Example usage for java.lang Enum name

List of usage examples for java.lang Enum name


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Enum name.


String name

To view the source code for java.lang Enum name.

Click Source Link


The name of this enum constant, as declared in the enum declaration.


From source file:org.structr.core.graph.IndexNodeCommand.java

private void addNode(final AbstractNode node) {

    try {/*  w ww. j  av  a2 s.com*/

        String uuid = node.getProperty(AbstractNode.uuid);

        // Don't touch non-structr node
        if (uuid == null) {



        for (Enum index : (NodeIndex[]) arguments.get("indices")) {

            Set<PropertyKey> properties = EntityContext.getSearchableProperties(node.getClass(), index.name());

            for (PropertyKey key : properties) {

                addProperty(node, key, index.name());



        Node dbNode = node.getNode();

        if ((dbNode.hasProperty(Location.latitude.dbName()))
                && (dbNode.hasProperty(Location.longitude.dbName()))) {

            LayerNodeIndex layerIndex = (LayerNodeIndex) indices.get(NodeIndex.layer.name());

            try {

                synchronized (layerIndex) {

                    layerIndex.add(dbNode, "", "");

                // If an exception is thrown here, the index was deleted
                // and has to be recreated.
            } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {

                        "Could not add node to layer index because the db could not find the node", nfe);

            } catch (Exception e) {

                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not add node to layer index", e);

                //               final Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
                //               config.put(LayerNodeIndex.LAT_PROPERTY_KEY, Location.Key.latitude.name());
                //               config.put(LayerNodeIndex.LON_PROPERTY_KEY, Location.Key.longitude.name());
                //               config.put(SpatialIndexProvider.GEOMETRY_TYPE, LayerNodeIndex.POINT_PARAMETER);
                //               layerIndex = new LayerNodeIndex("layerIndex", graphDb, config);
                //               logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Created layer node index due to exception", e);
                //               indices.put(NodeIndex.layer.name(), layerIndex);
                //               // try again
                //               layerIndex.add(dbNode, "", "");


    } catch (Throwable t) {


        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to add node {0}: {1}",
                new Object[] { node.getNode().getId(), t.getMessage() });


From source file:org.structr.core.graph.IndexNodeCommand.java

private void removeNode(final AbstractNode node) {

    try {//w  w w .  ja  va 2 s  .  c o m

        String uuid = node.getProperty(AbstractNode.uuid);

        // Don't touch non-structr node
        if (uuid == null) {



        for (Enum index : (NodeIndex[]) arguments.get("indices")) {

            Set<PropertyKey> properties = EntityContext.getSearchableProperties(node.getClass(), index.name());

            for (PropertyKey key : properties) {

                removeProperty(node, key, index.name());



        Node dbNode = node.getNode();

        if ((dbNode.hasProperty(Location.latitude.dbName()))
                && (dbNode.hasProperty(Location.longitude.dbName()))) {

            LayerNodeIndex layerIndex = (LayerNodeIndex) indices.get(NodeIndex.layer.name());

            try {

                synchronized (layerIndex) {

                    layerIndex.remove(dbNode, "", "");

                // If an exception is thrown here, the index was deleted
                // and has to be recreated.
            } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {

                        "Could not remove node from layer index because the db could not find the node", nfe);

            } catch (Exception e) {

                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not remove node from layer index", e);

                //               final Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
                //               config.put(LayerNodeIndex.LAT_PROPERTY_KEY, Location.Key.latitude.name());
                //               config.put(LayerNodeIndex.LON_PROPERTY_KEY, Location.Key.longitude.name());
                //               config.put(SpatialIndexProvider.GEOMETRY_TYPE, LayerNodeIndex.POINT_PARAMETER);
                //               layerIndex = new LayerNodeIndex("layerIndex", graphDb, config);
                //               logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Created layer node index due to exception", e);
                //               indices.put(NodeIndex.layer.name(), layerIndex);
                //               // try again
                //               layerIndex.add(dbNode, "", "");


    } catch (Throwable t) {


        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to remove node {0}: {1}",
                new Object[] { node.getNode().getId(), t.getMessage() });


