List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalStateException getCause
public synchronized Throwable getCause()
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@Test public void testTemplateEvaluationFalse() { MailDataHandler handler = create("name", "from@addr", null, null, null, null, "param=${model.param}", "param is ${model.param}", VelocityMode.MOCK_FALSE); Model model = new Model(); model.setParam("PARAM"); try {/*from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m*/ handler.createMailData("name", "to@addr", model); fail("Exception must be thrown"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { assertNull(ex.getCause()); } }
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@Test public void fail_to_read_row() throws Exception { dbTester.prepareDbUnit(getClass(), "feed.xml"); PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement("select * from fake order by id"); FailIterator iterator = new FailIterator(stmt); assertThat(iterator.hasNext()).isTrue(); try {//from ww w. j a v a 2 s. c om; fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertThat(e.getCause()).isInstanceOf(SQLException.class); } iterator.close(); }
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public void test_exception() throws Exception { final Exception e = new Exception(); LazyLoadingReference<String> target = new LazyLoadingReference<String>( new LazyLoadingReference.Factory<String>() { public String create() throws Exception { throw e; }/*from w ww. j a v a2 s . co m*/ }); try { target.get(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException t) { assertNotNull(t.getCause()); assertTrue(t.getCause().getClass() == Exception.class); assertEquals(e, t.getCause()); } }
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/** Rolls back transaction in the current thread IF transactions are available */ public static void rollback(Throwable causeThrowable) throws GenericTransactionException { UserTransaction ut = TransactionFactory.getUserTransaction(); if (ut != null) { try {//from w ww .j a v a 2 s .co m int status = ut.getStatus(); logger.debug("[TransactionUtil.rollback] current status : " + getTransactionStateString(status)); if (status != STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION) { // if (Debug.infoOn()) Thread.dumpStack(); if (causeThrowable == null && logger.isInfoEnabled()) { Exception newE = new Exception("Stack Trace"); logger.error("[TransactionUtil.rollback]"); } // clear out the stamps to keep it clean clearTransactionStamps(); // clear out the stack too clearTransactionBeginStack(); clearSetRollbackOnlyCause(); ut.rollback();"[TransactionUtil.rollback] transaction rolled back"); } else { logger.warn( "[TransactionUtil.rollback] transaction not rolled back, status is STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION"); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(); throw new GenericTransactionException( "Could not rollback transaction, IllegalStateException exception: " + t.toString(), t); } catch (SystemException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(); throw new GenericTransactionException( "System error, could not rollback transaction: " + t.toString(), t); } } else {"[TransactionUtil.rollback] No UserTransaction, transaction not rolled back"); } }
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/** * Makes a rollback the only possible outcome of the transaction in the * current thread IF transactions are available */// w w w .j a v a 2 s. c o m public static void setRollbackOnly(String causeMessage, Throwable causeThrowable) throws GenericTransactionException { UserTransaction ut = TransactionFactory.getUserTransaction(); if (ut != null) { try { int status = ut.getStatus(); logger.debug( "[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] current code : " + getTransactionStateString(status)); if (status != STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION) { if (status != STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn( "[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] Calling transaction setRollbackOnly; this stack trace shows where this is happening:", new Exception(causeMessage)); } ut.setRollbackOnly(); setSetRollbackOnlyCause(causeMessage, causeThrowable); } else { "[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] transaction rollback only not set, rollback only is already set."); } } else { logger.warn( "[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] transaction rollback only not set, status is STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION"); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(); throw new GenericTransactionException( "Could not set rollback only on transaction, IllegalStateException exception: " + t.toString(), t); } catch (SystemException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause() == null ? e : e.getCause(); throw new GenericTransactionException( "System error, could not set rollback only on transaction: " + t.toString(), t); } } else {"[TransactionUtil.setRollbackOnly] No UserTransaction, transaction rollback only not set"); } }
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@Test public void testGetNonExistingConstructor() { try {//ww w .j a va 2 s . c om CommonUtils.getConstructor(Math.class); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { assertSame(NoSuchMethodException.class, expected.getCause().getClass()); } }
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@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Test/*from w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ public void testInvokeConstructorThatFails() throws NoSuchMethodException { Constructor<Dictionary> constructor = Dictionary.class.getConstructor(); try { CommonUtils.invokeConstructor(constructor); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { assertSame(InstantiationException.class, expected.getCause().getClass()); } }
