List of usage examples for java.lang Float NaN
float NaN
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public void finish() { if (isFinished) { return;/*ww w . j a va 2 s. com*/ } mean = Float.isNaN(sum) ? Float.NaN : sum / basesCovered; if (values != null) { if (nPts == 1) { for (WindowFunction wf : quantileFunctions) { setValue(wf, mean); } } else { if (values.size() > 1) { computePercentiles(); } for (WindowFunction wf : quantileFunctions) { List<PercentileValue> pList = percentiles.get(wf); float v = Float.NaN; // <= Default, if (pList != null && pList.size() > 0) { double weightedSum = 0; double sumOfWeights = 0; for (PercentileValue pv : pList) { double weight = (double) pv.nPoints / nPts; sumOfWeights += weight; weightedSum += weight * pv.value; } v = (float) (weightedSum / sumOfWeights); } setValue(wf, v); } } } values = null; isFinished = true; }
From source
public GPUOutputContainer process(MatrixZoomData zd, double[] normalizationVector, double[] expectedVector, int[] rowBounds, int[] columnBounds, int matrixSize, float[] thresholdBL, float[] thresholdDonut, float[] thresholdH, float[] thresholdV, NormalizationType normalizationType) throws NegativeArraySizeException, IOException { RealMatrix localizedRegionData = HiCFileTools.extractLocalBoundedRegion(zd, rowBounds[0], rowBounds[1], columnBounds[0], columnBounds[1], matrixSize, matrixSize, normalizationType); float[] observedVals = Floats .toArray(Doubles.asList(MatrixTools.flattenedRowMajorOrderMatrix(localizedRegionData))); // slice KR vector to localized region float[] distanceExpectedKRVector = Floats.toArray(Doubles.asList(expectedVector)); float[] kr1CPU = Floats .toArray(Doubles.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(normalizationVector, rowBounds[0], rowBounds[1]))); float[] kr2CPU = Floats .toArray(Doubles.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(normalizationVector, columnBounds[0], columnBounds[1]))); if (kr1CPU.length < matrixSize) kr1CPU = ArrayTools.padEndOfArray(kr1CPU, matrixSize, Float.NaN); if (kr2CPU.length < matrixSize) kr2CPU = ArrayTools.padEndOfArray(kr2CPU, matrixSize, Float.NaN); float[] boundRowIndex = new float[1]; boundRowIndex[0] = rowBounds[0];/*from w ww . jav a 2s. c o m*/ float[] boundColumnIndex = new float[1]; boundColumnIndex[0] = columnBounds[0]; //long gpu_time1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // transfer host (CPU) memory to device (GPU) memory CUdeviceptr observedKRGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(observedVals); CUdeviceptr expectedDistanceVectorGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(distanceExpectedKRVector); CUdeviceptr kr1GPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(kr1CPU); CUdeviceptr kr2GPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(kr2CPU); CUdeviceptr thresholdBLGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(thresholdBL); CUdeviceptr thresholdDonutGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(thresholdDonut); CUdeviceptr thresholdHGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(thresholdH); CUdeviceptr thresholdVGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(thresholdV); CUdeviceptr boundRowIndexGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(boundRowIndex); CUdeviceptr boundColumnIndexGPU = GPUHelper.allocateInput(boundColumnIndex); // create empty gpu arrays for the results int flattenedSize = matrixSize * matrixSize; CUdeviceptr expectedBLGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr expectedDonutGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr expectedHGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr expectedVGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr binBLGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr binDonutGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr binHGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr binVGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr observedGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); CUdeviceptr peakGPU = GPUHelper.allocateOutput(flattenedSize, Sizeof.FLOAT); // call the kernel on the card // inputs observedKRGPU, // output expectedBLGPU, expectedDonutGPU, expectedHGPU, expectedVGPU, observedGPU, binBLGPU, binDonutGPU, binHGPU, binVGPU, peakGPU, // thresholds