List of usage examples for java.lang Error Error
public Error(Throwable cause)
From source
public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, NoSuchNodeException { //service.setGreengenesRawFilename(argv[0]); service.setHugenholtzFilename(argv[0]); //service.setSynonymService(NcbiTaxonomyClient.getInstance()); service.init();//w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m final int[] targetIds =[1]); int[] queryIds =[2]); final double minDistance = Double.parseDouble(argv[3]); // implement leave-one-out at any level Map<Integer, Double> results = ArrayIterator(queryIds), new Function<Integer, Double>() { public Double apply(Integer queryId) { try { double best = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int targetId : targetIds) { double d = service.minDistanceBetween(queryId, targetId); if (d >= minDistance) { best = Math.min(best, d); } } return best; } catch (NoSuchNodeException e) { throw new Error(e); } } }); String outfileName = argv[4]; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outfileName); out.println("id\tdist"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : results.entrySet()) { out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t" + entry.getValue()); } out.close(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int nMessages = 0; int nErrors = 0; int nStruct = 0; // create command line Options object Options options = new Options(); Option opt = new Option("in", true, "input file [.ism,.sdf,...]"); opt.setRequired(true);//from ww w.j a v a 2s.c o m options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("out", true, "output file"); opt.setRequired(true); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("mol", true, "molFile used for output: ORIGINAL(def)|NORMALIZED|TAUTOMERIC"); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("shortMessage", false, "Limit message to first 80 characters to conform with sdf file specs."); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException e) { exitWithHelp(options, e.getMessage()); throw new Error(e); // avoid compiler errors } args = cmd.getArgs(); if (args.length != 0) { System.err.print("Unknown options: " + args + "\n\n"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("sdfNormalizer", options); System.exit(1); } String molOpt = cmd.getOptionValue("mol"); OUTMolFormat outMol = OUTMolFormat.ORIGINAL; if (molOpt == null || "original".equalsIgnoreCase(molOpt)) outMol = OUTMolFormat.ORIGINAL; else if ("NORMALIZED".equalsIgnoreCase(molOpt)) outMol = OUTMolFormat.NORMALIZED; else if ("TAUTOMERIC".equalsIgnoreCase(molOpt)) outMol = OUTMolFormat.TAUTOMERIC; else { System.err.printf("Unkown option for -mol: %s\n", molOpt); System.exit(1); } String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); boolean limitMessage = cmd.hasOption("shortMessage"); try { oemolistream ifs = new oemolistream(inFile); oemolostream ofs = new oemolostream(outFile); URL cFile = OEStruchk.getResourceURL(OEStruchk.class, "Struchk.xml"); // create OEStruchk from config file OEStruchk strchk = new OEStruchk(cFile, CHECKConfig.ASSIGNStructFlag, false); OEGraphMol mol = new OEGraphMol(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2000); while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)) { if (!strchk.applyRules(mol, null)) nErrors++; switch (outMol) { case NORMALIZED: mol.Clear(); oechem.OEAddMols(mol, strchk.getTransformedMol("parent")); break; case TAUTOMERIC: mol.Clear(); oechem.OEAddMols(mol, strchk.getTransformedMol(null)); break; case ORIGINAL: break; } oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "CTISMILES", strchk.getTransformedIsoSmiles(null)); oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "CTSMILES", strchk.getTransformedSmiles(null)); oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "CISMILES", strchk.getTransformedIsoSmiles("parent")); oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "Strutct_Flag", strchk.getStructureFlag().getName()); List<Message> msgs = strchk.getStructureMessages(null); nMessages += msgs.size(); for (Message msg : msgs) sb.append(String.format("\t%s:%s", msg.getLevel(), msg.getText())); if (limitMessage) sb.setLength(Math.min(sb.length(), 80)); oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "NORM_MESSAGE", sb.toString()); oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol); sb.setLength(0); nStruct++; } strchk.delete(); mol.delete(); ifs.close(); ifs.delete(); ofs.close(); ofs.