Example usage for java.lang Integer bitCount

List of usage examples for java.lang Integer bitCount


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Integer bitCount.


public static int bitCount(int i) 

Source Link


Returns the number of one-bits in the two's complement binary representation of the specified int value.


From source file:Main.java

public static void main(String[] args) {


From source file:MainClass.java

public static void main(String args[]) {
    int n = 170; // 10101010

    System.out.println("Value in binary: 10101010");

    System.out.println("Number of one bits: " + Integer.bitCount(n));

From source file:Bits.java

public static void main(String args[]) {
    int n = 170; // 10101010 
    System.out.println("Value in binary: 10101010");

    System.out.println("Number of one bits: " + Integer.bitCount(n));

    System.out.println("Highest one bit: " + Integer.highestOneBit(n));

    System.out.println("Lowest one bit: " + Integer.lowestOneBit(n));

    System.out.println("Number of leading zeros : " + Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n));

    System.out.println("Number of trailing zeros : " + Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(n));

    System.out.println("\nBeginning with the value 1, " + "rotate left 16 times.");
    n = 1;//from  w  w  w.  j  a v a2  s  .  co m
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        n = Integer.rotateLeft(n, 1);

From source file:MainClass.java

public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    int n = 170; // 10101010

    System.out.println("Value in binary: 10101010");

    System.out.println("Number of one bits: " + Integer.bitCount(n));

    System.out.println("Highest one bit: " + Integer.highestOneBit(n));

    System.out.println("Lowest one bit: " + Integer.lowestOneBit(n));

    System.out.println("Number of leading zeros : " + Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n));

    System.out.println("Number of trailing zeros : " + Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(n));

    System.out.println("\nBeginning with the value 1, " + "rotate left 16 times.");
    n = 1;//  w  w  w .  j  a  v a 2s. c  om
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        n = Integer.rotateLeft(n, 1);


From source file:com.xtructure.xutil.BinaryIndexedTree.java

 * Creates a new {@link BinaryIndexedTree} with max index the smallest power
 * of 2 larger than the given size.//w  w w. jav  a  2 s . c o m
 * @param size the size
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if size is not greater than 0
public BinaryIndexedTree(int size) {
    validateArg("size", size, isGreaterThan(0));
    this.maxIndex = Integer.bitCount(size) == 1 ? size : Integer.highestOneBit(size) << 1;
    this.tree = new long[maxIndex + 1];
    this.freq = new long[maxIndex + 1];

From source file:com.offbynull.voip.kademlia.model.SimpleRouteTreeStrategy.java

 * Constructs a {@link SimpleRouteTreeStrategy} object.
 * @param baseId ID of Kademlia node this supplier is generating a route tree for
 * @param branchesPerLevel number of branches to generate whenever a k-bucket splits
 * @param nodesPerBucket maximum number of nodes allowed in each k-bucket
 * @param cacheNodesPerBucket maximum number of cache nodes allowed in each k-bucket
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any numeric argument is {@code 0} or less, or if
 * {@code branchesPerLevel < 2 || !isPowerOfTwo(branchesPerLevel)}, or if {@code baseId.getBitLength() % branchesPerLevel != 0} (if the
 * number of branches per level doesn't divide evenly in to bit length, the routing tree will have too many branches at the last level)
 *///from   w  ww.  j  a v a 2s .  c o m
public SimpleRouteTreeStrategy(Id baseId, int branchesPerLevel, int nodesPerBucket, int cacheNodesPerBucket) {
    Validate.isTrue(branchesPerLevel >= 2);
    Validate.isTrue(nodesPerBucket > 0);
    Validate.isTrue(cacheNodesPerBucket > 0);

    // check to make sure power of 2
    // other ways: http://javarevisited.blogspot.ca/2013/05/how-to-check-if-integer-number-is-power-of-two-example.html
    Validate.isTrue(Integer.bitCount(branchesPerLevel) == 1);

    Validate.isTrue(baseId.getBitLength() % branchesPerLevel == 0);

    this.baseId = baseId;
    this.branchesPerLevel = branchesPerLevel;
    this.nodesPerBucket = nodesPerBucket;
    this.cacheNodesPerBucket = cacheNodesPerBucket;

From source file:com.musicg.api.DetectionApi.java

 * Determine the audio bytes contains a specific sound or not
 * /*from   ww w  .j av  a  2 s  .co  m*/
 * @param audioBytes
 *            input audio byte
 * @return true if the byes contain the specified sound
public boolean isSpecificSound(byte[] audioBytes) {

    int bytesPerSample = waveHeader.getBitsPerSample() / 8;
    int numSamples = audioBytes.length / bytesPerSample;

    // numSamples required to be a power of 2
    if (numSamples > 0 && Integer.bitCount(numSamples) == 1) {
        fftSampleSize = numSamples;
        numFrequencyUnit = fftSampleSize / 2;

        // frequency could be caught within the half of nSamples according
        // to Nyquist theory
        unitFrequency = (double) waveHeader.getSampleRate() / 2 / numFrequencyUnit;

        // set boundary
        lowerBoundary = (int) (highPass / unitFrequency);
        upperBoundary = (int) (lowPass / unitFrequency);
        // end set boundary

        Wave wave = new Wave(waveHeader, audioBytes); // audio bytes of this
                                                      // frame
        short[] amplitudes = wave.getSampleAmplitudes();

