List of usage examples for java.lang Integer shortValue
public short shortValue()
From source
/** * Run the Integer getId() method test.//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m * * @throws Exception * * @generatedBy CodePro at 12/15/14 3:00 PM */ @Test public void testGetId_1() throws Exception { DataFileDescriptor fixture = new DataFileDescriptor(); fixture.setComments(""); fixture.setCreator(""); fixture.setName(""); fixture.setDataUrl(""); fixture.setId(new Integer(1)); fixture.setCreated(new Date()); fixture.setModified(new Date()); Integer result = fixture.getId(); assertNotNull(result); assertEquals("1", result.toString()); assertEquals((byte) 1, result.byteValue()); assertEquals((short) 1, result.shortValue()); assertEquals(1, result.intValue()); assertEquals(1L, result.longValue()); assertEquals(1.0f, result.floatValue(), 1.0f); assertEquals(1.0, result.doubleValue(), 1.0); }
From source
public Short getInt16Value() { final String S_ProcName = "getInt16Value"; Short retval;//w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m String text = getText(); if ((text == null) || (text.length() <= 0)) { retval = null; } else { if (!isEditValid()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newInvalidArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Field is not valid"); } try { commitEdit(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newRuntimeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Field is not valid - " + e.getMessage(), e); } Object obj = getValue(); if (obj == null) { retval = null; } else if (obj instanceof Short) { Short s = (Short) obj; short v = s.shortValue(); if ((v < getMinValue()) || (v > getMaxValue())) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newArgumentRangeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "EditedValue", v, getMinValue(), getMaxValue()); } retval = (Short) s; } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { Integer i = (Integer) obj; int v = i.intValue(); if ((v < getMinValue()) || (v > getMaxValue())) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newArgumentRangeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "EditedValue", v, getMinValue(), getMaxValue()); } retval = new Short(i.shortValue()); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { Long l = (Long) obj; long v = l.longValue(); if ((v < getMinValue()) || (v > getMaxValue())) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newArgumentRangeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "EditedValue", v, getMinValue(), getMaxValue()); } retval = new Short(l.shortValue()); } else if (obj instanceof Number) { Number n = (Number) obj; long v = n.longValue(); if ((v < getMinValue()) || (v > getMaxValue())) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newArgumentRangeException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "EditedValue", v, getMinValue(), getMaxValue()); } retval = new Short(n.shortValue()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "EditedValue", obj, "Short, Integer, Long, or Number"); } } return (retval); }
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/** * Add alternative flow step/* w ww .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @throws UCMException */ public void addFlowStep() throws UCMException { try { Integer stepNumber = this.alternativeFlow.getFlowSteps().size() + 1; this.alternativeFlowStep = new FlowStep(stepNumber.shortValue()); if (stepNumber.shortValue() % 2 == 0) { // test for previous actor } else { // system is actor for odd numbered steps Actor system = this.projectService.findSystemActor(this.project); this.alternativeFlowStep.setActor(system); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UCMException(e); } }
From source
/** * Add basic flow step/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ * * @throws UCMException */ @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED) public void addFlowStep() throws UCMException { try { Integer stepNumber = this.useCase.getBasicFlow().getFlowSteps().size() + 1; this.basicFlowStep = new FlowStep(stepNumber.shortValue()); if (stepNumber.intValue() % 2 == 0) { // test for previous actor } else { // system is actor for odd numbered steps Actor system = this.projectService.findSystemActor(this.project); this.basicFlowStep.setActor(system); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UCMException(e); } }
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@Override public SitePreferenceType retrieveSitePreference(Integer userId) { PersonnelBO personnelBO = personnelDao.findPersonnelById(userId.shortValue()); return SitePreferenceType.getSitePreference(personnelBO.getSitePreference()); }
From source
