List of usage examples for java.lang Float MAX_VALUE
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private float min(List<Float> l) { float min = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (float d : l) if (d < min) min = d;/* w w w .j a v a 2s . c om*/ return min; }
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public void cleanUpAndUpdate() { _streamReady.set(false);//from www . ja va 2 s.c o m for (Thread t : _activeThreads) t.interrupt(); _clear(); /* leave display values */ _highPrice = 0; _lowPrice = Float.MAX_VALUE; _highVolume = 0; }
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@Override public boolean shouldAutoCorrect(List<SuggestedReplacement> rankedSuggestions) { if (rankedSuggestions.isEmpty() || -> s.getConfidence() == null)) { return false; }/*w w w. j a v a 2s .c o m*/ float threshold = autoCorrectThreshold.getOrDefault(language.getShortCodeWithCountryAndVariant(), Float.MAX_VALUE); return rankedSuggestions.get(0).getConfidence() >= threshold; }
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/** * onTap returns the tapped barcode result to the calling Activity. * * @param rawX - the raw position of the tap * @param rawY - the raw position of the tap. * @return true if the activity is ending. *///from w w w . j a v a 2s . co m private boolean onTap(float rawX, float rawY) { // Find tap point in preview frame coordinates. int[] location = new int[2]; mGraphicOverlay.getLocationOnScreen(location); float x = (rawX - location[0]) / mGraphicOverlay.getWidthScaleFactor(); float y = (rawY - location[1]) / mGraphicOverlay.getHeightScaleFactor(); // Find the barcode whose center is closest to the tapped point. Barcode best = null; float bestDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE; ArrayList<Barcode> allRetrieved = new ArrayList<>(); for (BarcodeGraphic graphic : mGraphicOverlay.getGraphics()) { Barcode barcode = graphic.getBarcode(); allRetrieved.add(barcode); if (barcode.getBoundingBox().contains((int) x, (int) y)) { // Exact hit, no need to keep looking. best = barcode; break; } float dx = x - barcode.getBoundingBox().centerX(); float dy = y - barcode.getBoundingBox().centerY(); float distance = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); // actually squared distance if (distance < bestDistance) { best = barcode; bestDistance = distance; } } if (best != null) { if (barcodeRetriever != null) if (supportMultipleScan()) { barcodeRetriever.onRetrievedMultiple(best, mGraphicOverlay.getGraphics()); } else { barcodeRetriever.onRetrieved(best); } return true; } return false; }
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private void makeChannelIndexTable() throws SQLException { Pattern ifoSubsysPat = Pattern.compile("(^.+):((.+?)[_-])?"); for (Entry<String, TreeMap<String, ChanStat>> csl : chanstats.entrySet()) { ChanIndexInfo cii = new ChanIndexInfo(); String cname = csl.getKey(); cii.setName(cname);/*from www.j a v a2s . c o m*/ TreeMap<String, ChanStat> serverList = csl.getValue(); int n = serverList.size(); cii.setnServers(n); Matcher ifoSubsys = ifoSubsysPat.matcher(cname); if (ifoSubsys.find()) { cii.setIfo(; String subsys =; subsys = subsys == null ? "" : subsys; cii.setSubsys(subsys); } else { cii.setIfo(""); cii.setSubsys(""); } float minRawRate = Float.MAX_VALUE; float maxRawRate = Float.MIN_VALUE; float minRdsRate = Float.MAX_VALUE; float maxRdsRate = Float.MIN_VALUE; boolean hasRaw = false; boolean hasRds = false; boolean hasOnline = false; boolean hasMtrends = false; boolean hasStrends = false; boolean hasTstpnt = false; boolean hasStatic = false; String cisAvail = " "; for (Entry<String, ChanStat> srv : serverList.entrySet()) { ChanStat cs = srv.getValue(); minRawRate = Math.min(minRawRate, cs.getMinRawRate()); maxRawRate = Math.max(maxRawRate, cs.getMaxRawRate()); maxRdsRate = Math.max(maxRdsRate, cs.getMaxRdsRate()); minRdsRate = Math.min(minRdsRate, cs.getMinRdsRate()); hasRaw |= cs.hasRaw(); hasRds |= cs.hasRds(); hasMtrends |= cs.hasMtrends(); hasStrends |= cs.hasStrend(); hasStatic |= cs.hasStatic(); hasOnline |= cs.hasOnline(); String cis = cs.getCisAvail(); if (cis.equalsIgnoreCase("d")) { cisAvail = cis; } else if (!cisAvail.equalsIgnoreCase("d") && cis.