Example usage for java.lang Math toIntExact

List of usage examples for java.lang Math toIntExact


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math toIntExact.


public static int toIntExact(long value) 

Source Link


Returns the value of the long argument; throwing an exception if the value overflows an int .


From source file:org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.sql.impl.udf.BuiltinStringFunctions.java

@UDF(funcName = "LPAD", parameterArray = { TypeName.STRING, TypeName.INT64,
        TypeName.STRING }, returnType = TypeName.STRING)
public String lpad(String originalValue, Long returnLength, String pattern) {
    if (originalValue == null || returnLength == null || pattern == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from   w  w  w .  j av a2s  . com*/

    if (returnLength < -1 || pattern.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("returnLength cannot be 0 or pattern cannot be empty.");

    if (originalValue.length() == returnLength) {
        return originalValue;
    } else if (originalValue.length() < returnLength) { // add padding to left
        return StringUtils.leftPad(originalValue, Math.toIntExact(returnLength), pattern);
    } else { // truncating string by str.substring
        // Java String can only hold a string with Integer.MAX_VALUE as longest length.
        return originalValue.substring(0, Math.toIntExact(returnLength));

From source file:org.ballerinalang.net.http.serviceendpoint.InitEndpoint.java

private ListenerConfiguration getListenerConfig(Struct endpointConfig) {
    String host = endpointConfig.getStringField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_HOST);
    long port = endpointConfig.getIntField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_PORT);
    String keepAlive = endpointConfig.getRefField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_KEEP_ALIVE).getStringValue();
    Struct sslConfig = endpointConfig.getStructField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_SECURE_SOCKET);
    String httpVersion = endpointConfig.getStringField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_VERSION);
    Struct requestLimits = endpointConfig.getStructField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_REQUEST_LIMITS);
    long idleTimeout = endpointConfig.getIntField(HttpConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_TIMEOUT);

    ListenerConfiguration listenerConfiguration = new ListenerConfiguration();

    if (host == null || host.trim().isEmpty()) {
        listenerConfiguration/*from w  w w.  j  av  a  2  s .  c  o m*/
                .setHost(configRegistry.getConfigOrDefault("b7a.http.host", HttpConstants.HTTP_DEFAULT_HOST));
    } else {

    if (port == 0) {
        throw new BallerinaConnectorException("Listener port is not defined!");


    // Set Request validation limits.
    if (requestLimits != null) {
        setRequestSizeValidationConfig(requestLimits, listenerConfiguration);

    if (idleTimeout < 0) {
        throw new BallerinaConnectorException(
                "Idle timeout cannot be negative. If you want to disable the " + "timeout please use value 0");

    // Set HTTP version
    if (httpVersion != null) {

    if (sslConfig != null) {
        return setSslConfig(sslConfig, listenerConfiguration);


    return listenerConfiguration;

From source file:org.cgiar.ccafs.marlo.action.center.json.monitoring.project.SuggestedProjectsAction.java

public String execute() throws Exception {

    this.suggestedProjects = new ArrayList<>();

    switch (Math.toIntExact(syncTypeID)) {

    case 1:/*from   w w w  .j a va  2s .c o m*/

    case 2:

    return SUCCESS;

From source file:com.atypon.wayf.verticle.routing.UserRouting.java

public Single<AuthorizationToken> login(RoutingContext routingContext) {
    return RequestReader.readRequestBody(routingContext, PasswordCredentials.class)
            .flatMap((credentials) -> passwordCredentialsFacade.generateSessionToken(credentials))
            .map((authorizationToken) -> {
                Cookie cookie = new CookieImpl("adminToken", authorizationToken.getValue())
                        .setMaxAge(Math.toIntExact(authorizationToken.getValidUntil().getTime() / 1000L))


