Example usage for java.lang Float Float

List of usage examples for java.lang Float Float


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float Float.


@Deprecated(since = "9")
public Float(String s) throws NumberFormatException 

Source Link


Constructs a newly allocated Float object that represents the floating-point value of type float represented by the string.


From source file:com.examples.with.different.packagename.testcarver.NumberConverter.java

 * Convert any Number object to the specified type for this
 * <i>Converter</i>./* w ww .ja  v  a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * <p>
 * This method handles conversion to the following types:
 * <ul>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Byte</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Short</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Integer</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Long</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Float</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.lang.Double</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.math.BigDecimal</code></li>
 *     <li><code>java.math.BigInteger</code></li>
 * </ul>
 * @param sourceType The type being converted from
 * @param targetType The Number type to convert to
 * @param value The Number to convert.
 * @return The converted value.
private Number toNumber(Class sourceType, Class targetType, Number value) {

    // Correct Number type already
    if (targetType.equals(value.getClass())) {
        return value;

    // Byte
    if (targetType.equals(Byte.class)) {
        long longValue = value.longValue();
        if (longValue > Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too large for " + toString(targetType));
        if (longValue < Byte.MIN_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too small " + toString(targetType));
        return new Byte(value.byteValue());

    // Short
    if (targetType.equals(Short.class)) {
        long longValue = value.longValue();
        if (longValue > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too large for " + toString(targetType));
        if (longValue < Short.MIN_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too small " + toString(targetType));
        return new Short(value.shortValue());

    // Integer
    if (targetType.equals(Integer.class)) {
        long longValue = value.longValue();
        if (longValue > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too large for " + toString(targetType));
        if (longValue < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too small " + toString(targetType));
        return new Integer(value.intValue());

    // Long
    if (targetType.equals(Long.class)) {
        return new Long(value.longValue());

    // Float
    if (targetType.equals(Float.class)) {
        if (value.doubleValue() > Float.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new ConversionException(
                    toString(sourceType) + " value '" + value + "' is too large for " + toString(targetType));
        return new Float(value.floatValue());

    // Double
    if (targetType.equals(Double.class)) {
        return new Double(value.doubleValue());

    // BigDecimal
    if (targetType.equals(BigDecimal.class)) {
        if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) {
            return new BigDecimal(value.toString());
        } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
            return new BigDecimal((BigInteger) value);
        } else {
            return BigDecimal.valueOf(value.longValue());

    // BigInteger
    if (targetType.equals(BigInteger.class)) {
        if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
            return ((BigDecimal) value).toBigInteger();
        } else {
            return BigInteger.valueOf(value.longValue());

    String msg = toString(getClass()) + " cannot handle conversion to '" + toString(targetType) + "'";
    throw new ConversionException(msg);


From source file:com.fengduo.bee.commons.core.lang.CollectionUtils.java

public static List<Float> getFloatValues(Collection<?> values, String property) {
    return getProperty(values, property, new Float(0f));

From source file:com.salesmanager.core.module.impl.application.prices.MonthlyPriceModule.java

public String getHtmlPriceFormated(String prefix, ProductPrice productPrice, Locale locale, String currency) {

    if (locale == null)
        locale = LocaleUtil.getDefaultLocale();

    if (currency == null)
        currency = CurrencyUtil.getDefaultCurrency();

    StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer();
    p.append("<div class='product-price product-monthly-price'>");
    if (!ProductUtil.hasDiscount(productPrice)) {
        p.append("<div style='width:50%;float:left;'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) {
            p.append("<div class='product-price-text'><strong>").append(prefix).append(" : </strong></div>");
        }//from   w  w w. ja  va 2s .c  om
                CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(productPrice.getProductPriceAmount(), currency));
        p.append(getPriceSuffixText(currency, locale));
        p.append("<div class='product-line'>&nbsp;</div>");
    } else {

        double arith = productPrice.getSpecial().getProductPriceSpecialAmount().doubleValue()
                / productPrice.getProductPriceAmount().doubleValue();
        double fsdiscount = 100 - arith * 100;
        Float percentagediscount = new Float(fsdiscount);
        String savediscount = String.valueOf(percentagediscount.intValue());

        p.append("<div class='product-price product-monthly-price'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(prefix)) {
            p.append("<div class='product-price-text'><strong>").append(prefix).append(" : </strong></div>");
                .append(getPriceSuffixText(currency, locale)).append("</strike>").append("</div>")
                .append("<div style='width:50%;float:right;'>").append("<font color='red'>")
                .append(getPriceSuffixText(currency, locale)).append("</font>").append("<br>")
                .append("<font color='red' style='font-size:75%;'>")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.save")).append(" :")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.percentsign")).append(" ")
                .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.off")).append("</font>");

