Example usage for java.lang IndexOutOfBoundsException toString

List of usage examples for java.lang IndexOutOfBoundsException toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang IndexOutOfBoundsException toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a short description of this throwable.


From source file:com.genentech.chemistry.openEye.apps.SDFMolSeparator.java

 * @param args/*from  ww w.  j a va  2 s  .com*/
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { // create command line Options object
    Options options = new Options();
    Option opt = new Option(OPT_INFILE, true,
            "input file oe-supported Use .sdf|.smi to specify the file type.");

    opt = new Option(OPT_OUTFILE, true, "output file oe-supported. Use .sdf|.smi to specify the file type.");

    CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
    CommandLine cmd = null;
    try {
        cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    args = cmd.getArgs();

    if (cmd.hasOption("d")) {
        System.err.println("Start debugger and press return:");
        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)).readLine();

    String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_INFILE);
    String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_OUTFILE);
    SDFMolSeparator separator = new SDFMolSeparator(outFile);

    try {

    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iie) {
    } finally {


From source file:com.t2.biofeedback.BioFeedbackService.java

void performServiceCommand(Message msg) {
    byte[] payload = msg.getData().getByteArray("EXTRA_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD");
    if (payload == null)
        return;/*  ww  w .  j av a 2 s.co m*/
    if (deviceManager == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "NEW no device manager");

    byte sensor;
    byte command;
    byte[] btAddress = new byte[6];
    String btAddressString;

    if (payload.length == 7 + 255) {
        // See ShimmerNonSpineSetupSensor_codec for coding format
        command = payload[0];

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                btAddress[i] = payload[i + 1];
            btAddressString = Util.getBtStringAddress(btAddress);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
            btAddressString = "";

        if (command == COMMAND_ENABLED) {
            this.deviceManager.setDeviceEnabled(btAddressString, true);
        } else {
            if (command == COMMAND_DISABLED) {
                this.deviceManager.setDeviceEnabled(btAddressString, false);

            } else {
                Log.e(TAG, "performServiceCommand() Command not recognized");

    // Now send the updated device list to the activity so it can update it's listview

From source file:com.t2.biofeedback.BioFeedbackService.java

void performSetupSensor(Message msg) {
    byte[] payload = msg.getData().getByteArray("EXTRA_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD");
    if (payload == null)
        return;/*  w  w  w. ja v a  2s  .co m*/
    if (deviceManager == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "NEW no device manager");

    byte sensor;
    byte command;
    byte[] btAddress = new byte[6];
    String btAddressString;

    if (payload.length == 8 + 255) {
        // See ShimmerNonSpineSetupSensor_codec for coding format
        sensor = payload[0];
        command = payload[1];

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                btAddress[i] = payload[i + 2];
            btAddressString = Util.getBtStringAddress(btAddress);
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
            btAddressString = "";

        BioFeedbackDevice[] enabledDevices = deviceManager.getEnabledDevices();

        for (BioFeedbackDevice d : enabledDevices) {
            if (d.isBonded() && d.isConencted()) {

                if (d instanceof ShimmerDevice) {
                    String s = d.getAddress();

                    if (d.getAddress().equalsIgnoreCase(btAddressString)) {
                        Log.i(TAG, "Address = " + s);
                        ShimmerDevice dev = (ShimmerDevice) d;
                        dev.setup(sensor, command);


From source file:com.searchcode.app.jobs.repository.IndexGitRepoJob.java

 * Uses the inbuilt git//  w  ww. j  av a2  s .c  o m
 * TODO this method appears to leak memory like crazy... need to investigate
 * TODO lots of hairy bits in here need tests to capture issues
public List<CodeOwner> getBlameInfo(int codeLinesSize, String repoName, String repoLocations, String fileName) {
    List<CodeOwner> codeOwners = new ArrayList<>(codeLinesSize);
    try {
        // The / part is required due to centos bug for version 1.1.1
        // This appears to be correct
        String repoLoc = repoLocations + "/" + repoName + "/.git";

