1 = p1[0]; double lon1 = p1[1]; double lat2 = p2[0]; double lon2 = p2[1]; double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1); double dLng = Math.toRadians(lon2 - lon1); double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLng / 2) * Math.sin(dLng / 2); double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); double x = (lon2 - lon1) * Math.cos((lat1 + lat2) / 2); double y = (lat2 - lat1); //double dist = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y ) * EARTH_RADIUS; double dist = c * EARTH_RADIUS; return dist;/*from w ww. java 2 s . c om*/ }
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/** * Creates an ROC curve that averages together the scores for all readers in * the diagonal direction//from w w w . j av a 2s . co m * * @param treeMap Mapping of readers to points defining a curve * @return Series containing the ROC curve points */ private XYSeries generateDiagonalROC(TreeMap<String, TreeSet<XYPair>> treeMap) { XYSeries diagAvg = new XYSeries("Diagonal Average", false); TreeMap<String, TreeSet<XYPair>> rotatedData = new TreeMap<String, TreeSet<XYPair>>(); // rotate all points in data 45 degrees clockwise about origin for (String r : treeMap.keySet()) { rotatedData.put(r, new TreeSet<XYPair>()); for (XYPair point : treeMap.get(r)) { double x2 = (point.x + point.y) / Math.sqrt(2.0); double y2 = (point.y - point.x) / Math.sqrt(2.0); rotatedData.get(r).add(new XYPair(x2, y2)); } } // generate linear interpolation with new points ArrayList<InterpolatedLine> rotatedLines = new ArrayList<InterpolatedLine>(); for (String r : rotatedData.keySet()) { rotatedLines.add(new InterpolatedLine(rotatedData.get(r))); } // take vertical sample averages from x = 0 to x = 1 for (double i = 0; i <= Math.sqrt(2); i += 0.01) { double avg = 0; int counter = 0; for (InterpolatedLine line : rotatedLines) { avg += line.getYatDiag(i); counter++; } // rotate points back 45 degrees counterclockwise double x1 = i; double y1 = (avg / (double) counter); double x2 = (x1 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(45))) - (y1 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(45))); double y2 = (x1 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(45))) + (y1 * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(45))); diagAvg.add(x2, y2); } diagAvg.add(1, 1); return diagAvg; }
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/** * Laterally rotate a matrix (lateral rotation is around a (0, 1, 0) axis). * @param angle the angle of the rotation * @param m the matrix to rotate//from ww w . j a v a 2 s . c om * @return the resulting matrix */ public static float[] matrixRotateLateral(float[] m, float angle) { if (angle == 0f) return matrixIdentity(); angle = (float) Math.toRadians(angle); float cos = (float) java.lang.Math.cos(angle); float sin = (float) java.lang.Math.sin(angle); float r[] = new float[16]; r[0] = m[0] * cos + m[2] * sin; r[4] = m[4] * cos + m[6] * sin; r[8] = m[8] * cos + m[10] * sin; r[12] = m[12] * cos + m[14] * sin; r[1] = m[1]; r[5] = m[5]; r[9] = m[9]; r[13] = m[13]; r[2] = -m[0] * sin + m[2] * cos; r[6] = -m[4] * sin + m[6] * cos; r[10] = -m[8] * sin + m[10] * cos; r[14] = -m[12] * sin + m[14] * cos; r[3] = 0; r[7] = 0; r[11] = 0; r[15] = 1; return r; // return matrixMultiply(matrixRotateLateral(angle), m); }
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/** Called when the activity is first created. ***/ @Override/*from www . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.main); this.chk_usecelsius = (CheckBox) findViewById(; Button cmd_submit = (Button) findViewById(; cmd_submit.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View arg0) { try { ///////////////// Code to get weather conditions for entered place /////////////////////////////////////////////////// String cityParamString = ((EditText) findViewById(; String queryString = "" + cityParamString; queryString = queryString.replace("#", ""); /* Parsing the xml file*/ SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader(); GoogleWeatherHandler gwh = new GoogleWeatherHandler(); xr.setContentHandler(gwh); HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(queryString.replace(" ", "%20")); ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody.getBytes()); xr.parse(new InputSource(is)); Log.d("Sundroid", "parse complete"); WeatherSet ws = gwh.getWeatherSet(); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, ws.getWeatherCurrentCondition(), " " + cityParamString, ""); ///////////////// Code to get weather conditions for entered place ends /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// Code to get latitude and longitude using zipcode starts /////////////////////////////////////////////////// String latlng_querystring = "" + cityParamString.replace(" ", "%20") + "&sensor=false"; URL url_latlng = new URL(latlng_querystring); spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); sp = spf.newSAXParser(); xr = sp.getXMLReader(); xmlhandler_latlong xll = new xmlhandler_latlong(); xr.setContentHandler(xll); xr.parse(new InputSource(url_latlng.openStream())); Latitude_longitude ll = xll.getLatlng_resultset(); double selectedLat = ll.getLat_lng_pair().getLat(); double selectedLng = ll.getLat_lng_pair().getLon(); ///////////////// Code to get latitude and longitude using zipcode ends /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// Code to get miles from text box & convert to meters for passing into the api link//////////////////////// EditText edt = (EditText) findViewById(; float miles = Float.valueOf(edt.getText().toString()); float meters = (float) (miles * 1609.344); ///////////////// Code to get miles from text box & convert to meters for passing into the api link ends ///////////////// ///////////////// Code to pass lat,long and radius and get destinations from places api starts////////// ///////////////// URL queryString_1 = new URL("" + Double.toString(selectedLat) + "," + Double.toString(selectedLng) + "&radius=" + Float.toString(meters) + "&types=park|types=aquarium|types=point_of_interest|types=establishment|types=museum&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyDmP0SB1SDMkAJ1ebxowsOjpAyeyiwHKQU"); spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); sp = spf.newSAXParser(); xr = sp.getXMLReader(); xmlhandler_places xhp = new xmlhandler_places(); xr.setContentHandler(xhp); xr.parse(new InputSource(queryString_1.openStream())); int arraysize = xhp.getVicinity_List().size(); String[] place = new String[25]; String[] place_name = new String[25]; Double[] lat_pt = new Double[25]; Double[] lng_pt = new Double[25]; int i; //Getting name and vicinity tags from the xml file// for (i = 0; i < arraysize; i++) { place[i] = xhp.getVicinity_List().get(i); place_name[i] = xhp.getPlacename_List().get(i); lat_pt[i] = xhp.getLatlist().get(i); lng_pt[i] = xhp.getLonglist().get(i); System.out.println("long -" + lng_pt[i]); place[i] = place[i].replace("#", ""); } ///////////////// Code to pass lat,long and radius and get destinations from places api ends////////// ///////////////// //////////////////////while loop for getting top 5 from the array//////////////////////////////////////////////// int count = 0; int while_ctr = 0; String str_weathercondition; str_weathercondition = ""; WeatherCurrentCondition reftemp; //Places to visit if none of places in the given radius are sunny/clear/partly cloudy String[] rainy_place = { "Indoor Mall", "Watch a Movie", "Go to a Restaurant", "Shopping!" }; double theDistance = 0; String str_dist = ""; while (count < 5) { //Checking if xml vicinity value is empty while (place[while_ctr] == null || place[while_ctr].length() < 2) { while_ctr = while_ctr + 1; } //First search for places that are sunny or clear if (while_ctr < i - 1) { queryString = "" + place[while_ctr]; System.out.println("In while loop - " + queryString); theDistance = (Math.sin(Math.toRadians(selectedLat)) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lat_pt[while_ctr])) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(selectedLat)) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat_pt[while_ctr])) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(selectedLng - lng_pt[while_ctr]))); str_dist = new Double((Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(theDistance))) * 69.09).intValue() + " miles"; System.out.println(str_dist); spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); sp = spf.newSAXParser(); xr = sp.getXMLReader(); gwh = new GoogleWeatherHandler(); xr.setContentHandler(gwh); httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); httpget = new HttpGet(queryString.replace(" ", "%20")); responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody.getBytes()); xr.parse(new InputSource(is)); if (gwh.isIn_error_information()) { System.out.println("Error Info