/** * Add basic flow step/* www.ja v a 2s .c o m*/ * * @throws UCMException */ public void addFlowStep() throws UCMException { try { Integer stepNumber = this.useCase.getBasicFlow().getFlowSteps().size() + 1; this.basicFlowStep = new FlowStep(stepNumber.shortValue()); if (stepNumber.intValue() % 2 == 0) { // test for previous actor } else { // system is actor for odd numbered steps Actor system = this.projectService.findSystemActor(this.project); this.basicFlowStep.setActor(system); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UCMException(e); } }
From source
private Short intToShort(final Integer arg) { return (arg == null) ? null : arg.shortValue(); }
From source
@Override public UserSettingsDto retrieveUserSettings(Integer genderId, Integer maritalStatusId, Integer localeId, Short sitePreferenceId) { String gender = getNameForBusinessActivityEntity(genderId); String martialStatus = getNameForBusinessActivityEntity(maritalStatusId); String language = (localeId != null) ? Localization.getInstance().getDisplayName(localeId.shortValue()) : ""; String sitePreference = SitePreferenceType.getSitePreference(sitePreferenceId).name(); int age = 0;// w w w. j a v a 2s. c om List<ValueListElement> empty = new ArrayList<ValueListElement>(); return new UserSettingsDto(gender, martialStatus, language, age, sitePreference, empty, empty, empty, empty); }
From source
@Test(timeout = 600000) public void testProxyPutDuringRebalancing() throws Exception {"Starting testProxyPutDuringRebalancing"); try {//ww w . j ava2 s. c o m int zoneIds[] = new int[] { 1, 3 }; int nodesPerZone[][] = new int[][] { { 3, 4, 5 }, { 9, 10, 11 } }; int partitionMap[][] = new int[][] { { 0 }, { 1, 6 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4, 7 }, { 5 } }; Cluster currentCluster = ServerTestUtils.getLocalNonContiguousZonedCluster(zoneIds, nodesPerZone, partitionMap, ClusterTestUtils.getClusterPorts()); Cluster finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(currentCluster, 5, Lists.newArrayList(7)); finalCluster = UpdateClusterUtils.createUpdatedCluster(finalCluster, 11, Lists.newArrayList(6)); /** * Original partition map * * [s3 : p0] [s4 : p1, p6] [s5 : p2] * * [s9 : p3] [s10 : p4, p7] [s11 : p5] * * final server partition ownership * * [s3 : p0] [s4 : p1] [s5 : p2, p7] * * [s9 : p3] [s10 : p4] [s11 : p5, p6] * * Note that rwStoreDefFileWithReplication is a "2/1/1" store def. * * Original server n-ary partition ownership * * [s3 : p0, p3-7] [s4 : p0-p7] [s5 : p1-2] * * [s9 : p0-3, p6-7] [s10 : p0-p7] [s11 : p4-5] * * final server n-ary partition ownership * * [s3 : p0, p2-7] [s4 : p0-1] [s5 : p1-p7] * * [s9 : p0-3, p5-7] [s10 : p0-4, p7] [s11 : p4-6] */ List<Integer> serverList = Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11); Map<String, String> configProps = new HashMap<String, String>(); configProps.put("admin.max.threads", "5"); final Cluster updatedCurrentCluster = startServers(currentCluster, rwStoreDefFileWithReplication, serverList, configProps); ExecutorService executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); final AtomicBoolean rebalancingComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false); final List<Exception> exceptions = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Exception>()); // Its is imperative that we test in a single shot since multiple batches would mean the proxy bridges // being torn down and established multiple times and we cannot test against the source // cluster topology then. getRebalanceKit uses batch size of infinite, so this should be fine. String bootstrapUrl = getBootstrapUrl(updatedCurrentCluster, 3); int maxParallel = 2; final ClusterTestUtils.RebalanceKit rebalanceKit = ClusterTestUtils.getRebalanceKit(bootstrapUrl, maxParallel, finalCluster); populateData(currentCluster, rwStoreDefWithReplication); final AdminClient adminClient = rebalanceKit.controller.getAdminClient(); // the plan would cause these partitions to move: // Partition : Donor -> stealer // // p2 (Z-SEC) : s4 -> s3 // p3-6 (Z-PRI) : s4 -> s5 // p7 (Z-PRI) : s3 -> s5 // // p5 (Z-SEC): s10 -> s9 // p6 (Z-PRI): s10 -> s11 // // Rebalancing will run on servers 3, 5, 9, & 11 final List<ByteArray> movingKeysList = sampleKeysFromPartition(adminClient, 4, rwStoreDefWithReplication.getName(), Arrays.asList(6), 20); assertTrue("Empty list of moving keys...", movingKeysList.size() > 0); final AtomicBoolean rebalancingStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false); final AtomicBoolean proxyWritesDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); final HashMap<String, String> baselineTuples = new HashMap<String, String>(testEntries); final HashMap<String, VectorClock> baselineVersions = new HashMap<String, VectorClock>(); for (String key : baselineTuples.keySet()) { baselineVersions.put(key, new VectorClock()); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(2); // start get operation. executors.