Example usage for java.lang Double toString

List of usage examples for java.lang Double toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double toString.


public static String toString(double d) 

Source Link


Returns a string representation of the double argument.


From source file:com.mk4droid.IMC_Services.Download_Data.java

 * Download issues in a certain geographic rectangle 
 * /* w  w w. j  a v a 2 s .  com*/
 * @param x0down       minimum longitude of the rectangle
 * @param x0up         maximum longitude of the rectangle
 * @param y0down       minimum latitude of the rectangle 
 * @param y0up         maximum latitude of the rectangle
 * @param IssueNolimit  maximum number of issues to download within this rectangle starting from the most recent ones
 * @return
public static String Download_Issues(double x0down, double x0up, double y0down, double y0up, int IssueNolimit) {

    RestCaller rc = new RestCaller();
    String response = rc.now(Constants_API.COM_Protocol + Constants_API.ServerSTR + Constants_API.phpExec,
            "GET", new String[] { "option", "com_improvemycity", "task", Phptasks.TASK_GET_ISSUES, //_Zipped 
                    "format", "json", "x0down", Double.toString(x0down), "x0up", Double.toString(x0up),
                    "y0down", Double.toString(y0down), "y0up", Double.toString(y0up), "limit",
                    Integer.toString(IssueNolimit) },
            "UTF-8", "Download_Issues");

    return response;

From source file:statUtil.TurnMovementPlot.java

public TurnMovementPlot(String title) throws IOException {
    Data data = CSVData.getCSVData(TURN_CSV_LOG);
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart(title, "X", "Y",
    final XYPlot xyPlot = chart.getXYPlot();
    XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
    renderer.setSeriesStroke(0, new BasicStroke(3f));
    renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(0, true);
    renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, false);
    renderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false);
    renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(1, true);
    Shape cross = ShapeUtilities.createDiagonalCross(2f, 0.5f);
    renderer.setSeriesShape(1, cross);/* w w w. j  a  v  a  2 s  . c o m*/
    xyPlot.setQuadrantOrigin(new Point(0, 0));

    int i = 0;
    for (Double[] csvRow : data.csvData) {
        if (i % 20 == 1) {
            final XYTextAnnotation annotation = new XYTextAnnotation(Double.toString(csvRow[3]), csvRow[0],
            annotation.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10));

    int width = (int) Math.round(data.maxX - data.minX) + 50;
    int height = (int) Math.round(data.maxY - data.minY) + 50;
    ChartPanel chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart);
    chartPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
    File XYChart = new File(FILE_PATH + "\\TurnMovementPlot.png");
    ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(XYChart, chart, width, height);

From source file:com.cloudbase.datacommands.CBSearchCondition.java

 * Creates a new search condition for geographical searches. This looks for documents whose location data
 * places them near the given location./*from   w w w. j  a v a  2s .c o  m*/
 * @param nearLoc The location we are looking for
 * @param maxDistance The maximum distance in meters from the given location
public CBSearchCondition(BlackBerryLocation nearLoc, int maxDistance) {
    Vector points = new Vector();


    Hashtable searchQuery = new Hashtable();

    searchQuery.put("$near", points);
    if (maxDistance > 0)
        searchQuery.put("$maxDistance", Integer.toString(maxDistance));

    this.limit = -1;


From source file:eu.optimis.ecoefficiencytool.core.tools.EnergyCreditsManager.java

 * @param consumedEnergy Consumed energy in kWh.
 *///from   www .j a v a  2 s.  c  o  m
private static void setRemainingEnergyInRECs(double consumedEnergy) throws ConfigurationException {
    PropertiesConfiguration configEnergyCredits = ConfigManager
    Iterator recs = configEnergyCredits.getKeys("REC");
    while (recs.hasNext()) {
        String key = (String) recs.next();
        double remainingCredit = configEnergyCredits.getDouble(key);
        if (consumedEnergy < remainingCredit) {
            remainingCredit = remainingCredit - consumedEnergy;
            configEnergyCredits.setProperty(key, Double.toString(remainingCredit));
        } else {
            consumedEnergy = consumedEnergy - remainingCredit;
            configEnergyCredits.setProperty(key, Double.toString(0.0));

    if (consumedEnergy > 0.0) {
        log.warn("All REC Energy credits are exhausted");

