List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalAccessException printStackTrace
public void printStackTrace()
From source
@POST @Path("/streamexcel") public Response streamExcel(final @FormParam("datasource_WQ") String datasource, final @FormParam("json_WQ") String json, final @FormParam("cssFilename_WQ") String cssFilename, final @FormParam("valueIndex_WQ") String valueIndex, final @FormParam("thousandSeparator_WQ") String thousandSeparator, final @FormParam("decimalSeparator_WQ") String decimalSeparator, final @FormParam("decimalNumbers_WQ") String decimalNumbers, final @FormParam("quote_WQ") String quote, final @FormParam("title_WQ") String title, final @FormParam("subtitle_WQ") String subtitle) { // Initiate the stream StreamingOutput stream = new StreamingOutput() { @Override/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ public void write(OutputStream os) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { // compute result Gson g = new Gson(); SQLBean sql = g.fromJson(json, SQLBean.class); DatasourceBean db = datasourcePool.getDatasource(datasource.toUpperCase()); Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os)); // compute result JDBCIterable it = new JDBCIterable(); try { // alter the query to switch from LIMIT to TOP if (datasource.toUpperCase().startsWith("FAOSTAT")) sql.setQuery(replaceLimitWithTop(sql)); it.query(db, Bean2SQL.convert(sql).toString()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); WDSExceptionStreamWriter.streamException(os, ("Method 'streamExcel' thrown an error: " + e.getMessage())); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); WDSExceptionStreamWriter.streamException(os, ("Method 'streamExcel' thrown an error: " + e.getMessage())); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); WDSExceptionStreamWriter.streamException(os, ("Method 'streamExcel' thrown an error: " + e.getMessage())); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); WDSExceptionStreamWriter.streamException(os, ("Method 'streamExcel' thrown an error: " + e.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { WDSExceptionStreamWriter.streamException(os, ("Method 'getDomains' thrown an error: " + e.getMessage())); } writer.write("\ufeff"); writer.write("<table>"); // add column names List<String> cols = it.getColumnNames(); writer.write("<tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { writer.write("<td>"); writer.write(cols.get(i)); writer.write("</td>"); } writer.write("</tr>"); // write the result of the query while (it.hasNext()) { List<String> l =; writer.write("<tr>"); for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { writer.write("<td>"); writer.write(l.get(i)); writer.write("</td>"); } writer.write("</tr>"); } // add metadata writer.write("<tr><td> </td></tr>"); writer.write("<tr>"); writer.write("<td>"); writer.write(createMetadata()); writer.write("<td>"); writer.write("</tr>"); writer.write("</table>"); // Convert and write the output on the stream writer.flush(); writer.close(); } }; // Wrap result ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(stream); builder.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + ".xls"); // Stream Excel return; }
From source
public void applyAttributesToComponentInstance(UIComponent child, Attributes attrs) { int attrLen, i = 0; String attrName, attrValue;/*w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ attrLen = attrs.getLength(); for (i = 0; i < attrLen; i++) { attrName = mapAttrNameToPropertyName(attrs.getLocalName(i)); attrValue = attrs.getValue(i); // First, try to set it as a bean property try { PropertyUtils.setNestedProperty(child, attrName, attrValue); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // If that doesn't work, see if it requires special // treatment try { if (attrRequiresSpecialTreatment(attrName)) { handleSpecialAttr(child, attrName, attrValue); } else { // If that doesn't work, this will. child.getAttributes().put(attrName, attrValue); } } catch (IllegalAccessException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { if (attrRequiresSpecialTreatment(attrName)) { handleSpecialAttr(child, attrName, attrValue); } else { // If that doesn't work, this will. child.getAttributes().put(attrName, attrValue); } } catch (IllegalAccessException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException innerE) { innerE.printStackTrace(); log.trace(innerE.getMessage()); } } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.trace(e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.trace(e.getMessage()); } } // cleanup: make sure we have the necessary required attributes if (child.getId() == null) { String gId = "foo" + Util.generateId(); child.setId(gId); } }
