Example usage for java.lang ClassNotFoundException getMessage

List of usage examples for java.lang ClassNotFoundException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang ClassNotFoundException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Returns the detail message string of this throwable.


From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.util.shell.commands.ScanCommand.java

protected Class<? extends Formatter> getFormatter(final CommandLine cl, final String tableName,
        final Shell shellState) throws IOException {

    try {/*  w  w  w  .  j a  va2 s . c om*/
        if (cl.hasOption(formatterOpt.getOpt())) {
            return AccumuloVFSClassLoader.loadClass(cl.getOptionValue(formatterOpt.getOpt()), Formatter.class);

        } else if (cl.hasOption(formatterInterpeterOpt.getOpt())) {
            return AccumuloVFSClassLoader.loadClass(cl.getOptionValue(formatterInterpeterOpt.getOpt()),
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        shellState.getReader().println("Formatter class could not be loaded.\n" + e.getMessage());

    return shellState.getFormatter(tableName);

From source file:org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.MyFacesResourceLoader.java

 * Given a URI of form "{partial.class.name}/{resourceName}", locate the
 * specified file within the current classpath and write it to the
 * response object.//  ww w.  j a v a 2  s.  c  o  m
 * <p>
 * The partial class name has "org.apache.myfaces.custom." prepended
 * to it to form the fully qualified classname. This class object is
 * loaded, and Class.getResourceAsStream is called on it, passing
 * a uri of "resource/" + {resourceName}.
 * <p>
 * The data written to the response stream includes http headers
 * which define the mime content-type; this is deduced from the
 * filename suffix of the resource.
 * <p>
 * @see org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.util.ResourceLoader#serveResource(javax.servlet.ServletContext,
 *     javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, java.lang.String)
public void serveResource(ServletContext context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        String resourceUri) throws IOException {
    String[] uriParts = resourceUri.split("/", 2);

    String component = uriParts[0];
    if (component == null || component.trim().length() == 0) {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request");
        log.error("Could not find parameter for component to load a resource.");
    Class componentClass;
    String className = ORG_APACHE_MYFACES_CUSTOM + "." + component;
    try {
        componentClass = loadComponentClass(className);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage());
        log.error("Could not find the class for component " + className + " to load a resource.");
    String resource = uriParts[1];
    if (resource == null || resource.trim().length() == 0) {
        response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No resource defined");
        log.error("No resource defined component class " + className);

    InputStream is = null;

    try {
        ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
        if (ResourceProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass)) {
            try {
                resourceProvider = (ResourceProvider) componentClass.newInstance();
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                        "Unable to instantiate resource provider for resource " + resource + " for component "
                                + component);
                log.error("Unable to instantiate resource provider for resource " + resource + " for component "
                        + component, e);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                        "Unable to instantiate resource provider for resource " + resource + " for component "
                                + component);
                log.error("Unable to instantiate resource provider for resource " + resource + " for component "
                        + component, e);
        } else {
            resourceProvider = new DefaultResourceProvider(componentClass);

        if (!resourceProvider.exists(context, resource)) {
                    "Unable to find resource " + resource + " for component " + component
                            + ". Check that this file is available " + "in the classpath in sub-directory "
                            + "/resource of the package-directory.");
            log.error("Unable to find resource " + resource + " for component " + component
                    + ". Check that this file is available " + "in the classpath in sub-directory "
                    + "/resource of the package-directory.");
        } else {
            // URLConnection con = url.openConnection();

            long lastModified = resourceProvider.getLastModified(context, resource);
            if (lastModified < 1) {
                // fallback
                lastModified = getLastModified();

            long browserDate = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since");
            if (browserDate > -1) {
                // normalize to seconds - this should work with any os
                lastModified = (lastModified / 1000) * 1000;
                browserDate = (browserDate / 1000) * 1000;

                if (lastModified == browserDate) {
                    // the browser already has the correct version


            int contentLength = resourceProvider.getContentLength(context, resource);
            String contentEncoding = resourceProvider.getEncoding(context, resource);

            is = resourceProvider.getInputStream(context, resource);

            defineContentHeaders(request, response, resource, contentLength, contentEncoding);
            defineCaching(request, response, resource, lastModified);
            writeResource(request, response, is);
    } finally {
        // nothing to do here..

