List of usage examples for java.lang InterruptedException getMessage
public String getMessage()
From source
private void uploadImage(byte[] imageData) { try {/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(imageData, previewFormat, previewWidth, previewHeight, null); yuvImage.compressToJpeg(r, 20, out); // Tweak the quality here - 20 // seems pretty decent for quality + size. if (putUrl.contains("") || putUrl.contains("localhost")) { try { Thread.sleep(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } resetConnection(); } PutMethod put = new PutMethod(putUrl); put.setRequestBody(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray())); int result = put.execute(mHttpState, mConnection); //Log.e("result", result + ""); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e(TAG, "UnsupportedEncodingException: Error uploading image: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.e(TAG, "IllegalStateException: Error uploading image: " + e.getMessage()); resetConnection(); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.e(TAG, "ClientProtocolException: Error uploading image: " + e.getMessage()); resetConnection(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.e(TAG, "UnknownHostException: Error uploading image: " + e.getMessage()); resetConnection(); } catch (NoHttpResponseException e) { // Silently ignore this. } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException: Error uploading image: " + e.getMessage()); resetConnection(); } finally { out.reset(); if (mCamera != null) { mCamera.addCallbackBuffer(mCallbackBuffer); } isUploading = false; } }
From source
private void connectToZK(Configuration conf) throws ZKException { String zkCluster = conf.getString(TSO_ZK_CLUSTER_CONFKEY, DEFAULT_ZK_CLUSTER); try {/* w ww. j av a2s. c o m*/ zkClient = provideZookeeperClient(zkCluster);"\t* Connecting to ZK cluster {}", zkClient.getState()); zkClient.start(); if (!zkClient.blockUntilConnected(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { throw new ZKException("Cannot connect to ZK Cluster " + zkCluster + " after 3 seconds"); }"\t* Connection to ZK cluster {}", zkClient.getState()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new ZKException("Cannot connect to ZK Cluster " + zkCluster + " Cause: " + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
@VisibleForTesting protected boolean finish() { // wait for completion. while (!done && (numCompletedContainers.get() != numTotalContainers)) { try {/* w ww. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } // Join all launched threads // needed for when we time out // and we need to release containers for (Thread launchThread : launchThreads) { try { launchThread.join(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Exception thrown in thread join: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } // When the application completes, it should stop all running containers"Application completed. Stopping running containers"); nmClientAsync.stop(); // When the application completes, it should send a finish application // signal to the RM"Application completed. Signalling finish to RM"); FinalApplicationStatus appStatus; String appMessage = null; boolean success = true; if (numFailedContainers.get() == 0 && numCompletedContainers.get() == numTotalContainers) { appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED; } else { appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED; appMessage = "Diagnostics." + ", total=" + numTotalContainers + ", completed=" + numCompletedContainers.get() + ", allocated=" + numAllocatedContainers.get() + ", failed=" + numFailedContainers.get();; success = false; } try { amRMClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(appStatus, appMessage, null); } catch (YarnException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", ex); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", e); } amRMClient.stop(); return success; }
From source
private void finish() { // Join all launched threads // needed for when we time out // and we need to release containers for (Thread launchThread : launchThreads) { try {/*w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m*/ launchThread.join(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Exception thrown in thread join: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } // When the application completes, it should stopContainer all running containers"Application completed. Stopping running containers"); nmClientAsync.stop(); // When the application completes, it should send a shutdown application // signal to the RM"Application completed. Signalling shutdown to RM"); FinalApplicationStatus appStatus; String appMessage = null; success = true; if (numFailedContainers.get() == 0 && numCompletedContainers.get() == numTotalContainers) { appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED; } else { appStatus = FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED; appMessage = "Diagnostics." + ", total=" + numTotalContainers + ", completed=" + numCompletedContainers.get() + ", allocated=" + numAllocatedContainers.get() + ", failed=" + numFailedContainers.get(); success = false; } try { amRMClient.unregisterApplicationMaster(appStatus, appMessage, null); } catch (YarnException ex) { LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", ex); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to unregister application", e); } amRMClient.stop(); }