From source
@NotifyChange({ "currentSample", "samples" }) @Command/*from w ww . j av a 2s.c o m*/ public void editSample(@BindingParam("sample") Sample sample) { this.edit = true; this.currentSample = sample; this.currentTmpSample = new Sample(); try { BeanUtils.copyProperties(this.currentTmpSample, this.currentSample); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
@NotifyChange({ "currentKnownIndels" }) @Command//w ww. j av a 2 s .com public void editKnownIndels(@BindingParam("knownIndels") KnownIndels knownIndels) { this.editKnownIndels = true; this.currentKnownIndels = knownIndels; this.currentTmpKnownIndels = new KnownIndels(); try { BeanUtils.copyProperties(this.currentTmpKnownIndels, this.currentKnownIndels); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
private void checkColumnLength(HybridizationData hybridizationData, AgilentTextQuantitationType quantitationType, int expectedColumnLength) { try {/*from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m*/ final AbstractDataColumn column = hybridizationData.getColumn(quantitationType); assertNotNull(column); final Object array = PropertyUtils.getProperty(column, "values"); assertEquals(expectedColumnLength, Array.getLength(array)); } catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.toString()); } catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.toString()); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.toString()); } }
From source
public ModelDTO loadModelById(long modelId) { ModelDTO modelDTO = new ModelDTO(); try {/*ww w . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ BeanUtils.copyProperties(modelDTO, loadById(modelId)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error("", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } return modelDTO; }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override/* w w w.j a v a 2s. c om*/ public List<TemSourceAccountingLine> distributionToSouceAccountingLines( List<TemDistributionAccountingLine> distributionAccountingLines, List<AccountingDistribution> accountingDistributionList, KualiDecimal sourceAccountingLinesTotal, KualiDecimal expenseLimit) { List<TemSourceAccountingLine> sourceAccountingList = new ArrayList<TemSourceAccountingLine>(); Map<String, AccountingDistribution> distributionMap = new HashMap<String, AccountingDistribution>(); KualiDecimal total = KualiDecimal.ZERO; int distributionTargetCount = 0; boolean useExpenseLimit = false; for (AccountingDistribution accountDistribution : accountingDistributionList) { if (accountDistribution.getSelected()) { total = total.add(accountDistribution.getRemainingAmount()); distributionTargetCount += 1; } } if (expenseLimit != null && expenseLimit.isPositive()) { KualiDecimal expenseLimitTotal = new KualiDecimal(expenseLimit.bigDecimalValue()); // do we have any accounting line amount to subtract from the expense limit? if (sourceAccountingLinesTotal != null && sourceAccountingLinesTotal.isGreaterThan(KualiDecimal.ZERO)) { expenseLimitTotal = expenseLimitTotal.subtract(sourceAccountingLinesTotal); } if (expenseLimitTotal.isLessThan(total)) { total = expenseLimitTotal; useExpenseLimit = true; } } if (total.isGreaterThan(KualiDecimal.ZERO)) { for (AccountingDistribution accountingDistribution : accountingDistributionList) { List<TemSourceAccountingLine> tempSourceAccountingList = new ArrayList<TemSourceAccountingLine>(); if (accountingDistribution.getSelected()) { for (TemDistributionAccountingLine accountingLine : distributionAccountingLines) { TemSourceAccountingLine newLine = new TemSourceAccountingLine(); try { BeanUtils.copyProperties(newLine, accountingLine); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } BigDecimal distributionAmount = (distributionTargetCount > 1) ? accountingDistribution.getRemainingAmount().bigDecimalValue() : total.bigDecimalValue(); BigDecimal product = accountingLine.getAccountLinePercent().multiply(distributionAmount); product = product.divide(new BigDecimal(100), 5, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); BigDecimal lineAmount = product.divide(total.bigDecimalValue(), 5, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); newLine.setAmount(new