Example usage for java.lang Long numberOfLeadingZeros

List of usage examples for java.lang Long numberOfLeadingZeros


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Long numberOfLeadingZeros.


public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(long i) 

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Returns the number of zero bits preceding the highest-order ("leftmost") one-bit in the two's complement binary representation of the specified long value.


From source file:org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoUtils.java

 * Calculate the number of levels needed for a specific precision. Quadtree
 * cells will not exceed the specified size (diagonal) of the precision.
 * @param meters Maximum size of cells in meters (must greater than zero)
 * @return levels need to achieve precision  
 *///from   w w  w  . j  a  v a 2  s .  c om
public static int quadTreeLevelsForPrecision(double meters) {
    assert meters >= 0;
    if (meters == 0) {
        return QuadPrefixTree.MAX_LEVELS_POSSIBLE;
    } else {
        final double ratio = 1 + (EARTH_POLAR_DISTANCE / EARTH_EQUATOR); // cell ratio
        final double width = Math.sqrt((meters * meters) / (ratio * ratio)); // convert to cell width
        final long part = Math.round(Math.ceil(EARTH_EQUATOR / width));
        final int level = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(part) - 1; // (log_2)
        return (part <= (1l << level)) ? level : (level + 1); // adjust level

From source file:org.renjin.parser.NumericLiterals.java

 * Finds the closest double-precision floating point number to the given decimal string, parsed by
 * {@link #parseDoubleDecimal(CharSequence, int, int, int, char)} above.
 * <p>This implementation is based on OpenJDK's {@code com.sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.ASCIIToBinaryBuffer.doubleValue()},
 * but included here nearly verbatim to avoid a dependency on an internal SDK class. The original code
 * is copyright 1996, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates and licensed under the GPL v2.</p></p>
 * @param in the input string/*from  ww w  .j av  a2s.  com*/
 * @param sign the sign, -1 or +1, parsed above in {@link #parseDouble(CharSequence, int, int, char, boolean)}
 * @param startIndex the index at which to start parsing
 * @param endIndex the index, exclusive, at which to stop parsing
 * @param decimalPoint the decimal point character to use. Generally either '.' or ','
 * @return the number as a {@code double}, or {@code NA} if the string is malformatted.
public static double doubleValue(boolean isNegative, int decExponent, char[] digits, int nDigits) {
    int kDigits = Math.min(nDigits, MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS + 1);
    // convert the lead kDigits to a long integer.
    // (special performance hack: start to do it using int)
    int iValue = (int) digits[0] - (int) '0';
    int iDigits = Math.min(kDigits, INT_DECIMAL_DIGITS);
    for (int i = 1; i < iDigits; i++) {
        iValue = iValue * 10 + (int) digits[i] - (int) '0';
    long lValue = (long) iValue;
    for (int i = iDigits; i < kDigits; i++) {
        lValue = lValue * 10L + (long) ((int) digits[i] - (int) '0');
    double dValue = (double) lValue;
    int exp = decExponent - kDigits;
    // lValue now contains a long integer with the value of
    // the first kDigits digits of the number.
    // dValue contains the (double) of the same.

    if (nDigits <= MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS) {
        // possibly an easy case.
        // We know that the digits can be represented
        // exactly. And if the exponent isn't too outrageous,
        // the whole thing can be done with one operation,
        // thus one rounding error.
        // Note that all our constructors trim all leading and
        // trailing zeros, so simple values (including zero)
        // will always end up here
        if (exp == 0 || dValue == 0.0) {
            return (isNegative) ? -dValue : dValue; // small floating integer
        } else if (exp >= 0) {
            if (exp <= MAX_SMALL_TEN) {
                // Can get the answer with one operation,
                // thus one roundoff.
                double rValue = dValue * SMALL_10_POW[exp];
                return (isNegative) ? -rValue : rValue;
            int slop = MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS - kDigits;
            if (exp <= MAX_SMALL_TEN + slop) {
                // We can multiply dValue by 10^(slop)
                // and it is still "small" and exact.
                // Then we can multiply by 10^(exp-slop)
                // with one rounding.
                dValue *= SMALL_10_POW[slop];
                double rValue = dValue * SMALL_10_POW[exp - slop];
                return (isNegative) ? -rValue : rValue;
            // Else we have a hard case with a positive exp.
        } else {
            if (exp >= -MAX_SMALL_TEN) {
                // Can get the answer in one division.
                double rValue = dValue / SMALL_10_POW[-exp];
                return (isNegative) ? -rValue : rValue;
            // Else we have a hard case with a negative exp.