From source file:com.zte.ums.zenap.itm.agent.plugin.linux.util.Calculator.java

public String calculateItem(Map variables, String formula) throws MonitorException {

    Set vKeySet = variables.keySet();
    Object[] keys = vKeySet.toArray();
    Arrays.sort(keys);//from w w  w.j  a v  a  2s  .  com
    JexlContext jexlContext = new MapContext();
    for (int i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        String s = keys[i].toString();
        String s1 = s.replace('.', 'a');
        formula = formula.replaceAll(s, s1);
        jexlContext.set(s1, variables.get(s));

    try {
        while (true) {
            int eIndex = formula.indexOf("E");
            if (eIndex == -1) {
            int startIndex = getBackwardNumIndex(formula, eIndex);
            int endIndex = getForwardNumIndex(formula, eIndex);
            String eNum = formula.substring(eIndex + 1, endIndex);
            String tenNumString = null;
            int num = Integer.parseInt(eNum);
            if (num > 5) {
                int tenNum = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < (num - 5); i++) {
                    tenNum = tenNum * 10;
                tenNumString = "100000.0 * " + Integer.toString(tenNum);
            } else if (num > 0) {
                int tenNum = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                    tenNum = tenNum * 10;
                tenNumString = Integer.toString(tenNum);
            } else if (num < 0) {
                double tenNum = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i > num; i--) {
                    tenNum = tenNum * 0.1;
                tenNumString = Double.toString(tenNum);
            String variable = formula.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
            String headVariable = formula.substring(startIndex, eIndex);
            formula = formula.replaceFirst(variable, "(" + headVariable + " * " + tenNumString + ")");
        JexlEngine jexlEngine = new JexlEngine();
        Expression expression = jexlEngine.createExpression(formula);
        Object result = expression.evaluate(jexlContext);
        if (result instanceof Double) {
            Double dd = (Double) result;

            NumberFormat formater = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
            return formater.format(dd);
        return result.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MonitorException("Error!Something wrong happened! ", e);

From source file:com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.db.FloatSplitter.java

public List<InputSplit> split(Configuration conf, ResultSet results, String colName) throws SQLException {

    LOG.warn("Generating splits for a floating-point index column. Due to the");
    LOG.warn("imprecise representation of floating-point values in Java, this");
    LOG.warn("may result in an incomplete import.");
    LOG.warn("You are strongly encouraged to choose an integral split column.");

    List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

    if (results.getString(1) == null && results.getString(2) == null) {
        // Range is null to null. Return a null split accordingly.
        splits.add(// www .j a va2  s. c  o m
                new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));
        return splits;

    double minVal = results.getDouble(1);
    double maxVal = results.getDouble(2);

    // Use this as a hint. May need an extra task if the size doesn't
    // divide cleanly.
    int numSplits = ConfigurationHelper.getConfNumMaps(conf);
    double splitSize = (maxVal - minVal) / (double) numSplits;

    if (splitSize < MIN_INCREMENT) {
        splitSize = MIN_INCREMENT;

    String lowClausePrefix = colName + " >= ";
    String highClausePrefix = colName + " < ";

    double curLower = minVal;
    double curUpper = curLower + splitSize;

    while (curUpper < maxVal) {
        splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
                lowClausePrefix + Double.toString(curLower), highClausePrefix + Double.toString(curUpper)));

        curLower = curUpper;
        curUpper += splitSize;

    // Catch any overage and create the closed interval for the last split.
    if (curLower <= maxVal || splits.size() == 1) {
        splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
                lowClausePrefix + Double.toString(curUpper), colName + " <= " + Double.toString(maxVal)));

    if (results.getString(1) == null || results.getString(2) == null) {
        // At least one extrema is null; add a null split.
                new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));

    return splits;