        Repository localRepository = new FileRepository(new File(repoLoc));
        BlameCommand blamer = new BlameCommand(localRepository);

        ObjectId commitID = localRepository.resolve("HEAD");

        if (commitID == null) {
            Singleton.getLogger().info("getBlameInfo commitID is null for " + repoLoc + " " + fileName);
            return codeOwners;

        BlameResult blame;

        // Somewhere in here appears to be wrong...
        blame = blamer.call();

        // Hail mary attempt to solve issue on CentOS Attempt to set at all costs
        if (blame == null) { // This one appears to solve the issue so don't remove it
            String[] split = fileName.split("/");
            if (split.length != 1) {
                blamer.setFilePath(String.join("/", Arrays.asList(split).subList(1, split.length)));
            blame = blamer.call();
        if (blame == null) {
            String[] split = fileName.split("/");
            if (split.length != 1) {
                blamer.setFilePath("/" + String.join("/", Arrays.asList(split).subList(1, split.length)));
            blame = blamer.call();

        if (blame == null) {
            Singleton.getLogger().info("getBlameInfo blame is null for " + repoLoc + " " + fileName);

        if (blame != null) {
            // Get all the owners their number of commits and most recent commit
            HashMap<String, CodeOwner> owners = new HashMap<>();
            RevCommit commit;
            PersonIdent authorIdent;

            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < codeLinesSize; i++) {
                    commit = blame.getSourceCommit(i);
                    authorIdent = commit.getAuthorIdent();

                    if (owners.containsKey(authorIdent.getName())) {
                        CodeOwner codeOwner = owners.get(authorIdent.getName());

                        int timestamp = codeOwner.getMostRecentUnixCommitTimestamp();

                        if (commit.getCommitTime() > timestamp) {
                        owners.put(authorIdent.getName(), codeOwner);
                    } else {
                                new CodeOwner(authorIdent.getName(), 1, commit.getCommitTime()));
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                // Ignore this as its not really a problem or is it?
                        "IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " " + fileName);

            codeOwners = new ArrayList<>(owners.values());

    } catch (IOException ex) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("IOException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " "
                + fileName + " " + ex.toString());
    } catch (GitAPIException ex) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("GitAPIException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for " + repoName + " "
                + fileName + " " + ex.toString());
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        Singleton.getLogger().info("IllegalArgumentException getBlameInfo when trying to get blame for "
                + repoName + " " + fileName + " " + ex.toString());

    System.gc(); // Try to clean up
    return codeOwners;

From source file:com.example.nachiketvatkar.locateus.BluetoothPairing.java

private void decodeScanRecords(BluetoothDeviceData deviceData) {
    // based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24003777/read-advertisement-packet-in-android
    final byte[] scanRecord = deviceData.scanRecord;

    ArrayList<UUID> uuids = new ArrayList<>();
    byte[] advertisedData = Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, scanRecord.length);
    int offset = 0;
    deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Unknown;

    // Check if is an iBeacon ( 0x02, 0x0x1, a flag byte, 0x1A, 0xFF, manufacturer (2bytes), 0x02, 0x15)
    final boolean isBeacon = advertisedData[0] == 0x02 && advertisedData[1] == 0x01 && advertisedData[3] == 0x1A
            && advertisedData[4] == (byte) 0xFF && advertisedData[7] == 0x02 && advertisedData[8] == 0x15;

    // Check if is an URIBeacon
    final byte[] kUriBeaconPrefix = { 0x03, 0x03, (byte) 0xD8, (byte) 0xFE };
    final boolean isUriBeacon = Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, kUriBeaconPrefix.length),
            kUriBeaconPrefix) && advertisedData[5] == 0x16 && advertisedData[6] == kUriBeaconPrefix[2]
            && advertisedData[7] == kUriBeaconPrefix[3];

    if (isBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Beacon;

        // Read uuid
        offset = 9;//from w ww. j a  v a 2 s .  c o m
        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArrayBigEndian(Arrays.copyOfRange(scanRecord, offset, offset + 16));
        offset += 16;

