List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalAccessException getMessage
public String getMessage()
From source
@PreAuthorize(privileges = { PrivilegeEnum.ADMIN_ORG, PrivilegeEnum.ADMIN }, scope = Scope.ORGANIZATION, cacheUpdate = true) public Organisation call() throws NameNotFoundException, AASUnauthorizedException, AttributeModificationException, ExecutionException { try {//from w ww . j a v a 2 LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Update an organization with ID: ''{0}''", this._organisation.getOIDs()); ThreadOrganisationRead threadOrganisationRead = new ThreadOrganisationRead(this._organisation.getOIDs(), getPerformer()); threadOrganisationRead.setLicensedOrgs(isUpdatingOfLicensedOrgs()); // -- if not found, throw NameNotFoundException: _oldOrganisation =; if (!isChangeOfStatus()) { if (!_oldOrganisation.getStatus().equals(_organisation.getStatus())) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "It is only an explicit change of status possible! The old value '" + _oldOrganisation.getStatus() + "' is put back (The new value was: '" + _organisation.getStatus() + "')."); this._organisation.setStatus(_oldOrganisation.getStatus()); } if (_oldOrganisation.getAddress() != null) { // -- wesentliche Adressdaten wurden gendert: boolean vAddressHasBeenChanged = (!_oldOrganisation.getAddress() .equalsWithoutGeocoding(this._organisation.getAddress())); // -- Abfrageforderung: boolean vQueryRequestForGeocoding = ((Math .abs(this._organisation.getAddress().getLatitude()) <= 1e-6) || (Math.abs(this._organisation.getAddress().getLongitude()) <= 1e-6)); // -- Die Geokoordinaten sollten - dem Input entsprechend, gendert werden: boolean vGeocodingShouldBeChanged = (Math.abs(this._organisation.getAddress().getLatitude() - _oldOrganisation.getAddress().getLatitude()) >= 1e-6) || (Math.abs(this._organisation.getAddress().getLongitude() - _oldOrganisation.getAddress().getLongitude()) >= 1e-6); LOG.log(Level.INFO, "AddressHasBeenChanged = {0}, QueryRequestForGeocoding = {1}, GeocodingShouldBeChanged = {2}", new Object[] { vAddressHasBeenChanged, vQueryRequestForGeocoding, vGeocodingShouldBeChanged }); if ((vQueryRequestForGeocoding) || (vAddressHasBeenChanged && !vGeocodingShouldBeChanged)) { try { GeoRequest vGeoRequest = new GeoRequest(new GeoAdresse(this._organisation.getAddress()), LDAPConnector.getSingletonInstance().getHttpProxy()); vGeoRequest.setAskForLocation(true); // -- should be set by Properties... change it! vGeoRequest.addAcceptLocationType(GeoLocationType.ROOFTOP, GeoLocationType.RANGE_INTERPOLATED, GeoLocationType.GEOMETRIC_CENTER, GeoLocationType.APPROXIMATE); _submit = LDAPConnector.getSingletonInstance().getExecutorServiceOne() .submit(vGeoRequest); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error bei Adresse: " + this._organisation.getAddress(), ex); } } else if (vGeocodingShouldBeChanged) { try { GeoLocationDisplayNameRequest vGeoLocDisplayNameRequest = new GeoLocationDisplayNameRequest( this._organisation.getAddress().getLatitude(), this._organisation.getAddress().getLongitude(), LDAPConnector.getSingletonInstance().getHttpProxy() //Proxy.NO_PROXY ); _submitGeoLocDisplayName = LDAPConnector.getSingletonInstance().getExecutorServiceOne() .submit(vGeoLocDisplayNameRequest); //"Gestartet: '" + vGeoLocDisplayNameRequest.getUrlBase() + "...'"); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, this._organisation.getAddress() + " without location display name: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } } this.updateOrg(); } catch (AASUnauthorizedException ex) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); throw ex; } finally { try { if ((_submitGeoLocDisplayName != null) && (!_submitGeoLocDisplayName.isDone()) && (!_submitGeoLocDisplayName.isCancelled())) { _submitGeoLocDisplayName.cancel(true); _submitGeoLocDisplayName = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { if ((_submit != null) && (!_submit.isDone()) && (!_submit.isCancelled())) { _submit.cancel(true); _submit = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } return this._organisation; }
From source
private @Nonnull JSONObject autoJSON(@Nonnull Object ob) { HashMap<String, Object> json = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Class<?> cls = ob.getClass(); while (!(cls.getName().equals(Object.class.getName()))) { Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) { continue; }//from ww w . j ava 2s . c o m field.setAccessible(true); try { Object value = field.get(ob); value = toJSONValue(value); json.put(field.getName(), value); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // this should not happen, don't map logger.warn("Illegal access exception mapping " + cls.getName() + "." + field.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } return new JSONObject(json); }