From source file:org.carlspring.tools.csv.dao.CSVDao.java

public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    Connection connection = null;

    try {/*from w  w  w.j  a  v  a 2s. c  om*/
        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(getJdbcURL(), getUsername(), getPassword());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return connection;

From source file:org.apache.lens.server.session.TestSessionClassLoaders.java

 * Check that any added resources to the session are available after database is switched
 * @throws Exception//from  w  ww.  j  a  va  2s. c  om
public void testClassLoaderMergeAfterAddResources() throws Exception {
    LensSessionHandle sessionHandle = sessionService.openSession("foo", "bar", new HashMap<String, String>());
    LensSessionImpl session = sessionService.getSession(sessionHandle);

    File sessionJar = new File("testdata/test2.jar");

    String sessionJarLocation = "file://" + sessionJar.getAbsolutePath();

    sessionService.addResource(sessionHandle, "jar", sessionJarLocation);
    session.addResource("jar", sessionJarLocation);

    boolean loadedSessionClass = false;
    boolean loadedDBClass = false;
    try {
        LOG.info("@@@ TEST 1");

        ClassLoader dbClassLoader = session.getClassLoader("default");
        Assert.assertTrue(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() == dbClassLoader);

        // testClass2 should be loaded since test2.jar is added to the session
        Class testClass2 = dbClassLoader.loadClass("ClassLoaderTestClass2");
        //Class testClass2 = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass2", true, dbClassLoader);
        loadedSessionClass = true;

        // class inside 'test.jar' should fail to load since its not added to default DB.
        Class clz = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass", true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
        LOG.error(cnf.getMessage(), cnf);
    } finally {

    // check loading on cube metastore client
    loadedSessionClass = false;
    loadedDBClass = false;
    try {
        LOG.info("@@@ TEST 1 - cube client");

        // testClass2 should be loaded since test2.jar is added to the session
        Class testClass2 = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass2");
        //Class testClass2 = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass2", true, dbClassLoader);
        loadedSessionClass = true;

        // class inside 'test.jar' should fail to load since its not added to default DB.
        Class clz = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass");
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
        LOG.error(cnf.getMessage(), cnf);
    } finally {

    LOG.info("@@@ TEST 2");
    loadedSessionClass = false;
    loadedDBClass = false;
    try {
        // testClass2 should be loaded since test2.jar is added to the session
        URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Class testClass2 = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass2", true,
        // class inside 'test.jar' should also load since its added to DB1
        loadedSessionClass = true;
        Class clz = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass", true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } finally {

    LOG.info("@@@ TEST 2 - cube client");
    loadedSessionClass = false;
    loadedDBClass = false;
    try {

        Class testClass2 = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass2");
        // class inside 'test.jar' should also load since its added to DB1
        loadedSessionClass = true;
        Class clz = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass");
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } finally {

    // Switch back to default DB, again the test2.jar should be available, test.jar should not be available
    LOG.info("@@@ TEST 3");
    loadedSessionClass = false;
    loadedDBClass = false;
    try {
        // testClass2 should be loaded since test2.jar is added to the session
        Class testClass2 = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass2", true,
        // class inside 'test.jar' should fail to load since its not added to default DB.
        loadedSessionClass = true;
        Class clz = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass", true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
    } finally {

    LOG.info("@@@ TEST 3 -- cube client");
    loadedSessionClass = false;
    loadedDBClass = false;
    try {
        // testClass2 should be loaded since test2.jar is added to the session
        Class testClass2 = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass2");
        //Class testClass2 = Class.forName("ClassLoaderTestClass2", true, dbClassLoader);
        loadedSessionClass = true;

        // class inside 'test.jar' should fail to load since its not added to default DB.
        Class clz = session.getCubeMetastoreClient().getConf().getClassByName("ClassLoaderTestClass");
        loadedDBClass = true;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
        LOG.error(cnf.getMessage(), cnf);
    } finally {


From source file:com.mapd.bench.BenchmarkCloud.java

void doWork(String[] args, int query) {

    //Grab parameters from args
    // parm0 number of iterations per query
    // parm1 file containing sql queries {contains quoted query, expected result count]
    // parm2 table name
    // parm3 run label
    // parm4 gpu count
    // parm5 optional query and result machine
    // parm6 optional DB URL
    // parm7 optional JDBC Driver class name
    // parm8 optional user
    // parm9 optional passwd
    int iterations = Integer.valueOf(args[0]);
    logger.debug("Iterations per query is " + iterations);

    String queryFile = args[1];/*from ww  w.j ava 2 s.  c o  m*/
    tableName = args[2];
    label = args[3];
    gpuCount = args[4];

    //int expectedResults = Integer.valueOf(args[2]);
    queryResultMachine = (args.length > 5) ? args[5] : QUERY_RESULT_MACHINE;
    url = (args.length > 6) ? args[6] : DB_URL;
    driver = (args.length > 7) ? args[7] : JDBC_DRIVER;

    iUser = (args.length > 8) ? args[8] : USER;
    iPasswd = (args.length > 9) ? args[9] : PASS;

    //register the driver
    try {
        //Register JDBC driver
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        logger.error("Could not load class " + driver + " " + ex.getMessage());

    UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
    rid = uuid.toString();
    java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
    Timestamp t = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
    rTimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(t);

    System.out.println("run id is " + rid + " date is " + rTimestamp);