thresholdBLGPU, thresholdDonutGPU, thresholdHGPU, thresholdVGPU, // distance expected expectedDistanceVectorGPU, // kr kr1GPU, kr2GPU, // bounds boundRowIndexGPU, boundColumnIndexGPU); // initialize memory to store GPU results float[] expectedBLResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] expectedDonutResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] expectedHResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] expectedVResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] binBLResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] binDonutResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] binHResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] binVResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] observedResult = new float[flattenedSize]; float[] peakResult = new float[flattenedSize]; // transfer device (GPU) memory to host (CPU) memory cuMemcpyDtoH(, expectedBLGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, expectedDonutGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, expectedHGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, expectedVGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, binBLGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, binDonutGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, binHGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, binVGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, observedGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, peakGPU, flattenedSize * Sizeof.FLOAT); //long gpu_time2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); //System.out.println("GPU Time: " + (gpu_time2-gpu_time1)); int finalWidthX = rowBounds[5] - rowBounds[4]; int finalWidthY = columnBounds[5] - columnBounds[4]; // x2, y2 not inclusive here int x1 = rowBounds[2]; int y1 = columnBounds[2]; int x2 = x1 + finalWidthX; int y2 = y1 + finalWidthY; //System.out.println("flat = "+flattenedSize+" n = "+matrixSize+" x1 = "+x1+" x2 = "+x2+" y1 = "+y1+" y2 ="+y2); float[][] observedDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(observedResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] peakDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(peakResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] binBLDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(binBLResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] binDonutDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(binDonutResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] binHDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(binHResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] binVDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(binVResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] expectedBLDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(expectedBLResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] expectedDonutDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(expectedDonutResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] expectedHDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(expectedHResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); float[][] expectedVDenseCPU = GPUHelper.GPUArraytoCPUMatrix(expectedVResult, matrixSize, x1, x2, y1, y2); GPUHelper.freeUpMemory(new CUdeviceptr[] { observedKRGPU, expectedDistanceVectorGPU, kr1GPU, kr2GPU, thresholdBLGPU, thresholdDonutGPU, thresholdHGPU, thresholdVGPU, boundRowIndexGPU, boundColumnIndexGPU, expectedBLGPU, expectedDonutGPU, expectedHGPU, expectedVGPU, binBLGPU, binDonutGPU, binHGPU, binVGPU, observedGPU, peakGPU }); return new GPUOutputContainer(observedDenseCPU, peakDenseCPU, binBLDenseCPU, binDonutDenseCPU, binHDenseCPU, binVDenseCPU, expectedBLDenseCPU, expectedDonutDenseCPU, expectedHDenseCPU, expectedVDenseCPU); }
From source
public void finish() { if (isFinished) { return;/*w 2 s. c o m*/ } mean = Float.isNaN(sum) ? Float.NaN : sum / nPts; if (values != null) { if (nPts == 1) { for (WindowFunction wf : quantileFunctions) { setValue(wf, mean); } } else { if (values.size() > 1) { computePercentiles(); } for (WindowFunction wf : quantileFunctions) { List<PercentileValue> pList = percentiles.get(wf); float v = Float.NaN; // <= Default, if (pList != null && pList.size() > 0) { double weightedSum = 0; double sumOfWeights = 0; for (PercentileValue pv : pList) { double weight = (double) pv.nPoints / nPts; sumOfWeights += weight; weightedSum += weight * pv.value; } v = (float) (weightedSum / sumOfWeights); } setValue(wf, v); } } } values = null; isFinished = true; }
