Example usage for java.lang Double isNaN

List of usage examples for java.lang Double isNaN


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double isNaN.


public static boolean isNaN(double v) 

Source Link


Returns true if the specified number is a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, false otherwise.


From source file:jhn.eda.EDA.java

public double logLikelihood() throws Exception {
    if (!usingSymmetricAlpha)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Log likelihood computation is unreasonably slow with assymetric alphas");

    //NOTE: assumes symmetric alphas!
    final double alpha = alphas[0];
    final double Kalpha = numTopics * alpha;
    final double log_gamma_alpha = Gamma.logGamma(alpha);

    double ll = Gamma.logGamma(Kalpha);
    ll -= numTopics * log_gamma_alpha;/*from  w w  w  . ja  v  a 2s  .c o  m*/

    int nonZeroTopics;
    int zeroTopics;

    IntIntCounter docTopicCounts;
    for (int docNum = 0; docNum < numDocs; docNum++) {
        docTopicCounts = docTopicCounts(docNum);

        // Deal with non-zero-count topics:
        for (Int2IntMap.Entry entry : docTopicCounts.int2IntEntrySet()) {
            ll += Gamma.logGamma(entry.getIntValue() + alpha);


        // Deal with zero-count topics:
        nonZeroTopics = docTopicCounts.size();
        zeroTopics = numTopics - nonZeroTopics;
        ll += zeroTopics * log_gamma_alpha;

        ll -= Gamma.logGamma(tokens[docNum].length + Kalpha);

        for (int position = 0; position < docLengths[docNum]; position++) {
            double topicWordProb = Double.NaN;
            Iterator<TopicCount> it = typeTopicCounts.typeTopicCounts(tokens[docNum][position]);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                TopicCount tc = it.next();
                if (tc.topic == topics[docNum][position]) {
                    topicWordProb = (double) tc.count / (double) topicCorpusTopicCounts.topicCount(tc.topic);

            if (Double.isNaN(topicWordProb)) {
            } else {
                ll += FastMath.log(topicWordProb);

    return ll;

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.kmeans.computation.local.Standardize.java

public List<List<RealVector>> call() throws IOException {
    File[] inputFiles = inputDir.listFiles(IOUtils.NOT_HIDDEN);
    if (inputFiles == null || inputFiles.length == 0) {
        log.info("No input files in {}", inputDir);
        return null;
    }/* w  w  w  . j  a  v  a  2  s  .c  o  m*/

    Config config = ConfigUtils.getDefaultConfig();
    InboundSettings inboundSettings = InboundSettings.create(config);
    int numFeatures = inboundSettings.getColumnNames().size();
    NormalizeSettings settings = NormalizeSettings.create(config);
    Crossfold crossfold = new Crossfold(config.getInt("model.cross-folds"));
    RandomGenerator rand = crossfold.getRandomGenerator();

    Collection<Integer> ignoredColumns = inboundSettings.getIgnoredColumns();
    Collection<Integer> idColumns = inboundSettings.getIdColumns();
    int expansion = -ignoredColumns.size() + summary.getNetLevels()
            - (!idColumns.isEmpty() && !ignoredColumns.contains(idColumns.iterator().next()) ? 1 : 0);
    boolean sparse = settings.getSparse() != null ? settings.getSparse()
            : expansion > 2 * (summary.getFieldCount() - ignoredColumns.size());

    List<List<RealVector>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < crossfold.getNumFolds(); i++) {
        ret.add(new LinkedList<RealVector>());
    for (File inputFile : inputFiles) {
        log.info("Standardizing input from {}", inputFile.getName());
        for (String line : new FileLineIterable(inputFile)) {
            if (line.isEmpty()) {
            String[] tokens = DelimitedDataUtils.decode(line);
            RealVector v = sparse ? Vectors.sparse(tokens.length + expansion)
                    : Vectors.dense(tokens.length + expansion);
            int offset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
                if (!inboundSettings.isIgnored(i)) {
                    if (inboundSettings.isNumeric(i)) {
                        SummaryStats ss = summary.getStats(i);
                        Transform t = settings.getTransform(i);
                        double raw = asDouble(tokens[i]);
                        if (!Double.isNaN(raw)) {
                            double n = t.apply(raw, ss) * settings.getScale(i);
                            v.setEntry(offset, n);
                    } else if (inboundSettings.isCategorical(i)) {
                        SummaryStats ss = summary.getStats(i);
                        int index = ss.index(tokens[i]);
                        if (index >= 0) {
                            v.setEntry(offset + index, settings.getScale(i));
                            offset += ss.numLevels();
                        } else {
                            log.warn("Unrecognized value for category {}: {}", i, tokens[i]);
            if (!inboundSettings.getIdColumns().isEmpty()) {
                // TODO: multiple ID columns
                v = new NamedRealVector(v, tokens[inboundSettings.getIdColumns().iterator().next()]);
            // Assign the vector to a fold
            int fold = rand.nextInt(crossfold.getNumFolds());
    return ret;

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.function.PiecewisePolynomialWithSensitivityFunction1D.java

