List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalAccessException IllegalAccessException
public IllegalAccessException(String s)
with a detail message. From source
public void load(String uid, String vid) throws IllegalAccessException { StringBuilder vp = new StringBuilder(); vp.append(usersViewPath);//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. co m vp.append(File.separator); vp.append(uid); vp.append(File.separator); vp.append(vid); vp.append(".view"); Path viewFile = new Path(vp.toString()); try { FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(config); if (!fs.exists(viewFile)) { StringBuilder pubPath = new StringBuilder(); pubPath.append(publicViewPath); pubPath.append(File.separator); pubPath.append(vid); pubPath.append(".view"); viewFile = new Path(pubPath.toString()); } if (fs.exists(viewFile)) { FileStatus[] fstatus = fs.listStatus(viewFile); long size = fstatus[0].getLen(); FSDataInputStream viewStream =; byte[] buffer = new byte[(int) size]; viewStream.readFully(buffer); viewStream.close(); try { view = new ViewBean(new JSONObject(new String(buffer))); view.update(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(e)); throw new IllegalAccessException("Unable to access view: " + vid); } } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(ex)); } }
From source
private String findMethodName(Class<?> from, Class<?> to) throws IllegalAccessException { String methodName;//from w w w . jav a 2 s . co m Table<Class<?>, Class<?>, String> resolved = configuration.getResolvedMappingMethods(); if (resolved.containsRow(from) && resolved.containsColumn(to)) { methodName = resolved.get(from, to); } else { String innerMessage = "Did'nt find method on mapper " + mapper.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " that container a parameter of " + from.getCanonicalName() + "; Found possible matches: " + StringUtils.join(resolved.values(), ", "); LOG.error(innerMessage); throw new IllegalAccessException(innerMessage); } return methodName; }
From source
/** * Add a partition migration listener on the given map. Migration listeners have to be * registered before {@link #acceptJoin()} is invoked. * @param <V>/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param callback * @throws IllegalAccessException if added after service is already started */ public <V> void addPartitionMigrationListener(PartitionMigrationCallback<V> callback) throws IllegalAccessException { if (!hz.isStarted()) { hz.addPartitionMigrationCallback(callback); } else throw new IllegalAccessException( "PartitionMigrationListener cannot be added after Hazelcast service has been started"); }
From source
/** * Set the property value/* w ww. j a v a 2 s. co m*/ * @param obj is the object * @param newValue is the new value */ public void set(Object obj, Object newValue) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { Method writeMethod = myPD.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod != null) { writeMethod.invoke(obj, new Object[] { newValue }); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException(Messages.getMessage("badSetter00")); } }
From source
@Override public FieldProviderResponse populateValue(PopulateValueRequest populateValueRequest, Serializable instance) throws PersistenceException { if (!canHandlePersistence(populateValueRequest, instance)) { return FieldProviderResponse.NOT_HANDLED; }/* ww w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ FieldProviderResponse response = FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED; boolean dirty = false; try { setNonDisplayableValues(populateValueRequest); Class<?> valueType = null; if (!populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName().contains(FieldManager.MAPFIELDSEPARATOR)) { valueType = populateValueRequest.getReturnType(); } else { String valueClassName = populateValueRequest.getMetadata().getMapFieldValueClass(); if (valueClassName != null) { valueType = Class.forName(valueClassName); } if (valueType == null) { valueType = populateValueRequest.getReturnType(); } } if (valueType == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("Unable to determine the valueType for the rule field (" + populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName() + ")"); } if (Media.class.isAssignableFrom(valueType)) { Media newMedia = convertJsonToMedia(populateValueRequest.getProperty().getUnHtmlEncodedValue()); Media media; try { media = (Media) populateValueRequest.getFieldManager().getFieldValue(instance, populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName()); } catch (FieldNotAvailableException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } populateValueRequest.getProperty().setOriginalValue(convertMediaToJson(media)); boolean persist = false; if (media == null) { media = (Media) valueType.newInstance(); persist = true; } Map description = BeanUtils.describe(media); for (Object temp : description.keySet()) { String property = (String) temp; //ignore id and SandBoxDiscriminator fields String[] ignoredProperties = sandBoxHelper.getSandBoxDiscriminatorFieldList(); ignoredProperties = (String[]) ArrayUtils.add(ignoredProperties, "id"); Arrays.sort(ignoredProperties); if (Arrays.binarySearch(ignoredProperties, property) < 0) { String prop1 = String.valueOf(description.get(property)); String prop2 = String.valueOf(BeanUtils.getProperty(newMedia, property)); if (!prop1.equals(prop2)) { dirty = true; break; } } } if (dirty) { updateMediaFields(media, newMedia); if (persist) { populateValueRequest.getPersistenceManager().getDynamicEntityDao().persist(media); } populateValueRequest.getFieldManager().setFieldValue(instance, populateValueRequest.getProperty().getName(), media); response = FieldProviderResponse.HANDLED_BREAK; } } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MediaFields only work with Media types."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PersistenceException(e); } populateValueRequest.getProperty().setIsDirty(dirty); return response; }
From source
/** * Return login user id if it can be edited * @return/* w w w . j av a 2s. co m*/ * @throws IllegalAccessException */ private String checkLoginUid() throws IllegalAccessException { ISPrincipal p = SecurityController.getPrincipalByType("UIDPrincipal"); String myUid = p.getName(); String lockingUid = tabLayoutDAO.selectLockingUid(); /* if (lockingUid == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("Temp data is not found."); } */ if (myUid != null && !myUid.equals(lockingUid)) { if (lockingUid != null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("The user \"" + lockingUid + "\" is editing it."); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("Your temprary record was deleted by another administrator."); } } return myUid; }
From source
/** * Trigger loading of a configuration by talking to the remote resource. * @return The initialized configuration * @throws Exception If anything goes wrong. *///w w w . jav a 2s. c o m public Configuration loadResourceConfiguration() throws Exception { throw new IllegalAccessException("Please use ConfigurationLoadDelegate"); }
From source
@Nonnull private BrowserDefinition createBrowserDefinitionFrom(@Nonnull Row row, @Nonnull Map<String, Map<String, String>> parentUserAgentToProperties) throws Exception { final String plainUserAgent = row.getValue("PropertyName"); if (plainUserAgent == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("The provided " + row + " contains a null UserAgent."); }//from w w w. j a v a2s. c om final String userAgent = normalizeUserAgent(plainUserAgent); final String parentUserAgent = row.getValue("Parent"); if (parentUserAgent == null) { throw new IllegalAccessException("The provided " + row + " contains a null Parent."); } final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(); enrichWithPropertiesOfParentIfPossible(properties, userAgent, parentUserAgent, parentUserAgentToProperties); enrichWithPropertiesFromRow(properties, row); return new BrowserDefinition(userAgent, properties, parentUserAgent); }
From source
public void set(UserBean profile) throws IllegalAccessException { StringBuilder profilePath = new StringBuilder(); profilePath.append(hiccPath);/* w ww . j av a 2s . c o m*/ profilePath.append(File.separator); profilePath.append(profile.getId()); profilePath.append(".profile"); Path profileFile = new Path(profilePath.toString()); FileSystem fs; try { fs = FileSystem.get(config); FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(profileFile, true); out.write(profile.deserialize().toString().getBytes()); out.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(ex)); throw new IllegalAccessException("Unable to access user profile database."); } this.profile = profile; }
From source
@Override public Result executeCypherQuery(String query, Map<String, Object> parameters) { throw new RuntimeException(new IllegalAccessException("Method not allowed for this implementation.")); }