List of usage examples for java.lang Class isInterface
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public native boolean isInterface();
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private Collection<Class<?>> loadPersistentTypesInternal(boolean devpath, ClassLoader envLoader, boolean mustExist) { Set<String> names = getPersistentTypeNames(devpath, envLoader); if (names == null || names.isEmpty()) { if (!mustExist) return Collections.emptyList(); else/*ww w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ throw new MetaDataException(_loc.get("eager-no-class-found")); } // attempt to load classes so that they get processed ClassLoader clsLoader = _conf.getClassResolverInstance().getClassLoader(getClass(), envLoader); List<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(names.size()); Class<?> cls; for (String className : names) { cls = classForName(className, clsLoader); if (_factory.isMetaClass(cls)) { setMetaModel(cls); continue; } if (cls != null) { classes.add(cls); // if the class is an interface, load its metadata to kick // off the impl generator if (cls.isInterface()) getMetaData(cls, clsLoader, false); } else if (cls == null && mustExist) { throw new MetaDataException(_loc.get("eager-class-not-found", className)); } } return classes; }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T> Class<T> determineClass(Class<T> theOrigClass, T theObj, DataSource theSource, boolean instanceClass) throws InvalidRdfException, DataSourceException { Class aResult = theOrigClass; final SupportsRdfId aTmpSupportsRdfId = asSupportsRdfId(theObj); // ExtGraph aGraph = new ExtGraph(DataSourceUtil.describe(theSource, theObj)); // ======================================== start speedup PATCH ================================================== // get class from uri without quering db // final Collection<Value> aTypes = DataSourceUtil.getValues(theSource, EmpireUtil.asResource(EmpireUtil.asSupportsRdfId(theObj)), RDF.TYPE); String rdfId = EmpireUtil.asSupportsRdfId(theObj).getRdfId().toString(); final Collection<Value> aTypes = Collections .singletonList(new URIImpl(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(rdfId, ":"))); // ======================================== end speedup PATCH ======================================== // right now, our best match is the original class (we will refine later) // final Resource aTmpRes = EmpireUtil.asResource(aTmpSupportsRdfId); // iterate for all rdf:type triples in the data // There may be multiple rdf:type triples, which can then translate onto multiple candidate Java classes // some of the Java classes may belong to the same class hierarchy, whereas others can have no common // super class (other than java.lang.Object) for (Value aValue : aTypes) { if (!(aValue instanceof URI)) { // there is no URI in the object position of rdf:type // ignore that data continue; }//from w w w .jav a2s . c o m URI aType = (URI) aValue; for (Class aCandidateClass : TYPE_TO_CLASS.get(aType)) { if (aCandidateClass.equals(aResult)) { // it is mapped to the same Java class, that we have; ignore continue; } // at this point we found an rdf:type triple that resolves to a different Java class than we have // we are only going to accept this candidate class if it is a subclass of the current Java class // (doing otherwise, may cause class cast exceptions) if (aResult.isAssignableFrom(aCandidateClass)) { aResult = aCandidateClass; } } } try { if (instanceClass) { if (aResult.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(aResult.getModifiers()) || !EmpireGenerated.class.isAssignableFrom(aResult)) { aResult = com.clarkparsia.empire.codegen.InstanceGenerator.generateInstanceClass(aResult); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidRdfException("Cannot generate a class for a bean", e); } return aResult; }
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public Object construct(MethodData data) throws Throwable { Class<?> returnClass; Type keyType = null;/*from w w w . j a va 2s.c o m*/ Type valueType = null; if (data.getReturnType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) data.getReturnType(); returnClass = (Class<?>) parameterized.getRawType(); if (parameterized.getActualTypeArguments().length == 1) { Type first = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (returnClass.getGenericSuperclass() != null && returnClass.getGenericSuperclass() instanceof ParameterizedType) { parameterized = (ParameterizedType) returnClass.getGenericSuperclass(); if (parameterized.getActualTypeArguments().length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg.format("", data.getReturnType(), data.getMethod())); } if (parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[0] instanceof TypeVariable) { keyType = first; valueType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } else if (parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[1] instanceof TypeVariable) { valueType = first; keyType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg.format("", data.getReturnType(), data.getMethod())); } } } else { keyType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; valueType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } } else if (data.getReturnType() instanceof Class) { returnClass = (Class<?>) data.getReturnType(); if (returnClass.getGenericSuperclass() != null && returnClass.getGenericSuperclass() instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterized = (ParameterizedType) returnClass.getGenericSuperclass(); if (parameterized.getActualTypeArguments().length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg.format("", data.getReturnType(), data.getMethod())); } keyType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; valueType = parameterized.