From source
/** * Populates the id property of the saved object, if it's not set already. * /*from w w w.j a v a 2s .com*/ * @param savedObject * @param id */ protected void populateIdIfNecessary(Object savedObject, Object id) { if (id == null) { return; } MongoPersistentProperty idProp = getIdPropertyFor(savedObject.getClass()); if (idProp == null) { return; } ConversionService conversionService = mongoConverter.getConversionService(); BeanWrapper<PersistentEntity<Object, ?>, Object> wrapper = BeanWrapper.create(savedObject, conversionService); try { Object idValue = wrapper.getProperty(idProp, idProp.getType(), true); if (idValue != null) { return; } wrapper.setProperty(idProp, id); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new MappingException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new MappingException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
public Map getMapForList(List list) { Map<Integer, String> retMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); try {/*from w ww. j a v a2 s .c om*/ for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object object = (Object); Class classObj = object.getClass(); Field id = classObj.getField("id"); Field name = classObj.getField("name"); retMap.put((Integer) id.get(object), (String) name.get(object)); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException nfe) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception:" + nfe.getMessage(), nfe); } catch (IllegalAccessException iac) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception:" + iac.getMessage(), iac); } return retMap; }
From source
/** * Returns Map for a given list//from w w w. j ava 2s . c o m * * @param list * @return */ public Map getMapForList(List list, String fieldName1, String fieldName2) { Map<Integer, String> retMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>(); try { String id = null; String name = null; Long longObj = null; for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Object object = (Object); id = (String) BeanUtils.getProperty(object, fieldName1); name = (String) BeanUtils.getProperty(object, fieldName2); if (id != null) { retMap.put(Integer.valueOf(id), (String) name); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException iac) { throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception:" + iac.getMessage(), iac); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOGGER.error(e); throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception:" + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOGGER.error(e); throw new ApplicationRuntimeException("Exception:" + e.getMessage(), e); } return retMap; }
From source
private String lookupGetterMethod(String nameMethod) { String value = ""; for (StepMeta stepMeta : this.transMeta.findPreviousSteps(this.stepMeta)) { StepMetaInterface stepMetaIn = stepMeta.getStepMetaInterface(); try {//from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m for (Method method : stepMetaIn.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals(nameMethod)) { value = (String) method.invoke(stepMetaIn); break; } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ne) { logBasic(ne.getMessage()); value = ""; } catch (IllegalArgumentException se) { logBasic(se.getMessage()); value = ""; } catch (InvocationTargetException ae) { logBasic(ae.getMessage()); value = ""; } finally { if (value != null) break; } } return value; }
From source
private void internalCheck(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return;//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . co m } Class<?> cls = obj.getClass(); nameStack.add(simpleName); traceStack.add(new TraceSlot(obj, fieldDescription)); if (!(obj instanceof Serializable) && (!Proxy.isProxyClass(cls))) { throw new ObjectDbNotSerializableException(toPrettyPrintedStack(obj.getClass().getName()), exception); } ObjectStreamClass desc; for (;;) { try { desc = (ObjectStreamClass) lookupMethod.invoke(null, cls, Boolean.TRUE); obj = invokeWriteReplaceMethod.invoke(desc, obj); Class<?> repCl = obj.getClass(); if (!(Boolean) hasWriteReplaceMethodMetod.invoke(desc, (Object[]) null) || obj == null || repCl == cls) { break; } cls = repCl; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (cls.isPrimitive()) { LOGGER.trace("skip primitive check"); } else if (cls.isArray()) { checked.put(obj, null); Class<?