        Date discountEndDate = ProductUtil.getDiscountEndDate(productPrice);

        if (discountEndDate != null) {
            p.append("<br>").append(" <font style='font-size:65%;'>")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.until")).append("&nbsp;")

    return p.toString();


From source file:mp.teardrop.Song.java

static Song fromJsonObject(JSONObject jsonBourne) {

    try {//from  w  w w  .j av  a2  s. co  m

        Song song = new Song(jsonBourne.getBoolean("isCloudSong"), jsonBourne.getString("path"),
                jsonBourne.getString("title"), jsonBourne.getString("album"), jsonBourne.getString("artist"),

        if (song.isCloudSong) {
            song.id = -1337;
            song.albumId = -1337;
            song.artistId = -1337;
            song.dbPath = jsonBourne.getString("dbPath");
            song.rgTrack = //TODO: make sure there isn't any loss of precision
                    jsonBourne.has("rgTrack") ? new Float(jsonBourne.getDouble("rgTrack")) : null;
            song.rgAlbum = jsonBourne.has("rgAlbum") ? new Float(jsonBourne.getDouble("rgAlbum")) : null;
        } else {
            song.id = jsonBourne.getLong("id");
            song.artistId = jsonBourne.getLong("artistId");
            song.albumId = jsonBourne.getLong("albumId");
            song.dbPath = null;

        return song;

    } catch (JSONException e) {
        return null;


From source file:chat.client.agent.ChatClientAgent.java

public static float distance(float lat1, float lng1, float lat2, float lng2) {
    double earthRadius = 3958.75;
    double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1);
    double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1))
            * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLng / 2) * Math.sin(dLng / 2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    double dist = earthRadius * c;

    int meterConversion = 1609;

    return new Float(dist * meterConversion).floatValue();

From source file:gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.datareports.service.ProjectCaseDashboardServiceImpl.java

 * getQCPassRate//from  w w w.j  av  a 2s  .c  om
 * @param jsonPassRate
 * @param shipped
 * @param pending
 * @param total
 * @return double value
protected float getQCPassRate(float jsonPassRate, int shipped, int pending, int total) {
    if ((shipped + pending) < 100) {
        return .5f;
    } else {
        if (jsonPassRate > 0f) {
            return jsonPassRate;
        float passRate = .5f;
        if (total != 0) {
            passRate = (new Float(shipped) + new Float(pending)) / new Float(total);
        return passRate == 0f ? .5f : passRate;

From source file:com.linkedin.pinot.segments.v1.creator.DictionariesTest.java

public void testLongColumnPreIndexStatsCollector() throws Exception {
    FieldSpec spec = new DimensionFieldSpec("column1", DataType.LONG, true);
    AbstractColumnStatisticsCollector statsCollector = new LongColumnPreIndexStatsCollector(spec);
    statsCollector.collect(new Integer(1));
    statsCollector.collect(new Float(2));
    statsCollector.collect(new Long(3));
    statsCollector.collect(new Double(4));
    statsCollector.collect(new Integer(4));
    statsCollector.collect(new Float(2));
    statsCollector.collect(new Double(40));
    statsCollector.collect(new Double(20));
    statsCollector.seal();/*from   www .ja  va2  s .c o m*/
    Assert.assertEquals(statsCollector.getCardinality(), 6);
    Assert.assertEquals(((Number) statsCollector.getMinValue()).intValue(), 1);
    Assert.assertEquals(((Number) statsCollector.getMaxValue()).intValue(), 40);