        // Skip major minor
        offset += 2 * 2; // major, minor

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;

    else if (isUriBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_UriBeacon;

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[9];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;

    else {
        // Read standard advertising packet
        while (offset < advertisedData.length - 2) {
            // Length
            int len = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (len == 0)

            // Type
            int type = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (type == 0)

            // Data
            //            Log.d(TAG, "record -> lenght: " + length + " type:" + type + " data" + data);

            switch (type) {
            case 0x02: // Partial list of 16-bit UUIDs
            case 0x03: {// Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
                while (len > 1) {
                    int uuid16 = advertisedData[offset++] & 0xFF;
                    uuid16 |= (advertisedData[offset++] << 8);
                    len -= 2;
                    uuids.add(UUID.fromString(String.format("%08x-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", uuid16)));

            case 0x06: // Partial list of 128-bit UUIDs
            case 0x07: { // Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
                while (len >= 16) {
                    try {
                        // Wrap the advertised bits and order them.
                        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArraLittleEndian(
                                Arrays.copyOfRange(advertisedData, offset, offset + 16));

                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "BlueToothDeviceFilter.parseUUID: " + e.toString());
                    } finally {
                        // Move the offset to read the next uuid.
                        offset += 16;
                        len -= 16;

            case 0x0A: { // TX Power
                final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
                deviceData.txPower = txPower;

            default: {
                offset += (len - 1);

        // Check if Uart is contained in the uuids
        boolean isUart = false;
        for (UUID uuid : uuids) {
            //                if (uuid.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(UartInterfaceActivity.UUID_SERVICE)){
            //                    isUart = true;
            //                    break;
            //                }
        if (isUart) {
            deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Uart;

    deviceData.uuids = uuids;

From source file:com.cs4644.vt.theonering.MainActivity.java

private void decodeScanRecords(BluetoothDeviceData deviceData) {
    // based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24003777/read-advertisement-packet-in-android
    final byte[] scanRecord = deviceData.scanRecord;

    ArrayList<UUID> uuids = new ArrayList<>();
    byte[] advertisedData = Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, scanRecord.length);
    int offset = 0;
    deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Unknown;

    // Check if is an iBeacon ( 0x02, 0x0x1, a flag byte, 0x1A, 0xFF, manufacturer (2bytes), 0x02, 0x15)
    final boolean isBeacon = advertisedData[0] == 0x02 && advertisedData[1] == 0x01 && advertisedData[3] == 0x1A
            && advertisedData[4] == (byte) 0xFF && advertisedData[7] == 0x02 && advertisedData[8] == 0x15;

    // Check if is an URIBeacon
    final byte[] kUriBeaconPrefix = { 0x03, 0x03, (byte) 0xD8, (byte) 0xFE };
    final boolean isUriBeacon = Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, kUriBeaconPrefix.length),
            kUriBeaconPrefix) && advertisedData[5] == 0x16 && advertisedData[6] == kUriBeaconPrefix[2]
            && advertisedData[7] == kUriBeaconPrefix[3];

    if (isBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Beacon;

        // Read uuid
        offset = 9;//from   w  w w. java  2  s  .  co  m
        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArrayBigEndian(Arrays.copyOfRange(scanRecord, offset, offset + 16));
        offset += 16;

        // Skip major minor
        offset += 2 * 2; // major, minor

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;
    } else if (isUriBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_UriBeacon;

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[9];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;
    } else {
        // Read standard advertising packet
        while (offset < advertisedData.length - 2) {
            // Length
            int len = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (len == 0)

            // Type
            int type = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (type == 0)