> ccl = cls.getComponentType(); if (!(ccl.isPrimitive())) { Object[] objs = (Object[]) obj; for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { String arrayPos = "[" + i + "]"; simpleName = arrayPos; fieldDescription += arrayPos; check(objs[i]); } } } else if (obj instanceof Externalizable && (!Proxy.isProxyClass(cls))) { Externalizable extObj = (Externalizable) obj; try { extObj.writeExternal(new ObjectOutputAdaptor() { private int count = 0; @Override public void writeObject(Object streamObj) throws IOException { if (checked.containsKey(streamObj)) { return; } checked.put(streamObj, null); String arrayPos = "[write:" + count++ + "]"; simpleName = arrayPos; fieldDescription += arrayPos; check(streamObj); } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof ObjectDbNotSerializableException) { throw (ObjectDbNotSerializableException) e; } LOGGER.warn("error delegating to Externalizable : " + e.getMessage() + ", path: " + currentPath()); } } else { Method writeObjectMethod = null; if (!writeObjectMethodMissing.contains(cls)) { try { writeObjectMethod = cls.getDeclaredMethod("writeObject", new Class[] { }); } catch (SecurityException e) { writeObjectMethodMissing.add(cls); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { writeObjectMethodMissing.add(cls); } } final Object original = obj; if (writeObjectMethod != null) { class InterceptingObjectOutputStream extends ObjectOutputStream { private int counter; InterceptingObjectOutputStream() throws IOException { super(DUMMY_OUTPUT_STREAM); enableReplaceObject(true); } @Override protected Object replaceObject(Object streamObj) throws IOException { if (streamObj == original) { return streamObj; } counter++; if (checked.containsKey(streamObj)) { return null; } checked.put(streamObj, null); String arrayPos = "[write:" + counter + "]"; simpleName = arrayPos; fieldDescription += arrayPos; check(streamObj); return streamObj; } } InterceptingObjectOutputStream ioos = null; try { ioos = new InterceptingObjectOutputStream(); ioos.writeObject(obj); } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof ObjectDbNotSerializableException) { throw (ObjectDbNotSerializableException) e; } LOGGER.warn("error delegating to writeObject : " + e.getMessage() + ", path: " + currentPath()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(ioos); } } else { Object[] slots; try { slots = (Object[]) getClassDataLayoutMethod.invoke(desc, (Object[]) null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (Object slot : slots) { ObjectStreamClass slotDesc; try { Field descField = slot.getClass().getDeclaredField("desc"); descField.setAccessible(true); slotDesc = (ObjectStreamClass) descField.get(slot); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } checked.put(obj, null); checkFields(obj, slotDesc); } } } traceStack.removeLast(); nameStack.removeLast(); }
From source
/** * Method to repair cached classes used by entity. * * @param entity/* w w w . jav a 2s. c om*/ * @return Entity with cached values reloaded */ protected ENTITY repairCachedClasses(final ENTITY entity) { final List<Field> fields = VulpeReflectUtil.getFields(entity.getClass()); for (final Field field : fields) { if (VulpeEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { try { final VulpeEntity<ID> value = (VulpeEntity<ID>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(entity, field.getName()); if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(value) && !Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()) && value.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(CachedClass.class)) { final List<ENTITY> cachedList = vulpe.cache().classes() .getAuto(value.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (VulpeValidationUtil.isNotEmpty(cachedList)) { for (final ENTITY cached : cachedList) { if (cached.getId().equals(value.getId())) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(entity, field.getName(), cached); break; } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage()); } } } return entity; }
From source
