Example usage for java.lang Integer intValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Integer intValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Integer intValue.


public int intValue() 

Source Link


Returns the value of this Integer as an int .


From source file:com.appspot.potlachkk.controller.GiftSvc.java

@RequestMapping(value = GiftSvcApi.GIFT_SVC_PATH_GIFT, method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
public @ResponseBody Void deleteGiftById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {

    Gift g = gifts.findById(id);//from w ww .  j a  va  2  s.c o  m

    //check if user has right to delete the gift 
    //it would be nice to have it method level security
    //but id doeasn't work well with retrofit 
    //(see description in file header)
    User user = (User) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
    String name = user.getUsername(); //get logged in username

    if (!g.getUsername().equals(name)) {
        //TODO different exception
        throw new ResourceNotFoundException();

    //check if the gift is not last in his chain
    //if it is the last one remove also the chain
    Integer giftsInChain = chains.getGiftsSize(g.getChainId());

    if (giftsInChain.intValue() == 1) {

    return null;

From source file:edu.hm.muse.controller.Logincontroller.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/adminlogin.secu", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView doAdminLogin(@RequestParam(value = "mpwd", required = false) String mpwd,
        @RequestParam(value = "csrftoken", required = false) String csrfParam, HttpServletResponse response,
        HttpSession session) {//from   w  w w.j  av a  2  s .c o m
    if (null == mpwd || mpwd.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SuperFatalAndReallyAnnoyingException(
                "I can not process, because the requestparam mpwd is empty or null or something like this");

    String sql = "select count (*) from M_ADMIN where mpwd = ?";

    try {
        String digest = calculateSHA256(new ByteArrayInputStream(mpwd.getBytes("UTF8")));

        int res = 0;

        res = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, new Object[] { digest }, new int[] { Types.VARCHAR });

        Integer csrfTokenSess = (Integer) session.getAttribute("csrftoken");
        if (res != 0 && csrfParam != null && !csrfParam.isEmpty() && csrfTokenSess != null) {
            Integer csrfParamToken = Integer.parseInt(csrfParam);
            if (csrfParamToken.intValue() == csrfTokenSess.intValue()) {
                SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
                int token = random.nextInt();
                session.setAttribute("user", "admin");
                session.setAttribute("login", true);
                session.setAttribute("admintoken", token);
                response.addCookie(new Cookie("admintoken", String.valueOf(token)));
                return new ModelAndView("redirect:adminintern.secu");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
    } catch (ClassCastException ccastEx) {
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfoEx) {
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
        throw new SuperFatalAndReallyAnnoyingException(
                String.format("Sorry but %sis a bad grammar or has following problem %s", sql, e.getMessage()));
    ModelAndView mv = returnToAdminLogin(session);
    return mv;

From source file:org.openmrs.module.facilitydata.web.controller.FacilityDataQuestionTypeFormController.java

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveQuestionType(HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap map,
        @RequestParam(required = false) Integer id, @RequestParam(required = true) String name,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String description,
        @RequestParam(required = false) Class<? extends FacilityDataQuestionType> dataType,
        @RequestParam(required = false) Double minValue, @RequestParam(required = false) Double maxValue,
        @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean allowDecimals,
        @RequestParam(required = false) Integer[] optionId, @RequestParam(required = false) String[] optionName,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String[] optionCode,
        @RequestParam(required = false) String[] optionDescription) throws Exception {

    FacilityDataQuestionType questionType = getQuestionType(id, dataType);
    questionType.setName(name);//from   w  ww.  j av  a2 s  .  co  m

    if (questionType instanceof NumericFacilityDataQuestionType) {
        NumericFacilityDataQuestionType numericType = (NumericFacilityDataQuestionType) questionType;
        numericType.setAllowDecimals(allowDecimals != null && allowDecimals == Boolean.TRUE);
    } else if (questionType instanceof CodedFacilityDataQuestionType) {
        CodedFacilityDataQuestionType codedType = (CodedFacilityDataQuestionType) questionType;