            // Data
            //            Log.d(TAG, "record -> lenght: " + length + " type:" + type + " data" + data);

            switch (type) {
            case 0x02: // Partial list of 16-bit UUIDs
            case 0x03: {// Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
                while (len > 1) {
                    int uuid16 = advertisedData[offset++] & 0xFF;
                    uuid16 |= (advertisedData[offset++] << 8);
                    len -= 2;
                    uuids.add(UUID.fromString(String.format("%08x-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", uuid16)));

            case 0x06: // Partial list of 128-bit UUIDs
            case 0x07: { // Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
                while (len >= 16) {
                    try {
                        // Wrap the advertised bits and order them.
                        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArraLittleEndian(
                                Arrays.copyOfRange(advertisedData, offset, offset + 16));

                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "BlueToothDeviceFilter.parseUUID: " + e.toString());
                    } finally {
                        // Move the offset to read the next uuid.
                        offset += 16;
                        len -= 16;

            case 0x0A: { // TX Power
                final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
                deviceData.txPower = txPower;

            default: {
                offset += (len - 1);

        // Check if Uart is contained in the uuids
        boolean isUart = false;
        for (UUID uuid : uuids) {
            if (uuid.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(UartInterfaceActivity.UUID_SERVICE)) {
                isUart = true;
        if (isUart) {
            deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Uart;

    deviceData.uuids = uuids;

From source file:org.openintents.safe.CryptoHelper.java

 * Unencrypt a file previously encrypted with
 * encryptFileWithSessionKey()./*from   w  w  w . j  a  v a 2s .c om*/
 * @param is                 a stream to read from
 * @param os                 where to write the decrypted stream
 * @return True if successful, otherwise false.
 * @throws Exception
 * @author Peli
public boolean decryptStreamWithSessionKey(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws CryptoHelperException {
    if (debug) {
        Log.d(TAG, "decryptStreamWithSessionKey");
    status = false; // assume failure
    if (password == null) {
        String msg = "Must call setPassword before running decrypt.";
        throw new CryptoHelperException(msg);

    try {

        int numReadTotal = 0;
        int numRead = 0;

        byte[] byteCipherVersion = new byte[1];
        while ((numRead = is.read(byteCipherVersion, numRead, byteCipherVersion.length - numRead)) >= 0
                && numReadTotal < byteCipherVersion.length) {
            if (debug) {
                Log.d(TAG, "read bytes: " + numRead);
            numReadTotal += numRead;
        String cipherVersion = new String(byteCipherVersion);

        byte[] byteCipherSessionKey = null;

        // Split cipher into session key and text
        try {
            if (debug) {
                Log.d(TAG, "cipherVersion : " + cipherVersion);
            if (cipherVersion.equals("A")) {

                numRead = 0;
                numReadTotal = 0;
                byteCipherSessionKey = new byte[48];
                // Read the first few bytes that contain the encrypted key
                while ((numRead = is.read(byteCipherSessionKey, numRead,
                        byteCipherSessionKey.length - numRead)) >= 0
                        && numReadTotal < byteCipherSessionKey.length) {
                    if (debug) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "read bytes sessionKey: " + numRead);
                    numReadTotal += numRead;
            } else {
                Log.e(TAG, "Unknown cipher version" + cipherVersion);
                return false;
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Invalid ciphertext (with session key)");
            return false;

        // Decrypt the session key
        byte[] byteSessionKey = {};

        try {
            pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
            byteSessionKey = pbeCipher.doFinal(byteCipherSessionKey);
            status = true;
        } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());
        } catch (BadPaddingException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());
        } catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());
        } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());

        // Now decrypt the message
        Trivium tri = new Trivium();
        try {
            tri.setupKey(Trivium.MODE_DECRYPT, byteSessionKey, 0);
            tri.setupNonce(byteSessionKey, 10);

            // Create the byte array to hold the data
            final int bytesLen = 4096; // buffer length
            byte[] bytesIn = new byte[bytesLen];
            byte[] bytesOut = new byte[bytesLen];

            int offset = 0;
            numRead = 0;
            while ((numRead = is.read(bytesIn, 0, bytesLen)) >= 0) {
                tri.process(bytesIn, 0, bytesOut, 0, numRead);

                os.write(bytesOut, 0, numRead);
                offset += numRead;