/** * ???// www . ja va 2 s . co m * * ?????{@link MultiFieldValidator} ???<br> * ??? <code>validation.xml</code> ??<br> * ??????????? * ???? * ??????????? * ? <code>validation.xml</code> ?????<br> * value???value1?? * value2???????????? * ? * <h5>{@link MultiFieldValidator} ?</h5> * <code><pre> * public boolean validate(Object value, Object[] depends) { * int value0 = Integer.parseInt(value); * int value1 = Integer.parseInt(depends[0]); * int value2 = Integer.parseInt(depends[1]); * return (value1 <= value0 && value2 >= value0); * } * </pre></code> * <h5>validation.xml?</h5> * <code><pre> * <form name="/validateMultiField"> * <field property="value" depends="multiField"> * <msg key="errors.multiField" * name="multiField"/> * <arg key="label.value" position="0" /> * <arg key="label.value1" position="1" /> * <arg key="label.value2" position="2" /> * <var> * <var-name>fields</var-name> * <var-value>value1,value2</var-value> * </var> * <var> * <var-name>multiFieldValidator</var-name> * <var-value>sample.SampleMultiFieldValidator</var-value> * </var> * </field> * </form> * </pre></code> * <h5>?</h5> * <code> * errors.multiField={0}?{1}?{2}????????? * </code> * * <h5>validation.xml???<var>?</h5> * <table border="1"> * <tr> * <td><center><b><code>var-name</code></b></center></td> * <td><center><b><code>var-value</code></b></center></td> * <td><center><b></b></center></td> * <td><center><b>?</b></center></td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td> fields </td> * <td>??????</td> * <td>false</td> * <td>??????? * ?</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td> multiFieldValidator </td> * <td>{@link MultiFieldValidator} ??</td> * <td>true</td> * <td>??? {@link MultiFieldValidator} * ??</td> * </tr> * </table> * * @param bean ? * @param va Validator????ValidatorAction * @param field * @param errors * @return ???? <code>true</code> */ public boolean validateMultiField(Object bean, ValidatorAction va, Field field, ValidationErrors errors) { // bean?null????true?? if (bean == null) { log.error("bean is null."); return true; } // ?? Object value = null; if (bean instanceof String) { value = bean; } else { try { value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, field.getProperty()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } // ???????? // ?null????????? // MultiFieldValidator??? String multiFieldValidatorClass = field.getVarValue("multiFieldValidator"); if (multiFieldValidatorClass == null || "".equals(multiFieldValidatorClass)) { log.error("var value[multiFieldValidator] is required."); throw new IllegalArgumentException("var value[multiFieldValidator] is required."); } MultiFieldValidator mfv = null; try { mfv = (MultiFieldValidator) ClassUtil.create(multiFieldValidatorClass); } catch (ClassLoadException e) { log.error("var value[multiFieldValidator] is invalid.", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("var value[multiFieldValidator] is invalid.", e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { log.error("var value[multiFieldValidator] is invalid.", e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("var value[multiFieldValidator] is invalid.", e); } // ???? String fields = field.getVarValue("fields"); List<Object> valueList = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (fields != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fields, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String f = st.nextToken(); f = f.trim(); try { valueList.add(PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, f)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("dependent fields:" + valueList); } Object[] values = new Object[valueList.size()]; valueList.toArray(values); boolean result = mfv.validate(value, values); if (!result) { rejectValue(errors, field, va, bean); return false; } return true; }
From source
public JSONObject getTargetListJson(List ll) throws ServletException { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray jarr = new JSONArray(); try {//from w w w . jav a2 s . com Iterator ite = ll.iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { TargetListTargets obj = (TargetListTargets); JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject(); String name = ""; String email = ""; String phone = ""; String relatedmodule = ""; String recipientCompany = ""; boolean putArch = false; int putDel = 0; String classpath = ""; switch (obj.getRelatedto()) { case 1: // Lead classpath = "com.krawler.crm.database.tables.CrmLead"; Object invoker = KwlCommonTablesDAOObj.getClassObject(classpath, obj.getRelatedid()); if (invoker != null) { Class cl = invoker.getClass(); Class arguments[] = new Class[] {}; Object[] obj1 = new Object[] {}; java.lang.reflect.Method objMethod = cl.getMethod("getFirstname", arguments); name = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); name = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name) ? "" : name; objMethod = cl.getMethod("getLastname", arguments); name = (StringUtil.checkForNull(name) + " " + StringUtil.checkForNull((String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1))).trim(); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getEmail", arguments); email = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getPhone", arguments); phone = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getIsarchive", arguments); putArch = (Boolean) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getDeleteflag", arguments); putDel = (Integer) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); relatedmodule = Constants.MODULE_LEAD; } break; case 2: // Contact classpath = "com.krawler.crm.database.tables.CrmContact"; invoker = KwlCommonTablesDAOObj.getClassObject(classpath, obj.getRelatedid()); if (invoker != null) { Class cl = invoker.getClass(); Class arguments[] = new Class[] {}; Object[] obj1 = new Object[] {}; java.lang.reflect.Method objMethod = cl.getMethod("getFirstname", arguments); name = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); name = StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(name) ? "" : name; objMethod = cl.getMethod("getLastname", arguments); name = (StringUtil.checkForNull(name) + " " + StringUtil.checkForNull((String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1))).trim(); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getEmail", arguments); email = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getPhoneno", arguments); phone = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getIsarchive", arguments); putArch = (Boolean) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getDeleteflag", arguments); putDel = (Integer) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); relatedmodule = Constants.MODULE_CONTACT; } break; case 3: // Users classpath = "com.krawler.common.admin.User"; invoker = KwlCommonTablesDAOObj.getClassObject(classpath, obj.getRelatedid()); if (invoker != null) { Class cl = invoker.getClass(); Class arguments[] = new Class[] {}; Object[] obj1 = new Object[] {}; java.lang.reflect.Method objMethod = cl.getMethod("getFirstName", arguments); name = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getLastName", arguments); name = name + " " + (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getEmailID", arguments); email = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getContactNumber", arguments); phone = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getDeleteflag", arguments); putDel = (Integer) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); relatedmodule = Constants.MODULE_USER; } break; case 4: // Target Module classpath = "com.krawler.crm.database.tables.TargetModule"; invoker = KwlCommonTablesDAOObj.getClassObject(classpath, obj.getRelatedid()); if (invoker != null) { Class cl = invoker.getClass(); Class arguments[] = new Class[] {}; Object[] obj1 = new Object[] {}; java.lang.reflect.Method objMethod = cl.getMethod("getFirstname", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) name = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getLastname", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) name = name + " " + (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getEmail", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) email = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getPhoneno", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) phone = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getIsarchive", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) putArch = (Boolean) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getCompanyname", arguments); if (objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1) != null) recipientCompany = (String) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); objMethod = cl.getMethod("getDeleteflag", arguments); putDel = (Integer) objMethod.invoke(invoker, obj1); relatedmodule = Constants.MODULE_TARGET; } break; default: break; } jtemp.put("id", obj.getId()); jtemp.put("name", name); jtemp.put("related", relatedmodule); jtemp.put("relatedto", obj.getRelatedto()); jtemp.put("relatedid", obj.getRelatedid()); jtemp.put("emailid", email); jtemp.put("company", recipientCompany); jtemp.put("phone", phone); if (putArch || putDel == 1) { } else { jarr.put(jtemp); } } jobj.put("data", jarr); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SecurityException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ServiceException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } return jobj; }