flag set"); } else { ws = gwh.getWeatherSet(); reftemp = ws.getWeatherCurrentCondition(); str_weathercondition = reftemp.getCondition(); // Check if the condition is sunny or partly cloudy if (str_weathercondition.equals("Sunny") || str_weathercondition.equals("Mostly Sunny") || str_weathercondition.equals("Clear")) { System.out.println("Sunny Loop"); // Increment the count ++count; // Disply the place on the widget if (count == 1) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr], str_dist); } else if (count == 2) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr], str_dist); } else if (count == 3) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr], str_dist); } else if (count == 4) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr], str_dist); } else if (count == 5) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr], str_dist); } else { } } } } // If Five sunny places not found then search for partly cloudy places else if (while_ctr >= i && while_ctr < i * 2) { queryString = "" + place[while_ctr - i]; queryString = queryString.replace(" ", " "); spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); sp = spf.newSAXParser(); // Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. xr = sp.getXMLReader(); gwh = new GoogleWeatherHandler(); xr.setContentHandler(gwh); // Use HTTPClient to deal with the URL httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); httpget = new HttpGet(queryString.replace(" ", "%20")); responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody.getBytes()); xr.parse(new InputSource(is)); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "parse complete"); if (gwh.isIn_error_information()) { } else { ws = gwh.getWeatherSet(); reftemp = ws.getWeatherCurrentCondition(); str_weathercondition = reftemp.getCondition(); // Check if the condition is sunny or partly cloudy if (str_weathercondition.equals("Partly Cloudy")) { count = count + 1; // Display the place if (count == 1) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr - i], str_dist); } else if (count == 2) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr - i], str_dist); } else if (count == 3) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr - i], str_dist); } else if (count == 4) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr - i], str_dist); } else if (count == 5) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, place_name[while_ctr - i], str_dist); } else { } } } } //////////////////////////////// Give suggestions for a rainy day else { queryString = "" + cityParamString; queryString = queryString.replace("#", ""); spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); sp = spf.newSAXParser(); // Get the XMLReader of the SAXParser we created. xr = sp.getXMLReader(); gwh = new GoogleWeatherHandler(); xr.setContentHandler(gwh); httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); httpget = new HttpGet(queryString.replace(" ", "%20")); // create a response handler responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(responseBody.getBytes()); xr.parse(new InputSource(is)); if (gwh.isIn_error_information()) { } else { ws = gwh.getWeatherSet(); reftemp = ws.getWeatherCurrentCondition(); str_weathercondition = reftemp.getCondition(); if (count == 0) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[0], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[2], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[3], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); } else if (count == 1) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[2], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[3], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[0], ""); } else if (count == 2) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[2], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[0], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); } else if (count == 3) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[0], ""); newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); } else if (count == 4) { newupdateWeatherInfoView(, reftemp, rainy_place[1], ""); } else { } count = 5; } count = 5; } while_ctr++; } /////////////Closing the soft keypad//////////////// InputMethodManager iMethodMgr = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService( Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); iMethodMgr.hideSoftInputFromWindow(edt.getWindowToken(), 0); } catch (Exception e) { resetWeatherInfoViews(); Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "WeatherQueryError", e); } } }); }
