Example usage for java.lang Long toHexString

List of usage examples for java.lang Long toHexString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Long toHexString.


public static String toHexString(long i) 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of the long argument as an unsigned integer in base 16.


From source file:io.orchestrate.client.itest.KvTest.java

public void upsertMergePatchKey(@ForAll(sampleSize = 10) final String key) throws InterruptedException {
    assumeThat(key, not(isEmptyString()));

    KvObject<ObjectNode> kvBefore = client.kv(collection(), key).get(ObjectNode.class).get();

    // assert the object is not present before the patch
    assertNull(kvBefore);//  w  w  w. j  a  va2  s .c  om

    String name = Long.toHexString(RAND.nextLong());

    final KvMetadata patched = client.kv(collection(), key).upsert().merge("{\"name\":\"" + name + "\"}").get();


    final KvObject<ObjectNode> kvObject = client.kv(patched.getCollection(), patched.getKey())

    assertEquals(patched.getRef(), kvObject.getRef());
    assertEquals(name, kvObject.getValue().get("name").asText());

From source file:org.diorite.config.serialization.snakeyaml.emitter.Emitter.java

private void writeDoubleQuoted(String text, boolean split) throws IOException {
    this.writeIndicator("\"", true, false, false);
    int start = 0;
    int end = 0;//from   w  w w.  j  a  va 2  s  . c o  m
    while (end <= text.length()) {
        Character ch = null;
        if (end < text.length()) {
            ch = text.charAt(end);
        if ((ch == null) || ("\"\\\u0085\u2028\u2029\uFEFF".indexOf(ch) != -1)
                || !(('\u0020' <= ch) && (ch <= '\u007E'))) {
            if (start < end) {
                int len = end - start;
                this.column += len;
                this.stream.write(text, start, len);
                start = end;
            if (ch != null) {
                String data;
                if (ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS.containsKey(ch)) {
                    data = "\\" + ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS.get(ch);
                } else if (!this.allowUnicode || !StreamReader.isPrintable(ch)) {
                    // if !allowUnicode or the character is not printable,
                    // we must encode it
                    if (ch <= '\u00FF') {
                        String s = "0" + Integer.toString(ch, HEX_RADIX);
                        data = "\\x" + s.substring(s.length() - 2);
                    } else if ((ch >= '\uD800') && (ch <= '\uDBFF')) {
                        if ((end + 1) < text.length()) {
                            Character ch2 = text.charAt(++end);
                            String s = "000" + Long.toHexString(Character.toCodePoint(ch, ch2));
                            data = "\\U" + s.substring(s.length() - 8);
                        } else {
                            String s = "000" + Integer.toString(ch, HEX_RADIX);
                            data = "\\u" + s.substring(s.length() - 4);
                    } else {
                        String s = "000" + Integer.toString(ch, HEX_RADIX);
                        data = "\\u" + s.substring(s.length() - 4);
                } else {
                    data = String.valueOf(ch);
                this.column += data.length();
                start = end + 1;
        if (((0 < end) && (end < (text.length() - 1))) && ((Objects.equals(ch, ' ')) || (start >= end))
                && ((this.column + (end - start)) > this.bestWidth) && split) {
            String data;
            if (start >= end) {
                data = "\\";
            } else {
                data = text.substring(start, end) + "\\";
            if (start < end) {
                start = end;
            this.column += data.length();
            this.whitespace = false;
            this.indention = false;
            if (text.charAt(start) == ' ') {
                data = "\\";
                this.column += data.length();
        end += 1;
    this.writeIndicator("\"", false, false, false);

From source file:io.orchestrate.client.itest.KvTest.java

public void upsertMergePatchKeyAsync(@ForAll(sampleSize = 10) final String key) throws InterruptedException {
    assumeThat(key, not(isEmptyString()));

    KvObject<ObjectNode> kvBefore = client.kv(collection(), key).get(ObjectNode.class).get();