        Map<Integer, Integer> codedOptionBreakdown = getService().getCodedOptionBreakdown();
        Date now = new Date();
        List<Integer> passedOptionIds = Arrays.asList(optionId);
        Set<Integer> removedOptionIds = new HashSet<Integer>();

        // First we need to go through existing options, and delete or retire as needed
        for (Iterator<FacilityDataCodedOption> i = codedType.getOptions().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            FacilityDataCodedOption option = i.next();
            if (!passedOptionIds.contains(option.getId())) { // In this case we need to delete or retire
                Integer numValues = codedOptionBreakdown.get(option.getId());
                if (numValues == null || numValues.intValue() == 0) { // If no values are saved for it, we can delete
                } else { // If values exist for it, we have to retire

        // Now we go through passed options and update or add as needed
        for (int i = 0; i < optionId.length; i++) {
            if (optionCode[i].length() > 0 && optionName[i].length() > 0
                    && !removedOptionIds.contains(optionId[i])) {
                FacilityDataCodedOption codedOption = null;
                if (optionId[i] != null) {
                    codedOption = codedType.getOptionById(optionId[i]);
                } else {
                    codedOption = new FacilityDataCodedOption();


    BindingResult result = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(questionType, "questionType");
    new FacilityDataQuestionTypeValidator().validate(questionType, result);
    if (result.hasErrors()) {
        return "/module/facilitydata/questionTypeForm";
    return "redirect:questionType.list";

From source file:com.asakusafw.cleaner.log.LogMessageManager.java

 * ID?????//from  w  ww .  ja  v a2s  .  co  m
 * <p>
 * ??ID?????????
 * ????
 * ??ID?????ID=xxx?=xxx, xxx, xxx?
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * ???????????
 * ????
 * </p>
 * @param messageId ID
 * @param messageArgs 
 * @return 
public String createLogMessage(String messageId, Object... messageArgs) {

    Object[] messageArgsConverted = toStringMessageArgs(messageArgs);

    String templateStr = templateMap.get(messageId);
    if (templateStr == null) {
        String message = MessageFormat.format(MESSAGE_ID_NOT_FOUND, messageId,
                StringUtils.join(messageArgsConverted, ", "));
        return message;
    Integer index = sizeMap.get(messageId);
    if (index != null) {
        if (messageArgsConverted.length != index.intValue()) {
            String message = MessageFormat.format(ILLEGAL_SIZE, new Date(), messageId,
                    StringUtils.join(messageArgsConverted, ", "));

    return MessageFormat.format(templateStr, messageArgsConverted);

From source file:org.syncope.core.persistence.dao.UserTest.java

public void count() {
    Integer count = userDAO.count(EntitlementUtil.getRoleIds(entitlementDAO.findAll()));
    assertNotNull(count);/*  w  w w. j ava 2s .c om*/
    assertEquals(4, count.intValue());

From source file:net.sourceforge.eclipsetrader.core.internal.TradingSystemRepository.java

private Integer getNextId(Integer id) {
    return new Integer(id.intValue() + 1);

From source file:CountedSet.java

 * Return the count of the specified object.
 * @param o the object whose count needs to be determined.
 * @return the count of the specified object.
 *//*from   www . j a v  a 2s.  c  o m*/
public int getCount(Object o) {
    Integer count = (Integer) cset.get(o);
    if (count == null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return count.intValue();

From source file:net.nosleep.superanalyzer.analysis.views.GrowthView.java

private void refreshDataset() {
    TimeSeries series1 = new TimeSeries(Misc.getString("SONGS_IN_LIBRARY"));

    Hashtable addedHash = null;/* ww w .  j  a  v  a 2  s . co m*/

    if (_comboBox == null) {
        addedHash = _analysis.getDatesAdded(Analysis.KIND_TRACK, null);
    } else {
        ComboItem item = (ComboItem) _comboBox.getSelectedItem();
        addedHash = _analysis.getDatesAdded(item.getKind(), item.getValue());

    Vector items = new Vector();

    Enumeration e = addedHash.keys();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {

        Day day = (Day) e.nextElement();
        Integer count = (Integer) addedHash.get(day);

        if (count.intValue() > 0) {
            items.addElement(new GrowthItem(day, count));

