Example usage for java.lang ClassLoader getResource

List of usage examples for java.lang ClassLoader getResource


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang ClassLoader getResource.


public URL getResource(String name) 

Source Link


Finds the resource with the given name.


From source file:com.autentia.tnt.bean.JPivotBean.java

public String showTable() {
    try {/*from   w  w w  .  j  a  va  2s.  c  o  m*/
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        File file = new File(loader.getResource("com/autentia/tnt/jpivot/jpivot_test.xml").toURI());
        cubeURL = file.toURL();

        String mdxQuery = "select {[Measures].[Muestras]} on columns , {([Contacto])} on rows from [Informe]";

        this.olapModel = JPivotUtils.executeOlapQuery(mdxQuery, cubeURL,
                (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession(false));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("cannot generate the jpivot cube: ", e);
        return "error";

    return "jpivot";

From source file:azkaban.execapp.FlowPreparerTest.java

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    tearDown();//from  w  w w  .j av a2  s. c  o m


    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    File file = new File(classLoader.getResource(SAMPLE_FLOW_01 + ".zip").getFile());

    ProjectFileHandler projectFileHandler = mock(ProjectFileHandler.class);

    ProjectLoader projectLoader = mock(ProjectLoader.class);
    when(projectLoader.getUploadedFile(12, 34)).thenReturn(projectFileHandler);

    instance = new FlowPreparer(projectLoader, executionsDir, projectsDir, installedProjects);

From source file:azkaban.storage.LocalStorageTest.java

public void testPutGet() throws Exception {
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    File testFile = new File(classLoader.getResource(SAMPLE_FILE).getFile());

    final StorageMetadata metadata = new StorageMetadata(1, 1, "testuser", Md5Hasher.md5Hash(testFile));
    final String key = localStorage.put(metadata, testFile);
    assertNotNull(key);/*from  w  w  w .java2 s  .  c  o m*/
    log.info("Key URI: " + key);

    File expectedTargetFile = new File(BASE_DIRECTORY,
            new StringBuilder().append(metadata.getProjectId()).append(File.separator)
                    .append(metadata.getProjectId()).append("-").append(new String(metadata.getHash()))
    assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(testFile, expectedTargetFile));

    // test get
    InputStream getIs = localStorage.get(key);
    File getFile = new File("tmp.get");
    FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(getIs, getFile);
    assertTrue(FileUtils.contentEquals(testFile, getFile));

From source file:com.kolich.curacao.embedded.mappers.ClasspathFileReturnMapper.java

public final void render(final AsyncContext context, final HttpServletResponse response,
        final @Nonnull File entity) throws Exception {
    // Get the path, and remove the leading slash.
    final String path = entity.getAbsolutePath().substring(1);
    final ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    final URL resource = loader.getResource(path);
    if (resource == null) {
        logger__.warn("Resource not found: {}", path);
    } else {//  w  w w. j  a va2s  . co m
        logger__.debug("Serving resource from classpath: {}", path);
        try (final InputStream in = loader.getResourceAsStream(path);
                final OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream()) {
            IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out);

From source file:com.viddu.handlebars.HandlebarsMojoTest.java

public void testExecute() throws MojoExecutionException {
    ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    URL handleBarsUrl = ccl.getResource("handlebars-1.0.rc.1.js");
    URL templatesUrl = ccl.getResource("templates");
    String outputDir = "target/compiledTemplates";

    HandlebarsMojo hbMojo = new HandlebarsMojo();
    hbMojo.setHandlebarsLibrary(new File(handleBarsUrl.getPath()));
    hbMojo.setInputDirectory(new File(templatesUrl.getPath()));
    hbMojo.setOutputDirectory(new File(outputDir));
    hbMojo.execute();/*  w w w  .  j  av  a2s .  co  m*/

From source file:hudson.plugins.testlink.result.parser.tap.TestTapParser.java

public void testTapParser() {
    assertEquals(this.parser.getName(), "TAP");

    ClassLoader cl = TestTapParser.class.getClassLoader();
    URL url = cl.getResource("hudson/plugins/testlink/result/parser/tap/br.eti.kinoshita.tap.SampleTest.tap");
    File file = new File(url.getFile());

    TestSet testSet = null;//  w ww  .  j av  a 2s  .c om

    try {
        testSet = this.parser.parse(file);
    } catch (ParserException pe) {
        fail("Failed to parse TAP file '" + file + "': " + pe.getMessage());

    assertNotNull("Failed to parse TAP. Null TestSet.", testSet);
    assertTrue("Wrong number of test results in TAP file '" + file + "'.",
            testSet.getNumberOfTestResults() == 1);
    assertTrue("Wrong status for test result 1", testSet.getTestResult(1).getStatus() == StatusValues.OK);

From source file:com.boundary.sdk.event.esper.EsperRouteTest.java

public void testReadURIClasspath() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL url = classLoader.getResource("test-esper-query-load.json");
    File file = new File(url.toURI());
    assertTrue("check if file", file.isFile());
    assertTrue("check file exists", file.exists());

From source file:io.fabric8.maven.docker.util.DockerFileUtilTest.java

private File getDockerfilePath(int i, String dir) {
    ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
    return new File(classLoader.getResource(String.format("interpolate/%s/Dockerfile_%d", dir, i)).getFile());

From source file:hudson.ClassicPluginStrategyTest.java

 * Test finding resources under masking.
 * "foo1" plugin contains attribute of Mask-Classes: org.apache.http.
 *///w  w  w.  j  av a2 s  . c om
public void testMaskResourceClassLoader() throws Exception {
    PluginWrapper pw = jenkins.getPluginManager().getPlugin("foo1");
    Class<?> clazz = pw.classLoader.loadClass("org.apache.http.impl.io.SocketInputBuffer");
    ClassLoader cl = clazz.getClassLoader();
    URL url = cl.getResource("org/apache/http/impl/io/SocketInputBuffer.class");
    assertTrue("expected to find the class from foo1 plugin", url.toString().contains("plugins/foo1"));

From source file:com.gu.conf.FileAndResourceLoader.java

private InputStream getResource(String resource) {
    ClassLoader classloader = FileAndResourceLoader.class.getClassLoader();
    URL url = classloader.getResource(stripProtocol(resource));

    if (url == null) {
        LOG.info("Ignoring missing configuration file " + resource);
        return null;
    }//from www . ja  v a2  s  . co m

    InputStream inputStream;
    try {
        inputStream = url.openStream();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot open resource trying to load properties from " + resource, ioe);
        return null;

    return new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);