    // assert the object is not present before the patch
    assertNull(kvBefore);/*from  w ww  . j  a va 2 s .c  om*/

    String name = Long.toHexString(RAND.nextLong());

    final BlockingQueue<KvMetadata> queue = DataStructures.getLTQInstance(KvMetadata.class);

    client.kv(collection(), key).upsert().merge("{\"name\":\"" + name + "\"}")
            .on(new ResponseAdapter<KvMetadata>() {
                public void onFailure(final Throwable error) {

                public void onSuccess(final KvMetadata object) {

    final KvMetadata patched = queue.poll(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);


    final KvObject<ObjectNode> kvObject = client.kv(patched.getCollection(), patched.getKey())

    assertEquals(patched.getRef(), kvObject.getRef());
    assertEquals(name, kvObject.getValue().get("name").asText());

From source file:com.peterbochs.sourceleveldebugger.SourceLevelDebugger3.java

private JTable getSymbolTable() {
    if (symbolTable == null) {
        symbolTable = new JTable() {
            public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
                Point p = event.getPoint();
                int row = rowAtPoint(p);
                int col = columnAtPoint(p);
                if (row == -1 || col == -1) {
                    return null;
                }//from w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2  s.c  o  m
                Elf32_Sym symbol = (Elf32_Sym) getValueAt(row, col);
                String str = "<html><table>";
                str += "<tr><td>name</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.name + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_name</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.st_name + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_value</td><td>:</td><td>0x" + Long.toHexString(symbol.st_value)
                        + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_size</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.st_size + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_info</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.st_info + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_other</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.st_other + "</td></tr>";
                str += "<tr><td>st_shndx</td><td>:</td><td>" + symbol.st_shndx + "</td></tr>";
                str += "</table></html>";
                return str;
        symbolTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    return symbolTable;

From source file:com.gst.accounting.journalentry.service.JournalEntryWritePlatformServiceJpaRepositoryImpl.java

 * TODO: Need a better implementation with guaranteed uniqueness (but not a
 * long UUID)...maybe something tied to system clock..
 *//*w ww .  jav a 2 s.  co m*/
private String generateTransactionId(final Long officeId) {
    final AppUser user = this.context.authenticatedUser();
    final Long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final String uniqueVal = String.valueOf(time) + user.getId() + officeId;
    final String transactionId = Long.toHexString(Long.parseLong(uniqueVal));
    return transactionId;

From source file:com.cloud.network.vpc.VpcManagerImpl.java

@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_VPC_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating vpc", create = true)
public Vpc createVpc(final long zoneId, final long vpcOffId, final long vpcOwnerId, final String vpcName,
        final String displayText, final String cidr, String networkDomain, final Boolean displayVpc)
        throws ResourceAllocationException {
    final Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    final Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(vpcOwnerId);

    // Verify that caller can perform actions in behalf of vpc owner
    _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, owner);

    // check resource limit
    _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(owner, ResourceType.vpc);

    // Validate vpc offering
    final VpcOfferingVO vpcOff = _vpcOffDao.findById(vpcOffId);
    if (vpcOff == null || vpcOff.getState() != State.Enabled) {
        final InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException(
                "Unable to find vpc offering in " + State.Enabled + " state by specified id");
        if (vpcOff == null) {
            ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(vpcOffId), "vpcOfferingId");
        } else {/*from   w ww. j  a  v  a2s. c  o  m*/
            ex.addProxyObject(vpcOff.getUuid(), "vpcOfferingId");
        throw ex;

    final boolean isRegionLevelVpcOff = vpcOff.offersRegionLevelVPC();
    if (isRegionLevelVpcOff && networkDomain == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network domain must be specified for region level VPC");

