List of usage examples for java.lang IllegalAccessError IllegalAccessError
public IllegalAccessError(String s)
with the specified detail message. From source
/** * Returns the I18N name of the {@link PlotterTemplate} as displayed in the GUI. * /*w w w . j a v a 2s . co m*/ * @return the I18N name */ public static String getI18NName() { throw new IllegalAccessError("method must be implemented by each template so this method will be hidden!"); }
From source
/** * ??id?? ???? IllegalAccessError./*from w w w . j ava 2 s. com*/ * * @param user * ?? * @param password * ? * @param envId * ?id * @return ? */ @Override public Long getLastestConfigVersion(String user, String password, Long envId) { User u = authenticate(user, password); // should check authorization here by project authorizeEnv(u, envId); Version version = getLastestConfigVersion(envId); if (version == null) { throw new IllegalAccessError("No version under environemt id: " + envId); } return version.getId(); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T clone(final T obj) throws CloneNotSupportedException { if (obj == null) { return null; }/* w w w . j a v a2 s .c om*/ if (obj instanceof Cloneable) { Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass(); Method m; try { m = clazz.getMethod("clone", (Class[]) null); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new NoSuchMethodError(ex.getMessage()); } try { return (T) m.invoke(obj, (Object[]) null); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof CloneNotSupportedException) { throw ((CloneNotSupportedException) cause); } else { throw new Error("Unexpected exception", cause); } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new IllegalAccessError(ex.getMessage()); } } else { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override// www . j av a2s . co m public void init() { ServerResponse response = attemptRequest(RequestType.REQUEST_AUTH); // Start a request for auth if (response.getErrorCode() == 403) { throw new IllegalAccessError("xMail server denied authentication request"); } else if (response.getErrorCode() < 0) { throw new IllegalAccessError("xMail server cannot be reached"); } List<String> lines = attemptRequest(RequestType.INFORMATION).getLines(); for (String line : lines) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); ContainerFactory containerFactory = new ContainerFactory() { @Override public List<Object> creatArrayContainer() { return new LinkedList<Object>(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> createObjectContainer() { return new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); } }; Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { Map<?, ?> json = (Map<?, ?>) parser.parse(line, containerFactory); Iterator<?> iter = json.entrySet().iterator(); // Type check while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>); if (!(entry.getKey() instanceof String)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not in <String, Object> format"); } } map = (Map<String, Object>) json; } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (map.containsKey("password-policy")) { // It will be a <String, Object> Map<String, Object> pw = (Map<String, Object>) map.get("password-policy"); String method = (String) pw.get("method"); // It will be a <String, Object> Map<String, Object> saltOpts = (Map<String, Object>) pw.get("salt"); String salt = (String) saltOpts.get("salt"); String format = (String) saltOpts.get("format"); super.generatePasswordPolicy(PasswordPolicy.Method.getMethod(method), salt, format); } if (map.containsKey("time")) { Object time = map.get("time"); if (time instanceof Double) { long t = ((Double) time).longValue(); super.connectionTime.reportedTime = t; super.connectionTime.requestedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } } } if (super.getPasswordPolicy() != null) { String testHash = super.getPasswordPolicy().hashPassword("test-xmail-password"); if (testHash == null) { super.generatePasswordPolicy(Method.SHA1, "", "P"); // Default } } else { super.generatePasswordPolicy(Method.SHA1, "", "P"); // Default } }
From source
public long getQuantity(List<String> ngram) { if (ngram == null) throw new IllegalAccessError("Ngram is null."); if (ngram.isEmpty()) return 0L; String ngram_str = StringUtils.join(ngram, ' '); Term query_term = new Term("ngram", ngram_str); Query query = new TermQuery(query_term); try {// w ww.ja m Document doc = null; ScoreDoc[] hits =, 2).scoreDocs; if (hits.length >= 1) { if (hits.length > 1) LOG.warn("Found more than one entry for '{}', expected only one.", ngram_str); doc = _searcher_ngram.doc(hits[0].doc); return getQuantity(doc); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Could not get ngram {}. Luceneindex failed.", ngram_str, e); } return 0L; }
