List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getResourceAsStream
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name)
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/** * Load the resource for the given resourcePath from the classpath. * * @param resourcePath the path of the resource to load * @return the byte array for the given resource path * @throws IOException if the resource could not be loaded *//* w w w . j av a2 s .c o m*/ private byte[] getClasspathResourceData(String resourcePath) throws IOException { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); if (inputStream == null) { inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); } try { if (inputStream != null) { return IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream); } else { return null; } } finally { ClickUtils.close(inputStream); } }
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/** * Constructs a new XML parser by initializing the JAXB unmarshaller and setting up the XML validation. * * @throws HarvesterError if there are any problems *//*from w w w . j a va 2 s. co m*/ public XMLParser() { try { unmarshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.openarchives.oai._2:org.arxiv.oai.arxivraw") .createUnmarshaller(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new HarvesterError("Error creating JAXB unmarshaller", e); } ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); List<Source> schemaSources = Lists.newArrayList(); schemaSources.add(new StreamSource(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("OAI-PMH.xsd"))); schemaSources.add(new StreamSource(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("arXivRaw.xsd"))); try { Schema schema = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI) .newSchema(schemaSources.toArray(new Source[schemaSources.size()])); unmarshaller.setSchema(schema); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new HarvesterError("Error creating validation schema", e); } }
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/** * Method used to find and read an item properties file The item values will * then be loaded into the global auction state In the getSearchResults * method, these values will be converted into a list of ItemTypes */// w w w.jav a 2s .com private void loadItemList() { // Determine the location of the property file Properties props = new Properties(); try { ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); props = new Properties(); props.load(cl.getResourceAsStream(ITEM_PROPERTIES_RESOURCE)); } catch (IOException e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Property file \'" + ITEM_PROPERTIES_RESOURCE + "\' could not be found because of " + e); } } // Loop through each property and put the values in the global auction state int itemCounter = 0; String itemPrefix, idValue, key; while (true) { itemPrefix = ITEM + itemCounter + "."; idValue = props.getProperty(itemPrefix + ID); key = idValue + "."; // No more item sets were found, so break the loop if (idValue == null) { break; } // Add the core values for the current item AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + ID, idValue); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + BID_COUNT, new Integer(props.getProperty(itemPrefix + BID_COUNT))); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + INITIAL_BID_COUNT, new Integer(props.getProperty(itemPrefix + BID_COUNT))); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + CURRENCY, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + CURRENCY)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + DESCRIPTION, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + DESCRIPTION)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + IMAGE, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + IMAGE)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + LOCATION, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + LOCATION)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + PRICE, new Double(props.getProperty(itemPrefix + PRICE))); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + INITIAL_PRICE, new Double(props.getProperty(itemPrefix + PRICE))); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + SITE, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + SITE)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + SELLER, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + SELLER)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + TITLE, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + TITLE)); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + EXPIRESINDAYS, props.getProperty(itemPrefix + EXPIRESINDAYS)); // Calculate and add the expiry date Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, Integer.parseInt((String) AuctionState.getAuctionMap().get(key + EXPIRESINDAYS))); AuctionState.getAuctionMap().put(key + END_TIME, calendar); // Update the running total of number of items itemCounter++; } }
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/** * Constructs a new XML parser by initializing the JAXB unmarshaller and setting up the XML validation. * * @throws HarvesterError if there are any problems *///from ww w . j a v a 2s. c o m public XMLParser() { try { unmarshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance("org.openarchives.oai._2:org.arxiv.oai.arxivraw") .createUnmarshaller(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new HarvesterError("Error creating JAXB unmarshaller", e); } ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); List<Source> schemaSources = Lists.newArrayList( new StreamSource(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("OAI-PMH.xsd")), new StreamSource(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("arXivRaw.xsd"))); try { Schema schema = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI) .newSchema(schemaSources.toArray(new Source[schemaSources.size()])); unmarshaller.setSchema(schema); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new HarvesterError("Error creating validation schema", e); } }
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protected int getDefaultWebPort() { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try {// w ww . ja va 2 s .com Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(classLoader.getResourceAsStream(getPropertiesForPort(classLoader))); String webPort = (String) properties.get("cuba.webPort"); if (webPort != null && !webPort.isEmpty()) { return Integer.parseInt(webPort); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error while parsing port, use default port"); } return 8080; }