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } else { keyType = Object.class; valueType = Object.class; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.format("error.return", data.getMethod())); } if (returnClass.isInterface()) { returnClass = getDefaultImplementation(data, returnClass); } Constructor<?> constructor = returnClass.getConstructor(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY); Map<Object, Object> mapInstance = (Map<Object, Object>) constructor .newInstance(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); if (null == data.getValue() || StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getValue())) { return mapInstance; } if ((!(keyType instanceof Class)) || (!StringUtils.startsWith(data.getValue(), "[") || !StringUtils.endsWith(data.getValue(), "]"))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.format("", data.getValue(), data.getMethod())); } StringParser parser = new StringParser(data); for (Entry<String, String> each : parser.getTokensAsMap().entrySet()) { Object value = ObjectConstructorFactory.get(valueType) .construct(new MethodData(data.getMethod(), valueType, each.getValue())); mapInstance.put(ObjectConstructorFactory.get(keyType) .construct(new MethodData(data.getMethod(), keyType, each.getKey())), value); } return mapInstance; }
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public Object invokeMethod(Object targetObject, String methodName, ArrayList paramValues) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { int params = paramValues.size(); Method[] methods = targetObject.getClass().getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; if (method.getName().compareTo(methodName) == 0) { Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (paramTypes.length == params) { // HTTP GET params number matches method param number Object[] arglist = new Object[params]; boolean signatureMach = true; for (int j = 0; j < params; j++) { Class paramT = paramTypes[j]; String typename = paramTypes[j].getName(); /*/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ * currently we support the following param types: * * Enums, int, short, String */ String value = (String) paramValues.get(j).toString(); if (typename.compareTo("int") == 0) { arglist[j] = new Integer(value); } else if (typename.compareTo("java.lang.String") == 0) { arglist[j] = value; } else if (typename.compareTo("short") == 0) { arglist[j] = new Short(value); } else if (typename.compareTo("boolean") == 0) { arglist[j] = new Boolean(value); } else if (typename.compareTo("long") == 0) { arglist[j] = new Long(value); } else if (typename.compareTo("[B") == 0) { // convert value (that is an hex string) into a byte // array byte[] v = hexStringToByteArray(value); arglist[j] = v; } else if (typename.equals("java.util.Vector")) { // checks if the passed value represents a JSON // array if ((value.length() >= 2) && (value.charAt(0) == '[')) { JSONArray outer; try { outer = new JSONArray(value); } catch (JSONException e) { signatureMach = false; break; } // convert the json array into a Vector Vector v = new Vector(); for (int k = 0; k < outer.length(); k++) { try { v.add(outer.get(k)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (v instanceof Vector) { arglist[j] = v; } } } else if (paramT.isInterface()) { Object o = getObjectByPid(value); if (o != null) { arglist[j] = o; } else { signatureMach = false; break; } } else { log.warn("unsupported type '" + typename + "'in target signature"); signatureMach = false; break; } } if (signatureMach) { Object result = null; result = method.invoke(targetObject, arglist); return this.resultToJSON(result); } else { log.error("signature not found for method " + methodName); } } } } throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the method " + methodName + " parameters or name doesn't match"); }
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/** * convert value to given type./* w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * null safe. * * @param value value for convert * @param type will converted type * @return value while converted */ public static Object convertCompatibleType(Object value, Class<?> type) { if (value == null || type == null || type.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) { return value; } if (value instanceof String) { String string = (String) value; if (char.class.equals(type) || Character.class.equals(type)) { if (string.length() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("CAN NOT convert String(%s) to char!" + " when convert String to char, the String MUST only 1 char.", string)); } return string.charAt(0); } else if (type.isEnum()) { return Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) type, string); } else if (type == BigInteger.class) { return new BigInteger(string); } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) { return new BigDecimal(string); } else if (type == Short.class || type == short.class) { return Short.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Integer.class || type == int.class) { return Integer.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Long.class || type == long.class) { return Long.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Double.class || type == double.class) { return Double.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Float.class || type == float.class) { return Float.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Byte.class || type == byte.class) { return Byte.