    // read from query file and execute queries
    String sCurrentLine;
    List<String> resultArray = new ArrayList();
    Map<String, String> queryIDMap = new LinkedHashMap();
    BufferedReader br;
    try {
        br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(queryFile));

        while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

            queryIDMap.put(sCurrentLine, null);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
        logger.error("Could not find file " + queryFile + " " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("IO Exeception " + ex.getMessage());

    bencherCon = getConnection("jdbc:mapd:" + queryResultMachine + ":9091:mapd", "mapd", "HyperInteractive");

    getQueries(queryIDMap, bencherCon, tableName);

    runQueries(resultArray, queryIDMap, iterations);

    // if all completed ok store the results

    // All done dump out results
    for (String s : resultArray) {


From source file:net.mojodna.sprout.SproutAutoLoaderPlugIn.java

private void autoloadFromDirectory(final ClassLoader loader, final int baseLength, File directory) {
    File[] files = directory.listFiles();

    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        File file = files[i];//  w w w.java  2  s .  co m

        if (file.isDirectory()) {
            autoloadFromDirectory(loader, baseLength, file);
        } else {
            String path = file.getPath();

            if (path.endsWith(".class")) {
                int length = path.length();
                String className = path.substring(baseLength, length - 6).replace('/', '.');

                try {
                    Class c = loader.loadClass(className);

                    if (decendsFrom(ActionForm.class, c)) {
                    } else if (decendsFrom(org.apache.struts.action.Action.class, c)) {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                    log.error("Failed to load class, " + ex.getMessage());

From source file:gaffer.store.schema.Schema.java

public void setVertexSerialiserClass(final String vertexSerialiserClass) {
    if (null == vertexSerialiserClass) {
        this.vertexSerialiser = DEFAULT_VERTEX_SERIALISER;
    } else {//from www  . j a  v a  2 s. c  om
        Class<? extends Serialisation> serialiserClass;
        try {
            serialiserClass = Class.forName(vertexSerialiserClass).asSubclass(Serialisation.class);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new SchemaException(e.getMessage(), e);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException
                | InstantiationException e) {
            throw new SchemaException(e.getMessage(), e);

From source file:org.apache.accumulo.core.util.shell.commands.ScanCommand.java

protected ScanInterpreter getInterpreter(final CommandLine cl, final String tableName, final Shell shellState)
        throws Exception {

    Class<? extends ScanInterpreter> clazz = null;
    try {/*  ww  w .  j  ava 2  s  .co  m*/
        if (cl.hasOption(interpreterOpt.getOpt())) {
            clazz = AccumuloVFSClassLoader.loadClass(cl.getOptionValue(interpreterOpt.getOpt()),
        } else if (cl.hasOption(formatterInterpeterOpt.getOpt())) {
            clazz = AccumuloVFSClassLoader.loadClass(cl.getOptionValue(formatterInterpeterOpt.getOpt()),
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        shellState.getReader().println("Interpreter class could not be loaded.\n" + e.getMessage());

    if (clazz == null)
        clazz = InterpreterCommand.getCurrentInterpreter(tableName, shellState);

    if (clazz == null)
        clazz = DefaultScanInterpreter.class;

    return clazz.newInstance();

From source file:org.commonjava.aprox.core.expire.DatabaseLifecycleActions.java

public void stop() throws AproxLifecycleException {
    final String dbDriver = schedulerConfig.getDbDriver();
    if (dbDriver.startsWith(APACHEDB_DRIVER_SUPER_PACKAGE)) {
        final String url = APACHEDB_SHUTDOWN_URL;

        Connection connection = null;
        try {//w  ww  .  j  a v a2s.c o  m

            logger.info("Connecting to DB: {}", url);
            connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
        } catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new AproxLifecycleException("Failed to load database driver: " + dbDriver, e);
        } catch (final SQLException e) {
            logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {
            close(null, null, connection, url);

            //                try
            //                {
            //                    final Driver driver = DriverManager.getDriver( url );
            //                    DriverManager.deregisterDriver( driver );
            //                }
            //                catch ( final SQLException e )
            //                {
            //                    logger.debug( "Failed to deregister database driver for: " + url, e );
            //                }

From source file:org.apache.marmotta.platform.core.webservices.CoreApplication.java

public synchronized Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {

    if (classes == null) {
        classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();

        try {//from  w ww .  ja v a2 s. com
            Enumeration<URL> modulePropertiesEnum = this.getClass().getClassLoader()

            while (modulePropertiesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                URL moduleUrl = modulePropertiesEnum.nextElement();

                Configuration moduleProperties = null;
                try {
                    moduleProperties = new PropertiesConfiguration(moduleUrl);

                    for (Object clsName : moduleProperties.getList("webservices")) {

                        if (!"".equals(clsName)) {
                            try {
                                Class<?> cls = Class.forName(clsName.toString());


                                log.debug("module {}: registered webservice {}",
                                        moduleProperties.getString("name"), cls.getCanonicalName());
                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                                log.error("could not load class {}, it was not found", clsName.toString());

                } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                    log.error("configuration exception: {}", e.getMessage());


        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("I/O error while trying to load kiwi-module.properties file: {}", e.getMessage());

    return classes;