            // Ensure all the bytes have been read in
            if (offset < is.available()) {
                throw new IOException("Could not completely read file ");
            status = true;

        } catch (ESJException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error decrypting file", e);

    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "IOException", e);

    return status;

From source file:org.openintents.safe.CryptoHelper.java

 * unencrypt encrypted string previously encrypted with
 * encryptWithSessionKey()//ww  w.j  a  va  2 s.c o  m
 * @param ciphertext
 * @return decrypted String
 * @throws Exception
 * @author Peli
public String decryptWithSessionKey(String ciphertext) throws CryptoHelperException {
    status = false; // assume failure
    if (password == null) {
        String msg = "Must call setPassword before running decrypt.";
        throw new CryptoHelperException(msg);

    if ((ciphertext == null) || (ciphertext == "")) {
        return "";
    String cipherVersion = null;
    String cipherSessionKey = null;

    // Split cipher into session key and text
    try {
        cipherVersion = ciphertext.substring(0, 1);
        if (cipherVersion.equals("A")) {
            cipherSessionKey = ciphertext.substring(1, 97); // 64 if init(128) had been chosen
            ciphertext = ciphertext.substring(97);
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "Unknown cipher version" + cipherVersion);
            return "";
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid ciphertext (with session key)");
        return "";

    // Decrypt the session key
    byte[] byteCipherSessionKey = hexStringToBytes(cipherSessionKey);
    byte[] byteSessionKey = {};

    try {
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
        byteSessionKey = pbeCipher.doFinal(byteCipherSessionKey);
        status = true;
    } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
            | InvalidKeyException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());

    // Convert the session key into a Pbe key
    String stringSessionKey = new String(byteSessionKey);
    PBEKeySpec sessionPbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(stringSessionKey.toCharArray());
    SecretKey sessionPbeKey = null;
    try {
        sessionPbeKey = keyFac.generateSecret(sessionPbeKeySpec);
    } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "setPassword(): " + e.toString());

    // Use the session key to decrypt the text
    byte[] byteCiphertext = hexStringToBytes(ciphertext);
    byte[] plaintext = {};

    try {
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sessionPbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
        plaintext = pbeCipher.doFinal(byteCiphertext);
        status = true;
    } catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
            | InvalidKeyException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "decrypt(): " + e.toString());

    return new String(plaintext);

From source file:com.adafruit.bluefruit.le.connect.app.MainActivity.java

private void decodeScanRecords(BluetoothDeviceData deviceData) {
    // based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24003777/read-advertisement-packet-in-android
    final byte[] scanRecord = deviceData.scanRecord;

    ArrayList<UUID> uuids = new ArrayList<>();
    byte[] advertisedData = Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, scanRecord.length);
    int offset = 0;
    deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Unknown;

    // Check if is an iBeacon ( 0x02, 0x0x1, a flag byte, 0x1A, 0xFF, manufacturer (2bytes), 0x02, 0x15)
    final boolean isBeacon = advertisedData[0] == 0x02 && advertisedData[1] == 0x01 && advertisedData[3] == 0x1A
            && advertisedData[4] == (byte) 0xFF && advertisedData[7] == 0x02 && advertisedData[8] == 0x15;

    // Check if is an URIBeacon
    final byte[] kUriBeaconPrefix = { 0x03, 0x03, (byte) 0xD8, (byte) 0xFE };
    final boolean isUriBeacon = Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(scanRecord, kUriBeaconPrefix.length),
            kUriBeaconPrefix) && advertisedData[5] == 0x16 && advertisedData[6] == kUriBeaconPrefix[2]
            && advertisedData[7] == kUriBeaconPrefix[3];

    if (isBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Beacon;

        // Read uuid
        offset = 9;//from w  w w  .  j av a 2s .c o m
        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArrayBigEndian(Arrays.copyOfRange(scanRecord, offset, offset + 16));
        offset += 16;

        // Skip major minor
        offset += 2 * 2; // major, minor

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;
    } else if (isUriBeacon) {
        deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_UriBeacon;