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } finally { System.err.printf("sdfNormalizer: Checked %d structures %d errors, %d messages in %dsec\n", nStruct, nErrors, nMessages, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println("Starting Mondrian Connector for Infoveave"); Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream input = null;/* w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ int listenPort = 9998; int threads = 100; try { System.out.println("Staring from :" + getSettingsPath()); input = new FileInputStream(getSettingsPath() + File.separator + ""); prop.load(input); listenPort = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("port")); threads = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("maxThreads")); if (input != null) { input.close(); } System.out.println("Found MondrianService.Properties"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } port(listenPort); threadPool(threads); enableCORS("*", "*", "*"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); MondrianConnector connector = new MondrianConnector(); get("/ping", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); return "\"Here\""; }); post("/cubes", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); try { Query queryObject = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Query.class); response.status(200); return mapper.writeValueAsString(connector.GetCubes(queryObject)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } }); post("/measures", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); try { Query queryObject = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Query.class); response.status(200); return mapper.writeValueAsString(connector.GetMeasures(queryObject)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } }); post("/dimensions", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); try { Query queryObject = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Query.class); response.status(200); return mapper.writeValueAsString(connector.GetDimensions(queryObject)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } }); post("/cleanCache", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); try { Query queryObject = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Query.class); response.status(200); return mapper.writeValueAsString(connector.CleanCubeCache(queryObject)); } catch (JsonParseException ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } }); post("/executeQuery", (request, response) -> { response.type("application/json"); try { Query queryObject = mapper.readValue(request.body(), Query.class); response.status(200); String content = mapper.writeValueAsString(connector.ExecuteQuery2(queryObject)); return content; } catch (JsonParseException ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { response.status(400); return mapper.writeValueAsString(new Error(ex.getMessage())); } }); }
From source
public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { // create command line Options object Options options = new Options(); Option opt = new Option("in", true, "input file oe-supported"); opt.setRequired(true);/*from w ww. ja v a 2s .c o m*/ options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("out", true, "output file oe-supported"); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("fragFile", true, "file with single 3d substructure query"); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("isMDL", false, "if given the fragFile is suposed to be an mdl query file, query features are supported."); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); exitWithHelp(options); } args = cmd.getArgs(); if (cmd.hasOption("d")) { System.err.println("Start debugger and press return:"); new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); String fragFile = cmd.getOptionValue("fragFile"); // read fragment OESubSearch ss; oemolistream ifs = new oemolistream(fragFile); OEMolBase mol; if (!cmd.hasOption("isMDL")) { mol = new OEGraphMol(); oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol); ss = new OESubSearch(mol, OEExprOpts.AtomicNumber, OEExprOpts.BondOrder); } else { int aromodel = OEIFlavor.Generic.OEAroModelOpenEye; int qflavor = ifs.GetFlavor(ifs.GetFormat()); ifs.SetFlavor(ifs.GetFormat(), (qflavor | aromodel)); int opts = OEMDLQueryOpts.Default | OEMDLQueryOpts.SuppressExplicitH; OEQMol qmol = new OEQMol(); oechem.OEReadMDLQueryFile(ifs, qmol, opts); ss = new OESubSearch(qmol); mol = qmol; } double nSSatoms = mol.NumAtoms(); double sssCoords[] = new double[mol.GetMaxAtomIdx() * 3]; mol.GetCoords(sssCoords); mol.Clear(); ifs.close(); if (!ss.IsValid()) throw new Error("Invalid query " + args[0]); ifs = new oemolistream(inFile); oemolostream ofs = new