From source file:com.ottogroup.bi.spqr.repository.CachedComponentClassLoader.java

 * Initializes the class loader by pointing it to folder holding managed JAR files
 * @param componentFolder/*from   w ww.  j a va2  s.  c  o  m*/
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws RequiredInputMissingException
public void initialize(final String componentFolder) throws IOException, RequiredInputMissingException {

    // validate input
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(componentFolder))
        throw new RequiredInputMissingException("Missing required value for parameter 'componentFolder'");

    File folder = new File(componentFolder);
    if (!folder.isDirectory())
        throw new IOException("Provided input '" + componentFolder + "' does not reference a valid folder");

    File[] jarFiles = folder.listFiles();
    if (jarFiles == null || jarFiles.length < 1)
        throw new RequiredInputMissingException("No JAR files found in folder '" + componentFolder + "'");

    logger.info("Initializing component classloader [folder=" + componentFolder + "]");

    // step through jar files, ensure it is a file and iterate through its contents
    for (File jarFile : jarFiles) {
        if (jarFile.isFile()) {

            JarInputStream jarInputStream = null;
            try {

                jarInputStream = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarFile));
                JarEntry jarEntry = null;
                while ((jarEntry = jarInputStream.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
                    String jarEntryName = jarEntry.getName();
                    // if the current file references a class implementation, replace slashes by dots, strip 
                    // away the class suffix and add a reference to the classes-2-jar mapping 
                    if (StringUtils.endsWith(jarEntryName, ".class")) {
                        jarEntryName = jarEntryName.substring(0, jarEntryName.length() - 6).replace('/', '.');
                        this.byteCode.put(jarEntryName, loadBytes(jarInputStream));
                    } else {
                        // ...and add a mapping for resource to jar file as well
                        this.resources.put(jarEntryName, loadBytes(jarInputStream));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Failed to read from JAR file '" + jarFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'. Error: "
                        + e.getMessage());
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.error("Failed to close open JAR file '" + jarFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'. Error: "
                            + e.getMessage());

    logger.info("Analyzing " + this.byteCode.size() + " classes for component annotation");

    // load classes from jars marked component files and extract the deployment descriptors
    for (String cjf : this.byteCode.keySet()) {

        try {
            Class<?> c = loadClass(cjf);
            Annotation spqrComponentAnnotation = getSPQRComponentAnnotation(c);
            if (spqrComponentAnnotation != null) {

                Method spqrAnnotationTypeMethod = spqrComponentAnnotation.getClass()
                        .getMethod(ANNOTATION_TYPE_METHOD, (Class[]) null);
                Method spqrAnnotationNameMethod = spqrComponentAnnotation.getClass()
                        .getMethod(ANNOTATION_NAME_METHOD, (Class[]) null);
                Method spqrAnnotationVersionMethod = spqrComponentAnnotation.getClass()
                        .getMethod(ANNOTATION_VERSION_METHOD, (Class[]) null);
                Method spqrAnnotationDescriptionMethod = spqrComponentAnnotation.getClass()
                        .getMethod(ANNOTATION_DESCRIPTION_METHOD, (Class[]) null);

                Enum<MicroPipelineComponentType> o = (Enum<MicroPipelineComponentType>) spqrAnnotationTypeMethod
                        .invoke(spqrComponentAnnotation, (Object[]) null);
                final MicroPipelineComponentType componentType = Enum.valueOf(MicroPipelineComponentType.class,
                final String componentName = (String) spqrAnnotationNameMethod.invoke(spqrComponentAnnotation,
                        (Object[]) null);
                final String componentVersion = (String) spqrAnnotationVersionMethod
                        .invoke(spqrComponentAnnotation, (Object[]) null);
                final String componentDescription = (String) spqrAnnotationDescriptionMethod
                        .invoke(spqrComponentAnnotation, (Object[]) null);

                this.managedComponents.put(getManagedComponentKey(componentName, componentVersion),
                        new ComponentDescriptor(c.getName(), componentType, componentName, componentVersion,
                logger.info("pipeline component found [type=" + componentType + ", name=" + componentName
                        + ", version=" + componentVersion + "]");
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.error("Failed to load class '" + cjf + "'. Error: " + e.getMessage());