From source file:com.timtripcony.AbstractSmartDocumentModel.java

 * Converts a field value to a currency string
 * //from   w  ww  .j  a v a 2  s . co m
 * @param value
 *            Object value to convert
 * @param forceDecimals
 *            boolean whether or the currency value should force decimals even if a whole number
 * @return String value as a currency
public String convertToCurrency(Object value, boolean forceDecimals) {
    String retVal_ = "";
    try {
        if (value instanceof Number) {
            float number = new Float(value.toString());
            float epsilon = 0.004f; // 4 tenths of a penny
            if (!forceDecimals && Math.abs(Math.round(number) - number) < epsilon) {
                retVal_ = String.format("%10.0f", number); // sdb
            } else {
                retVal_ = String.format("%10.2f", number); // dj_segfault
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    return StringUtils.trim(retVal_);

From source file:edu.lternet.pasta.dml.database.DatabaseAdapter.java

 * Creates a SQL command to insert data. If some error happens, null will be
 * returned.// w w  w .j a  v  a 2 s  .c  o  m
 * @param attributeList  AttributeList which will be inserted
 * @param tableName      The name of the table which the data will be inserted into
 * @param oneRowData     The data vector which contains data to be inserted
 * @return A SQL String that can be run to insert one row of data into table
public String generateInsertSQL(AttributeList attributeList, String tableName, Vector oneRowData)
        throws DataNotMatchingMetadataException, SQLException {
    String sqlString = null;
    int NULLValueCounter = 0;
    int hasValueCounter = 0;

    if (attributeList == null) {
        throw new SQLException("The attribute list is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    if (oneRowData == null || oneRowData.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SQLException("The the data is null and couldn't generte insert sql statement");

    StringBuffer sqlAttributePart = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer sqlDataPart = new StringBuffer();
    Attribute[] list = attributeList.getAttributes();

    if (list == null || list.length == 0) {
        throw new SQLException("The attributes is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    int size = list.length;
    // column name part
    boolean firstAttribute = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // if data vector
        Object obj = oneRowData.elementAt(i);
        String value = null;

        if (obj == null) {
        } else {
            value = (String) obj;
            if (value.trim().equals("")) {

        Attribute attribute = list[i];

        if (attribute == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Attribute list contains a null attribute");
        String[] missingValues = attribute.getMissingValueCode();
        boolean isMissingValue = isMissingValue(value, missingValues);
        if (isMissingValue) {
        String name = attribute.getDBFieldName();
        String attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute);

        if (!firstAttribute) {

        Domain domain = attribute.getDomain();

        /* If attributeType is "datetime", convert to a timestamp
         * and wrap single quotes around the value. But only if we
         * have a format string!
        if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("datetime")) {
            String formatString = ((DateTimeDomain) domain).getFormatString();

            // Transform the datetime format string for database compatibility
            formatString = transformFormatString(formatString);

            // Transform the datetime value for database compatibility
            value = transformDatetime(value);

            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);




            log.debug("datetime value expression= " + sqlDataPart.toString());
        /* If domain is null or it is not NumericDomain we assign it text type
         * and wrap single quotes around the value.
        else if (attributeType.equals("string")) {
            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);
        /* Else we have a NumericDomain. Determine whether it is a float or
         * integer.
        else {

            String dataType = mapDataType(attributeType);

            try {
                if (dataType.equals("FLOAT")) {
                    Float floatObj = new Float(value);
                    float floatNum = floatObj.floatValue();
                } else {
                    Integer integerObj = new Integer(value);
                    int integerNum = integerObj.intValue();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error determining numeric value: " + e.getMessage());
                throw new DataNotMatchingMetadataException(
                        "Data value '" + value + "' is NOT the expected data type of '" + dataType + "'");

        firstAttribute = false;

    // If all data is null, return null value for sql string.
    if (NULLValueCounter == list.length || hasValueCounter == 0) {
        return sqlString;


    // Combine the two parts
    sqlString = sqlAttributePart.toString();

    return sqlString;

From source file:com.availo.wms.plugin.vhostloadbalancer.LoadBalancerRedirectorBandwidth.java

public List<Map<String, Object>> getInfo(String vhostName) {
    List<Map<String, Object>> ret = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

    synchronized (lock) {
        //         Iterator<ServerHolder> iter = serverMap.values().iterator();

        /*//from   w  ww.  j a v  a 2 s . c o  m
         *  Hopefully, this change doesn't break anything. This was done to make it easier to debug the full output in ServerInfo*,
         *  by using a sorted set of servers instead of the default.
         *  Should be safe, I guess, since "servers", as opposed to "serverMap", is used by getRedirect().
        Iterator<ServerHolder> iter = servers.iterator();