oemolostream(outFile); int count = 0; while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)) { count++; double rmsd = Double.MAX_VALUE; double molCoords[] = new double[mol.GetMaxAtomIdx() * 3]; mol.GetCoords(molCoords); for (OEMatchBase mb : ss.Match(mol, false)) { double r = 0; for (OEMatchPairAtom mp : mb.GetAtoms()) { OEAtomBase asss = mp.getPattern(); double sx = sssCoords[asss.GetIdx() * 3]; double sy = sssCoords[asss.GetIdx() * 3]; double sz = sssCoords[asss.GetIdx() * 3]; OEAtomBase amol = mp.getTarget(); double mx = molCoords[amol.GetIdx() * 3]; double my = molCoords[amol.GetIdx() * 3]; double mz = molCoords[amol.GetIdx() * 3]; r += Math.sqrt((sx - mx) * (sx - mx) + (sy - my) * (sy - my) + (sz - mz) * (sz - mz)); } r /= nSSatoms; rmsd = Math.min(rmsd, r); } if (rmsd != Double.MAX_VALUE) oechem.OESetSDData(mol, "SSSrmsd", String.format("%.3f", rmsd)); oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol); mol.Clear(); } ifs.close(); ofs.close(); mol.delete(); ss.delete(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, JDOMException, IOException { // create command line Options object Options options = new Options(); Option opt = new Option("i", true, "input file [.ism,.sdf,...]"); opt.setRequired(true);/*from w w w.j av a 2s.c o m*/ options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", true, "output file"); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("d", false, "debug: wait for user to press key at startup."); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); exitWithHelp(options); } args = cmd.getArgs(); if (cmd.hasOption("d")) { System.err.println("Start debugger and press return:"); new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } if (args.length != 0) { exitWithHelp(options); } String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("i"); String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); OEMDLPercieveChecker checker = null; try { checker = new OEMDLPercieveChecker(); oemolostream out = new oemolostream(outFile); oemolistream in = new oemolistream(inFile); OEGraphMol mol = new OEGraphMol(); while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(in, mol)) { if (!checker.checkMol(mol)) oechem.OEWriteMolecule(out, mol); } checker.delete(); in.close(); in.delete(); out.close(); out.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } System.err.println("Done:"); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException, JDOMException, IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int nStruct = 0; // create command line Options object Options options = new Options(); Option opt = new Option("sqlFile", true, "sql-xml file"); opt.setRequired(true);/* w w w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("sqlName", true, "name of SQL element in xml file"); opt.setRequired(true); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("o", true, "output file"); opt.setRequired(false); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("newLineReplacement", true, "If given newlines in fields will be replaced by this string."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("noHeader", false, "Do not output header line"); options.addOption(opt); CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); exitWithHelp(options); } args = cmd.getArgs(); String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("o"); String sqlFile = cmd.getOptionValue("sqlFile"); String sqlName = cmd.getOptionValue("sqlName"); String newLineReplacement = cmd.getOptionValue("newLineReplacement"); args = cmd.getArgs(); try { PrintStream out = System.out; if (outFile != null) out = new PrintStream(outFile); SQLStatement stmt = SQLStatement.createFromFile(new File(sqlFile), sqlName); Object[] sqlArgs = args; if (stmt.getParamTypes().length != args.length) { System.err.printf( "\nWarining sql statement needs %d parameters but got only %d. Filling up with NULLs.\n", stmt.getParamTypes().length, args.length); sqlArgs = new Object[stmt.getParamTypes().length]; System.arraycopy(args, 0, sqlArgs, 0, args.length); } Selecter sel = Selecter.factory(stmt); if (! { System.err.println("No rows returned!"); System.exit(0); } String[] fieldNames = sel.getFieldNames(); if (fieldNames.length == 0) { System.err.println("Query did not return any columns"); exitWithHelp(options); } if (!cmd.hasOption("noHeader")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); for (String f : fieldNames) sb.append(f).append('\t'); if (sb.length() > 1) sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); // chop last \t String header = sb.toString(); out.println(header); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); while (sel.hasNext()) { Record sqlRec =; sb.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { String fld = sqlRec.getStrg(i); if (newLineReplacement != null) fld = NEWLinePattern.matcher(fld).replaceAll(newLineReplacement); sb.append(fld).append('\t'); } if (sb.length() > 1) sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); // chop last \t String row = sb.toString(); out.println(row); nStruct++; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error(e); } finally { System.err.printf("TABExporter: Exported %d records in %dsec\n", nStruct, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000); } }