From source
@Override protected float computeImpl(Set<Integer> geneSet, IProgressMonitor monitor) { float sum = 0; int m = 0;// www. j a v a2 s.c om for (Integer gene : geneSet) { Float f = foldChanges.get(gene); if (f == null) continue; m++; sum += f; } if (m == 0) return Float.NaN; float Sm = sum / m; float z = (float) ((Sm - foldChangesMean) * Math.sqrt(m) / foldChangesSD); return z; }
From source
@Override public void run(CommandLine line) throws Exception { Interval interval = Interval.parse(line.getOptionValue("interval")); Path caseFile = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("case-file")); Map<String, VoltageStats> ranges = new HashMap<>(); Network network = Importers.loadNetwork(caseFile); if (network == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Case '" + caseFile + "' not found"); }/*from ww w.j a v a2s. co m*/ network.getStateManager().allowStateMultiThreadAccess(true); OfflineConfig config = OfflineConfig.load(); try (HistoDbClient histoDbClient = config.getHistoDbClientFactoryClass().newInstance().create()) { Set<HistoDbAttributeId> attrIds = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (VoltageLevel vl : network.getVoltageLevels()) { attrIds.add(new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(vl.getId(), HistoDbAttr.V)); } HistoDbStats stats = histoDbClient.queryStats(attrIds, interval, HistoDbHorizon.SN, false); for (VoltageLevel vl : network.getVoltageLevels()) { HistoDbNetworkAttributeId attrId = new HistoDbNetworkAttributeId(vl.getId(), HistoDbAttr.V); float min = stats.getValue(HistoDbStatsType.MIN, attrId, Float.NaN) / vl.getNominalV(); float max = stats.getValue(HistoDbStatsType.MAX, attrId, Float.NaN) / vl.getNominalV(); int count = (int) stats.getValue(HistoDbStatsType.COUNT, attrId, 0); VoltageStats vstats = new VoltageStats(Range.closed(min, max), count, vl.getNominalV()); for (Generator g : vl.getGenerators()) { vstats.pmax += g.getMaxP(); } ranges.put(vl.getId(), vstats); } } Table table = new Table(7, BorderStyle.CLASSIC_WIDE); table.addCell("ID"); table.addCell("vnom"); table.addCell("range"); table.addCell("min"); table.addCell("max"); table.addCell("count"); table.addCell("pmax"); ranges.entrySet().stream().sorted((e1, e2) -> { VoltageStats stats1 = e1.getValue(); VoltageStats stats2 = e2.getValue(); Range<Float> r1 = stats1.range; Range<Float> r2 = stats2.range; float s1 = r1.upperEndpoint() - r1.lowerEndpoint(); float s2 = r2.upperEndpoint() - r2.lowerEndpoint(); return, s2); }).forEach(e -> { String vlId = e.getKey(); VoltageStats stats = e.getValue(); Range<Float> r = stats.range; float s = r.upperEndpoint() - r.lowerEndpoint(); table.addCell(vlId); table.addCell(Float.toString(stats.vnom)); table.addCell(Float.toString(s)); table.addCell(Float.toString(r.lowerEndpoint())); table.addCell(Float.toString(r.upperEndpoint())); table.addCell(Integer.toString(stats.count)); table.addCell(Float.toString(stats.pmax)); }); System.out.println(table.render()); }
From source
public void finish() { if (isFinished) { return;//from www .j a v a 2 s .c o m } if (windowFunction == WindowFunction.mean) { value = Float.isNaN(sum) ? Float.NaN : sum / basesCovered; } else if (values != null) { if (values.size() == 1) { value = (float) values.get(0); } else { if (values.size() > 1) { computePercentiles(); } float v = Float.NaN; // <= Default, if (percentiles != null && percentiles.size() > 0) { double weightedSum = 0; double sumOfWeights = 0; for (PercentileValue pv : percentiles) { double weight = (double) pv.nPoints / basesCovered; sumOfWeights += weight; weightedSum += weight * pv.value; } v = (float) (weightedSum / sumOfWeights); } value = v; } } values = null; isFinished = true; }
From source