From source
/** * Main method of the program./*from w ww. j a va2s . co m*/ * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(final String[] args) { if (main != null) { throw new IllegalAccessError("Main method cannot be run twice."); } // Set the default local for all the application Globals.setDefaultLocale(); // Check Java version if (getJavaVersion() < MINIMAL_JAVA_VERSION_REQUIRED) { Common.showErrorMessageAndExit(Globals.WELCOME_MSG + "\nError: " + Globals.APP_NAME + " requires Java " + MINIMAL_JAVA_VERSION_REQUIRED + "."); } // Select the application execution mode final String eoulsanMode = System.getProperty(Globals.LAUNCH_MODE_PROPERTY); if (eoulsanMode != null && eoulsanMode.equals("local")) { main = new MainCLI(args); } else { main = new MainHadoop(args); } // Get the action to execute final Action action = main.getAction(); // Get the Eoulsan settings final Settings settings = EoulsanRuntime.getSettings(); // Test if action can be executed with current platform if (!settings.isBypassPlatformChecking() && !action.isCurrentArchCompatible()) { Common.showErrorMessageAndExit(Globals.WELCOME_MSG + "\nError: The " + action.getName() + " of " + Globals.APP_NAME + " is not available for your platform. Required platforms: " + availableArchsToString() + "."); } try { getLogger().info("Start " + action.getName() + " action"); // Run action action.action(main.getActionArgs()); getLogger().info("End of " + action.getName() + " action"); } catch (Throwable e) { Common.errorExit(e, e.getMessage()); } // Flush logs main.flushLog(); }
From source
/** * ???key?? ???? IllegalAccessError./* ww w.j a v a2 s . com*/ * * @param user * ?? * @param password * ? * @param version * ? * @param key * key * @return ? */ @Override public String getConfigItemValue(String user, String password, Long version, String key) { User u = authenticate(user, password); Version v = versionService.findById(version); if (v == null) { throw new IllegalAccessError("No version id '" + version + "' found. "); } authorizeProject(u, v.getProjectId()); ConfigItem item = configItemService.findByVersionIdAndName(version, key, true); if (item == null) { return null; } return item.getVal(); }
From source
public void process() throws Exception { //Runtime runtime=Runtime.getRuntime(); File export_directory_tmp = new File(ExportPathTmp); if (export_directory_tmp.exists()) FileTools.deleteDirectory(export_directory_tmp); //export_directory_tmp=new File(ExportPathTmp); export_directory_tmp.mkdir();/*from w ww . java 2 s . co m*/ File exportroot = new File(ExportPathFinal); if (!exportroot.exists()) exportroot.mkdir(); File exportfinal = getExportFinal(); if (!exportfinal.exists()) { File parent = exportfinal.getParentFile(); if (!parent.exists()) parent.mkdir(); exportfinal.mkdir(); } /* * creating the jar file */ File jardirectory = new File(ExportPathTmp + "jardir/"); jardirectory.mkdir(); File jardirectorymkge = new File(ExportPathTmp + "jardir/madkitgroupextension/"); jardirectorymkge.mkdir(); File mkgedir = new File("bin/madkitgroupextension/"); if (!mkgedir.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The MKGE directory does not exists !"); if (!mkgedir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The directory bin/madkitgroupextension sould not be a file !"); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(mkgedir.getAbsolutePath(), "", mkgedir.getAbsolutePath(), jardirectorymkge.getAbsolutePath()); if (m_export_source) { File mkgedirsrc = new File("src/madkitgroupextension/"); if (!mkgedirsrc.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The MKGE source directory does not exists !"); if (!mkgedirsrc.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The directory src/madkitgroupextension sould not be a file !"); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(mkgedirsrc.getAbsolutePath(), "", mkgedirsrc.getAbsolutePath(), jardirectorymkge.getAbsolutePath()); } File exportdir = new File(ExportPathTmp + "jardir/madkitgroupextension/export/"); if (!exportdir.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The path " + exportdir.getAbsolutePath() + " should exist !"); FileTools.deleteDirectory(exportdir); if (m_include_madkit) { File madkitdir = new File(ExportPathTmp + "madkit/"); madkitdir.mkdir(); //runtime.exec("unzip "+m_madkit_jar_file.getAbsoluteFile()+" -d "+madkitdir.getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.unzipFile(m_madkit_jar_file, madkitdir); if (m_export_source) { File madkitsrc = new File(MadKitPath + "docs/madkit-" + m_madkit_version + ""); if (!madkitsrc.