        // spectrum for the clip
        Spectrogram spectrogram = wave.getSpectrogram(fftSampleSize, 0);

        double[][] spectrogramData = spectrogram.getAbsoluteSpectrogramData();

        // since fftSampleSize==numSamples, there're only one spectrum which
        // is thisFrameSpectrogramData[0]
        double[] spectrum = spectrogramData[0];

        int frequencyUnitRange = upperBoundary - lowerBoundary + 1;
        double[] rangedSpectrum = new double[frequencyUnitRange];
        System.arraycopy(spectrum, lowerBoundary, rangedSpectrum, 0, rangedSpectrum.length);

        if (frequencyUnitRange <= spectrum.length) {

            if (isPassedIntensity(spectrum)) {
                if (isPassedStandardDeviation(spectrogramData)) {
                    if (isPassedZeroCrossingRate(amplitudes)) {
                        if (isPassedFrequency(rangedSpectrum)) {
                            return true;

             * // run all checking for debug boolean isPassedChecking =
             * true; // rule 1: check the intensity of this frame
             * isPassedChecking &= isPassedIntensity(spectrum); // rule 2:
             * check the frequency of this frame isPassedChecking &=
             * isPassedFrequency(rangedSpectrum); // rule 3: check the zero
             * crossing rate of this frame isPassedChecking &=
             * isPassedZeroCrossingRate(amplitudes); // rule 4: check the
             * standard deviation of this frame with reference of previous
             * frames isPassedChecking &=
             * isPassedStandardDeviation(spectrogramData);
             * System.out.println("Result: " + isPassedChecking + "\n");
             * return isPassedChecking; // end run all checking for debug

        } else {
            System.err.println("is error: the wave needed to be higher sample rate");

    } else {
        System.out.println("The sample size must be a power of 2");

    return false;

From source file:WorkerRunnable.java

public WorkerRunnable(int numTopics, double[][] alpha, double alphaSum, double[][] beta, double betaSum,
        int newTypes, int oldDocs, Randoms random, ArrayList<TopicAssignment> data, int[][] typeTopicCounts,
        int[] tokensPerTopic, int startDoc, int numDocs) {

    this.data = data;

    this.numTopics = numTopics;
    this.numTypes = typeTopicCounts.length;

    if (Integer.bitCount(numTopics) == 1) {
        // exact power of 2
        topicMask = numTopics - 1;//  w  w w .  j  a  v  a 2s  . c o m
        topicBits = Integer.bitCount(topicMask);
    } else {
        // otherwise add an extra bit
        topicMask = Integer.highestOneBit(numTopics) * 2 - 1;
        topicBits = Integer.bitCount(topicMask);

    this.typeTopicCounts = typeTopicCounts;
    this.tokensPerTopic = tokensPerTopic;

    this.alphaSum = alphaSum;
    this.alpha = alpha;
    this.betaSum = betaSum;
    this.beta = beta;
    //System.out.println("Is beta 0? " + beta[0][0]);
    //this.betaSum = 0;
    this.betaAvg = new double[numTopics];
    int topic = 0;
    for (double[] i : beta) {
        for (double j : i) {
            this.betaAvg[topic] += j;
            //      this.betaSum += j; 
        this.betaAvg[topic] /= i.length;

    this.alphaAvg = new double[numTopics];
    for (topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) {
        for (int doc = startDoc; doc < data.size() && doc < startDoc + numDocs; doc++) {
            alphaAvg[topic] += alpha[doc][topic];
        this.betaAvg[topic] /= numDocs;

    this.random = random;

    this.startDoc = startDoc;
    this.numDocs = numDocs;

    cachedCoefficients = new double[numTopics];
    this.topicDocCounts = new int[numTopics][numDocs];
    this.docStorageArray = new int[numTopics][numDocs];

    //System.err.println("WorkerRunnable Thread: " + numTopics + " topics, " + topicBits + " topic bits, " + 
    //               Integer.toBinaryString(topicMask) + " topic mask");


From source file:br.ufal.cideei.soot.instrument.bitrep.BitConfigRep.java

public int size() {
    return Integer.bitCount(id);

From source file:com.raphfrk.craftproxyclient.net.protocol.p172Play.P172PlayProtocol.java

public byte[] getDataArray(Packet p) {
    if (p.getId() == 0x21) {
        int primaryBitmask = ((Short) p.getField(5)) & 0xFFFF;
        int sections = Integer.bitCount(primaryBitmask);
        int maxSize = 256 + sections * 16384;

        byte[] data = (byte[]) p.getField(7);

        byte[] inflatedData = new byte[maxSize];
        int inflatedSize = CompressionManager.inflate(data, inflatedData);
        byte[] inflatedDataResized = new byte[inflatedSize];
        System.arraycopy(inflatedData, 0, inflatedDataResized, 0, inflatedSize);
        return inflatedDataResized;
    } else if (p.getId() == 0x26) {
        BulkData d = (BulkData) p.getField(2);
        int chunks = d.getChunks();
        int maxSize = chunks * 16384 * 16;
        byte[] inflatedData = new byte[maxSize];
        int inflatedSize = CompressionManager.inflate(d.getChunkData(), inflatedData);
        byte[] inflatedDataResized = new byte[inflatedSize];
        System.arraycopy(inflatedData, 0, inflatedDataResized, 0, inflatedSize);
        return inflatedDataResized;
    } else {// w w w. j a  va2  s . co m
        return null;