@Override public List<GenericContinuousRecord> getRecords(String ref, RangeAdapter r, Resolution res, RecordFilterAdapter filt) throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<GenericContinuousRecord> result = new ArrayList<GenericContinuousRecord>(); TDFDataset ds = getTDFDataset(ref, (Range) r); if (ds != null) { int nextPos = r.getFrom(); int rangeEnd = r.getTo() + 1; int usefulStep = Math.max(1, r.getLength() / NOTIONAL_SCREEN_WIDTH); // No need for more points than we have pixels. List<TDFTile> tiles = ds.getTiles(r.getFrom(), rangeEnd); for (TDFTile t : tiles) { for (int i = 0; i < t.getSize() && nextPos <= rangeEnd; i++) { int datumEnd = t.getEndPosition(i); if (nextPos < datumEnd) { int datumStart = t.getStartPosition(i); // If there's a gap before the data starts, fill it with NaNs. if (datumStart == nextPos + 1 && usefulStep > 2) { // Special case. TDF formatter occasionally leaves a gap of one base between tiles. This isn't a real NaN. LOG.debug("Skipping NaN hole at " + nextPos); } else { while (nextPos < datumStart && nextPos <= rangeEnd) { result.add(GenericContinuousRecord.valueOf(ref, nextPos, Float.NaN)); nextPos += usefulStep; }// www.j av a2 s . co m } float datum = t.getValue(0, i); LOG.debug("Tile " + i + " from " + datumStart + " to " + datumEnd + "=" + datum); while (nextPos < datumEnd && nextPos <= rangeEnd) { result.add(GenericContinuousRecord.valueOf(ref, nextPos, datum)); nextPos += usefulStep; } } } if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } } } return result; }
From source
@Override protected float computePValueImpl(Set<Integer> geneSet, IProgressMonitor monitor) { float z = compute(geneSet, monitor); if (Float.isNaN(z)) return Float.NaN; int m = Sets.intersection(foldChanges.keySet(), geneSet).size(); if (m == 0)//from w w w . jav a2 s . c o m return Float.NaN; TDistributionImpl t = new TDistributionImpl(m); float pValue = (float) t.density(z); return pValue; }
From source
private float updateMedian() { invalid = false;// ww w.j a v a2 s.c om if (position >= data.length) return Float.NaN; // Special cases if (data.length == 1) return data[0]; if (radius == 0) return data[position]; // The position could be updated and then reset to the same position if (cachePosition == position) return median; // The position should always be above the cache position assert cachePosition < position : "Cache position is greater than the position"; // The cache contains the sorted window from the cachePosition. The cache should cover // a set of the data that requires updating: // cachePosition // | Position // | | // Old ------------------------- // New ========================= // Remove ------ // Keep +++++++++++++++++++ // Add ====== final int newStart = FastMath.max(0, position - radius); final int newEnd = FastMath.min(position + radius + 1, data.length); final int newLength = newEnd - newStart; // Speed tests have shown that if the total increment is more than half the radius it // is faster to recompute if (cache == null || position - cachePosition > radius / 2 || cache.length != newLength) { cache = new int[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; } else { // This point is only reached when we have a set of sorted numbers in the cache // and we want to replace N of them with N new numbers. final int cacheStart = FastMath.max(0, cachePosition - radius); final int cacheEnd = FastMath.min(cachePosition + radius + 1, data.length); final int middle = cache.length / 2; final int middleValue = cache[middle]; if (sortedScan) { // Method using search of the cached array with sorted numbers to remove // Extract numbers to remove int[] dataToRemove = new int[position - cachePosition]; for (int remove = cacheStart, i = 0; remove < newStart; remove++, i++) dataToRemove[i] = data[remove]; Arrays.sort(dataToRemove); for (int remove = 0, add = cacheEnd, cachePosition = 0; remove < dataToRemove.length; remove++) { final int toRemove = dataToRemove[remove]; final int add2 = add; // Find the number in the cache for (; cachePosition < cache.length; cachePosition++) { if (cache[cachePosition] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[cachePosition++] = data[add++]; break; } } if (add == add2) { // This is bad. Just recompute the entire cache System.out.printf("MedianWindow : Failed to replace data in the cache\n"); cache = new int[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; break; } } } else { // Method using direct search of the cached array // Iterate over