From source
/** * Download the given object from S3 to the given file, updating the * given progress monitor periodically./* w w w. jav a2s . c o m*/ * * @param key The key of the object to download. * @param destination The destination file to download to. * @param monitor The progress monitor to update. */ private void download(final String key, final File destination, final IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { TransferManager tm = getTransferManager(); Download download =, key, destination); int totalWork = (int) download.getProgress().getTotalBytesToTransfer(); monitor.beginTask("Downloading DynamoDB Local", totalWork); int worked = 0; while (!download.isDone()) { int bytes = (int) download.getProgress().getBytesTransferred(); if (bytes > worked) { int newWork = bytes - worked; monitor.worked(newWork); worked = bytes; } Thread.sleep(500); } } catch (InterruptedException exception) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted while installing DynamoDB Local", exception); } catch (AmazonServiceException exception) { throw new RuntimeException("Error downloading DynamoDB Local: " + exception.getMessage(), exception); } }
From source
protected ScheduledCartData scheduleOrder(final String customerUid, final Map<String, Long> products, final AddressData deliveryAddress, final String purchaseOrderNumber, final String costCenterCode, final String quotePetition, final TriggerData triggerData) { // Impersonate site and customer final B2BCustomerModel customer = getUserService().getUserForUID(customerUid.toLowerCase(), B2BCustomerModel.class); final ImpersonationContext ctx = new ImpersonationContext(); ctx.setSite(getCmsAdminSiteService().getSiteForId(ExxonmobilTestConstants.POWERTOOLS_SITE)); ctx.setUser(customer);/*from ww w . j a v a2 s. co m*/ ctx.setCurrency(i18nService.getCurrency(CURRENCY_ISO_CODE)); return (ScheduledCartData) getImpersonationService().executeInContext(ctx, new ImpersonationService.Executor<Object, ImpersonationService.Nothing>() { @Override public Object execute() throws ImpersonationService.Nothing { ScheduledCartData scheduledCartData = null; // Check if the order already exists by PurchaseOrderNumber if (prepareANewSessionCartForCheckout(products, deliveryAddress, purchaseOrderNumber, costCenterCode, quotePetition, customer)) { scheduledCartData = getB2bCheckoutFacade().scheduleOrder(triggerData); if (scheduledCartData == null) { LOG.error("Failed to placeOrder"); } else {"Scheduled Order order job [" + scheduledCartData.getJobCode() + "]"); // Sleep for 10s to allow the fulfilment processes to run for this order // Only have to worry about this here if we are running initialize from ant // as the process will exit immediately that we finish initialising. // Also to allow approval process to locate approver try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } return scheduledCartData; } }); }
From source
protected ScheduledCartData scheduleOrder(final String customerUid, final Map<String, Long> products, final AddressData deliveryAddress, final String purchaseOrderNumber, final String costCenterCode, final String quotePetition, final TriggerData triggerData) { // Impersonate site and customer final B2BCustomerModel customer = getUserService().getUserForUID(customerUid.toLowerCase(), B2BCustomerModel.class); final ImpersonationContext ctx = new ImpersonationContext(); ctx.setSite(getCmsAdminSiteService().getSiteForId(YB2BAcceleratorTestConstants.POWERTOOLS_SITE)); ctx.setUser(customer);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s .c om*/ ctx.setCurrency(i18nService.getCurrency(CURRENCY_ISO_CODE)); return (ScheduledCartData) getImpersonationService().executeInContext(ctx, new ImpersonationService.Executor<Object, ImpersonationService.Nothing>() { @Override public Object execute() throws ImpersonationService.Nothing { ScheduledCartData scheduledCartData = null; // Check if the order already exists by PurchaseOrderNumber if (prepareANewSessionCartForCheckout(products, deliveryAddress, purchaseOrderNumber, costCenterCode, quotePetition, customer)) { scheduledCartData = getB2bCheckoutFacade().scheduleOrder(triggerData); if (scheduledCartData == null) { LOG.error("Failed to placeOrder"); } else {"Scheduled Order order job [" + scheduledCartData.getJobCode() + "]"); // Sleep for 10s to allow the fulfilment processes to run for this order // Only have to worry about this here if we are running initialize from ant // as the process will exit immediately that we finish initialising. // Also to allow approval process to locate approver try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } return scheduledCartData; } }); }
From source
