Example usage for java.lang Float parseFloat

List of usage examples for java.lang Float parseFloat


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float parseFloat.


public static float parseFloat(String s) throws NumberFormatException 

Source Link


Returns a new float initialized to the value represented by the specified String , as performed by the valueOf method of class Float .


From source file:com.qagen.osfe.core.utils.BeanPopulator.java

public static Object getValueAsType(String name, String value, String type, String format) {
    if ((value != null) && (value.trim().length() == 0)) {
        return null;
    }// w  w w .ja  v a 2  s  . co  m

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.String.name())) {
        return value;

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Integer.name())) {
        return Integer.parseInt(value);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Float.name())) {
        return Float.parseFloat(value);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Double.name())) {
        return Double.parseDouble(value);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Boolean.name())) {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(value);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Date.name())) {
        return getDate(name, value, format);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Time.name())) {
        return getTime(name, value, format);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Long.name())) {
        return Long.parseLong(value);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Timestamp.name())) {
        return getTimestamp(name, value, format);

    if (type.equals(AttributeType.Object.name())) {
        return Timestamp.valueOf(value);

    final String message = "The value type, " + type + " is not a defined type.  "
            + "You may need to extend the RowParser class and override the method, getValueAsType().";
    throw new FeedErrorException(message);

From source file:gov.nih.nci.caintegrator.application.analysis.FloatParameterValue.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w w  w. j a  v  a  2  s. c o m
public void setValueFromString(String stringValue) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(stringValue)) {
    } else {

From source file:Main.java

 * Adds values to a SharedPreferences Editor object. Key,value
 * pairs are expected to come in the values array one after another
 * such as [key1, value1, key2, value2], etc. This is a side effect
 * of the Ruby to Java communication through ADB.
 * /*from   w  w  w .j  ava  2 s . c  o m*/
 * @param editor Editor to which add the values to.
 * @param values Array of key/value pairs.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if missing editor or values.
public static void setPreferences(Editor editor, String[] values) {

    if (editor == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(MISSING_EDITOR);

    if (values == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(MISSING_VALUES);

    // we expect key/value pairs passed one after another such as:
    // [key1 value1 key2 value2], etc
    // So we go through them with a 2 step loop
    int totalParsedArgs = values.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < totalParsedArgs; i += 2) {

        if (values[i] == null) {

        String key = values[i];
        String value = values[i + 1];

        try {

            int x = Integer.parseInt(value);
            editor.putInt(key, x);

        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

            try {

                float y = Float.parseFloat(value);
                editor.putFloat(key, y);

            } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {

                if (value.equals("true") || value.equals("false")) {
                    editor.putBoolean(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
                } else {
                    editor.putString(key, value);

From source file:logica.LGraficapeso.java

public static void logicaBtnGraficar(JRadioButton jRLinea) {

    ChartPanel panel;/*from  www  . ja v  a  2  s.co m*/
    JFreeChart chart = null;

    if (jRLinea.isSelected()) {
        // ejecuto linea

        XYSplineRenderer graficoLinea = new XYSplineRenderer();

        XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        ValueAxis x = new NumberAxis();
        ValueAxis y = new NumberAxis();

        XYSeries serie = new XYSeries("Datos");

        XYPlot plot;

        graficoLinea.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.YELLOW);


        for (int i = 0; i < VGraficaPeso.getjTable1().getRowCount(); i++) {

            float valor1 = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(VGraficaPeso.getjTable1().getValueAt(i, 0)));
            float valor2 = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(VGraficaPeso.getjTable1().getValueAt(i, 1)));

            System.out.println("valores  " + valor1 + "   " + valor2);

            serie.add(valor1, valor2);




        plot = new XYPlot(dataset, x, y, graficoLinea);

        NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis();
        rangeAxis.setRange(10, 15);

        chart = new JFreeChart(plot);

        panel = new ChartPanel(chart);
        panel.setBounds(5, 10, 410, 350);




From source file:logica.LGraficaAltura.java

public static void logicaBtnGraficar(JRadioButton jRLinea) {

    ChartPanel panel;//from ww w  . j av  a  2s  .co m
    JFreeChart chart = null;

    if (jRLinea.isSelected()) {
        // ejecuto linea

        XYSplineRenderer graficoLinea = new XYSplineRenderer();

        XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        ValueAxis x = new NumberAxis();
        ValueAxis y = new NumberAxis();

        XYSeries serie = new XYSeries("Datos");

        XYPlot plot;

        graficoLinea.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.YELLOW);


        for (int i = 0; i < VGraficaAltura.getjTable1().getRowCount(); i++) {

            float valor1 = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(VGraficaAltura.getjTable1().getValueAt(i, 0)));
            float valor2 = Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(VGraficaAltura.getjTable1().getValueAt(i, 1)));

            System.out.println("valores  " + valor1 + "   " + valor2);

            serie.add(valor1, valor2);




        plot = new XYPlot(dataset, x, y, graficoLinea);

        NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis();
        rangeAxis.setRange(15, 30);

        chart = new JFreeChart(plot);

        panel = new ChartPanel(chart);
        panel.setBounds(5, 10, 410, 350);