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float getMinProgressArc(MaterialProgressDrawable.Ring ring) { return (float) Math.toRadians(ring.getStrokeWidth() / (2 * Math.PI * ring.getCenterRadius())); }
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float getMinProgressArc(Ring ring) { return (float) Math.toRadians(ring.getStrokeWidth() / (2 * Math.PI * ring.getCenterRadius())); }
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private void createSafetyDistances(JSONArray gs, Geometry audience, Geometry ignition, Geometry safetyZone) throws TransformException { // Create safetydistances // 1. afstand tussen rand afsteekzone en safetyzone: loodrecht op publiek Point audienceCentroid = audience.getCentroid(); Point ignitionCentroid = ignition.getCentroid(); Coordinate[] coords = { audienceCentroid.getCoordinate(), ignitionCentroid.getCoordinate() }; LineString audience2ignition = gf.createLineString(coords); double dx = ignitionCentroid.getX() - audienceCentroid.getX(); double dy = ignitionCentroid.getY() - audienceCentroid.getY(); double length = audience2ignition.getLength(); double ratioX = (dx / length); double ratioY = (dy / length); double fanX = ratioX * 1000; double fanY = ratioY * 1000; Point eindLoodlijn = gf/*from w ww . ja v a2s.c o m*/ .createPoint(new Coordinate(ignitionCentroid.getX() + fanX, ignitionCentroid.getY() + fanY)); Coordinate ancorPoint = ignitionCentroid.getCoordinate(); double angleRad = Math.toRadians(90); AffineTransform affineTransform = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angleRad, ancorPoint.x, ancorPoint.y); MathTransform mathTransform = new AffineTransform2D(affineTransform); Geometry rotatedPoint = JTS.transform(eindLoodlijn, mathTransform); Coordinate[] loodLijnCoords = { ignitionCentroid.getCoordinate(), rotatedPoint.getCoordinate() }; LineString loodLijn = gf.createLineString(loodLijnCoords); Geometry cutoffLoodlijn = loodLijn.intersection(safetyZone); cutoffLoodlijn = cutoffLoodlijn.difference(ignition); gs.put(createFeature(cutoffLoodlijn, "safetyDistance", (int) cutoffLoodlijn.getLength() + " m")); // 2. afstand tussen rand afsteekzone en safetyzone: haaks op publiek Coordinate[] endContinuousLine = { ignitionCentroid.getCoordinate(), eindLoodlijn.getCoordinate() }; LineString continuousLine = gf.createLineString(endContinuousLine); Geometry cutoffContLine = continuousLine.intersection(safetyZone); cutoffContLine = cutoffContLine.difference(ignition); gs.put(createFeature(cutoffContLine, "safetyDistance", (int) cutoffContLine.getLength() + " m")); }
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public double calcBearingInDegree(final double LAT_1, final double LON_1, final double LAT_2, final double LON_2) { double lat1 = Math.toRadians(LAT_1); double lon1 = Math.toRadians(LON_1); double lat2 = Math.toRadians(LAT_2); double lon2 = Math.toRadians(LON_2); double deltaLon = lon2 - lon1; double deltaPhi = Math.log(Math.tan(lat2 * 0.5 + Math.PI * 0.25) / Math.tan(lat1 * 0.5 + Math.PI * 0.25)); if (Math.abs(deltaLon) > Math.PI) { if (deltaLon > 0) { deltaLon = -(2.0 * Math.PI - deltaLon); } else {//from ww w . j av a2 s . c o m deltaLon = (2.0 * Math.PI + deltaLon); } } double bearing = (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(deltaLon, deltaPhi)) + 360.0) % 360.0; return bearing; }
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/** * Translate latitude/longitude in WGS84, (ellipsoid GRS80) to Lambert * geographic, (ellipsoid Clark)/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ private LatLon GRS802Clark(LatLon wgs) { double lat = Math.toRadians(; // degree to radian double lon = Math.toRadians(wgs.lon()); // WGS84 geographic => WGS84 cartesian double N = Ellipsoid.GRS80.a / (Math.sqrt(1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2 * Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(lat))); double X = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon); double Y = (N/* +height */) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon); double Z = (N * (1.0 - Ellipsoid.GRS80.e2)/* + height */) * Math.sin(lat); // WGS84 => Lambert ellipsoide similarity X += 168.0; Y += 60.0; Z += -320.0; // Lambert cartesian => Lambert geographic return Geographic(X, Y, Z, Ellipsoid.clarke); }