private OMElement execute(RequestHandler handler, long waitTime) throws I2B2Exception { // do Ontology query processing inside thread, so that // service could sends back message with timeout error. OMElement returnElement = null;//from ww w . j a va2 s .c o m String unknownErrorMessage = "Error message delivered from the remote server \n" + "You may wish to retry your last action"; ExecutorRunnable er = new ExecutorRunnable(); er.setRequestHandler(handler); Thread t = new Thread(er); String ontologyDataResponse = null; synchronized (t) { t.start(); // try { // if (waitTime > 0) { // t.wait(waitTime); // } else { // t.wait(); // } try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long deltaTime = -1; while ((er.isJobCompleteFlag() == false) && (deltaTime < waitTime)) { if (waitTime > 0) { t.wait(waitTime - deltaTime); deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; } else { t.wait(); } } ontologyDataResponse = er.getOutputString(); if (ontologyDataResponse == null) { if (er.getJobException() != null) { log.error("er.jobException is " + er.getJobException().getMessage());"waitTime is " + waitTime); ResponseMessageType responseMsgType = MessageFactory.doBuildErrorResponse(null, unknownErrorMessage); ontologyDataResponse = MessageFactory.convertToXMLString(responseMsgType); } else if (er.isJobCompleteFlag() == false) { // <result_waittime_ms>5000</result_waittime_ms> String timeOuterror = "Remote server timed out \n" + "Result waittime = " + waitTime + " ms elapsed,\nPlease try again"; log.error(timeOuterror); log.debug("ontology waited " + deltaTime + "ms for " + er.getRequestHandler().getClass().getName()); ResponseMessageType responseMsgType = MessageFactory.doBuildErrorResponse(null, timeOuterror); ontologyDataResponse = MessageFactory.convertToXMLString(responseMsgType); } else { log.error("ontology data response is null");"waitTime is " + waitTime); log.debug("ontology waited " + deltaTime + "ms for " + er.getRequestHandler().getClass().getName()); ResponseMessageType responseMsgType = MessageFactory.doBuildErrorResponse(null, unknownErrorMessage); ontologyDataResponse = MessageFactory.convertToXMLString(responseMsgType); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); throw new I2B2Exception("Thread error while running Ontology job "); } finally { t.interrupt(); er = null; t = null; } } returnElement = MessageFactory.createResponseOMElementFromString(ontologyDataResponse); return returnElement; }
From source
protected OrderData placeOrder(final String customerUid, final Map<String, Long> products, final AddressData deliveryAddress, final String purchaseOrderNumber, final String costCenterCode, final String quotePetition) { // Impersonate site and customer final B2BCustomerModel customer = getUserService().getUserForUID(customerUid.toLowerCase(), B2BCustomerModel.class); final ImpersonationContext ctx = new ImpersonationContext(); ctx.setSite(getCmsAdminSiteService().getSiteForId(ExxonmobilTestConstants.POWERTOOLS_SITE)); ctx.setUser(customer);/*from ww w . j a va 2s . co m*/ ctx.setCurrency(i18nService.getCurrency(CURRENCY_ISO_CODE)); return (OrderData) getImpersonationService().executeInContext(ctx, new ImpersonationService.Executor<Object, ImpersonationService.Nothing>() { @Override public Object execute() throws ImpersonationService.Nothing { OrderData orderData = null; // Check if the order already exists by PurchaseOrderNumber if (prepareANewSessionCartForCheckout(products, deliveryAddress, purchaseOrderNumber, costCenterCode, quotePetition, customer)) { try { orderData = getB2bCheckoutFacade().placeOrder(); if (orderData == null) { LOG.error("Failed to placeOrder"); } else {"Created order [" + orderData.getCode() + "]"); // Sleep for 10s to allow the fulfilment processes to run for this order // Only have to worry about this here if we are running initialize from ant // as the process will exit immediately that we finish initialising. // Also to allow approval process to locate approver try { Thread.sleep(DELAY_IN_MILLIS); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } catch (final InvalidCartException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return orderData; } }); }
From source
protected OrderData placeOrder(final String customerUid, final Map<String, Long> products, final AddressData deliveryAddress, final String purchaseOrderNumber, final String costCenterCode, final String quotePetition) { // Impersonate site and customer final B2BCustomerModel customer = getUserService().getUserForUID(customerUid.toLowerCase(), B2BCustomerModel.class); final ImpersonationContext ctx = new ImpersonationContext(); ctx.setSite(getCmsAdminSiteService().getSiteForId(YB2BAcceleratorTestConstants.POWERTOOLS_SITE)); ctx.setUser(customer);// w ww .j a v a2 s . co m ctx.setCurrency(i18nService.getCurrency(CURRENCY_ISO_CODE)); return (OrderData) getImpersonationService().executeInContext(ctx, new ImpersonationService.Executor<Object, ImpersonationService.Nothing>() { @Override public Object execute() throws ImpersonationService.Nothing { OrderData orderData = null; // Check if the order already exists by PurchaseOrderNumber if (prepareANewSessionCartForCheckout(products, deliveryAddress, purchaseOrderNumber, costCenterCode, quotePetition, customer)) { try { orderData = getB2bCheckoutFacade().placeOrder(); if (orderData == null) { LOG.error("Failed to placeOrder"); } else {"Created order [" + orderData.getCode() + "]"); // Sleep for 10s to allow the fulfilment processes to run for this order // Only have to worry about this here if we are running initialize from ant // as the process will exit immediately that we finish initialising. // Also to allow approval process to locate approver try { Thread.sleep(DELAY_IN_MILLIS); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } catch (final InvalidCartException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } return orderData; } }); }