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@Override public int run(final String[] args) { this.giraphConfiguration.setBoolean(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_GRAPH_OUTPUT_FORMAT_HAS_EDGES, this.persist.equals(Persist.EDGES)); try {/*ww w . jav a2 s . c o m*/ // it is possible to run graph computer without a vertex program (and thus, only map reduce jobs if they exist) if (null != this.vertexProgram) { // a way to verify in Giraph whether the traversal will go over the wire or not try { VertexProgram.createVertexProgram(this.hadoopGraph, ConfUtil.makeApacheConfiguration(this.giraphConfiguration)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof NumberFormatException) throw new NotSerializableException( "The provided traversal is not serializable and thus, can not be distributed across the cluster"); } // prepare the giraph vertex-centric computing job final GiraphJob job = new GiraphJob(this.giraphConfiguration, Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_GIRAPH_JOB_PREFIX + this.vertexProgram); // handle input paths (if any) if (FileInputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(this.giraphConfiguration .getClass(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_GRAPH_INPUT_FORMAT, InputFormat.class))) { final Path inputPath = new Path( this.giraphConfiguration.get(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_INPUT_LOCATION)); if (!FileSystem.get(this.giraphConfiguration).exists(inputPath)) // TODO: what about when the input is not a file input? throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided input path does not exist: " + inputPath); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job.getInternalJob(), inputPath); } // handle output paths final Path outputPath = new Path( this.giraphConfiguration.get(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_OUTPUT_LOCATION) + "/" + Constants.HIDDEN_G); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job.getInternalJob(), outputPath); job.getInternalJob().setJarByClass(GiraphGraphComputer.class); + this.vertexProgram); // execute the job and wait until it completes (if it fails, throw an exception) if (! throw new IllegalStateException( "The GiraphGraphComputer job failed -- aborting all subsequent MapReduce jobs"); // how do I get the exception that occured? // add vertex program memory values to the return memory for (final String key : this.vertexProgram.getMemoryComputeKeys()) { final Path path = new Path( this.giraphConfiguration.get(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_OUTPUT_LOCATION) + "/" + key); final ObjectWritableIterator iterator = new ObjectWritableIterator(this.giraphConfiguration, path); if (iterator.hasNext()) { this.memory.set(key,; } FileSystem.get(this.giraphConfiguration).delete(path, true); } final Path path = new Path(this.giraphConfiguration.get(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_OUTPUT_LOCATION) + "/" + Constants.HIDDEN_ITERATION); this.memory.setIteration( (Integer) new ObjectWritableIterator(this.giraphConfiguration, path).next().getValue()); FileSystem.get(this.giraphConfiguration).delete(path, true); } // do map reduce jobs this.giraphConfiguration.setBoolean(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_GRAPH_INPUT_FORMAT_HAS_EDGES, this.giraphConfiguration.getBoolean(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_GRAPH_OUTPUT_FORMAT_HAS_EDGES, true)); for (final MapReduce mapReduce : this.mapReducers) { this.memory.addMapReduceMemoryKey(mapReduce); MapReduceHelper.executeMapReduceJob(mapReduce, this.memory, this.giraphConfiguration); } // if no persistence, delete the map reduce output if (this.persist.equals(Persist.NOTHING)) { final Path outputPath = new Path( this.giraphConfiguration.get(Constants.GREMLIN_HADOOP_OUTPUT_LOCATION) + "/" + Constants.HIDDEN_G); if (FileSystem.get(this.giraphConfiguration).exists(outputPath)) // TODO: what about when the output is not a file output? FileSystem.get(this.giraphConfiguration).delete(outputPath, true); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); } return 0; }
From source
@Test(groups = "unit") public void convert() { final IOException ioException = new FileNotFoundException(); final RuntimeException re = ExceptionUtils.convertException(ioException, RuntimeException.class); assert re.getCause().equals(ioException); final IllegalStateException ie = ExceptionUtils.convertException(ioException, "Moo", IllegalStateException.class); assert ie.getCause().equals(ioException) && ie.getMessage().equals("Moo"); final FileNotFoundException fe = ExceptionUtils.convertException(ioException, FileNotFoundException.class); assert fe == ioException; ExceptionUtils.ExceptionConversionException ee = null; try {//ww w .jav a 2s .c o m ExceptionUtils.convertException(new Throwable(), NullPointerException.class); } catch (final ExceptionUtils.ExceptionConversionException iee) { ee = iee; } assert ee != null; }
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@Override public HttpResponse execute(final HttpUriRequest request) throws Exception { // enable cookies final CookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); final HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); context.setAttribute(ClientContext.COOKIE_STORE, cookieStore); _httpClient.getParams().setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY); final String ticketGrantingTicket; try {/* w w w . j ava 2 s . co m*/ ticketGrantingTicket = _ticketGrantingTicketRef.get(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SSLPeerUnverifiedException) { // Unverified SSL peer exceptions needs to be rethrown // specifically, since they can be caught and the user may // decide to remove certificate checks. throw (SSLPeerUnverifiedException) e.getCause(); } throw e; } final String ticket = getTicket(_requestedService, _casRestServiceUrl, ticketGrantingTicket, context); logger.debug("Got a service ticket: {}", ticketGrantingTicket); logger.debug("Cookies 2: {}", cookieStore.getCookies()); // now we request the spring security CAS check service, this will set // cookies on the client. final HttpGet cookieRequest = new HttpGet(_requestedService + "?ticket=" + ticket); final HttpResponse cookieResponse = executeHttpRequest(cookieRequest, context); EntityUtils.consume(cookieResponse.getEntity()); cookieRequest.releaseConnection(); logger.debug("Cookies 3: {}", cookieStore.getCookies()); final HttpResponse result = executeHttpRequest(request, context); logger.debug("Cookies 4: {}", cookieStore.getCookies()); return result; }