Example usage for java.lang ClassLoader subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang ClassLoader subclass-usage.


From source file com.javacreed.examples.lang.DynamicClassLoader.java

public class DynamicClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicClassLoader.class);

    private final ConcurrentMap<String, byte[]> loadedClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

From source file m3.classe.M3ClassLoader.java

public class M3ClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

    //    private static final Logger Ressource.logger. = Logger.getLogger(MovexClassLoader.class);
    private static final String FILE_EXTENSION_CLASS = "class";
    private static final String FILE_EXTENSION_JAR = "jar";
    private static final String FILE_EXTENSION_ZIP = "zip";

From source file com.haulmont.cuba.core.sys.javacl.compiler.ClassLoaderImpl.java

 * A custom ClassLoader which maps class names to JavaFileObjectImpl instances.
final class ClassLoaderImpl extends ClassLoader {
    private final Map<String, JavaFileObject> classes = new HashMap<>();
    private final ProxyClassLoader proxyClassLoader;

From source file org.nuxeo.runtime.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.java

 * @author <a href="mailto:bs@nuxeo.com">Bogdan Stefanescu</a>
public class RemoteClassLoader extends ClassLoader {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RemoteClassLoader.class);

From source file org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.reflect.CompositeClassLoader.java

 * {@link ClassLoader} that is composed of other {@link ClassLoader}s'. Each {@link ClassLoader}
 * will be used to try to load the particular class, until one of them succeeds. <b>Note:</b> The
 * loaders will always be called in the REVERSE order they were added in.
 * @author scheglov_ke

From source file org.mule.module.launcher.application.CompositeApplicationClassLoader.java

 * Defines a classloader that delegates classes and resources resolution to
 * a list of classloaders.
public class CompositeApplicationClassLoader extends ClassLoader implements ApplicationClassLoader, Closeable {

From source file io.crate.client.CrateClientClassLoader.java

 * Capable of loading classes that have been relocated due to shading of the client jar
 * This is necessary because exceptions are serialized using java serialization
 * containing the fully qualified class names from the crate server :/

From source file org.springframework.osgi.util.BundleDelegatingClassLoader.java

 * ClassLoader backed by an OSGi bundle. Provides the ability to use a separate
 * class loader as fall back.
 * Contains facilities for tracing class loading behaviour so that issues can be
 * easily resolved.

From source file org.teavm.metaprogramming.impl.MetaprogrammingClassLoader.java

public class MetaprogrammingClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private MetaprogrammingInstrumentation instrumentation = new MetaprogrammingInstrumentation();
    private Map<String, Boolean> compileTimeClasses = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, Boolean> compileTimePackages = new HashMap<>();

    public MetaprogrammingClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {

From source file framework.ReloadingClassLoader.java

 * The ReloadingClassLoader uses a delegation mechansim to allow classes to be reloaded. That means that loadClass calls
 * may return different results if the class was change in the underlying ResoruceStore.
 * @author tcurdt