    // Validate zone
    final DataCenter zone = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, zoneId);
    if (zone == null) {
        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't find zone by id specified");

    if (Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState()
            && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) {
        // See DataCenterVO.java
        final PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException(
                "Cannot perform this operation since specified Zone is currently disabled");
        ex.addProxyObject(zone.getUuid(), "zoneId");
        throw ex;

    if (networkDomain == null) {
        // 1) Get networkDomain from the corresponding account
        networkDomain = _ntwkModel.getAccountNetworkDomain(owner.getId(), zoneId);

        // 2) If null, generate networkDomain using domain suffix from the
        // global config variables
        if (networkDomain == null) {
            networkDomain = "cs" + Long.toHexString(owner.getId())
                    + NetworkOrchestrationService.GuestDomainSuffix.valueIn(zoneId);

    final boolean useDistributedRouter = vpcOff.supportsDistributedRouter();
    final VpcVO vpc = new VpcVO(zoneId, vpcName, displayText, owner.getId(), owner.getDomainId(), vpcOffId,
            cidr, networkDomain, useDistributedRouter, isRegionLevelVpcOff, vpcOff.getRedundantRouter());

    return createVpc(displayVpc, vpc);

From source file:com.peterbochs.sourceleveldebugger.SourceLevelDebugger3.java

private void symbolTableMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) {
        Elf32_Sym symbol = (Elf32_Sym) symbolTable.getValueAt(symbolTable.getSelectedRow(), 0);
        if (symbol != null) {
            long address = symbol.st_value;

            jInstructionComboBox.setSelectedItem("0x" + Long.toHexString(address));

        }/*  ww  w  .  java 2  s.c  o m*/

From source file:com.google.wave.api.AbstractRobot.java

 * Computes this robot's hash, based on the capabilities.
 * @return a hash of this robot, computed from it's capabilities.
 *//*from w w w .ja va  2 s .c o m*/
private String computeHash() {
    long version = 0l;
    for (Entry<String, Capability> entry : capabilityMap.entrySet()) {
        long hash = entry.getKey().hashCode();
        Capability capability = entry.getValue();
        if (capability != null) {
            for (Context context : capability.contexts()) {
                hash = hash * 31 + context.name().hashCode();
            hash = hash * 31 + capability.filter().hashCode();
        version = version * 17 + hash;
    return Long.toHexString(version);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.BPOfferService.java

 * Report the list blocks to the Namenode
 * @throws IOException/*from www.  j  ava2  s .com*/

List<DatanodeCommand> blockReport() throws IOException {
    // send block report if timer has expired.
    final long startTime = now();
    if (startTime - lastBlockReport <= dnConf.blockReportInterval) {
        return null;

    nextBlockReportOverwritten = false;

    ArrayList<DatanodeCommand> cmds = new ArrayList<DatanodeCommand>();

    // Flush any block information that precedes the block report. Otherwise
    // we have a chance that we will miss the delHint information
    // or we will report an RBW replica after the BlockReport already reports
    // a FINALIZED one.
    lastHeartbeat = startTime;

    long brCreateStartTime = now();
    Map<DatanodeStorage, BlockReport> perVolumeBlockLists = dn.getFSDataset().getBlockReports(getBlockPoolId());

    // Convert the reports to the format expected by the NN.
    int i = 0;
    int totalBlockCount = 0;
    StorageBlockReport reports[] = new StorageBlockReport[perVolumeBlockLists.size()];
    DatanodeStorage[] storages = new DatanodeStorage[reports.length];

    for (Map.Entry<DatanodeStorage, BlockReport> kvPair : perVolumeBlockLists.entrySet()) {
        BlockReport blockList = kvPair.getValue();
        reports[i] = new StorageBlockReport(kvPair.getKey(), blockList);
        totalBlockCount += blockList.getNumberOfBlocks();
        storages[i] = kvPair.getKey();