        // Iterate through all the "LoadBalancerSender"-servers that are currently active
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            ServerHolder serverHolder = iter.next();
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

            map.put("serverId", serverHolder.serverId);
            map.put("status", LoadBalancerUtils.statusToString(serverHolder.status));
            String redirectAddress = null;
            // This means that the getInfo-request came through an IP address that we know belongs to a VHost on the LoadBalancerListener. Ignore all other vhosts.
            if (vhostName != null) {
                if (serverHolder != null && serverHolder.vhosts != null) {
                    if (serverHolder.vhosts.containsKey(vhostName)) {
                        Map<String, Object> vhostProperties = (Map<String, Object>) serverHolder.vhosts
                        // We found a redirect address for this VHost, and everything works as intended. Remember this VHost's redirect address, so we can add it later on
                        if (vhostProperties.containsKey("redirectAddress")
                                && vhostProperties.get("redirectAddress") != null) {
                            redirectAddress = (String) vhostProperties.get("redirectAddress");
                        // No redirect address for this VHost, but we have other properties. Log this as an error.
                        else { // !vhostProperties.containsKey("redirectAddress")
                            // This is probably either one or more servers with a configuration error, or a redirect request through a VHost that isn't intended to be used for load balancing
                                    "LoadBalancerRedirectorConcurrentConnects.getInfo: Got a redirect request from vhost '"
                                            + vhostName
                                            + "', but we couldn't find any redirect address for this vhost. Check the relevant VHost.xml config on '"
                                            + serverHolder.redirect + "'");
                    // The requested VHost doesn't exist in the LoadBalancer config for this server. 
                    else { // !serverHolder.vhosts.containsKey(vhostName)
                        // Same as above, this is probably either one or more servers with a configuration error, or a redirect request through a VHost that isn't intended to be used for load balancing 
                                "LoadBalancerRedirectorConcurrentConnects.getInfo: Got a redirect request from vhost '"
                                        + vhostName
                                        + "', but we couldn't find any properties for this vhost on the server '"
                                        + serverHolder.redirect + "'");
                } else { // serverHolder == null || serverHolder.vhosts == null
                    // This means that *no* vhosts are known at all for this particular server (serverHolder).
                    // Likely cause for this is one or more servers with a "stock" LoadBalancer, i.e. not running VHostloadBalancer
                            "LoadBalancerRedirectorConcurrentConnects.getInfo: Got a redirect request from vhost '"
                                    + vhostName
                                    + "', but we have a server with no VHost data. Check the modules and configs on '"
                                    + serverHolder.redirect + "'");

            if (redirectAddress != null) {
                // This means that we found a redirect address for this particular VHost, so let's use it
                map.put("redirect", redirectAddress);
            } else {
                // This will use the default redirectAddress from Server.xml, for legacy servers. Possibly not a good idea in all use-cases.
                //WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(LoadBalancerRedirectorBandwidth.class).info("LoadBalancerRedirectorConcurrentConnects.getInfo: Adding default redirect address '" + serverHolder.redirect + "' to the server list for VHost '" + vhostName + "'.");
                map.put("redirect", serverHolder.redirect);

             * Uncomment the following three lines if you want to output information about all available vhosts.
             * It doesn't make any sense from a practical point of view, but could be helpful while debugging.
             * Note: The LoadBalancerUtils is closed source, so LoadBalancerUtils.serverInfoToXMLStr() is not VHosts-aware, and
             * will just output the information in a single XML tag. The JSON output works better in this regard. 
            /*if (serverHolder.vhosts != null && serverHolder.vhosts.size() > 0) {
               map.put("VHosts", serverHolder.vhosts);

            map.put("weight", new Integer(serverHolder.weight));
            map.put("inRate", new Integer(serverHolder.inRate));
            map.put("outRate", new Integer(serverHolder.outRate));
            map.put("connectCount", new Integer(serverHolder.connectCount));
            map.put("redirectCount", new Integer(serverHolder.redirectCount));
            map.put("debug", new Float(serverHolder.outRate / serverHolder.weight));

            while (true) {
                if (this.listener == null) {

                LoadBalancerServer loadBalancerServer = this.listener.getServer(serverHolder.serverId);
                if (loadBalancerServer == null) {
                map.put("lastMessage", loadBalancerServer.getLastMessageReceiveTimeStr());

    return ret;