 * @param pp {@link PiecewisePolynomialResultsWithSensitivity}
 * @param xKey /*from   w  w  w.  j  ava2  s  .  c om*/
 * @return Node sensitivity of derivative value at x=xKey
public DoubleMatrix1D differentiateNodeSensitivity(final PiecewisePolynomialResultsWithSensitivity pp,
        final double xKey) {
    ArgumentChecker.notNull(pp, "null pp");
    ArgumentChecker.isFalse(Double.isNaN(xKey), "xKey containing NaN");
    ArgumentChecker.isFalse(Double.isInfinite(xKey), "xKey containing Infinity");

    if (pp.getDimensions() > 1) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    final int nCoefs = pp.getOrder();
    ArgumentChecker.isFalse(nCoefs < 2, "Polynomial degree is too low");

    final double[] knots = pp.getKnots().getData();
    final int nKnots = knots.length;
    int interval = FunctionUtils.getLowerBoundIndex(knots, xKey);
    if (interval == nKnots - 1) {
        interval--; // there is 1 less interval that knots

    final double s = xKey - knots[interval];
    final DoubleMatrix2D a = pp.getCoefficientSensitivity(interval);

    DoubleMatrix1D res = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.scale(a.getRowVector(0), nCoefs - 1);
    for (int i = 1; i < nCoefs - 1; i++) {
        res = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.scale(res, s);
        res = (DoubleMatrix1D) MA.add(res, MA.scale(a.getRowVector(i), nCoefs - 1 - i));

    return res;

From source file:com.cloudera.oryx.kmeans.computation.local.Standarize.java

public List<List<RealVector>> call() throws IOException {
    File[] inputFiles = inputDir.listFiles(IOUtils.CSV_COMPRESSED_FILTER);
    if (inputFiles == null || inputFiles.length == 0) {
        log.info("No .csv input files in {}", inputDir);
        return null;
    }//from www .  ja va  2s .  c o m

    Config config = ConfigUtils.getDefaultConfig();
    InboundSettings inboundSettings = InboundSettings.create(config);
    int numFeatures = inboundSettings.getColumnNames().size();
    NormalizeSettings settings = NormalizeSettings.create(config);
    Crossfold crossfold = new Crossfold(config.getInt("model.cross-folds"));
    RandomGenerator rand = crossfold.getRandomGenerator();

    Collection<Integer> ignoredColumns = inboundSettings.getIgnoredColumns();
    Collection<Integer> idColumns = inboundSettings.getIdColumns();
    int expansion = -ignoredColumns.size() + summary.getNetLevels()
            - (!idColumns.isEmpty() && !ignoredColumns.contains(idColumns.iterator().next()) ? 1 : 0);
    boolean sparse = settings.getSparse() != null ? settings.getSparse()
            : expansion > 2 * (summary.getFieldCount() - ignoredColumns.size());

    List<List<RealVector>> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (int i = 0; i < crossfold.getNumFolds(); i++) {
    for (File inputFile : inputFiles) {
        log.info("Standardizing input from {}", inputFile.getName());
        for (String line : new FileLineIterable(inputFile)) {
            if (line.isEmpty()) {
            String[] tokens = DelimitedDataUtils.decode(line);
            RealVector v = sparse ? Vectors.sparse(tokens.length + expansion)
                    : Vectors.dense(tokens.length + expansion);
            int offset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
                if (inboundSettings.isIgnored(i)) {
                    // Do nothing
                } else if (inboundSettings.isNumeric(i)) {
                    SummaryStats ss = summary.getStats(i);
                    Transform t = settings.getTransform(i);
                    double raw = asDouble(tokens[i]);
                    if (!Double.isNaN(raw)) {
                        double n = t.apply(raw, ss) * settings.getScale(i);
                        v.setEntry(offset, n);
                } else if (inboundSettings.isCategorical(i)) {
                    SummaryStats ss = summary.getStats(i);
                    int index = ss.index(tokens[i]);
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        v.setEntry(offset + index, settings.getScale(i));
                        offset += ss.numLevels();
                    } else {
                        log.warn("Unrecognized value for category {}: {}", i, tokens[i]);
            if (!inboundSettings.getIdColumns().isEmpty()) {
                // TODO: multiple ID columns
                v = new NamedRealVector(v, tokens[inboundSettings.getIdColumns().iterator().next()]);
            // Assign the vector to a fold
            int fold = rand.nextInt(crossfold.getNumFolds());
    return ret;

From source file:com.rapidminer.operator.preprocessing.filter.Real2Integer.java

public ExampleSet applyOnFiltered(ExampleSet exampleSet) throws OperatorException {
    boolean round = getParameterAsBoolean(PARAMETER_ROUND);

    List<Attribute> newAttributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
    Iterator<Attribute> a = exampleSet.getAttributes().iterator();
    while (a.hasNext()) {
        Attribute attribute = a.next();
        if ((Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE.isA(attribute.getValueType(), Ontology.NUMERICAL))
                && (!Ontology.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE.isA(attribute.getValueType(), Ontology.INTEGER))) {
            Attribute newAttribute = AttributeFactory.createAttribute(attribute.getName(), Ontology.INTEGER);
            for (Example example : exampleSet) {
                double originalValue = example.getValue(attribute);
                if (Double.isNaN(originalValue)) {
                    example.setValue(newAttribute, Double.NaN);
                } else {
                    long newValue = round ? Math.round(originalValue) : (long) originalValue;
                    example.setValue(newAttribute, newValue);
                }//from   w  w  w  .  j a va  2s .co  m

    for (Attribute attribute : newAttributes) {

    return exampleSet;