    // Get a namenode to send the report(s) to
    ActiveNode an = nextNNForBlkReport(totalBlockCount);
    int numReportsSent = 0;
    int numRPCs = 0;
    boolean success = false;
    long brSendStartTime;
    try {
        if (an != null) {
            blkReportHander = getAnActor(an.getRpcServerAddressForDatanodes());
            if (blkReportHander == null || !blkReportHander.isRunning()) {
                return null; //no one is ready to handle the request, return now without changing the values of lastBlockReport. it will be retried in next cycle
        } else {
            LOG.warn("Unable to send block report");
            return null;

        // Send the reports to the NN.
        brSendStartTime = now();
        long reportId = generateUniqueBlockReportId();
        try {
            if (totalBlockCount < dnConf.blockReportSplitThreshold) {
                // Below split threshold, send all reports in a single message.
                DatanodeCommand buckets = blkReportHander.reportHashes(bpRegistration, getBlockPoolId(),
                removeMatchingBuckets(buckets, reports);
                DatanodeCommand cmd = blkReportHander.blockReport(bpRegistration, getBlockPoolId(), reports,
                        new BlockReportContext(1, 0, reportId));
                numRPCs = 1;
                numReportsSent = reports.length;
                if (cmd != null) {
            } else {
                // Send one block report per message.
                for (int r = 0; r < reports.length; r++) {
                    StorageBlockReport singleReport[] = { reports[r] };
                    DatanodeCommand buckets = blkReportHander.reportHashes(bpRegistration, getBlockPoolId(),
                    removeMatchingBuckets(buckets, singleReport);
                    DatanodeCommand cmd = blkReportHander.blockReport(bpRegistration, getBlockPoolId(),
                            singleReport, new BlockReportContext(reports.length, r, reportId));
                    if (cmd != null) {
            success = true;
        } finally {
            // Log the block report processing stats from Datanode perspective
            long brSendCost = now() - brSendStartTime;
            long brCreateCost = brSendStartTime - brCreateStartTime;
            final int nCmds = cmds.size();
            LOG.info((success ? "S" : "Uns") + "uccessfully sent block report 0x" + Long.toHexString(reportId)
                    + ",  containing " + reports.length + " storage report(s), of which we sent "
                    + numReportsSent + "." + " The reports had " + totalBlockCount + " total blocks and used "
                    + numRPCs + " RPC(s). This took " + brCreateCost + " msec to generate and " + brSendCost
                    + " msecs for RPC and NN processing." + " Got back "
                    + ((nCmds == 0) ? "no commands"
                            : ((nCmds == 1) ? "one command: " + cmds.get(0)
                                    : (nCmds + " commands: " + Joiner.on("; ").join(cmds))))
                    + ".");
    } finally {
        // In case of un/successful block reports we have to inform the leader that
        // block reporting has finished for now.
        if (blkReportHander != null) {
            for (BPServiceActor actor : bpServices) {
                actor.blockReportCompleted(bpRegistration, storages, success);

    return cmds.size() == 0 ? null : cmds;

From source file:io.requery.android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.java

 * Dumps debugging information about this connection, in the case where the
 * caller might not actually own the connection.
 * This function is written so that it may be called by a thread that does not
 * own the connection.  We need to be very careful because the connection state is
 * not synchronized.//from   w w  w . j a  v  a2s.  com
 * At worst, the method may return stale or slightly wrong data, however
 * it should not crash.  This is ok as it is only used for diagnostic purposes.
 * @param printer The printer to receive the dump, not null.
 * @param verbose True to dump more verbose information.
void dumpUnsafe(Printer printer, boolean verbose) {
    printer.println("Connection #" + mConnectionId + ":");
    if (verbose) {
        printer.println("  connectionPtr: 0x" + Long.toHexString(mConnectionPtr));
    printer.println("  isPrimaryConnection: " + mIsPrimaryConnection);
    printer.println("  onlyAllowReadOnlyOperations: " + mOnlyAllowReadOnlyOperations);

    mRecentOperations.dump(printer, verbose);

    if (verbose) {