numbers to remove for (int remove = cacheStart, add = cacheEnd; remove < newStart; remove++) { final int toRemove = data[remove]; final int add2 = add; // Find the number in the cache if (toRemove > middleValue) { for (int i = cache.length; i-- > 0;) { if (cache[i] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[i] = data[add++]; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { if (cache[i] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[i] = data[add++]; break; } } } if (add == add2) { // This is bad. Just recompute the entire cache System.out.printf("MedianWindow : Failed to replace data in the cache\n"); cache = new int[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; break; } } } } Arrays.sort(cache); cachePosition = position; return (cache[(cache.length - 1) / 2] + cache[cache.length / 2]) * 0.5f; }
From source
private float updateMedian() { invalid = false;// w ww . ja v a 2s . c om if (position >= data.length) return Float.NaN; // Special cases if (data.length == 1) return data[0]; if (radius == 0) return data[position]; // The position could be updated and then reset to the same position if (cachePosition == position) return median; // The position should always be above the cache position assert cachePosition < position : "Cache position is greater than the position"; // The cache contains the sorted window from the cachePosition. The cache should cover // a set of the data that requires updating: // cachePosition // | Position // | | // Old ------------------------- // New ========================= // Remove ------ // Keep +++++++++++++++++++ // Add ====== final int newStart = FastMath.max(0, position - radius); final int newEnd = FastMath.min(position + radius + 1, data.length); final int newLength = newEnd - newStart; // Speed tests have shown that if the total increment is more than half the radius it // is faster to recompute if (cache == null || position - cachePosition > radius / 2 || cache.length != newLength) { cache = new float[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; } else { // This point is only reached when we have a set of sorted numbers in the cache // and we want to replace N of them with N new numbers. final int cacheStart = FastMath.max(0, cachePosition - radius); final int cacheEnd = FastMath.min(cachePosition + radius + 1, data.length); final int middle = cache.length / 2; final float middleValue = cache[middle]; if (sortedScan) { // Method using search of the cached array with sorted numbers to remove // Extract numbers to remove float[] dataToRemove = new float[position - cachePosition]; for (int remove = cacheStart, i = 0; remove < newStart; remove++, i++) dataToRemove[i] = data[remove]; Arrays.sort(dataToRemove); for (int remove = 0, add = cacheEnd, cachePosition = 0; remove < dataToRemove.length; remove++) { final float toRemove = dataToRemove[remove]; final int add2 = add; // Find the number in the cache for (; cachePosition < cache.length; cachePosition++) { if (cache[cachePosition] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[cachePosition++] = data[add++]; break; } } if (add == add2) { // This is bad. Just recompute the entire cache System.out.printf("MedianWindow : Failed to replace data in the cache\n"); cache = new float[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; break; } } } else { // Method using direct search of the cached array // Iterate over numbers to remove for (int remove = cacheStart, add = cacheEnd; remove < newStart; remove++) { final float toRemove = data[remove]; final int add2 = add; // Find the number in the cache if (toRemove > middleValue) { for (int i = cache.length; i-- > 0;) { if (cache[i] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[i] = data[add++]; break; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { if (cache[i] == toRemove) { // Replace with new data cache[i] = data[add++]; break; } } } if (add == add2) { // This is bad. Just recompute the entire cache System.out.printf("MedianWindow : Failed to replace data in the cache\n"); cache = new float[newLength]; for (int i = newStart, j = 0; i < newEnd; i++, j++) cache[j] = data[i]; break; } } } } Arrays.sort(cache); cachePosition = position; return (cache[(cache.length - 1) / 2] + cache[cache.length / 2]) * 0.5f; }