From source file:edu.cmu.tetrad.data.MultiGeneralAndersonDarlingTest.java

private void runTest() {
    int n = data.get(0).size();
    double h = 0.0;

    int numSummed = 0;

    for (int g = 0; g < data.size(); g++) {
        List<Double> _data = data.get(g);

        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            double x1 = _data.get(i - 1);
            double a1 = Math.log(distributions.get(g).cumulativeProbability(x1));

            double x2 = _data.get(n + 1 - i - 1);
            double a2 = Math.log(1.0 - distributions.get(g).cumulativeProbability(x2));

            double k = (2 * i - 1) * (a1 + a2);

            if (!(Double.isNaN(a1) || Double.isNaN(a2) || Double.isInfinite(a1) || Double.isInfinite(a2))) {
                h += k;//ww  w  .  j  a  v  a2  s.  com

    System.out.println("n = " + n + " numSummed = " + numSummed);

    double a = -n - (1.0 / numSummed) * h;
    double aa = (1 + 0.75 / numSummed + 2.25 / Math.pow(numSummed, 2)) * a;
    double p;

    if (aa < 0.2) {
        p = 1 - Math.exp(-13.436 + 101.14 * aa - 223.73 * aa * aa);
    } else if (aa < 0.34) {
        p = 1 - Math.exp(-8.318 + 42.796 * aa - 59.938 * aa * aa);
    } else if (aa < 0.6) {
        p = Math.exp(0.9177 - 4.279 * aa - 1.38 * aa * aa);
    } else {
        p = Math.exp(1.2937 - 5.709 * aa + 0.0186 * aa * aa);

    this.aSquared = a;
    this.aSquaredStar = aa;
    this.p = p;

From source file:beast.math.distributions.NormalDistribution.java

 * A more accurate and faster implementation of the cdf (taken from function pnorm in the R statistical language)
 * This implementation has discrepancies depending on the programming language and system architecture
 * In Java, returned values become zero once z reaches -37.5193 exactly on the machine tested
 * In the other implementation, the returned value 0 at about z = -8
 * In C, this 0 value is reached approximately z = -37.51938
 * <p/>//  ww w.  j  ava 2 s  .c  o m
 * Will later need to be optimised for BEAST
 * @param x     argument
 * @param mu    mean
 * @param sigma standard deviation
 * @param log_p is p logged
 * @return cdf at x
public static double cdf(double x, double mu, double sigma, boolean log_p) {

    if (Double.isNaN(x) || Double.isNaN(mu) || Double.isNaN(sigma)) {
        return Double.NaN;
    if (Double.isInfinite(x) && mu == x) { /* x-mu is NaN */
        return Double.NaN;
    if (sigma <= 0) {
        if (sigma < 0) {
            return Double.NaN;
        return (x < mu) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
    double p = (x - mu) / sigma;
    if (Double.isInfinite(p)) {
        return (x < mu) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
    return standardCDF(p, log_p);

From source file:lirmm.inria.fr.math.OpenLongToDoubleHashMapTest.java

public void testGetAbsent() {
    Map<Long, Double> generated = generateAbsent();
    OpenLongToDoubleHashMap map = createFromJavaMap();

    for (Map.Entry<Long, Double> mapEntry : generated.entrySet()) {
    }//from ww  w  . j  a  va2s .  co m

From source file:org.jfree.data.statistics.HistogramBin.java

 * Returns <code>true</code> if the specified value belongs in the bin,
 * and <code>false</code> otherwise.
 * @param value  the value./*from   w  ww .  j  a  v  a 2s. co m*/
 * @return A boolean.
public boolean accepts(double value) {
    if (Double.isNaN(value)) {
        return false;
    if (value < this.lowerBound) {
        return false;
    if (value > this.upperBound) {
        return false;
    if (value == this.lowerBound) {
        return this.includeLowerBound;
    if (value == this.upperBound) {
        return this.includeUpperBound;
    return true;

From source file:de.jfachwert.pruefung.NumberValidator.java

 * Verifiziert die uebergebene Nummer, ob sie eine gueltige Nummer und
 * nicht unendlich oder 'NaN' ist. Falls die Nummer unendlich oder 'NaN'
 * ist, wird eine {@link ArithmeticException} geworfen.
 * @param number zu pruefende Nummer//from   w w w  . j  a  v  a2 s.c  o m
 * @return die Nummer selbst zur Weiterverarbeitung
public Number verifyNumber(Number number) {
    if ((number instanceof Double) || (number instanceof Float)) {
        double dValue = number.doubleValue();
        if (Double.isNaN(dValue) || Double.isInfinite(dValue)) {
            throw new LocalizedArithmeticException(dValue, NUMBER);
    return number;