From source
public static void main(String... args) { Options options = new Options(); Option opt = new Option("in", true, "input sd file"); opt.setRequired(true);//from www. j a v a 2 s . c o m options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("out", true, "output file"); opt.setRequired(true); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("method", true, "fss|sss|MCS|clique (default mcs)."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("ref", true, "reference molecule if not given first in file is used. If multiple ref molecules are read the min RMSD is reported"); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("mirror", false, "If given and the molecule is not chiral, return best mirror image."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("rmsdTag", true, "Tagname for output of rmsd, default: no output."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("atomMatch", true, "Sequence of none|default|hcount|noAromatic specifing how atoms are matched cf. oe document.\n" + "noAromatic can be used to make terminal atoms match aliphatic and aromatic atoms.\n" + "Queryfeatures are considered only if default is used."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("bondMatch", true, "Sequence of none|default specifing how bonds are matched cf. oe document."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("keepCoreHydrogens", false, "If not specified the hydrigen atoms are removed from the core."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("outputMol", true, "aligned|original (def: aligned) use original to just compute rmsd."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("doNotOptimize", false, "If specified the RMSD is computed without moving optimizing the overlay."); options.addOption(opt); opt = new Option("quiet", false, "Reduced warining messages"); options.addOption(opt); CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (Exception e) { exitWithHelp(e.getMessage(), options); } if (cmd.getArgs().length > 0) exitWithHelp("To many arguments", options); // do not check aromaticity on atoms so that a terminal atom matches aromatic and non aromatic atoms int atomExpr = OEExprOpts.DefaultAtoms; int bondExpr = OEExprOpts.DefaultBonds; String atomMatch = cmd.getOptionValue("atomMatch"); if (atomMatch == null) atomMatch = ""; atomMatch = '|' + atomMatch.toLowerCase() + '|'; String bondMatch = cmd.getOptionValue("bondMatch"); if (bondMatch == null) bondMatch = ""; bondMatch = '|' + bondMatch.toLowerCase() + '|'; String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); String refFile = cmd.getOptionValue("ref"); String method = cmd.getOptionValue("method"); String rmsdTag = cmd.getOptionValue("rmsdTag"); String oMol = cmd.getOptionValue("outputMol"); boolean doMirror = cmd.hasOption("mirror"); boolean doOptimize = !cmd.hasOption("doNotOptimize"); boolean quiet = cmd.hasOption("quiet"); OUTType outputMol = oMol == null ? OUTType.ALIGNED : OUTType.valueOf(oMol.toUpperCase()); if (atomMatch.startsWith("|none")) atomExpr = 0; if (atomMatch.contains("|hcount|")) atomExpr |= OEExprOpts.HCount; if (atomMatch.contains("|noAromatic|")) atomExpr &= (~OEExprOpts.Aromaticity); if (bondMatch.startsWith("|none")) bondExpr = 0; ArrayList<OEMol> refmols = new ArrayList<OEMol>(); if (refFile != null) { oemolistream reffs = new oemolistream(refFile); if (!is3DFormat(reffs.GetFormat())) oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid input format: need 3D coordinates"); reffs.SetFormat(OEFormat.MDL); int aromodel = OEIFlavor.Generic.OEAroModelOpenEye; int qflavor = reffs.GetFlavor(reffs.GetFormat()); reffs.SetFlavor(reffs.GetFormat(), (qflavor | aromodel)); OEMol rmol = new OEMol(); while (oechem.OEReadMDLQueryFile(reffs, rmol)) { if (!cmd.hasOption("keepCoreHydrogens")) oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(rmol); refmols.add(rmol); rmol = new OEMol(); } rmol.delete(); if (refmols.size() == 0) throw new Error("reference file had no entries"); reffs.close(); } oemolistream fitfs = new oemolistream(inFile); if (!is3DFormat(fitfs.GetFormat())) oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid input format: need 3D coordinates"); oemolostream ofs = new oemolostream(outFile); if (!is3DFormat(ofs.GetFormat())) oechem.OEThrow.Fatal("Invalid output format: need 3D coordinates"); AlignInterface aligner = null; OEGraphMol fitmol = new OEGraphMol(); if (oechem.OEReadMolecule(fitfs, fitmol)) { if (refmols.size() == 0) { OEMol rmol = new OEMol(fitmol); if (!cmd.hasOption("keepCoreHydrogens")) oechem.OESuppressHydrogens(rmol); refmols.add(rmol); } if ("sss".