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SocketStoreClientFactory factory = null; try { // wait for the rebalancing to begin List<VoldemortServer> serverList = Lists.newArrayList(serverMap.get(3), serverMap.get(5), serverMap.get(9), serverMap.get(11)); while (!rebalancingComplete.get()) { Iterator<VoldemortServer> serverIterator = serverList.iterator(); while (serverIterator.hasNext()) { VoldemortServer server =; if (ByteUtils .getString(server.getMetadataStore() .get(MetadataStore.SERVER_STATE_KEY, null).get(0).getValue(), "UTF-8") .compareTo(VoldemortState.REBALANCING_MASTER_SERVER.toString()) == 0) {"Server " + server.getIdentityNode().getId() + " transitioned into REBALANCING MODE"); serverIterator.remove(); } } if (serverList.size() == 0) { rebalancingStarted.set(true); break; } } if (rebalancingStarted.get()) { factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory( new ClientConfig().setBootstrapUrls(getBootstrapUrl(updatedCurrentCluster, 3)) .setEnableLazy(false).setSocketTimeout(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .setClientZoneId(3)); final StoreClient<String, String> storeClientRW = new DefaultStoreClient<String, String>( testStoreNameRW, null, factory, 3); // Now perform some writes and determine the end state of the changed keys. // Initially, all data now with zero vector clock for (ByteArray movingKey : movingKeysList) { try { String keyStr = ByteUtils.getString(movingKey.get(), "UTF-8"); String valStr = "proxy_write"; storeClientRW.put(keyStr, valStr); baselineTuples.put(keyStr, valStr); baselineVersions.get(keyStr).incrementVersion(11, System.currentTimeMillis()); proxyWritesDone.set(true); if (rebalancingComplete.get()) { break; } } catch (InvalidMetadataException e) { logger.error("Encountered an invalid metadata exception.. ", e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception in proxy write thread..", e); exceptions.add(e); } finally { if (factory != null) factory.close(); latch.countDown(); } } }); executors.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { rebalanceKit.rebalance(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in rebalancing... ", e); exceptions.add(e); } finally { rebalancingComplete.set(true); latch.countDown(); } } }); latch.await(); executors.shutdown(); executors.awaitTermination(300, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals("Client did not see all server transition into rebalancing state", rebalancingStarted.get(), true); assertEquals("Not enough time to begin proxy writing", proxyWritesDone.get(), true); checkEntriesPostRebalance(updatedCurrentCluster, finalCluster, Lists.newArrayList(rwStoreDefWithReplication), Arrays.asList(3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11), baselineTuples, baselineVersions); checkConsistentMetadata(finalCluster, serverList); // check No Exception if (exceptions.size() > 0) { for (Exception e : exceptions) { e.printStackTrace(); } fail("Should not see any exceptions."); } // check that the proxy writes were made to the original donor, node 4 List<ClockEntry> clockEntries = new ArrayList<ClockEntry>(serverList.size()); for (Integer nodeid : serverList) clockEntries.add(new ClockEntry(nodeid.shortValue(), System.currentTimeMillis())); VectorClock clusterXmlClock = new VectorClock(clockEntries, System.currentTimeMillis()); for (Integer nodeid : serverList) adminClient.metadataMgmtOps.updateRemoteCluster(nodeid, currentCluster, clusterXmlClock); adminClient.setAdminClientCluster(currentCluster); checkForTupleEquivalence(adminClient, 4, testStoreNameRW, movingKeysList, baselineTuples, baselineVersions); // stop servers try { stopServer(serverList); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } catch (AssertionError ae) { logger.error("Assertion broken in testProxyPutDuringRebalancing ", ae); throw ae; } }
From source
@GET @Path("/year/{year}/period/start/{period}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)/*from w w w . j av a2 s.c o m*/ @ApiOperation(value = "Find course according to taught year and start period.", response = Course.class, responseContainer = "Set") public Response getCourseByScheduleInfo( @ApiParam(name = "year", required = true) @PathParam("year") Integer taughtYear, @ApiParam(name = "period", allowableValues = "1,2,3,4", required = true) @PathParam("period") Integer startPeriod) {"Get course taught in {}, started in period {}", taughtYear, startPeriod); if (taughtYear == null || taughtYear < UU_FOUND_YEAR) { LOGGER.error("Input year is {}, UU founded in {} ", taughtYear, UU_FOUND_YEAR); final String REASON = "UU founded yet in year " + UU_FOUND_YEAR; return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).header("Reason", REASON).build(); } if (startPeriod == null) { final String REASON = "Start period is null"; LOGGER.error(REASON); return Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).header("Reason", REASON).build(); } Set<Course> courses = this.courseRepository .findByTaughtYearAndStartPeriod(taughtYear.shortValue(), startPeriod.shortValue()).stream() .map(dbEntity -> CourseConverter.convert(dbEntity)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return Response.ok(courses, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build(); }