From source file:org.cloudgraph.store.mapping.StoreMapping.java

private CloudGraphStoreMapping deriveMapping() throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("deriving mapping");
    CloudGraphStoreMapping result = new CloudGraphStoreMapping();
    for (Class<?> c : this.annotatedClasses) {
        org.cloudgraph.store.mapping.annotation.Table tableAnnot = c
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("discovered " + tableAnnot.name() + " table mapping");
        Table table = new Table();
        result.getTables().add(table);//w w w .j a  v a 2  s.  c om
        if (tableAnnot.hashAlgorithm().ordinal() != HashAlgorithmName.NONE.ordinal()) {
            HashAlgorithm hash = new HashAlgorithm();
        // add properties

        DataGraph dataGraph = new DataGraph();
        org.plasma.sdo.annotation.Type typeAnnot = c.getAnnotation(org.plasma.sdo.annotation.Type.class);

        String typeName = typeAnnot.name();
        if (typeName == null || typeName.trim().length() == 0)
            typeName = c.getSimpleName(); // use the enumeration class name
        org.plasma.sdo.annotation.Namespace namespaceAnnot = c.getPackage()
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("added data graph for type: " + dataGraph.getUri() + "#" + dataGraph.getType());

        ColumnKeyModel columnModel = new ColumnKeyModel();
        ColumnKeyField pkgColKeyField = new ColumnKeyField();
        ColumnKeyField typeColKeyField = new ColumnKeyField();
        ColumnKeyField propColKeyField = new ColumnKeyField();

        RowKeyModel rowKeyModel = new RowKeyModel();

        for (Object o : c.getEnumConstants()) {
            Enum<?> enm = (Enum<?>) o;
            Field field = c.getField(enm.name());
            org.cloudgraph.store.mapping.annotation.RowKeyField rowKeyFieldAnnot = field
            if (rowKeyFieldAnnot != null) {
                RowKeyField rowKeyField = new RowKeyField();
                DataField userDefinedField = new DataField();



    return result;

From source file:org.mule.module.extension.internal.capability.xml.schema.SchemaBuilder.java

private LocalSimpleType createEnumSimpleType(DataType enumType) {
    LocalSimpleType enumValues = new LocalSimpleType();
    Restriction restriction = new Restriction();

    Class<? extends Enum> enumClass = (Class<? extends Enum>) enumType.getRawType();

    for (Enum value : enumClass.getEnumConstants()) {
        NoFixedFacet noFixedFacet = objectFactory.createNoFixedFacet();

        JAXBElement<NoFixedFacet> enumeration = objectFactory.createEnumeration(noFixedFacet);
    }//  ww w  .j  av  a  2s  . co m

    return enumValues;

From source file:icom.jpa.bdk.dao.EmailMessageDAO.java

public void copyObjectState(ManagedObjectProxy obj, Object bdkObject, Projection proj) {
    if (bdkObject instanceof EmailMessageContent) {
        EmailMessageContentUtil.copyObjectState(obj, bdkObject, proj);
        return;/*  w ww  . j  av  a 2 s. c  o  m*/

    super.copyObjectState(obj, bdkObject, proj);

    EmailMessage bdkMessage = (EmailMessage) bdkObject;
    Persistent pojoIdentifiable = obj.getPojoObject();
    PersistenceContext context = obj.getPersistenceContext();
    BdkProjectionManager projManager = (BdkProjectionManager) obj.getProviderProxy();
    Projection lastLoadedProjection = projManager.getLastLoadedProjection(obj);