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { aligner = new SSSAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr, quiet); } else if ("clique".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { aligner = new CliqueAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr, quiet); } else if ("fss".equalsIgnoreCase(method)) { if (cmd.hasOption("atomMatch") || cmd.hasOption("bondMatch")) exitWithHelp("method fss does not support '-atomMatch' or '-bondMatch'", options); aligner = new FSSAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror); } else { aligner = new McsAlign(refmols, outputMol, rmsdTag, doOptimize, doMirror, atomExpr, bondExpr, quiet); } do { aligner.align(fitmol); oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, fitmol); } while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(fitfs, fitmol)); } fitmol.delete(); if (aligner != null) aligner.close(); for (OEMolBase mol : refmols) mol.delete(); fitfs.close(); ofs.close(); }
From source
public static void main(String args[]) { String usage = "java sdfFilter [options]\n" + "Filters out molecules that contain the following:\n" + "1. More than maxHeavy atoms (default is 100)\n" + "2. Have more than one component\n" + "3. Does not have any atoms\n" + "4. Have invalid atoms, like R, * etc ...\n" + "5. Have atomic number greater than 53 (Iodine)"; // create Options object Options options = new Options(); // add options options.addOption("h", false, ""); options.addOption("in", true, "inFile in OE formats: Ex: a.sdf or .sdf"); options.addOption("out", true, "outFile in OE formats. Ex: a.sdf or .sdf"); options.addOption("filtered", true, "Optional: filteredFile in OE formats. Ex: a.sdf or .sdf"); options.addOption("maxHeavy", true, "Number of heavy atom cutoff. Default is 100"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); try {// w w w . j a v a2 s . com CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String inFile = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); if (inFile == null) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(usage, options); System.exit(1); } String outFile = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); if (outFile == null) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(usage, options); System.exit(1); } String filteredFile = null; if (cmd.hasOption("filtered")) { filteredFile = cmd.getOptionValue("filtered"); } int maxHeavy = 100; if (cmd.hasOption("maxHeavy")) { maxHeavy = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("maxHeavy")); maxAtoms = maxHeavy; } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(usage, options); System.exit(1); } oemolistream ifs = new oemolistream(inFile); oemolostream ofs = new oemolostream(outFile); oemolostream ffs = null; if (filteredFile != null) { ffs = new oemolostream(filteredFile); } /*it appears that we don't have license to molprop toolkit oeisstream iss = new oeisstream(); OEFilter filter = new OEFilter(iss); filter.SetTypeCheck(true); oechem.OEThrow.SetLevel(OEErrorLevel.Warning); */ OEGraphMol mol = new OEGraphMol(); while (oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)) { // if (passFilters(mol, filter)) { //needs license to molprop toolkit if (passFilters(mol)) { oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ofs, mol); } else { if (ffs != null) { oechem.OEWriteMolecule(ffs, mol); } } } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO print explaination throw new Error(e); } }
From source
public static String URLEncode(String string) { try {//from www .jav a 2 s.c o m return URLEncoder.encode(string, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new Error(e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public static void assertSwingThread() { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) throw new Error("Must be Swing event dispatching thread, but detected '" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + '\''); }