                return authorizationToken;
            });//from  w  ww.  j av  a  2s.c  o m

From source file:org.openlmis.fulfillment.domain.ProofOfDeliveryLineItem.java

 * Validate if this line item has correct values. The following validations will be done:
 * <ul>/* w w  w.j av  a2 s  .  c o m*/
 * <li><strong>quantityAccepted</strong> - must be zero or greater than zero</li>
 * <li><strong>quantityRejected</strong> - must be zero or greater than zero</li>
 * <li>if <strong>quantityAccepted</strong> is greater than zero and <strong>useVvm</strong> flag
 * is set, the <strong>vvmStatus</strong> must be less or equal to two</li>
 * <li>if <strong>quantityRejected</strong> is greater than zero, reason id must be provided</li>
 * <li>sum of <strong>quantityAccepted</strong> and <strong>quantityRejected</strong> must be
 * equals to <strong>quantityShipped</strong></li>
 * </ul>
 * @param quantityShipped this value should be from related shipment line item.
 * @throws ValidationException if any validation does not match.
void validate(Long quantityShipped) {
    Validations.throwIfLessThanZeroOrNull(quantityAccepted, "quantityAccepted");
    Validations.throwIfLessThanZeroOrNull(quantityRejected, "quantityRejected");

    if (quantityAccepted > 0 && useVvm && (null == vvmStatus || vvmStatus.isGreaterThan(2))) {
        throw new ValidationException(ERROR_INCORRECT_VVM_STATUS);

    if (quantityRejected > 0 && null == rejectionReasonId) {
        throw new ValidationException(ERROR_MISSING_REASON);

    if (quantityAccepted + quantityRejected != Math.toIntExact(quantityShipped)) {
        throw new ValidationException(ERROR_INCORRECT_QUANTITIES);

From source file:net.longfalcon.web.SearchController.java

public String searchView(@PathVariable("searchToken") String search,
        @RequestParam(value = "t", required = false) String categories,
        @RequestParam(value = "g", required = false) String groupName,
        @RequestParam(value = "offset", required = false, defaultValue = "0") Integer offset,
        @RequestParam(value = "ob", required = false) String orderBy, Model model)
        throws NoSuchResourceException {

    List<Integer> categoryIds = new ArrayList<>();
    if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(categories)) {
        String[] categoryIdStrings = categories.split(",");
        for (String categoryIdString : categoryIdStrings) {
            try {
                int categoryId = Integer.parseInt(categoryIdString);
                Category category = categoryService.getCategory(categoryId);
                if (category != null) {
                } else {
                    throw new NoSuchResourceException();
                }//from   w  w  w  . ja v  a  2s  . c om
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                _log.warn(categoryIdString + " is not a number " + nfe.toString());

    long groupId = -1;
    if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(groupName)) {
        Group group = groupDAO.getGroupByName(groupName);
        if (group != null) {
            groupId = group.getId();

    User user = userDAO.findByUserId(getUserId());
    if (user != null) {
        model.addAttribute("lastVisit", user.getLastLogin());
    List<Integer> userExCats = userExCatDAO.getUserExCatIds(getUserId());

    List<Release> releaseList = new ArrayList<>();
    int pagerTotalItems = 0;
    if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(search)) {
        pagerTotalItems = Math
                .toIntExact(searchService.getSearchCount(search, categoryIds, -1, userExCats, groupId));

        if (ValidatorUtil.isNull(orderBy)) {
            releaseList = searchService.getSearchReleases(search, categoryIds, -1, userExCats, groupId,
                    "postDate", true, offset, PAGE_SIZE);
        } else {
            String propertyName = getOrderByProperty(orderBy);
            boolean descending = getOrderByOrder(orderBy);
            if (ValidatorUtil.isNotNull(propertyName)) {
                releaseList = searchService.getSearchReleases(search, categoryIds, -1, userExCats, groupId,
                        propertyName, descending, offset, PAGE_SIZE);

    model.addAttribute("search", search);
    model.addAttribute("searchCategories", categories);
    model.addAttribute("groupName", groupName);
    model.addAttribute("releaseList", releaseList);
    model.addAttribute("pagerTotalItems", pagerTotalItems);
    model.addAttribute("pagerOffset", offset);
    model.addAttribute("pagerItemsPerPage", PAGE_SIZE);
    model.addAttribute("orderBy", orderBy);
    model.addAttribute("now", new Date());
    return "search";

From source file:org.apache.beam.sdk.extensions.sql.impl.udf.BuiltinStringFunctions.java