From source file:com.sonoport.freesound.response.mapping.Mapper.java

 * Extract a named value from a {@link JSONObject}. This method checks whether the value exists and is not an
 * instance of <code>JSONObject.NULL</code>.
 * @param jsonObject The {@link JSONObject} being processed
 * @param field The field to retrieve//  ww  w. java2  s.co m
 * @param fieldType The data type of the field
 * @return The field value (or null if not found)
 * @param <T> The data type to return
protected <T extends Object> T extractFieldValue(final JSONObject jsonObject, final String field,
        final Class<T> fieldType) {
    T fieldValue = null;
    if ((jsonObject != null) && jsonObject.has(field) && !jsonObject.isNull(field)) {
        try {
            if (fieldType == String.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) jsonObject.getString(field);
            } else if (fieldType == Integer.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) Integer.valueOf(jsonObject.getInt(field));
            } else if (fieldType == Long.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) Long.valueOf(jsonObject.getLong(field));
            } else if (fieldType == Float.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) Float.valueOf(Double.toString(jsonObject.getDouble(field)));
            } else if (fieldType == JSONArray.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) jsonObject.getJSONArray(field);
            } else if (fieldType == JSONObject.class) {
                fieldValue = (T) jsonObject.getJSONObject(field);
            } else {
                fieldValue = (T) jsonObject.get(field);
        } catch (final JSONException | ClassCastException e) {
            // TODO Log a warning

    return fieldValue;

From source file:co.nubetech.apache.hadoop.FloatSplitter.java

public List<InputSplit> split(Configuration conf, ResultSet results, String colName) throws SQLException {

    LOG.warn("Generating splits for a floating-point index column. Due to the");
    LOG.warn("imprecise representation of floating-point values in Java, this");
    LOG.warn("may result in an incomplete import.");
    LOG.warn("You are strongly encouraged to choose an integral split column.");

    List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();

    if (results.getString(1) == null && results.getString(2) == null) {
        // Range is null to null. Return a null split accordingly.
        splits.add(//w  ww  .j a v  a 2 s  .  c  o  m
                new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));
        return splits;

    double minVal = results.getDouble(1);
    double maxVal = results.getDouble(2);

    // Use this as a hint. May need an extra task if the size doesn't
    // divide cleanly.
    int numSplits = conf.getInt(MRJobConfig.NUM_MAPS, 1);
    double splitSize = (maxVal - minVal) / (double) numSplits;

    if (splitSize < MIN_INCREMENT) {
        splitSize = MIN_INCREMENT;

    String lowClausePrefix = colName + " >= ";
    String highClausePrefix = colName + " < ";

    double curLower = minVal;
    double curUpper = curLower + splitSize;

    while (curUpper < maxVal) {
        splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
                lowClausePrefix + Double.toString(curLower), highClausePrefix + Double.toString(curUpper)));

        curLower = curUpper;
        curUpper += splitSize;

    // Catch any overage and create the closed interval for the last split.
    if (curLower <= maxVal || splits.size() == 1) {
        splits.add(new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(
                lowClausePrefix + Double.toString(curUpper), colName + " <= " + Double.toString(maxVal)));

    if (results.getString(1) == null || results.getString(2) == null) {
        // At least one extrema is null; add a null split.
                new DataDrivenDBInputFormat.DataDrivenDBInputSplit(colName + " IS NULL", colName + " IS NULL"));

    return splits;

From source file:io.wcm.config.core.management.util.TypeConversion.java

 * Converts a typed value to it's string representation.
 * @param value Typed value//  ww  w . ja v a  2s .c  o m
 * @return String value
public static String objectToString(Object value) {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    if (value instanceof String) {
        return (String) value;
    if (value instanceof String[]) {
        return StringUtils.join((String[]) value, ARRAY_DELIMITER);
    } else if (value instanceof Integer) {
        return Integer.toString((Integer) value);
    } else if (value instanceof Long) {
        return Long.toString((Long) value);
    } else if (value instanceof Double) {
        return Double.toString((Double) value);
    } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
        return Boolean.toString((Boolean) value);
    } else if (value instanceof Map) {
        Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) value;
        StringBuilder stringValue = new StringBuilder();
        Map.Entry<?, ?>[] entries = Iterators.toArray(map.entrySet().iterator(), Map.Entry.class);
        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
            Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = entries[i];
            String entryKey = Objects.toString(entry.getKey(), "");
            String entryValue = Objects.toString(entry.getValue(), "");
            if (i < entries.length - 1) {
        return stringValue.toString();
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + value.getClass().getName());

From source file:com.oneteam.framework.android.location.gplaces.PlacesService.java

private String makeUrl(double latitude, double longitude, String place) {

    StringBuilder urlString = new StringBuilder("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?");

    urlString.append("&keyword=" + place);
    urlString.append("&name=" + place);
    urlString.append("&sensor=false&key=" + API_KEY);

    return urlString.toString();