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@Override public DataResource inspect(DataResource dataResource, boolean host) throws DataInspectException, AmazonClientException, InvalidInputException, IOException, FactoryException { logger.log(String.format("Begin parsing Point Cloud for Data %s", dataResource.getDataId()), Severity.INFORMATIONAL, new AuditElement(INGEST, "beginParsingPointCloud", dataResource.getDataId())); // Load point cloud post request template ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); String pointCloudTemplate = null; InputStream templateStream = null; try {/*from w ww . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ templateStream = classLoader .getResourceAsStream("templates" + File.separator + "pointCloudRequest.json"); pointCloudTemplate = IOUtils.toString(templateStream); } finally { if (templateStream != null) { templateStream.close(); } } // Obtain File URL from AWS S3 Bucket FileAccessFactory fileFactory = ingestUtilities.getFileFactoryForDataResource(dataResource); FileLocation fileLocation = ((PointCloudDataType) dataResource.getDataType()).getLocation(); String awsS3Url = fileFactory.getFileUri(fileLocation); // Inject URL into the Post Payload String payloadBody = String.format(pointCloudTemplate, awsS3Url); // Attempt to populate Spatial metadata for the Point Cloud by pointing // to the Point Cloud metadata service. SpatialMetadata spatialMetadata = new SpatialMetadata(); try { // Post payload to point cloud endpoint for the metadata response PointCloudResponse pointCloudResponse = postPointCloudTemplate(POINT_CLOUD_ENDPOINT, payloadBody); // Set the Metadata spatialMetadata.setMaxX(pointCloudResponse.getMaxx()); spatialMetadata.setMaxY(pointCloudResponse.getMaxy()); spatialMetadata.setMaxZ(pointCloudResponse.getMaxz()); spatialMetadata.setMinX(pointCloudResponse.getMinx()); spatialMetadata.setMinY(pointCloudResponse.getMiny()); spatialMetadata.setMinZ(pointCloudResponse.getMinz()); spatialMetadata.setCoordinateReferenceSystem(pointCloudResponse.getSpatialreference()); String formattedSpatialreference = pointCloudResponse.getSpatialreference().replace("\\\"", "\""); // Decode CoordinateReferenceSystem and parse EPSG code CoordinateReferenceSystem worldCRS = CRS.parseWKT(formattedSpatialreference); spatialMetadata.setEpsgCode(CRS.lookupEpsgCode(worldCRS, true)); // Populate the projected EPSG:4326 spatial metadata populateSpatialMetadata(spatialMetadata, dataResource.getDataId()); } catch (Exception exception) { String error = String.format("Error populating Spatial Metadata for %s Point Cloud located at %s: %s", dataResource.getDataId(), awsS3Url, exception.getMessage()); logger.log(error, Severity.WARNING); LOG.error(error, exception); } // Set the DataResource Spatial Metadata dataResource.spatialMetadata = spatialMetadata; logger.log(String.format("Completed parsing Point Cloud for Data %s", dataResource.getDataId()), Severity.INFORMATIONAL, new AuditElement(INGEST, "completeParsingPointCloud", dataResource.getDataId())); return dataResource; }
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private void queryPropertiesFile(@NotNull PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor, @NotNull Properties properties) { ClassLoader loader = pluginDescriptor.getPluginClassLoader(); InputStream stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(ERROR_SUBMITTER_PROPERTIES_PATH); if (stream != null) { LOGGER.debug("Reading from file system: " + ERROR_SUBMITTER_PROPERTIES_PATH); try {//from w w w . ja v a2 s .c o m properties.load(stream); } catch (Exception e) {"Could not read in from file system", e); } } }
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public static Properties loadProperties(String name, ClassLoader loader) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null input: name"); if (name.startsWith("/")) name = name.substring(1);// ww w.j a va 2 s.c o m if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX)) name = name.substring(0, name.length() - SUFFIX.length()); Properties result = null; InputStream in = null; try { if (loader == null) loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); if (LOAD_AS_RESOURCE_BUNDLE) { name = name.replace('/', '.'); // Throws MissingResourceException on lookup failures: final ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(name, Locale.getDefault(), loader); result = new Properties(); for (Enumeration keys = rb.getKeys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) { final String key = (String) keys.nextElement(); final String value = rb.getString(key); result.put(key, value); } } else { name = name.replace('.', '/'); if (!name.endsWith(SUFFIX)) name = name.concat(SUFFIX); // Returns null on lookup failures: in = loader.getResourceAsStream(name); if (in != null) { result = new Properties(); result.load(in); // Can throw IOException } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); result = null; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (Throwable ignore) { logger.warn(ignore.getMessage(), ignore); } } if (THROW_ON_LOAD_FAILURE && (result == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not load [" + name + "]" + " as " + (LOAD_AS_RESOURCE_BUNDLE ? "a resource bundle" : "a classloader resource")); } return result; }
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private boolean hasEngines(ClassLoader loader) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(loader.getResourceAsStream("package.json"))); br.lines().forEach(line -> buf.append(line)); JsonObject json = new JsonObject(buf.toString()); return json.containsKey("engines") && json.getJsonObject("engines").containsKey("node"); }
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/** * Checks whether the given version of the MDS package has been installed yet, and if not, install it * @param groupUuid the package group UUID * @param filename the package filename/*from w w w . ja v a2s .c o m*/ * @param loader the class loader to use for loading the packages (null to use the default) * @return whether any changes were made to the db * @throws IOException */ protected static boolean installMetadataPackageIfNecessary(String groupUuid, String filename, ClassLoader loader) throws IOException { try { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[\\w/-]+-(\\d+).zip").matcher(filename); if (!matcher.matches()) throw new RuntimeException("Filename must match"); Integer version = Integer.valueOf(; ImportedPackage installed = Context.getService(MetadataSharingService.class) .getImportedPackageByGroup(groupUuid); if (installed != null && installed.getVersion() >= version) {"Metadata package " + filename + " is already installed with version " + installed.getVersion()); return false; } if (loader == null) { loader = MetadataManager.class.getClassLoader(); } if (loader.getResource(filename) == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find " + filename + " for group " + groupUuid); } PackageImporter metadataImporter = MetadataSharing.getInstance().newPackageImporter(); metadataImporter.setImportConfig(ImportConfig.valueOf(ImportMode.MIRROR)); metadataImporter.loadSerializedPackageStream(loader.getResourceAsStream(filename)); metadataImporter.importPackage(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to install metadata package " + filename, ex); return false; } }