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The source of MadKit was not found !"); //runtime.exec("unzip "+madkitsrc.getAbsoluteFile()+" -d "+madkitdir.getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.unzipFile(madkitsrc, madkitdir); } FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(madkitdir.getAbsolutePath(), "", madkitdir.getAbsolutePath(), jardirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } File metainf = new File(ExportPathTmp + "jardir/META-INF/"); if (!metainf.exists()) metainf.mkdir(); //saveIndexList(new File(metainf, "INDEX.LIST"), new File(ExportPathTmp+"madkit/META-INF/INDEX.LIST")); createManifestFile(new File(ExportPathTmp + "jardir/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")); createVersionFile(new File(jardirectory, "version.html")); createBuildFile(new File(jardirectory, "madkitgroupextension/kernel/build.txt")); File jarfile = new File(export_directory_tmp, getJarFileName()); FileTools.zipDirectory(jardirectory, false, jarfile); //runtime.exec("zip "+jarfile.getAbsoluteFile()+" -r "+jardirectory.getAbsolutePath()+"/").waitFor(); /* * Constructing the ZIP file containing the jar file and the documentation */ if (!m_export_only_jar_file) { //generating java doc File srcforjavadoc = new File(ExportPathTmp + "srcforjavadoc/"); srcforjavadoc.mkdir(); File javadocdirectory = new File(ExportPathTmp + "javadocdir/"); javadocdirectory.mkdir(); File mkgedirsrc = new File("src/madkitgroupextension/"); if (!mkgedirsrc.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The MKGE source directory does not exists !"); if (!mkgedirsrc.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The directory src/madkitgroupextension sould not be a file !"); File mkgedirdst = new File(srcforjavadoc, "madkitgroupextension"); mkgedirdst.mkdir(); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(mkgedirsrc.getAbsolutePath(), "", mkgedirsrc.getAbsolutePath(), mkgedirdst.getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.deleteDirectory(new File(srcforjavadoc, "madkitgroupextension/export")); File madkitsrc = new File(MadKitPath + "docs/madkit-" + m_madkit_version + ""); if (!madkitsrc.exists()) throw new IllegalAccessError("The source of MadKit was not found !"); FileTools.unzipFile(madkitsrc, srcforjavadoc); String command = "javadoc -protected -link -sourcepath " + srcforjavadoc.getAbsolutePath() + " -d " + javadocdirectory.getAbsolutePath() + " -version -author -subpackages madkitgroupextension " + (m_include_madkit ? "-subpackages madkit" : ""); System.out.println("\n*************************\n\n" + "Generating documentation\n" + "\n*************************\n\n"); execExternalProcess(command, true, true); File zipdir = new File(export_directory_tmp, "zipdir"); zipdir.mkdir(); //File docsrcdir=new File("doc/"); File docdstdir = new File(zipdir, "doc"); docdstdir.mkdir(); FileTools.copy(new File("COPYING").getAbsolutePath(), (new File(zipdir, "COPYING")).getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.copy(jarfile.getAbsolutePath(), new File(zipdir, getJarFileName()).getAbsolutePath()); createVersionFile(new File(zipdir, "MKGE_version.html")); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(javadocdirectory.getAbsolutePath(), "", javadocdirectory.getAbsolutePath(), docdstdir.getAbsolutePath()); if (m_include_madkit) { File madkitdocsrc = new File(MadKitPath, "docs"); File madkitdocdst = new File(zipdir, "docsMadKit"); madkitdocdst.mkdir(); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(madkitdocsrc.getAbsolutePath(), "", madkitdocsrc.getAbsolutePath(), madkitdocdst.getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.copy(new File(MadKitPath + "README.html").getAbsolutePath(), (new File(zipdir, "MadKitReadMe.html")).getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.deleteDirectory(new File(madkitdocdst, "api")); (new File(madkitdocdst, "")).delete(); if (this.m_export_source) { File useddocdir = new File("./doc"); if (useddocdir.exists()) { if (useddocdir.isFile()) useddocdir.delete(); else FileTools.deleteDirectory(useddocdir); } useddocdir.mkdir(); FileTools.copyFolderToFolder(docdstdir.getAbsolutePath(), "", docdstdir.getAbsolutePath(), useddocdir.getAbsolutePath()); createVersionFile(new File(useddocdir, "MKGE_version.html")); } } //System.out.println("zip "+new File(exportfinal, getZipFileName()).getAbsoluteFile()+" -r "+zipdir.getAbsolutePath()); FileTools.zipDirectory(zipdir, false, new File(exportfinal, getZipFileName())); //runtime.exec("zip "+new File(exportfinal, getZipFileName()).getAbsoluteFile()+" -r "+zipdir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { FileTools.move(jarfile.getAbsolutePath(), new File(exportfinal, jarfile.getName()).getAbsolutePath()); } //saveAndIncrementBuild(); FileTools.deleteDirectory(export_directory_tmp); }