    // Harder cases:
    // The sum of digits plus exponent is greater than
    // what we think we can do with one error.
    // Start by approximating the right answer by,
    // naively, scaling by powers of 10.
    if (exp > 0) {
        if (decExponent > MAX_DECIMAL_EXPONENT + 1) {
            // Lets face it. This is going to be
            // Infinity. Cut to the chase.
            return (isNegative) ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        if ((exp & 15) != 0) {
            dValue *= SMALL_10_POW[exp & 15];
        if ((exp >>= 4) != 0) {
            int j;
            for (j = 0; exp > 1; j++, exp >>= 1) {
                if ((exp & 1) != 0) {
                    dValue *= BIG_10_POW[j];
            // The reason for the weird exp > 1 condition
            // in the above loop was so that the last multiply
            // would get unrolled. We handle it here.
            // It could overflow.
            double t = dValue * BIG_10_POW[j];
            if (Double.isInfinite(t)) {
                // It did overflow.
                // Look more closely at the result.
                // If the exponent is just one too large,
                // then use the maximum finite as our estimate
                // value. Else call the result infinity
                // and punt it.
                // ( I presume this could happen because
                // rounding forces the result here to be
                // an ULP or two larger than
                // Double.MAX_VALUE ).
                t = dValue / 2.0;
                t *= BIG_10_POW[j];
                if (Double.isInfinite(t)) {
                    return (isNegative) ? Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                t = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            dValue = t;
    } else if (exp < 0) {
        exp = -exp;
        if (decExponent < MIN_DECIMAL_EXPONENT - 1) {
            // Lets face it. This is going to be
            // zero. Cut to the chase.
            return (isNegative) ? -0.0 : 0.0;
        if ((exp & 15) != 0) {
            dValue /= SMALL_10_POW[exp & 15];
        if ((exp >>= 4) != 0) {
            int j;
            for (j = 0; exp > 1; j++, exp >>= 1) {
                if ((exp & 1) != 0) {
                    dValue *= TINY_10_POW[j];
            // The reason for the weird exp > 1 condition
            // in the above loop was so that the last multiply
            // would get unrolled. We handle it here.
            // It could underflow.
            double t = dValue * TINY_10_POW[j];
            if (t == 0.0) {
                // It did underflow.
                // Look more closely at the result.
                // If the exponent is just one too small,
                // then use the minimum finite as our estimate
                // value. Else call the result 0.0
                // and punt it.
                // ( I presume this could happen because
                // rounding forces the result here to be
                // an ULP or two less than
                // Double.MIN_VALUE ).
                t = dValue * 2.0;
                t *= TINY_10_POW[j];
                if (t == 0.0) {
                    return (isNegative) ? -0.0 : 0.0;
                t = Double.MIN_VALUE;
            dValue = t;

    // dValue is now approximately the result.
    // The hard part is adjusting it, by comparison
    // with FDBigInteger arithmetic.
    // Formulate the EXACT big-number result as
    // bigD0 * 10^exp
    if (nDigits > MAX_NDIGITS) {
        nDigits = MAX_NDIGITS + 1;
        digits[MAX_NDIGITS] = '1';
    FDBigInteger bigD0 = new FDBigInteger(lValue, digits, kDigits, nDigits);
    exp = decExponent - nDigits;

    long ieeeBits = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(dValue); // IEEE-754 bits of double candidate
    final int B5 = Math.max(0, -exp); // powers of 5 in bigB, value is not modified inside correctionLoop
    final int D5 = Math.max(0, exp); // powers of 5 in bigD, value is not modified inside correctionLoop
    bigD0 = bigD0.multByPow52(D5, 0);
    bigD0.makeImmutable(); // prevent bigD0 modification inside correctionLoop
    FDBigInteger bigD = null;
    int prevD2 = 0;

    correctionLoop: while (true) {
        // here ieeeBits can't be NaN, Infinity or zero
        int binexp = (int) (ieeeBits >>> EXP_SHIFT);
        long bigBbits = ieeeBits & SIGNIF_BIT_MASK;
        if (binexp > 0) {
            bigBbits |= FRACT_HOB;
        } else { // Normalize denormalized numbers.
            assert bigBbits != 0L : bigBbits; // doubleToBigInt(0.0)
            int leadingZeros = Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(bigBbits);
            int shift = leadingZeros - (63 - EXP_SHIFT);
            bigBbits <<= shift;
            binexp = 1 - shift;
        binexp -= EXP_BIAS;
        int lowOrderZeros = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bigBbits);
        bigBbits >>>= lowOrderZeros;
        final int bigIntExp = binexp - EXP_SHIFT + lowOrderZeros;
        final int bigIntNBits = EXP_SHIFT + 1 - lowOrderZeros;