    Collections.sort(items, new GrowthComparator());

    double value = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
        GrowthItem item = (GrowthItem) items.elementAt(i);

        value += item.Count;

        series1.add(item.Day, value);



From source file:edu.utah.further.mdr.data.common.domain.asset.ResourceTypeEntity.java

 * @param other/*from ww w . ja v  a  2s.c om*/
 * @return
 * @see edu.utah.further.mdr.api.domain.asset.Resource#copyFrom(edu.utah.further.mdr.api.domain.asset.Resource)
public ResourceType copyFrom(final BasicLookupValue other) {
    if (other == null) {
        return this;

    // Identifier is not copied

    // Deep-copy fields
    this.label = other.getLabel();
    final Integer otherOrder = other.getOrder();
    if (otherOrder != null) {
        this.order = new Integer(otherOrder.intValue());

    // Deep-copy collection references but soft-copy their elements

    return this;

From source file:com.bdx.rainbow.service.basic.impl.MedicineService.java

public TBasicSkuItem findDrcFromCFDA(String jgmCode) throws Exception {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(jgmCode))
        throw new Exception("?");

    TBasicSkuItem drc = selectDrcByCode(jgmCode);
    if (drc != null)
        return drc;

    String url = "http://mobile.cfda.gov.cn/services/code/codeQueryCFDA?code=" + jgmCode
            + "&phone=EC03E7D2-7AEF-46AE-AD0D-F6F0B1804A5A";

    logger.debug(url);/*w  w  w  .  j  a v a  2  s .  c  o  m*/

    Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(0);

    String json = HttpClientUtil.getStringResponse(url, "get", header, null, null, "utf-8");

    //      String json = HttpClientUtil.getStringResponseByProxy(url, "get", header, null, null, "",8080,"utf-8");
    System.out.println("json" + json);

    if (StringUtils.isBlank(json) == false) {
        try {
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            Map map = (Map) mapper.readValue(json, Map.class);
            Map infoMap = (Map) map.get("info");

            Integer retcode = (Integer) infoMap.get("retcode");

            if (infoMap != null && retcode != null && retcode.intValue() == 0) {
                drc = new TBasicSkuItem();
                        infoMap.get("license_number") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("license_number").toString());//
                        infoMap.get("last_time") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("last_time").toString());//
                drc.setFlow(infoMap.get("flow") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("flow").toString());
                drc.setPkgSpec(infoMap.get("pkg_spec") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("pkg_spec").toString());
                drc.setSaleTime(infoMap.get("sale_time") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("sale_time").toString());
                drc.setItemName(infoMap.get("title") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("title").toString());//
                drc.setForm(infoMap.get("prepn_type") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("prepn_type").toString());//
                drc.setFormUnit(infoMap.get("prepn_unit") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("prepn_unit").toString());//
                drc.setPkgUnit(infoMap.get("pkg_unit") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("pkg_unit").toString());
                        infoMap.get("issue_expiry") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("issue_expiry").toString());
                //               drc.setFirstQuery(infoMap.get("first_query") ==null?"":infoMap.get("first_query").toString());
                drc.setLastEnt(infoMap.get("last_ent") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("last_ent").toString());
                drc.setBatchNo(infoMap.get("production_batch") == null ? ""
                        : infoMap.get("production_batch").toString());
                drc.setFlow(infoMap.get("status") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("status").toString());//
                drc.setSaleEnt(infoMap.get("sale_ent") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("sale_ent").toString());//
                drc.setThumbUrl(infoMap.get("thumb_url") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("thumb_url").toString());
                drc.setProductionDate(infoMap.get("production_date") == null ? ""
                        : infoMap.get("production_date").toString());
                        infoMap.get("specifications") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("specifications").toString());//
                drc.setCategory(infoMap.get("category") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("category").toString());
                        infoMap.get("manufacturer") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("manufacturer").toString());//
                        infoMap.get("expiry_date") == null ? "" : infoMap.get("expiry_date").toString());//
                logger.debug("drc ?:" + mapper.writeValueAsString(drc));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;


    if (drc != null) {


    return drc;