KualiDecimal(product)); newLine.setCardType(accountingDistribution.getCardType()); Map<String, Object> fieldValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); fieldValues.put(KFSPropertyConstants.FINANCIAL_OBJECT_CODE, accountingDistribution.getObjectCode()); fieldValues.put(KFSPropertyConstants.CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_CODE, newLine.getChartOfAccountsCode()); fieldValues.put(KFSPropertyConstants.UNIVERSITY_FISCAL_YEAR, SpringContext.getBean(UniversityDateService.class).getCurrentFiscalYear()); ObjectCode objCode = getBusinessObjectService().findByPrimaryKey(ObjectCode.class, fieldValues); newLine.setObjectCode(objCode); newLine.setFinancialObjectCode(accountingDistribution.getObjectCode()); tempSourceAccountingList.add(newLine); } if (useExpenseLimit) { sourceAccountingList.addAll(tempSourceAccountingList); //we just adjusted the accounting lines for the expense...let's not readjust } else { sourceAccountingList.addAll(adjustValues(tempSourceAccountingList, accountingDistribution.getRemainingAmount())); } } } } return sourceAccountingList; }
From source
/** * @param brs, assumed to be from alignments to the genome for the array design (that is, we don't consider aligning * mouse to human)/*from w w w.j a v a 2 s .c om*/ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Collection<BlatResult> persistBlatResults(Collection<BlatResult> brs) { Collection<Integer> seen = new HashSet<>(); int duplicates = 0; for (BlatResult br : brs) { Integer hash = ProbeMapUtils.hashBlatResult(br); if (seen.contains(hash)) { duplicates++; continue; } seen.add(hash); assert br.getQuerySequence() != null; assert br.getQuerySequence().getName() != null; Taxon taxon = br.getQuerySequence().getTaxon(); assert taxon != null; try { FieldUtils.writeField(br.getTargetChromosome(), "taxon", taxon, true); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } br.getTargetChromosome().getSequence().setTaxon(taxon); PhysicalLocation pl = br.getTargetAlignedRegion(); if (pl == null) { pl = PhysicalLocation.Factory.newInstance(); pl.setChromosome(br.getTargetChromosome()); pl.setNucleotide(br.getTargetStart()); assert br.getTargetEnd() != null && br.getTargetStart() != null; pl.setNucleotideLength(br.getTargetEnd().intValue() - br.getTargetStart().intValue()); pl.setStrand(br.getStrand()); br.setTargetAlignedRegion(pl); pl.setBin(SequenceBinUtils.binFromRange(br.getTargetStart().intValue(), br.getTargetEnd().intValue())); } } if (duplicates > 0) { + " duplicate BLAT hits skipped"); } return (Collection<BlatResult>) persisterHelper.persist(brs); }
From source
public String makeReservation(GuestDTO guestDTO, Integer no_of_rooms_Int, Date checkin_date, Date checkout_date) {// w w w . ja v a2s.c o m Integer guestID = 0, guestCount; String room_selected = guestDTO.getRoom_no_selected(); Guest guestObject = new Guest(); try { org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.copyProperties(guestObject, guestDTO); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //check email id if exist guestID = guestDAO.checkGuestExist(guestDTO.getGuest_email(), guestDTO.getLicense_no()); System.out.println("guestID: " + guestID); //if email id, license exist if (!(guestID == 0)) { System.out.println("value = "); //update details guestCount = guestDAO.updateUserDetails(guestID, guestDTO.getGuest_name(), guestDTO.getStreet(), guestDTO.getCity(), guestDTO.getState(), guestDTO.getZip()); if (guestCount != 0) guestObject = guestDAO.getGuestRecord(guestID); } else { guestObject =; } String randomDate = FastDateFormat.getInstance("dd-MM-yyyy").format(System.currentTimeMillis()); UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); String token_no = String.valueOf(id); //System.out.println(sensor_id); // String token_no = guestObject.getLicense_no() + guestObject.getGuest_id()+randomDate; java.util.Date todayUtilDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();//2015-12-05 java.sql.Date todaySqlDate = new java.sql.Date(todayUtilDate.getTime()); Reservation reservationObject = new Reservation(); // reservationObject.setReservation_id(0); reservationObject.setGuest_id(guestObject.getGuest_id()); reservationObject.setReservation_token(token_no); reservationObject.setReservation_date(todaySqlDate); reservationObject.setReservation_status(ReservationStatus.R); reservationObject =; // Integer reservation_id = reservationObject.getReservation_id(); String[] resultStringArray = guestDTO.getRoom_no_selected().split(","); ArrayList<Integer> arrRooms = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String str : resultStringArray) { arrRooms.add(Integer.parseInt(str)); CheckinRoomMapping checkinRoomMappingObject = new CheckinRoomMapping(); checkinRoomMappingObject.setReservation(reservationObject); checkinRoomMappingObject.setRoom_no(Integer.parseInt(str)); checkinRoomMappingObject.setCheckin_date(checkin_date); checkinRoomMappingObject.setCheckout_date(checkout_date); checkinRoomMappingObject.setGuest_count(0); checkinRoomMappingObject.setMappingId(0);; } //add email code start here final String from = ""; String to = guestObject.getGuest_email(); String body = "Hello " + guestObject.getGuest_name() + ", <br/><br></br>Your reservation has been confirmed.Your reservation ID is <font color='red'><b>" + token_no + "</b></font>.</br>Please bring the Driving License for verification at the time of Check In.</br><br></br>" + "<b>Note:</b>If you want to cancel the reservation, " + "please <a href=\'" + token_no + "\'>Click Here</a><br></br>--<i>Express Hotel</i>"; String subject = "Express Hotel Reservation Confirmation <" + token_no + ">"; final String password = "Minihotel@2015"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); props.put("", ""); props.put("mail.smtp.port", "587"); Session session = Session.getInstance(props, new javax.mail.Authenticator() { protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(from, password); } }); try { MimeMessage email = new MimeMessage(session); email.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from)); email.setRecipients(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(to)); email.setSubject(subject); email.setContent(body, "text/html"); Transport.send(email); } catch (MessagingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } //email code end here return token_no; }
From source
@Override public Collection<BlatResult> processArrayDesign(ArrayDesign ad, Taxon taxon, Collection<BlatResult> rawBlatResults) {"Looking for old results to remove..."); ad = arrayDesignService.thaw(ad);//from www. j a v a 2 s. c o m arrayDesignService.deleteAlignmentData(ad); // Blat file processing can only be run on one taxon at a time taxon = this.validateTaxaForBlatFile(ad, taxon); Collection<BioSequence> sequencesToBlat = ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentServiceImpl.getSequences(ad); sequencesToBlat = bioSequenceService.thaw(sequencesToBlat); // if the blat results were loaded from a file, we have to replace the // query sequences with the actual ones // attached to the array design. We have to do this by name because the // sequence name is what the files contain. // Note that if there is ambiguity there will be problems! Map<String, BioSequence> seqMap = new HashMap<>(); for (BioSequence bioSequence : sequencesToBlat) { seqMap.put(bioSequence.getName(), bioSequence); } ExternalDatabase searchedDatabase = ShellDelegatingBlat.getSearchedGenome(taxon); Collection<BlatResult> toSkip = new HashSet<>(); for (BlatResult result : rawBlatResults) { /* * If the sequences don't have ids, replace them with the actual sequences associated with the array design. */ if (result.getQuerySequence().getId() == null) { String querySeqName = result.getQuerySequence().getName(); BioSequence actualSequence = seqMap.get(querySeqName); if (actualSequence == null) { ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentServiceImpl.log .debug("Array design does not contain a sequence with name " + querySeqName); toSkip.add(result); continue; } result.setQuerySequence(actualSequence); } else { result.getQuerySequence().setTaxon(taxon); } result.setSearchedDatabase(searchedDatabase); try { FieldUtils.writeField(result.getTargetChromosome(), "taxon", taxon, true); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } result.getTargetChromosome().getSequence().setTaxon(taxon); } if (toSkip.size() > 0) { ArrayDesignSequenceAlignmentServiceImpl.log.warn( toSkip.size() + " blat results were for sequences not on " + ad + "; they will be ignored."); rawBlatResults.removeAll(toSkip); } Map<BioSequence, Collection<BlatResult>> goldenPathAlignments = new HashMap<>(); this.getGoldenPathAlignments(sequencesToBlat, taxon, goldenPathAlignments); for (BioSequence sequence : goldenPathAlignments.keySet()) { rawBlatResults.addAll(goldenPathAlignments.get(sequence)); } Collection<BlatResult> results = this.persistBlatResults(rawBlatResults); arrayDesignReportService.generateArrayDesignReport(ad.getId()); return results; }