Example usage for java.lang ExceptionInInitializerError ExceptionInInitializerError

List of usage examples for java.lang ExceptionInInitializerError ExceptionInInitializerError


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang ExceptionInInitializerError ExceptionInInitializerError.


public ExceptionInInitializerError() 

Source Link


Constructs an ExceptionInInitializerError with null as its detail message string and with no saved throwable object.


From source file:MessageDigestUtil.java

 * MessageDisgest???????/* www.j a va2s .c  o  m*/
 * @return
public static MessageDigest createMessageDigest() {
    try {
        return MessageDigest.getInstance(ALGORHTYM);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new ExceptionInInitializerError();

From source file:com.amazonaws.services.kinesis.scaling.auto.AutoscalingController.java

private AutoscalingController() throws Exception {
    throw new ExceptionInInitializerError();

From source file:org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imageanalyzer.datamodel.DrawableDB.java

 * @param dbPath the path to the db file
 * @throws SQLException if there is problem creating or configuring the db
 */// ww  w. ja va2  s. c  om
private DrawableDB(String dbPath) throws SQLException, ExceptionInInitializerError {
    this.dbPath = dbPath;

    if (initializeDB()) {
        updateFileStmt = prepareStatement(
                "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO drawable_files (obj_id , path, name, created_time, modified_time, make, model, analyzed) "
                        + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
        insertFileStmt = prepareStatement(
                "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO drawable_files (obj_id , path, name, created_time, modified_time, make, model, analyzed) "
                        + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

        removeFileStmt = prepareStatement("delete from drawable_files where obj_id = ?");

        pathGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  path  = ? ",
        nameGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  name  = ? ",
        created_timeGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  created_time  = ? ",
        modified_timeGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  modified_time  = ? ",
        makeGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  make  = ? ",
        modelGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  model  = ? ",
        analyzedGroupStmt = prepareStatement("Select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where analyzed = ?",
        hashSetGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select drawable_files.obj_id as obj_id, analyzed from drawable_files ,  hash_sets , hash_set_hits  where drawable_files.obj_id = hash_set_hits.obj_id and hash_sets.hash_set_id = hash_set_hits.hash_set_id and hash_sets.hash_set_name = ?",

        updateGroupStmt = prepareStatement("update groups set seen = 1 where value = ? and attribute = ?");
        insertGroupStmt = prepareStatement("insert or replace into groups (value, attribute) values (?,?)");

        groupSeenQueryStmt = prepareStatement("select seen from groups where value = ? and attribute = ?");

        selectHashSetNamesStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT hash_set_name FROM hash_sets");
        insertHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("insert or ignore into hash_sets (hash_set_name)  values (?)");
        selectHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("select hash_set_id from hash_sets where hash_set_name = ?");

        insertHashHitStmt = prepareStatement(
                "insert or ignore into hash_set_hits (hash_set_id, obj_id) values (?,?)");

    } else {
        throw new ExceptionInInitializerError();

From source file:org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.DrawableDB.java

 * @param dbPath the path to the db file
 * @throws SQLException if there is problem creating or configuring the db
 *//*from   ww w  . ja  v a 2 s  .c  om*/
private DrawableDB(Path dbPath, SleuthkitCase tskCase)
        throws SQLException, ExceptionInInitializerError, IOException {
    this.dbPath = dbPath;
    this.tskCase = tskCase;
    if (initializeDBSchema()) {
        updateFileStmt = prepareStatement(
                "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO drawable_files (obj_id , path, name, created_time, modified_time, make, model, analyzed) "
                        + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
        insertFileStmt = prepareStatement(
                "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO drawable_files (obj_id , path, name, created_time, modified_time, make, model, analyzed) "
                        + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

        removeFileStmt = prepareStatement("delete from drawable_files where obj_id = ?");

        pathGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  path  = ? ",
        nameGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  name  = ? ",
        created_timeGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  created_time  = ? ",
        modified_timeGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  modified_time  = ? ",
        makeGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  make  = ? ",
        modelGroupStmt = prepareStatement("select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where  model  = ? ",
        analyzedGroupStmt = prepareStatement("Select obj_id , analyzed from drawable_files where analyzed = ?",
        hashSetGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "select drawable_files.obj_id as obj_id, analyzed from drawable_files ,  hash_sets , hash_set_hits  where drawable_files.obj_id = hash_set_hits.obj_id and hash_sets.hash_set_id = hash_set_hits.hash_set_id and hash_sets.hash_set_name = ?",

        updateGroupStmt = prepareStatement(
                "insert or replace into groups (seen, value, attribute) values( ?, ? , ?)");
        insertGroupStmt = prepareStatement("insert or ignore into groups (value, attribute) values (?,?)");

        groupSeenQueryStmt = prepareStatement("select seen from groups where value = ? and attribute = ?");

        selectHashSetNamesStmt = prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT hash_set_name FROM hash_sets");
        insertHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("insert or ignore into hash_sets (hash_set_name)  values (?)");
        selectHashSetStmt = prepareStatement("select hash_set_id from hash_sets where hash_set_name = ?");

        insertHashHitStmt = prepareStatement(
                "insert or ignore into hash_set_hits (hash_set_id, obj_id) values (?,?)");

        for (Category cat : Category.values()) {
            insertGroup(cat.getDisplayName(), DrawableAttribute.CATEGORY);
    } else {
        throw new ExceptionInInitializerError();