        // Scale bigD, bigB appropriately for
        // big-integer operations.
        // Naively, we multiply by powers of ten
        // and powers of two. What we actually do
        // is keep track of the powers of 5 and
        // powers of 2 we would use, then factor out
        // common divisors before doing the work.
        int B2 = B5; // powers of 2 in bigB
        int D2 = D5; // powers of 2 in bigD
        int Ulp2; // powers of 2 in halfUlp.
        if (bigIntExp >= 0) {
            B2 += bigIntExp;
        } else {
            D2 -= bigIntExp;
        Ulp2 = B2;
        // shift bigB and bigD left by a number s. t.
        // halfUlp is still an integer.
        int hulpbias;
        if (binexp <= -EXP_BIAS) {
            // This is going to be a denormalized number
            // (if not actually zero).
            // half an ULP is at 2^-(DoubleConsts.EXP_BIAS+EXP_SHIFT+1)
            hulpbias = binexp + lowOrderZeros + EXP_BIAS;
        } else {
            hulpbias = 1 + lowOrderZeros;
        B2 += hulpbias;
        D2 += hulpbias;
        // if there are common factors of 2, we might just as well
        // factor them out, as they add nothing useful.
        int common2 = Math.min(B2, Math.min(D2, Ulp2));
        B2 -= common2;
        D2 -= common2;
        Ulp2 -= common2;
        // do multiplications by powers of 5 and 2
        FDBigInteger bigB = FDBigInteger.valueOfMulPow52(bigBbits, B5, B2);
        if (bigD == null || prevD2 != D2) {
            bigD = bigD0.leftShift(D2);
            prevD2 = D2;
        // to recap:
        // bigB is the scaled-big-int version of our floating-point
        // candidate.
        // bigD is the scaled-big-int version of the exact value
        // as we understand it.
        // halfUlp is 1/2 an ulp of bigB, except for special cases
        // of exact powers of 2
        // the plan is to compare bigB with bigD, and if the difference
        // is less than halfUlp, then we're satisfied. Otherwise,
        // use the ratio of difference to halfUlp to calculate a fudge
        // factor to add to the floating value, then go 'round again.
        FDBigInteger diff;
        int cmpResult;
        boolean overvalue;
        if ((cmpResult = bigB.cmp(bigD)) > 0) {
            overvalue = true; // our candidate is too big.
            diff = bigB.leftInplaceSub(bigD); // bigB is not user further - reuse
            if ((bigIntNBits == 1) && (bigIntExp > -EXP_BIAS + 1)) {
                // candidate is a normalized exact power of 2 and
                // is too big (larger than Double.MIN_NORMAL). We will be subtracting.
                // For our purposes, ulp is the ulp of the
                // next smaller range.
                Ulp2 -= 1;
                if (Ulp2 < 0) {
                    // rats. Cannot de-scale ulp this far.
                    // must scale diff in other direction.
                    Ulp2 = 0;
                    diff = diff.leftShift(1);
        } else if (cmpResult < 0) {
            overvalue = false; // our candidate is too small.
            diff = bigD.rightInplaceSub(bigB); // bigB is not user further - reuse
        } else {
            // the candidate is exactly right!
            // this happens with surprising frequency
            break correctionLoop;
        cmpResult = diff.cmpPow52(B5, Ulp2);
        if ((cmpResult) < 0) {
            // difference is small.
            // this is close enough
            break correctionLoop;
        } else if (cmpResult == 0) {
            // difference is exactly half an ULP
            // round to some other value maybe, then finish
            if ((ieeeBits & 1) != 0) { // half ties to even
                ieeeBits += overvalue ? -1 : 1; // nextDown or nextUp
            break correctionLoop;
        } else {
            // difference is non-trivial.
            // could scale addend by ratio of difference to
            // halfUlp here, if we bothered to compute that difference.
            // Most of the time ( I hope ) it is about 1 anyway.
            ieeeBits += overvalue ? -1 : 1; // nextDown or nextUp
            if (ieeeBits == 0 || ieeeBits == EXP_BIT_MASK) { // 0.0 or Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
                break correctionLoop; // oops. Fell off end of range.
            continue; // try again.

    if (isNegative) {
        ieeeBits |= SIGN_BIT_MASK;
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(ieeeBits);

From source file:uk.co.modularaudio.util.math.FastMath.java

public final static int log2(final long n) {
    if (n <= 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);