List of usage examples for java.lang Long toString
public String toString()
From source
public static ProductFeedUpload fetchById(Long id, APIContext context) throws APIException { return fetchById(id.toString(), context); }
From source
public static String getRecommendedItemsPerAlgKey(String client, String algName, Long user, int dimensionId) { return "" + keys.RecommendedItems + ":" + client + ":" + algName + ":" + user.toString() + ":" + dimensionId;//w ww . jav a2 s . c o m }
From source
public static String uploadProductImage(String url, Long productId) { String imgUrl = "failure"; try {//w ww. j ava 2 s . c o m GoogleBucketFileUploader fileUploader = new GoogleBucketFileUploader(); Storage storage = fileUploader.authentication(); InputStream input = new URL(url).openStream(); if (input != null) { DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("-YYYY-MM-dd-HHmmssSSS"); DateTime dt =; String dtString = dt.toString(dtf); final String fileName = "img_" + productId.toString() + dtString + ".jpg"; // the inputstream is closed by default, so we don't need to close it here BlobInfo blobInfo = storage.create( BlobInfo.newBuilder(PRODUCT_BUCKET_NAME, fileName).setContentType("image/jpeg") // Modify access list to allow all users with link to read file .setAcl(new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(Acl.of(Acl.User.ofAllUsers(), Acl.Role.OWNER)))) .build(), input); // return the public view link imgUrl = "" + PRODUCT_BUCKET_NAME + "/" + blobInfo.getName(); // imgUrl = "" + blobInfo.getName(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(GoogleBucketFileUploader.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return imgUrl; }
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public static AdImage fetchById(Long id, APIContext context) throws APIException { return fetchById(id.toString(), context); }
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public static EventSourceGroup fetchById(Long id, APIContext context) throws APIException { return fetchById(id.toString(), context); }
From source
public static Lead fetchById(Long id, APIContext context) throws APIException { return fetchById(id.toString(), context); }
From source
/** * Creates a filename for a photo of a good. * Syntax: goodId-imagesize-filename//w w w .j av a 2s.c o m * * @param goodId * @param originalFilename * @param type original - 0, large - 1, small - 2 * @return */ public static String getPhotoFilename(Long goodId, String originalFilename, ImageSize type) { if (goodId == null) return null; String prefix = ""; switch (type) { case LARGE: prefix =; break; case SMALL: prefix =; break; default: prefix =; break; } if (originalFilename == null || originalFilename.isEmpty()) { originalFilename = "photo"; } return goodId.toString() + "-" + prefix + "-" + originalFilename; }
From source
/** * ?helome??id?/*w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ * @param userId id * @return */ public static User queryUserById(Long userId) { long beginMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); String post = postNullIgnore("/remote/security/findUserInfoByPrivateId", "privateId", userId.toString(), "product", product); long endMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); long callTime = endMillis - beginMillis; callTimeLog(callTime, "queryUserById", "/remote/security/findUserInfoByPrivateId"); return parseJsonForQueryUserById(post); }
From source
/** * Converts long to byte array.// w ww .ja va2 s . c o m * * @param _number the _number * @return the byte[] */ public static byte[] convert(java.lang.Long _number) { return (_number == null) ? null : convert(_number.toString()); }
From source
/** * /* www .j av a 2s .c o m*/ * @param sampleList */ public static void store(List<StringSample> sampleList) { m_log.debug("store() start"); List<CollectStringData> collectdata_entities = new ArrayList<CollectStringData>(); JpaTransactionManager jtm = new JpaTransactionManager(); jtm.begin(); Map<String, MonitorInfo> monitorInfoMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, CollectStringDataParser> parserMap = new HashMap<>(); for (StringSample sample : sampleList) { for (StringSampleData data : sample.getStringSampleList()) { // for debug if (m_log.isDebugEnabled()) { m_log.debug("store() facilityId = " + data.getFacilityId() + ", dateTime = " + sample.getDateTime()); m_log.debug("store() value = " + data.getValue()); } m_log.debug("persist targetName = " + data.getTargetName()); String monitorId = sample.getMonitorId(); String facilityId = data.getFacilityId(); // ???512 ??? String targetName = data.getTargetName().length() > 512 ? data.getTargetName().substring(0, 512) : data.getTargetName(); CollectStringData collectData = null; Long collectId = getCollectStringKeyInfoPK(monitorId, facilityId, targetName, jtm); Long dataId = StringDataIdGenerator.getNext(); if (dataId == StringDataIdGenerator.getMax() / 2) { AplLogger.put(PriorityConstant.TYPE_WARNING, HinemosModuleConstant.HUB_TRANSFER, MessageConstant.MESSAGE_HUB_COLLECT_NUMBERING_OVER_INTERMEDIATE, new String[] {}, String.format("current=%d, max=%d", dataId, StringDataIdGenerator.getMax())); } CollectStringDataPK pk = new CollectStringDataPK(collectId, dataId); String value = data.getValue() != null ? data.getValue() : ""; collectData = new CollectStringData(pk, HinemosTime.currentTimeMillis(), value); if (!data.getTagList().isEmpty()) { Map<String, CollectDataTag> tagMap = new HashMap<>(); for (StringSampleTag tag : data.getTagList()) { tagMap.put(tag.getKey(), new CollectDataTag(new CollectDataTagPK(collectId, dataId, tag.getKey()), tag.getType(), tag.getValue())); } collectData.getTagList().addAll(tagMap.values()); } // MonitorSettingControllerBean bean = new MonitorSettingControllerBean(); try { MonitorInfo mi = monitorInfoMap.get(monitorId); if (mi == null) { mi = bean.getMonitor(monitorId); monitorInfoMap.put(monitorId, mi); } if (mi.getLogFormatId() != null) { CollectStringDataParser parser = parserMap.get(mi.getLogFormatId()); if (parser == null) { parser = new CollectStringDataParser( new HubControllerBean().getLogFormat(mi.getLogFormatId())); parserMap.put(mi.getLogFormatId(), parser); } parser.parse(collectData); collectData.setLogformatId(mi.getLogFormatId()); } // KEY_TIMESTAMP_IN_LOG ?????????? CollectDataTag timestamp = null; for (CollectDataTag tag : collectData.getTagList()) { if (tag.getKey().equals(CollectStringDataParser.KEY_TIMESTAMP_IN_LOG)) { timestamp = tag; break; } } if (timestamp != null) { try { Long time = collectData.getTime(); collectData.setTime(Long.valueOf(timestamp.getValue())); collectData.getTagList().add(new CollectDataTag( new CollectDataTagPK(collectData.getCollectId(), collectData.getDataId(), CollectStringDataParser.KEY_TIMESTAMP_RECIEVED), ValueType.number, time.toString())); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.warn("store() : fail to change to timestamp of log. time=" + timestamp.getValue(), e); } } } catch (MonitorNotFound | HinemosUnknown | InvalidRole e) { m_log.warn(String.format("failed to get a MonitorInfo : %s", sample.getMonitorId())); } collectdata_entities.add(collectData); m_log.debug("store() : " + collectData); } } jtm.commit(); List<JdbcBatchQuery> query = new ArrayList<JdbcBatchQuery>(); // ()? if (!collectdata_entities.isEmpty()) { query.add(new CollectStringDataJdbcBatchInsert(collectdata_entities)); for (CollectStringData data : collectdata_entities) { query.add(new CollectStringTagJdbcBatchInsert(data.getTagList())); } } JdbcBatchExecutor.execute(query); jtm.close(); m_log.debug("store() end"); }