@UDF(funcName = "LPAD", parameterArray = { TypeName.BYTES, TypeName.INT64,
        TypeName.BYTES }, returnType = TypeName.BYTES)
public byte[] lpad(byte[] originalValue, Long returnLength, byte[] pattern) {
    if (originalValue == null || returnLength == null || pattern == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from w  ww. ja  va 2s  . com*/
    if (returnLength < -1 || pattern.length == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("returnLength cannot be 0 or pattern cannot be empty.");

    int returnLengthInt = Math.toIntExact(returnLength);

    if (originalValue.length == returnLengthInt) {
        return originalValue;
    } else if (originalValue.length < returnLengthInt) { // add padding to left
        byte[] ret = new byte[returnLengthInt];
        // step one: pad #(returnLengthInt - originalValue.length) bytes to left side.
        int paddingOff = 0;
        int paddingLeftBytes = returnLengthInt - originalValue.length;
        byteArrayPadding(ret, pattern, paddingOff, paddingLeftBytes);

        // step two: copy originalValue.
        System.arraycopy(originalValue, 0, ret, returnLengthInt - originalValue.length, originalValue.length);
        return ret;
    } else { // truncating string by str.substring
        // Java String can only hold a string with Integer.MAX_VALUE as longest length.
        byte[] ret = new byte[returnLengthInt];
        System.arraycopy(originalValue, 0, ret, 0, returnLengthInt);
        return ret;

From source file:io.logspace.hq.core.solr.report.SolrReportService.java

public Reports getReports(int start, int count, String sort) {
    this.logger.debug("Retrieving {} reports from {}, sorted by '{}'.", count, start, sort);

    SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery("*:*");


    SolrQueryHelper.addSort(solrQuery, sort, this.getFieldDefinitions());
    SolrQueryHelper.setRange(solrQuery, start, count);

    try {//from  w  ww  .j  a v a  2  s  .  c om
        List<Report> reports = new ArrayList<>();

        QueryResponse queryResponse = this.solrClient.query(solrQuery);
        SolrDocumentList results = queryResponse.getResults();
        for (SolrDocument eachSolrDocument : results) {

        return Reports.create(reports, start, Math.toIntExact(results.getNumFound()));
    } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) {
        throw new DataRetrievalException("Could not retrieve reports.", e);

From source file:org.elasticsearch.xpack.security.authc.kerberos.KerberosAuthenticationIT.java

private static void configureRestClientBuilder(final RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder,
        final Settings settings) throws IOException {
    final String requestTimeoutString = settings.get(CLIENT_RETRY_TIMEOUT);
    if (requestTimeoutString != null) {
        final TimeValue maxRetryTimeout = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(requestTimeoutString, CLIENT_RETRY_TIMEOUT);
    }//from w  w w  . j  av  a2  s  . com
    final String socketTimeoutString = settings.get(CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
    if (socketTimeoutString != null) {
        final TimeValue socketTimeout = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(socketTimeoutString, CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
                conf -> conf.setSocketTimeout(Math.toIntExact(socketTimeout.getMillis())));
    if (settings.hasValue(CLIENT_PATH_PREFIX)) {

From source file:org.ballerinalang.net.grpc.nativeimpl.serviceendpoint.Init.java

private ListenerConfiguration getListenerConfig(Struct endpointConfig) {
    String host = endpointConfig.getStringField(GrpcConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_HOST);
    long port = endpointConfig.getIntField(GrpcConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_PORT);
    Struct sslConfig = endpointConfig.getStructField(GrpcConstants.ENDPOINT_CONFIG_SECURE_SOCKET);

    ListenerConfiguration listenerConfiguration = new ListenerConfiguration();

    if (host == null || host.trim().isEmpty()) {
        listenerConfiguration/*from  w  ww  .  j ava2 s  .com*/
                .setHost(configRegistry.getConfigOrDefault("b7a.http.host", GrpcConstants.HTTP_DEFAULT_HOST));
    } else {

    if (port == 0) {
        throw new BallerinaConnectorException("Listener port is not defined!");

    if (sslConfig != null) {
        setSslConfig(sslConfig, listenerConfiguration);


    return listenerConfiguration;