        // Read txpower
        final int txPower = advertisedData[9];
        deviceData.txPower = txPower;
    } else {
        // Read standard advertising packet
        while (offset < advertisedData.length - 2) {
            // Length
            int len = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (len == 0)

            // Type
            int type = advertisedData[offset++];
            if (type == 0)

            // Data
            //            Log.d(TAG, "record -> lenght: " + length + " type:" + type + " data" + data);

            switch (type) {
            case 0x02: // Partial list of 16-bit UUIDs
            case 0x03: { // Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs
                while (len > 1) {
                    int uuid16 = advertisedData[offset++] & 0xFF;
                    uuid16 |= (advertisedData[offset++] << 8);
                    len -= 2;
                    uuids.add(UUID.fromString(String.format("%08x-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", uuid16)));

            case 0x06: // Partial list of 128-bit UUIDs
            case 0x07: { // Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs
                while (len >= 16) {
                    try {
                        // Wrap the advertised bits and order them.
                        UUID uuid = BleUtils.getUuidFromByteArraLittleEndian(
                                Arrays.copyOfRange(advertisedData, offset, offset + 16));

                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "BlueToothDeviceFilter.parseUUID: " + e.toString());
                    } finally {
                        // Move the offset to read the next uuid.
                        offset += 16;
                        len -= 16;

            case 0x09: {
                byte[] nameBytes = new byte[len - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
                    nameBytes[i] = advertisedData[offset++];

                String name = null;
                try {
                    name = new String(nameBytes, "utf-8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                deviceData.advertisedName = name;

            case 0x0A: { // TX Power
                final int txPower = advertisedData[offset++];
                deviceData.txPower = txPower;

            default: {
                offset += (len - 1);

        // Check if Uart is contained in the uuids
        boolean isUart = false;
        for (UUID uuid : uuids) {
            if (uuid.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(UartInterfaceActivity.UUID_SERVICE)) {
                isUart = true;
        if (isUart) {
            deviceData.type = BluetoothDeviceData.kType_Uart;

    deviceData.uuids = uuids;

From source file:ffx.algorithms.RotamerOptimization.java

 * Calculates the distance matrix; residue-residue distance is defined as
 * the shortest atom-atom distance in any possible rotamer-rotamer pair if
 * the residues are neighbors (central atom-central atom distances are
 * within a cutoff); else, distances are set to a default of
 * Double.MAX_VALUE./*from www . j  a  v a2  s  .  com*/
 * The intent of using a neighbor list is to avoid tediously searching
 * rotamer- rotamer pairs when two residues are so far apart we will never
 * need the exact distance. We use the distance matrix for adding residues
 * to the sliding window and determining whether to set 3-body energy to
 * 0.0. If the central atoms are too distant from each other, we can safely
 * assume no atoms will ever be close enough for addition to sliding window
 * or to cause explicit calculation of 3-body energy.
private void distanceMatrix() {

    distanceMatrix = new double[numResidues - 1][][][];
    long numDistances = 0L;
    for (int i = 0; i < (numResidues - 1); i++) {
        Residue residuei = allResiduesArray[i];
        int lengthRi;
        try {
            if (checkIfForced(residuei)) {
                lengthRi = 1;
            } else {
                lengthRi = residuei.getRotamers(library).length;
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
            if (useForcedResidues) {
            } else {
                logIfMaster(String.format(" Non-forced Residue i %s has null rotamers.", residuei.toString()),
        distanceMatrix[i] = new double[lengthRi][][];
        for (int ri = 0; ri < lengthRi; ri++) {
            distanceMatrix[i][ri] = new double[numResidues][];
            for (int j = (i + 1); j < numResidues; j++) {
                Residue residuej = allResiduesArray[j];
                int lengthRj;
                try {
                    if (checkIfForced(residuej)) {
                        lengthRj = 1;
                    } else {
                        lengthRj = residuej.getRotamers(library).length;
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    if (useForcedResidues) {
                    } else {
                        logIfMaster(String.format(" Residue j %s has null rotamers.", residuej.toString()));
                distanceMatrix[i][ri][j] = new double[lengthRj];
                numDistances += lengthRj;
                if (!lazyMatrix) {
                    fill(distanceMatrix[i][ri][j], Double.MAX_VALUE);
                } else {
                    fill(distanceMatrix[i][ri][j], -1.0);