    if (isBetweenProjections(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.userCreationDate.name(), lastLoadedProjection,
            proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            // sent time is represented by user created on time of artifact
            if (bdkEmailMessageContent != null) {
                assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, ArtifactInfo.Attributes.userCreationDate.name(),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (isBetweenProjections(EntityInfo.Attributes.name.name(), lastLoadedProjection, proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            RawString bdkSubject = bdkEmailMessageContent.getSubject();
            if (bdkSubject != null) {
                String name = bdkSubject.getString(); // TODO handle unsupported character set exception
                // subject is represented by name of entity
                assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, EntityInfo.Attributes.name.name(), name);
            } else {
                assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, EntityInfo.Attributes.name.name(), null);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (isBetweenProjections(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.toReceivers.name(), lastLoadedProjection, proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            Collection<EmailRecipient> bdkRecipients = bdkEmailMessageContent.getTOReceivers();
            marshallAssignEmbeddableObjects(obj, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.toReceivers.name(),
                    bdkRecipients, Vector.class, proj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (isBetweenProjections(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.ccReceivers.name(), lastLoadedProjection, proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            Collection<EmailRecipient> bdkRecipients = bdkEmailMessageContent.getCCReceivers();
            marshallAssignEmbeddableObjects(obj, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.ccReceivers.name(),
                    bdkRecipients, Vector.class, proj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (isBetweenProjections(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.bccReceivers.name(), lastLoadedProjection, proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            Collection<EmailRecipient> bdkRecipients = bdkEmailMessageContent.getBCCReceivers();
            marshallAssignEmbeddableObjects(obj, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.bccReceivers.name(),
                    bdkRecipients, Vector.class, proj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (isBetweenProjections(MessageInfo.Attributes.sender.name(), lastLoadedProjection, proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            EmailParticipant bdkSender = bdkEmailMessageContent.getSender();
            marshallAssignEmbeddableObject(obj, MessageInfo.Attributes.sender.name(), bdkSender, proj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if ( /* always copy content !isPartOfProjection(MessageInfo.Attributes.content.name(), lastLoadedProjection) &&*/
    isPartOfProjection(MessageInfo.Attributes.content.name(), proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageContent bdkEmailMessageContent = bdkMessage.getContent();
            Content bdkChildContent = bdkEmailMessageContent.getBody();
            if (bdkChildContent != null) {
                boolean createDependentProxy = true;
                Object pojoContent = getAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, MessageInfo.Attributes.content.name());
                if (pojoContent != null) {
                    ManagedObjectProxy contentObj = (ManagedObjectProxy) getAttributeValue(pojoContent,
                    if (contentObj != null) {
                        StreamInfo subBeanInfo = (StreamInfo) context.getBeanInfo(pojoContent);
                        contentObj.getProviderProxy().copyLoadedProjection(contentObj, bdkChildContent, proj);
                        assignAttributeValue(pojoContent, AbstractBeanInfo.Attributes.mop.name(), contentObj);
                        createDependentProxy = false;
                if (createDependentProxy) {
                    ManagedObjectProxy contentObj = getNonIdentifiableDependentProxy(context, bdkChildContent,
                            obj, MessageInfo.Attributes.content.name());
                    contentObj.getProviderProxy().copyLoadedProjection(contentObj, bdkChildContent, proj);
                    assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, MessageInfo.Attributes.content.name(),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (!isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.flags.name(), lastLoadedProjection)
            && isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.flags.name(), proj)) {
        try {
            Collection<String> enumConstantNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<MessageFlag> bdkFlags = bdkMessage.getFlags();
            if (bdkFlags != null) {
                for (Enum<?> bdkFlag : bdkFlags) {
                    String bdkFlagName = bdkFlag.name();
                    String pojoFlagName = bdkToPojoFlagNameMap.get(bdkFlagName);
            EnumSet<?> pojoFlags = instantiateEnumSet(BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(),
                    IcomBeanEnumeration.UnifiedMessageFlagEnum.name(), enumConstantNames);
            assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.flags.name(), pojoFlags);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (!isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.editMode.name(), lastLoadedProjection)
            && isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.editMode.name(), proj)) {
        try {
            String modeName = getMessageMode(bdkMessage); // draft, delivered (sent or received), other (new)
            assignEnumConstant(pojoIdentifiable, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.editMode.name(),
                    BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(), IcomBeanEnumeration.UnifiedMessageEditModeEnum.name(),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (!isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.channel.name(), lastLoadedProjection)
            && isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.channel.name(), proj)) {
        try {
            EmailMessageType type = bdkMessage.getType();
            String bdkChannelName = null;
            if (type != null) {
                bdkChannelName = type.name();
            } else {
                bdkChannelName = EmailMessageType.EMAIL.name();
            String pojoChannelName = EmailMessageDAO.bdkToPojoChannelTypeNameMap.get(bdkChannelName);
            assignEnumConstant(pojoIdentifiable, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.channel.name(),
                    BeanHandler.getBeanPackageName(), IcomBeanEnumeration.UnifiedMessageChannelEnum.name(),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (!isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.messageDispositionNotificationRequested.name(),
            && isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.messageDispositionNotificationRequested.name(),
                    proj)) {
        try {
            boolean receiptRequested = bdkMessage.isReceiptRequested();
            assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.messageDispositionNotificationRequested.name(), new Boolean(receiptRequested));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore

    if (!isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.size.name(), lastLoadedProjection)
            && isPartOfProjection(UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.size.name(), proj)) {
        try {
            long size = bdkMessage.getSize();
            assignAttributeValue(pojoIdentifiable, UnifiedMessageInfo.Attributes.size.name(), new Long(size));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore


From source file:com.datatorrent.stram.webapp.OperatorDiscoverer.java

public JSONObject describeClass(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception {
    JSONObject desc = new JSONObject();
    desc.put("name", clazz.getName());
    if (clazz.isEnum()) {
        Class<Enum<?>> enumClass = (Class<Enum<?>>) clazz;
        ArrayList<String> enumNames = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Enum<?> e : enumClass.getEnumConstants()) {
        }/*from ww  w .  j  ava2  s. c  o  m*/
        desc.put("enum", enumNames);
    UI_TYPE ui_type = UI_TYPE.getEnumFor(clazz);
    if (ui_type != null) {
        desc.put("uiType", ui_type.getName());
    desc.put("properties", getClassProperties(clazz, 0));
    return desc;

From source file:net.sourceforge.vulcan.spring.SpringBeanXmlEncoder.java

void encodeEnum(Element propertyNode, Enum<?> e) {
    final Element factory = new Element("bean");

    propertyNode.addContent(factory);//from w  w  w  .  java2 s . c  o m

    if (factoryExpert.needsFactory(e)) {
        encodeBeanByFactory(factory, e);

    factory.setAttribute("class", FieldRetrievingFactoryBean.class.getName());

    final Element targetClass = new Element("property");
    targetClass.setAttribute("name", "targetClass");
    encodeAsValue(targetClass, e.getDeclaringClass().getName());

    final Element targetField = new Element("property");
    targetField.setAttribute("name", "targetField");
    encodeAsValue(targetField, e.name());


From source file:com.nesscomputing.jackson.NessObjectMapperProvider.java

public ObjectMapper get() {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(jsonFactory);

    // Set the features
    for (Map.Entry<Enum<?>, Boolean> entry : featureMap.entrySet()) {
        final Enum<?> key = entry.getKey();

        if (key instanceof JsonGenerator.Feature) {
            mapper.configure(((JsonGenerator.Feature) key), entry.getValue());
        } else if (key instanceof JsonParser.Feature) {
            mapper.configure(((JsonParser.Feature) key), entry.getValue());
        } else if (key instanceof SerializationFeature) {
            mapper.configure(((SerializationFeature) key), entry.getValue());
        } else if (key instanceof DeserializationFeature) {
            mapper.configure(((DeserializationFeature) key), entry.getValue());
        } else if (key instanceof MapperFeature) {
            mapper.configure(((MapperFeature) key), entry.getValue());
        } else {//  w  ww.j  av a2 s . c  o m
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not configure ObjectMapper with " + key.name());

    for (Module module : modules) {
    // by default, don't serialize null values.

    return mapper;

From source file:com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.AbstractSwiftMessage.java

 * @see #getProperty(String)/* ww  w.j  a v a2  s .  c o m*/
public String getProperty(Enum key) {
    return getProperty(key.name());