From source
public void run() throws Throwable { ISession session = (ISession) data.get("session"); if (session == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No 'session' found!"); }// w w w. j av a2s. co m IModelService modelService = (IModelService) session.getService(IModelService.class); // Validate input. validateTemplateExists(modelService, "hostnameTemplate", this.hostnameTemplate); validateTemplateExists(modelService, "ipTemplate", this.ipTemplate); validateTemplateExists(modelService, "dnsEntryTemplate", this.dnsEntryTemplate); validateTemplateExists(modelService, "netIfTemplate", this.netIfTemplate); validateTemplateExists(modelService, "nicTemplate", this.nicTemplate); // Run nmap. updateProgress("Running nmap"); nmap = new RunToolProcess(); nmap.setProgramPath(this.nmapExecutable); File output = File.createTempFile("NmapDiscover", ".xml"); List<CiBean> discoverBeans = null; // Validate against current onecmdb. OneCmdbBeanProvider remoteBeanProvider = new OneCmdbBeanProvider(); remoteBeanProvider.setModelService(modelService); try { String outputPath = output.getCanonicalPath(); updateProgressPercentage(5); List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add("-sP"); args.add(getTarget()); args.add("-oX"); args.add(outputPath); nmap.setArguments(args); nmapIsRunning = true;; nmapIsRunning = false; updateProgress("nmap ended"); updateProgressPercentage(40); if (nmap.getOutParameter().get("ok").equals("false")) { String cause = (String) nmap.getOutParameter().get("cause"); throw new IllegalStateException("Problem running nmap : " + cause); } String inputFile = outputPath; TransformNmap transformNmap = new TransformNmap(); transformNmap.setNicTemplate(nicTemplate); transformNmap.setIpTemplate(ipTemplate); transformNmap.setHostnameTemplate(hostnameTemplate); transformNmap.setNetIfTemplate(netIfTemplate); transformNmap.setDnsEntryTemplate(dnsEntryTemplate); transformNmap.setBeanProvider(remoteBeanProvider); transformNmap.setInput(inputFile); discoverBeans = transformNmap.transform(); updateProgressPercentage(50); } finally { // Cleanup temp file. if (output != null) { boolean deleted = output.delete(); if (!deleted) { log.warn("Temporary nmap output file '" + output.getAbsolutePath() + "' can not be deleted"); } } } CiBean ipContainerBean = null; if (this.ipContainer != null) { ipContainerBean = new CiBean(); ipContainerBean.setAlias(this.ipContainer.getAlias()); ipContainerBean.setDerivedFrom(this.ipContainer.getDerivedFrom().getAlias()); ipContainerBean.setTemplate(false); this.beanMap.put(ipContainerBean.getAlias(), ipContainerBean); this.beans.add(ipContainerBean); } CiBean nicContainerBean = null; if (this.nicContainer != null) { nicContainerBean = new CiBean(); nicContainerBean.setAlias(this.nicContainer.getAlias()); nicContainerBean.setDerivedFrom(this.nicContainer.getDerivedFrom().getAlias()); nicContainerBean.setTemplate(false); this.beanMap.put(nicContainerBean.getAlias(), nicContainerBean); this.beans.add(nicContainerBean); } CiBean hostnameContainerBean = null; if (hostnameContainer != null) { hostnameContainerBean = new CiBean(); hostnameContainerBean.setAlias(this.hostnameContainer.getAlias()); hostnameContainerBean.setDerivedFrom(this.hostnameContainer.getDerivedFrom().getAlias()); hostnameContainerBean.setTemplate(false); this.beanMap.put(hostnameContainerBean.getAlias(), hostnameContainerBean); this.beans.add(hostnameContainerBean); } CiBean dnsEntryContainerBean = null; if (this.dnsEntryContainer != null) { dnsEntryContainerBean = new CiBean(); dnsEntryContainerBean.setAlias(this.dnsEntryContainer.getAlias()); dnsEntryContainerBean.setDerivedFrom(this.dnsEntryContainer.getDerivedFrom().getAlias()); dnsEntryContainerBean.setTemplate(false); this.beanMap.put(dnsEntryContainerBean.getAlias(), dnsEntryContainerBean); this.beans.add(dnsEntryContainerBean); } CiBean netIfContainerBean = null; if (netIfContainer != null) { netIfContainerBean = new CiBean(); netIfContainerBean.setAlias(this.netIfContainer.getAlias()); netIfContainerBean.setDerivedFrom(this.netIfContainer.getDerivedFrom().getAlias()); netIfContainerBean.setTemplate(false); this.beanMap.put(netIfContainerBean.getAlias(), netIfContainerBean); this.beans.add(netIfContainerBean); } updateProgressPercentage(60); for (CiBean bean : discoverBeans) { if (terminated) { throw new IllegalStateException("Discover system was stopped"); } this.beanMap.put(bean.getAlias(), bean); this.beans.add(bean); // add it to the correct foled also. if (bean.getDerivedFrom().equals(this.hostnameTemplate)) { if (hostnameContainerBean != null) { hostnameContainerBean.addAttributeValue(new ValueBean("hostnames", bean.getAlias(), true)); } } else if (bean.getDerivedFrom().equals(this.ipTemplate)) { if (ipContainerBean != null) { ipContainerBean.addAttributeValue(new ValueBean("ips", bean.getAlias(), true)); } } else if (bean.getDerivedFrom().equals(this.nicTemplate)) { if (nicContainerBean != null) { nicContainerBean.addAttributeValue(new ValueBean("nics", bean.getAlias(), true)); } } else if (bean.getDerivedFrom().equals(this.netIfTemplate)) { if (netIfContainerBean != null) { netIfContainerBean.addAttributeValue(new ValueBean("networkInterfaces", bean.getAlias(), true)); } } else if (bean.getDerivedFrom().equals(this.dnsEntryTemplate)) { if (dnsEntryContainerBean != null) { dnsEntryContainerBean.addAttributeValue(new ValueBean("dnsEntries", bean.getAlias(), true)); } } } updateProgressPercentage(65); // Process beans ProcessBeanProvider importBeans = new ProcessBeanProvider(); WorkflowParameter par = new WorkflowParameter(); par.put("provider", this); par.put("validation", "false"); importBeans.setInParameter(par); importBeans.setRelevantData(data);; updateProgressPercentage(80); // Commit BeanScope scope = (BeanScope) importBeans.getOutParameter().get("scope"); List<IRFC> rfcs = scope.getRFCs(); CommitRfcProcess commit = new CommitRfcProcess(); WorkflowParameter par1 = new WorkflowParameter(); System.out.println(rfcs.size() + " Rfc's generated "); par1.put("rfcs", rfcs); commit.setInParameter(par1); commit.setRelevantData(data);; updateProgressPercentage(100); String ok = (String) commit.getOutParameter().get("ok"); String cause = (String) commit.getOutParameter().get("cause"); if (!ok.equals("true")) { throw new IllegalAccessError("Can't commit changes:" + cause); } return; }
From source
/** * @see SakaiPersonManager#save(SakaiPerson) */// w ww .j av a2 s . co m public void save(SakaiPerson sakaiPerson) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("save(SakaiPerson " + sakaiPerson + ")"); } if (sakaiPerson == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal sakaiPerson argument passed!"); if (!isSupportedType(sakaiPerson.getTypeUuid())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The sakaiPerson argument contains an invalid Type!"); // AuthZ // Only superusers can update system records if (getSystemMutableType().getUuid().equals(sakaiPerson.getTypeUuid()) && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()) { throw new IllegalAccessError("System mutable records cannot be updated."); } // if it is a user mutable record, ensure the user is updating their own record // this can be overriden with a security advisor so the admin user to allow access if (!SecurityService.unlock(UserDirectoryService.ADMIN_ID, SakaiPerson.PROFILE_SAVE_PERMISSION, sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid())) { if (!StringUtils.equals(SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid()) && !SecurityService.isSuperUser()) { // AuthZ - Ensure the current user is updating their own record if (!StringUtils.equals(SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(), sakaiPerson.getAgentUuid())) { throw new IllegalAccessError("You do not have permissions to update this record!"); } } } // store record if (!(sakaiPerson instanceof SakaiPersonImpl)) { // TODO support alternate implementations of SakaiPerson // copy bean properties into new SakaiPersonImpl with beanutils? throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown SakaiPerson implementation found!"); } else { // update lastModifiedDate SakaiPersonImpl spi = (SakaiPersonImpl) sakaiPerson; persistableHelper.modifyPersistableFields(spi); //if the repository path is set save if there if (photoService.overRidesDefault()) { photoService.savePhoto(spi.getJpegPhoto(), spi.getAgentUuid()); spi.setJpegPhoto(null); } // use update(..) method to ensure someone does not try to insert a // prototype. getHibernateTemplate().update(spi); //set the event String ref = getReference(spi); LOG.debug("got ref of: " + ref + " about to set events");"profile.update", ref, true)); LOG.debug("User record updated for Id :-" + spi.getAgentUuid()); //update the account too -only if not system profile if (serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("profile.updateUser", false) && spi.getTypeUuid().equals(this.userMutableType.getUuid())) { try { UserEdit userEdit = null; userEdit = userDirectoryService.editUser(spi.getAgentUuid()); userEdit.setFirstName(spi.getGivenName()); userEdit.setLastName(spi.getSurname()); userEdit.setEmail(spi.getMail()); userDirectoryService.commitEdit(userEdit); LOG.debug("Saved user object"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }