List of usage examples for java.lang Float toString
public String toString()
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/** * @deprecated USE method setSearchableAttributeValue(BigDecimal) instead *//*from w ww.ja va 2 s .c om*/ @Deprecated public void setSearchableAttributeValue(Float floatValueToTranslate) { this.searchableAttributeValue = null; if (floatValueToTranslate != null) { this.searchableAttributeValue = new BigDecimal(floatValueToTranslate.toString()); } }
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public void setValue(Float value) { if (type == IParameterDefn.TYPE_FLOAT) { stringValue = value.toString(); } }
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public Float getValue(String key, Float defaultValue) { String ret = getValueFromAll(key, defaultValue == null ? null : defaultValue.toString()); return ret == null ? null : Float.valueOf(ret); }
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private void getClassificationBean(HttpServletRequest request, DBUtil dbUtil, String additionalWhere) { try {//w ww . j av a2s . co m // searchStr = request.getParameter("SEARCH"); searchStr = request.getParameterValues("SEARCH"); String csWhere = ""; String csvWhere = ""; String csiWhere = ""; if (searchStr != null) { for (int i = 0; i < searchStr.length; i++) { if (searchStr[i] == null) searchStr[i] = ""; } if (!searchStr[0].equals("")) { String newSearchStr0 = StringReplace.strReplace(searchStr[0], "*", "%"); // Release 3.0, TT#1178 newSearchStr0 = StringReplace.strReplace(newSearchStr0, "'", "''"); csWhere = " and (upper (cs.long_name) like upper ( '" + newSearchStr0 + "') " + " OR upper (cs.preferred_name) like upper ( '" + newSearchStr0 + "')) "; } // Release 3.2 GF#1247 if (!searchStr[1].equals("")) { Float newSearchFlt1 = new Float(searchStr[1]); csvWhere = " and cs.version = " + newSearchFlt1.toString() + " "; } if (!searchStr[2].equals("")) { String newSearchStr1 = StringReplace.strReplace(searchStr[2], "*", "%"); // Release 3.0, TT#1178 newSearchStr1 = StringReplace.strReplace(newSearchStr1, "'", "''"); csiWhere = " and upper (csi.long_name) like upper ( '" + newSearchStr1 + "') "; } if (request.getParameter("chkContext") == null) { whereClause = csWhere + csvWhere + csiWhere; } else { whereClause = csWhere + csvWhere + csiWhere + additionalWhere; isContextSpecific = true; } } // pass the following parameters to CommonListCntrlBean String[] searchParm = { "cs.long_name", "Classification Scheme", "cs.version", "CS Version", // Release 3.2 GF#1247 "csi.long_name csi_name", "Class Scheme Item" }; String[] jspLinkParm = { "csc.cs_csi_idseq", "P_ID" }; String[] displayParm = { "csi.long_name csi_name", "Class Scheme Item Name", "csi.csi_id||'v'||" + "case when csi.version = trunc(csi.version) " + "then to_char(csi.version,'99.9') " + "else to_char(csi.version,'99.99') " + "end csi_version", "CSI Public ID Version", "cs.long_name", "CS Long Name", "cs.cs_id||'v'||" + "case when cs.version = trunc(cs.version) " + "then to_char(cs.version,'99.9') " + "else to_char(cs.version,'99.99') " + "end csversion", "CS Public ID Version", // Release 3.2 GF#1247 "", "CS Context", "cs.asl_name", "CS Workflow Status", "cs.preferred_definition", "CS Definition" }; String[] sqlStmtParm = new String[2]; sqlStmtParm[0] = " from sbr.classification_schemes_view cs, sbr.contexts_view cs_conte, " + " sbr.cs_items_view csi, sbr.cs_csi_view csc " + " where cs.conte_idseq = cs_conte.conte_idseq " //+ // Release 3.2 GF#1247 " and cs.latest_version_ind = 'Yes' " // + //" and cs.deleted_ind = 'No' " //when using view no need for this + " and cs.cs_idseq = csc.cs_idseq " + " and csi.csi_idseq = csc.csi_idseq " + " and cs.asl_name not in ('RETIRED PHASED OUT','RETIRED DELETED') " + whereClause; sqlStmtParm[1] = " order by cs.long_name, csi.long_name "; int[] lovPassbackCols = { 0, 4 }; clb = new CommonLOVBean(request, // dBBroker, dbUtil, searchParm, jspLinkParm, displayParm, sqlStmtParm, false, lovPassbackCols); clb.setCompressFlag(false); // set compress flag clb.setLinkCol(0); // set detail page link column, 0-> first; // 1->second clb.setDetailReq_Type("value_domains"); // set req_type for detail // page clb.setShowRowNum(40); // clb.setPerformQueryToFalse(); //clb.setJsId(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(request.getParameter("idVar"))); clb.setJsId("jspClassification"); //clb.setJsName(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(request.getParameter("nameVar"))); clb.setJsName("txtClassSchemeItem"); if (isContextSpecific) clb.setExtraURLInfo("&performQuery=false&ckhContext=yes"); else clb.setExtraURLInfo("&performQuery=false"); } catch (SQLException e) { //this.dBBroker = dBBroker; log.error("Exception: ", e); } }
From source
/** * Set the value of property with key pKey to pValue. If there is no property * with the provided key, a new property is added. If the provided value is * null, the property with the provided key will be removed. * * @param pKey The property key. This value must not be null. * @param pValue The property value. If pValue is null, the property will be * removed./*from w w w. ja v a2s .c om*/ * * @return TRUE if a property has been modified/added/removed, FALSE if the * removal failed. */ public boolean setFloatProperty(final String pKey, Float pValue) { if (pValue == null) { return setStringProperty(pKey, null); } return setStringProperty(pKey, pValue.toString()); }