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) { cisAvail = cis; } } minRawRate = minRawRate == Float.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : minRawRate; cii.setMinRawRate(minRawRate); maxRawRate = maxRawRate == Float.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : maxRawRate; cii.setMaxRawRate(maxRawRate); minRdsRate = minRdsRate == Float.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : minRdsRate; cii.setMinRdsRate(minRdsRate); maxRdsRate = maxRdsRate == Float.MIN_VALUE ? 0 : maxRdsRate; cii.setMaxRdsRate(maxRdsRate); cii.setCisAvail(cisAvail); cii.setHasMtrends(hasMtrends); cii.setHasRaw(hasRaw); cii.setHasRds(hasRds); cii.setHasStrends(hasStrends); cii.setHasStatic(hasStatic); cii.setHasTestpoint(hasTstpnt); cii.setHasOnline(hasOnline); cidx.insertNewBulk(cii); } cidx.insertNewBulk(null); // flush any remaining }
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public void testPerformanceOfWriteToJspWriter(TextSource textSource) throws IOException { NoopJspWriter noopJspWriter = new NoopJspWriter(); String[] methods = { "writeTo (using hueristics)", "writeToViaSmoosh", }; System.out.println(textSource.getDesc()); System.out.println();// www .j a v a 2 s.c o m float bestTime = Float.MAX_VALUE; String bestMethod = methods[0]; for (int methodIndex = 0; methodIndex < methods.length; methodIndex++) { String method = methods[methodIndex]; float totalTime = 0; final int MAX_TIMES = 10; final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100; for (int times = 0; times < MAX_TIMES; times++) { String srcText = textSource.getText(times); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; i++) { FastByteArrayOutputStream bout = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(); bout.write(srcText.getBytes(UTF_8)); // just time the JspWriter output. And let it warm u first as well if (times > 3) { long then = System.currentTimeMillis(); switch (methodIndex) { case 0: bout.writeTo(noopJspWriter, UTF_8); break; case 1: bout.writeToViaSmoosh(noopJspWriter, UTF_8); break; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); totalTime += (now - then); } } } float avgTime = totalTime / MAX_TIMES / MAX_ITERATIONS; System.out.println(method + " - Total Call Time = " + totalTime + "ms"); System.out.println(method + " - Average Call Time = " + avgTime + "ms"); System.out.println(); if (avgTime < bestTime) { bestTime = avgTime; bestMethod = method; } } System.out.println(bestMethod + " was the best method - Average Call Time = " + bestTime + "ms"); System.out.println("____________________\n"); }
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private static void findMinMax(byte[] a, MinMax m) { float max = -Float.MAX_VALUE; float min = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (byte element : a) { if (((element & 0xff)) > max) max = (element & 0xff);/*from w ww . jav a 2s . c o m*/ if (((element & 0xff)) < min) min = (element & 0xff); } m.max = max; m.min = min; }
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private void verifyBoxes() { // scans the list comparing with the actual tick box positions (some could be outside the image) int maximumBoxDistance = Math.round(mBoxSize * 0.75f); int maximumQRCodeDistance = Math.round(mBoxSize * 0.4f); int maximumQRCodeDistanceSquared = maximumQRCodeDistance * maximumQRCodeDistance; Log.d(TAG, "Searching for codes at max distance: " + maximumBoxDistance + " (QR dist: " + maximumQRCodeDistance + ")"); // update the server boxes with their position on the image for (TickBoxHolder tickBox : mServerTickBoxes) { tickBox.setImagePosition(QRImageParser.getImagePosition(mImageParameters, tickBox.location)); }/*from w ww .