    logger.info(String.format(" Number of pairwise distances: %d", numDistances));

    if (!lazyMatrix) {
        //double orig[][][] = storeCoordinates(allResiduesList);
        ResidueState[] orig = ResidueState.storeAllCoordinates(allResiduesList);
        int nMultiRes = 0;

         * Build a list that contains one atom from each Residues: CA from
         * amino acids, C1 from nucleic acids, or the first atom otherwise.
        Atom atoms[] = new Atom[numResidues];
        for (int i = 0; i < numResidues; i++) {
            Residue residuei = allResiduesArray[i];
            atoms[i] = residuei.getReferenceAtom();
            if (residuei instanceof MultiResidue) {
         * Use of the pre-existing ParallelTeam causes a conflict when
         * MultiResidues must re-init the force field. Temporary solution
         * for sequence optimization: if > 1 residue optimized, run on only
         * one thread.
        int nThreads = 1;
        if (molecularAssembly.getPotentialEnergy().getParallelTeam() != null) {
            nThreads = (nMultiRes > 1) ? 1
                    : molecularAssembly.getPotentialEnergy().getParallelTeam().getThreadCount();
        } else {
            // Suggested: nThreads = (nMultiRes > 1) ? 1 : ParallelTeam.getDefaultThreadCount();
            nThreads = 16;
        ParallelTeam parallelTeam = new ParallelTeam(nThreads);
        Crystal crystal = molecularAssembly.getCrystal();
        int nSymm = crystal.spaceGroup.getNumberOfSymOps();
        logger.info("\n Computing Residue Distance Matrix");

        NeighborList neighborList = new NeighborList(null, crystal, atoms, distance + 25.0, 0.0, parallelTeam);

        // Expand coordinates
        double xyz[][] = new double[nSymm][3 * numResidues];
        double in[] = new double[3];
        double out[] = new double[3];
        for (int iSymOp = 0; iSymOp < nSymm; iSymOp++) {
            SymOp symOp = crystal.spaceGroup.getSymOp(iSymOp);
            for (int i = 0; i < numResidues; i++) {
                int i3 = i * 3;
                int iX = i3 + 0;
                int iY = i3 + 1;
                int iZ = i3 + 2;
                Atom atom = atoms[i];
                in[0] = atom.getX();
                in[1] = atom.getY();
                in[2] = atom.getZ();
                crystal.applySymOp(in, out, symOp);
                xyz[iSymOp][iX] = out[0];
                xyz[iSymOp][iY] = out[1];
                xyz[iSymOp][iZ] = out[2];

        // Build the residue neighbor-list.
        int lists[][][] = new int[nSymm][numResidues][];
        boolean use[] = new boolean[numResidues];
        fill(use, true);
        boolean forceRebuild = true;
        boolean printLists = false;
        long neighborTime = -System.nanoTime();
        neighborList.buildList(xyz, lists, use, forceRebuild, printLists);
        neighborTime += System.nanoTime();
        logger.info(String.format(" Built residue neighbor list:           %8.3f sec", neighborTime * 1.0e-9));

        DistanceRegion distanceRegion = new DistanceRegion(parallelTeam.getThreadCount(), numResidues, crystal,
                lists, neighborList.getPairwiseSchedule());

        long parallelTime = -System.nanoTime();
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String message = " Exception compting residue distance matrix.";
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);
        parallelTime += System.nanoTime();
                String.format(" Pairwise distance matrix:              %8.3f sec\n", parallelTime * 1.0e-9));

        ResidueState.revertAllCoordinates(allResiduesList, orig);
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.warning(String.format(" Exception shutting down parallel team for the distance matrix: %s",