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/** * Returns the value of the property with the provided key as string. If the * property is not found, the provided default value is returned. * * @param pKey The property key./*w ww.j a va 2 s . c om*/ * @param pDefaultValue The default value. * * @return The value of the property or the provided default value. */ public Float getFloatProperty(final String pKey, Float pDefaultValue) { if (pDefaultValue == null) { return Float.parseFloat(getStringProperty(pKey, null)); } return Float.parseFloat(getStringProperty(pKey, pDefaultValue.toString())); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ * * @see org.opencastproject.sox.api.SoxService#normalize(Track, Float) */ @Override public Job normalize(Track sourceAudioTrack, Float targetRmsLevDb) throws MediaPackageException, SoxException { HttpPost post = new HttpPost("/normalize"); try { List<BasicNameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("sourceAudioTrack", MediaPackageElementParser.getAsXml(sourceAudioTrack))); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("targetRmsLevDb", targetRmsLevDb.toString())); post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SoxException(e); } HttpResponse response = null; try { response = getResponse(post); if (response != null) { try { Job receipt = JobParser.parseJob(response.getEntity().getContent());"Normalizing audio {} on a remote audio processing server", sourceAudioTrack); return receipt; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SoxException("Unable to normalize audio of element '" + sourceAudioTrack + "' using a remote audio processing service", e); } } } finally { closeConnection(response); } throw new SoxException("Unable to normalize audio of element '" + sourceAudioTrack + "' using a remote audio processing service"); }
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@Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) { listBidPrice = new ArrayList<>(); listDate = new ArrayList<>(); // Set the cursor in our CursorAdapter once the Cursor is loaded if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { Log.e("CURSOR SIZE=========>", String.valueOf(cursor.getCount())); int columnHistoryId = cursor.getColumnIndex(HistoryColumns._ID); int columnBidPriceIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(HistoryColumns.BID_PRICE); int columnDateIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(HistoryColumns.BID_DATE); String id = cursor.getString(columnHistoryId); String price = cursor.getString(columnBidPriceIndex); //put price to bid list listBidPrice.add(price);// w ww .j a va2s .c o m String bidDate = cursor.getString(columnDateIndex); //put price to bid list listDate.add(bidDate); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { id = cursor.getString(columnHistoryId); price = cursor.getString(columnBidPriceIndex); //put price to bid list listBidPrice.add(price); bidDate = cursor.getString(columnDateIndex); //put price to bid list listDate.add(bidDate); } //set data to chart LineData data = new LineData(getXAxisValues(), getDataSet()); chart.setData(data); // let the chart know it's data has changed data.notifyDataChanged(); chart.notifyDataSetChanged(); //scale Y-axis YAxis leftAxis = chart.getAxisLeft(); YAxis rightAxis = chart.getAxisRight(); //don't start at 0 leftAxis.setStartAtZero(false); rightAxis.setStartAtZero(false); //get min and max values from arraylist String minVal = Collections.min(listBidPrice); String maxVal = Collections.max(listBidPrice); Log.i("MINIMUM VALUE_------>", minVal); Log.i("MAXIMUM VALUE_------>", maxVal); Float minFloat = Float.valueOf(minVal); Float maxFloat = Float.valueOf(maxVal); Log.e("MINIMUM FLOAT------>", minFloat.toString()); Log.e("MAXIMUM FLOAT------>", maxFloat.toString()); //set min and max values for better scaling leftAxis.setAxisMaxValue(maxFloat); leftAxis.setAxisMinValue(minFloat); rightAxis.setAxisMaxValue(maxFloat); rightAxis.setAxisMinValue(minFloat); // format values into two decimal points only data.setValueFormatter(new MyValueFormatter()); //refresh chart chart.invalidate(); } for (String price : listBidPrice) { System.out.println("PRICE ===========>" + price); } for (String bidDate : listDate) { System.out.println("BID DATE ===========>" + bidDate); } }
From source
/** * Converter Float to String/*from w ww . j ava 2 s. com*/ * * @param value * int * @param defaultValue * String * @return String */ public String toString(Float value) { if (value == null) { return ""; } return value.toString(); }
From source
public void testWithUncheckedObjectValue() throws Exception { Float value = new Float("99.45"); this.tag.setPath("myFloat"); this.tag.setValue(value); int result = this.tag.doStartTag(); assertEquals(Tag.SKIP_BODY, result); String output = getWriter().toString(); assertTagOpened(output);//from w w w . j a v a 2s. c o m assertTagClosed(output); assertContainsAttribute(output, "name", "myFloat"); assertContainsAttribute(output, "type", "radio"); String hdivValue = this.confidentiality ? "0" : value.toString(); assertContainsAttribute(output, "value", hdivValue); assertAttributeNotPresent(output, "checked"); }