From source file:Main.java

private static void setterValue(PropertyDescriptor property, Object mapValue, Object object)
        throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, ParseException {
    Method setter = property.getWriteMethod();
    if (mapValue == null) {
        setter.invoke(object, mapValue);
        return;/*from  w w  w. j  av  a2  s  .  c o m*/

    Class propertyType = property.getPropertyType();
    String type = propertyType.getName();
    String value = mapValue.toString();

    if (type.equals("java.lang.String")) {
        setter.invoke(object, value);
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Integer")) {
        setter.invoke(object, Integer.parseInt(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Long")) {
        setter.invoke(object, Long.parseLong(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.math.BigDecimal")) {
        setter.invoke(object, BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(value)));
    } else if (type.equals("java.math.BigInteger")) {
        setter.invoke(object, BigInteger.valueOf(Long.parseLong(value)));
    } else if (type.equals("java.util.Date")) {
        setter.invoke(object, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) {
        setter.invoke(object, Boolean.valueOf(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Float")) {
        setter.invoke(object, Float.parseFloat(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.Double")) {
        setter.invoke(object, Double.parseDouble(value));
    } else if (type.equals("java.lang.byte[]")) {
        setter.invoke(object, value.getBytes());
    } else {
        setter.invoke(object, value);

From source file:indexer.DocVector.java

static public void initVectorRange(Properties prop) {
    numIntervals = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("vec.numintervals"));
    MINVAL = Float.parseFloat(prop.getProperty("vec.min", "-1"));
    MAXVAL = Float.parseFloat(prop.getProperty("vec.max", "1"));

From source file:AIR.Common.Utilities.JavaPrimitiveUtils.java

public static boolean floatTryParse(String value, _Ref<Float> ref) {
    try {//  w w w.  java  2  s .  c om
        return true;
    } catch (NumberFormatException exp) {
        return false;

From source file:com.hippo.ehviewer.client.parser.GalleryApiParser.java

public static void parse(String body, List<GalleryInfo> galleryInfoList) throws JSONException {
    JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(body);
    JSONArray ja = jo.getJSONArray("gmetadata");

    for (int i = 0, length = ja.length(); i < length; i++) {
        JSONObject g = ja.getJSONObject(i);
        long gid = g.getLong("gid");
        GalleryInfo gi = getGalleryInfoByGid(galleryInfoList, gid);
        if (gi == null) {
        }/*from w  w  w .  ja  va2  s .  c o  m*/
        gi.title = ParserUtils.trim(g.getString("title"));
        gi.titleJpn = ParserUtils.trim(g.getString("title_jpn"));
        gi.category = EhUtils.getCategory(g.getString("category"));
        gi.thumb = EhUtils.handleThumbUrlResolution(g.getString("thumb"));
        gi.uploader = g.getString("uploader");
        gi.posted = ParserUtils.formatDate(ParserUtils.parseLong(g.getString("posted")) * 1000);
        gi.rating = Float.parseFloat(g.getString("rating"));
        // tags
        JSONArray tagJa = g.getJSONArray("tags");
        int tagLength = tagJa.length();
        String[] tags = new String[tagLength];
        for (int j = 0; j < tagLength; j++) {
            tags[j] = tagJa.getString(j);
        gi.simpleTags = tags;

From source file:blue.noteProcessor.TempoMapper.java

public static TempoMapper createTempoMapper(String timeWarpString) {
    TempoMapper tm = new TempoMapper();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(timeWarpString);
    String time, tempo;//  w  w  w.  jav a 2  s  .c  om
    BeatTempoPair temp;

    if (st.countTokens() % 2 != 0) {
        // not an even amount of tokens!
        return null;

    tm.timeMap = new BeatTempoPair[st.countTokens() / 2];
    int index = 0;

    BeatTempoPair[] tMap = tm.timeMap;

    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        try {
            time = st.nextToken();
            tempo = st.nextToken();

            temp = new BeatTempoPair();
            temp.beat = Float.parseFloat(time);
            temp.tempo = Float.parseFloat(tempo);

            if (temp.beat < 0.0f || temp.tempo <= 0.0f) {
                return null;

            tMap[index] = temp;

            if (index > 0) {

                float factor1 = 60.0f / tMap[index - 1].tempo;
                float factor2 = 60.0f / tMap[index].tempo;
                float deltaBeat = tMap[index].beat - tMap[index - 1].beat;

                float acceleration = 0.0f;

                if (deltaBeat >= 0.0f) {
                    acceleration = (factor2 - factor1) / (tMap[index].beat - tMap[index - 1].beat);

                if (tMap[index].beat == tMap[index - 1].beat) {
                    tMap[index].accumulatedTime = tMap[index - 1].accumulatedTime;
                } else {
                    tMap[index].accumulatedTime = tMap[index - 1].accumulatedTime
                            + getAreaUnderCurve(factor1, deltaBeat, acceleration);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // if there's any errors whatsoever, return null
            // and let the calling procedure handle it
            return null;
    return tm;