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ // first pass - match ticked boxes on the image with ticked boxes from the server for (PointF p : mImageTickBoxes) { // check that we're not too close to a QR code boolean qrBox = false; for (int q = 0, qn = Math.min(mCodeParameters.mIdPoints.length, mCodeParameters.mAlignmentPoints.length); q < qn; q++) { PointF idP = mCodeParameters.mIdPoints[q]; PointF alignP = mCodeParameters.mAlignmentPoints[q]; double pX1 = (idP.x - p.x); double pY1 = (idP.y - p.y); double pX2 = (alignP.x - p.x); double pY2 = (alignP.y - p.y); if (((pX1 * pX1) + (pY1 * pY1)) < maximumQRCodeDistanceSquared || ((pX2 * pX2) + (pY2 * pY2)) < maximumQRCodeDistanceSquared) { qrBox = true; break; } } if (qrBox) { // Log.d(TAG, "Box seems to be a QR point - ignoring"); continue; } float minDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE; TickBoxHolder assignedBox = null; for (TickBoxHolder tickBox : mServerTickBoxes) { if (tickBox.foundOnImage) { continue; } PointF pos = tickBox.imagePosition; float boxDistance = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.x - pos.x, 2) + Math.pow(p.y - pos.y, 2)); if (boxDistance < maximumBoxDistance && boxDistance < minDistance) { assignedBox = tickBox; minDistance = boxDistance; } } if (assignedBox != null) { Log.d(TAG, "Found closest box (" + assignedBox.description + ") at " + minDistance + " distance"); assignedBox.foundOnImage = true; assignedBox.ticked = false; } else { Log.d(TAG, "Couldn't find actual box for detected box at " + minDistance + " distance"); } } // second pass - un-tick any boxes that are still marked as ticked, but are actually outside the image, // then add an animated tick box on those that remain boolean tickedBoxes = false; for (TickBoxHolder tickBox : mServerTickBoxes) { if (tickBox.ticked) { PointF imagePosition = tickBox.imagePosition; try { if (mBitmap.getPixel((int) imagePosition.x, (int) imagePosition.y) == Color.TRANSPARENT) { tickBox.ticked = false; Log.d(TAG, "Un-ticking box outside the image (" + tickBox.description + " " + "at " + imagePosition.x + "," + imagePosition.y + ")"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { tickBox.ticked = false; Log.d(TAG, "Un-ticking box with invalid image coordinate (" + tickBox.description + ") at " + imagePosition.x + "," + imagePosition.y); } if (tickBox.ticked) { Log.d(TAG, "Ticked box (" + tickBox.description + ") found at " + imagePosition.x + "," + +imagePosition.y); // add a tick overlay on each ticked box, and allow clicking to tick/un-tick any box addTickHighlight(tickBox); tickedBoxes = true; } } } findViewById(; getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.title_activity_order); mEmailContents = getEmailMessage(); supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); // to show the place order button (if required) & rescan option Toast.makeText(TicQRActivity.this, tickedBoxes ? R.string.hint_send_order : R.string.hint_no_boxes_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }
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private void resetDispatchingContentView() { dispatchingChildrenDownFaked = false; dispatchingChildrenContentView = false; dispatchingChildrenStartedAtY = Float.MAX_VALUE; }
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/** * onTap returns the tapped barcode result to the calling Activity. * * @param rawX - the raw position of the tap * @param rawY - the raw position of the tap. * @return true if the activity is ending. */// w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m private boolean onTap(float rawX, float rawY) { // Find tap point in preview frame coordinates. int[] location = new int[2]; mGraphicOverlay.getLocationOnScreen(location); float x = (rawX - location[0]) / mGraphicOverlay.getWidthScaleFactor(); float y = (rawY - location[1]) / mGraphicOverlay.getHeightScaleFactor(); // Find the barcode whose center is closest to the tapped point. Barcode best = null; float bestDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (BarcodeGraphic graphic : mGraphicOverlay.getGraphics()) { Barcode barcode = graphic.getBarcode(); if (barcode.getBoundingBox().contains((int) x, (int) y)) { // Exact hit, no need to keep looking. best = barcode; break; } float dx = x - barcode.getBoundingBox().centerX(); float dy = y - barcode.getBoundingBox().centerY(); float distance = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); // actually squared distance if (distance < bestDistance) { best = barcode; bestDistance = distance; } } if (best != null) { Intent data = new Intent(); data.putExtra(BarcodeObject, best); setResult(CommonStatusCodes.SUCCESS, data); finish(); return true; } return false; }