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Boolean.class || type == boolean.class) { return Boolean.valueOf(string); } else if (type == Date.class) { try { return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).parse((String) value); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to parse date " + value + " by format " + DATE_FORMAT + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (type == Class.class) { return forName((String) value); } } else if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number) value; if (type == byte.class || type == Byte.class) { return number.byteValue(); } else if (type == short.class || type == Short.class) { return number.shortValue(); } else if (type == int.class || type == Integer.class) { return number.intValue(); } else if (type == long.class || type == Long.class) { return number.longValue(); } else if (type == float.class || type == Float.class) { return number.floatValue(); } else if (type == double.class || type == Double.class) { return number.doubleValue(); } else if (type == BigInteger.class) { return BigInteger.valueOf(number.longValue()); } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(number.doubleValue()); } else if (type == Date.class) { return new Date(number.longValue()); } } else if (value instanceof Collection) { Collection collection = (Collection) value; if (type.isArray()) { int length = collection.size(); Object array = Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), length); int i = 0; for (Object item : collection) { Array.set(array, i++, item); } return array; } else if (!type.isInterface()) { try { Collection result = (Collection) type.newInstance(); result.addAll(collection); return result; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (type == List.class) { return new ArrayList<>(collection); } else if (type == Set.class) { return new HashSet<>(collection); } } else if (value.getClass().isArray() && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Collection collection; if (!type.isInterface()) { try { collection = (Collection) type.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { collection = new ArrayList<>(); } } else if (type == Set.class) { collection = new HashSet<>(); } else { collection = new ArrayList<>(); } int length = Array.getLength(value); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { collection.add(Array.get(value, i)); } return collection; } return value; }
From source
public static ModelBean createModel(final Class<?> clazz, final OutputConfig outputConfig) { Assert.notNull(clazz, "clazz must not be null"); Assert.notNull(outputConfig.getIncludeValidation(), "includeValidation must not be null"); ModelCacheKey key = new ModelCacheKey(clazz.getName(), outputConfig); SoftReference<ModelBean> modelReference = modelCache.get(key); if (modelReference != null && modelReference.get() != null) { return modelReference.get(); }//from w ww .j a v a2 s . c om Model modelAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Model.class); final ModelBean model = new ModelBean(); if (modelAnnotation != null && StringUtils.hasText(modelAnnotation.value())) { model.setName(modelAnnotation.value()); } else { model.setName(clazz.getName()); } if (modelAnnotation != null) { model.setAutodetectTypes(modelAnnotation.autodetectTypes()); } if (modelAnnotation != null) { model.setExtend(modelAnnotation.extend()); model.setIdProperty(modelAnnotation.idProperty()); model.setVersionProperty(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.versionProperty())); model.setPaging(modelAnnotation.paging()); model.setDisablePagingParameters(modelAnnotation.disablePagingParameters()); model.setCreateMethod(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.createMethod())); model.setReadMethod(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.readMethod())); model.setUpdateMethod(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.updateMethod())); model.setDestroyMethod(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.destroyMethod())); model.setMessageProperty(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.messageProperty())); model.setWriter(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.writer())); model.setReader(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.reader())); model.setSuccessProperty(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.successProperty())); model.setTotalProperty(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.totalProperty())); model.setRootProperty(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.rootProperty())); model.setWriteAllFields(modelAnnotation.writeAllFields()); model.setIdentifier(trimToNull(modelAnnotation.identifier())); String clientIdProperty = trimToNull(modelAnnotation.clientIdProperty()); if (StringUtils.hasText(clientIdProperty)) { model.setClientIdProperty(clientIdProperty); model.setClientIdPropertyAddToWriter(true); } else { model.setClientIdProperty(null); model.setClientIdPropertyAddToWriter(false); } } final Set<String> hasReadMethod = new HashSet<String>(); BeanInfo bi; try { bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && pd.getReadMethod().getAnnotation(JsonIgnore.class) == null) { hasReadMethod.add(pd.getName()); } } if (clazz.isInterface()) { final List<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method>(); ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(clazz, new MethodCallback() { @Override public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { methods.add(method); } }); Collections.sort(methods, new Comparator<Method>() { @Override public int compare(Method o1, Method o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); for (Method method : methods) { createModelBean(model, method, outputConfig); } } else { final Set<String> fields = new HashSet<String>(); Set<ModelField> modelFieldsOnType = AnnotationUtils.getRepeatableAnnotation(clazz, ModelFields.class, ModelField.class); for (ModelField modelField : modelFieldsOnType) { if (StringUtils.hasText(modelField.value())) { ModelFieldBean modelFieldBean; if (StringUtils.hasText(modelField.customType())) { modelFieldBean = new ModelFieldBean(modelField.value(), modelField.customType()); } else { modelFieldBean = new ModelFieldBean(modelField.value(), modelField.type()); } updateModelFieldBean(modelFieldBean, modelField); model.addField(modelFieldBean); } } Set<ModelAssociation> modelAssociationsOnType = AnnotationUtils.getRepeatableAnnotation(clazz, ModelAssociations.class, ModelAssociation.class); for (ModelAssociation modelAssociationAnnotation : modelAssociationsOnType) { AbstractAssociation modelAssociation = AbstractAssociation .createAssociation(modelAssociationAnnotation); if (modelAssociation != null) { model.addAssociation(modelAssociation); } } Set<ModelValidation> modelValidationsOnType = AnnotationUtils.getRepeatableAnnotation(clazz, ModelValidations.class, ModelValidation.class); for (ModelValidation modelValidationAnnotation : modelValidationsOnType) { AbstractValidation modelValidation = AbstractValidation.createValidation( modelValidationAnnotation.propertyName(), modelValidationAnnotation, outputConfig.getIncludeValidation()); if (modelValidation != null) { model.addValidation(modelValidation); } } ReflectionUtils.doWithFields(clazz, new FieldCallback() { @Override public void doWith(Field field) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { if (!fields.contains(field.getName()) && (field.getAnnotation(ModelField.class) != null || field.getAnnotation(ModelAssociation.class) != null || (Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()) || hasReadMethod.contains(field.getName())) && field.getAnnotation(JsonIgnore.class) == null)) { // ignore superclass declarations of fields already // found in a subclass fields.add(field.getName()); createModelBean(model, field, outputConfig); } } }); } modelCache.put(key, new SoftReference<ModelBean>(model)); return model; }
From source
/** * @param superClass/*w ww. j a va 2 s .co m*/ */ private void checkPropertiesForClass(Class<?> superClass) { getLog().debug("Check properties for class " + superClass.getName()); // get all property descriptors PropertyDescriptor[] properties = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(superClass); // for all properties, add it to component. If property have not abstract getter/setter , // add it with exist = true . If property in list of hidden names, set hidden = true. PropertyBean property; for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor descriptor = properties[i]; if (!containProperty(descriptor.getName())) { if (isIgnorableProperty(superClass, descriptor.getName())) { continue; } Class<?> type = descriptor.getPropertyType(); getLog().debug("Register property " + descriptor.getName() + " with type name " + type.getCanonicalName()); property = new PropertyBean(); property.setName(descriptor.getName()); property.setDescription(descriptor.getShortDescription()); property.setDisplayname(descriptor.getDisplayName()); property.setClassname(descriptor.getPropertyType().getCanonicalName()); property.setExist(true); addProperty(property); } else { // Load and check property. getLog().debug("Check property " + descriptor.getName()); property = (PropertyBean); if (property.getClassname() == null) { property.setClassname(descriptor.getPropertyType().getCanonicalName()); } else { if (!property.getClassname().equals(descriptor.getPropertyType().getCanonicalName())) { String message = "Class " + property.getClassname() + " for property " + property.getName() + " not equals with real bean property type: " + descriptor.getPropertyType().getCanonicalName(); getLog().error(message); //throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } if (property.getDescription() == null) { property.setDescription(descriptor.getShortDescription()); } if (property.getDisplayname() == null) { property.setDisplayname(descriptor.getDisplayName()); } property.setExist(true); } Method getter = descriptor.getReadMethod(); Method setter = descriptor.getWriteMethod(); // Abstract methods if (null != setter && null != getter) { if ((Modifier.isAbstract(getter.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isAbstract(setter.getModifiers())) || superClass.isInterface()) { getLog().debug("Detect as abstract property " + descriptor.getName()); property.setExist(false); } } if (null == setter || (!Modifier.isPublic(setter.getModifiers()))) { getLog().debug("Detect as hidden property " + descriptor.getName()); property.setHidden(true); } if (isAttachedProperty(property)) { property.setAttachedstate(true); } if (property.isInstanceof("javax.faces.el.MethodBinding") || property.isInstanceof("javax.faces.el.ValueBinding")) { property.setElonly(true); } } }
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/** * @see org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager.objectconverter.ObjectConverter#getObject(javax.jcr.Session, * java.lang.Class, java.lang.String) *//*from ww w . ja va 2s . com*/ public Object getObject(Session session, Class clazz, String path) { try { if (!session.itemExists(path)) { return null; } if (requestObjectCache.isCached(path)) { return requestObjectCache.getObject(path); } ClassDescriptor classDescriptor = getClassDescriptor(clazz); checkNodeType(session, classDescriptor); Node node = (Node) session.getItem(path); if (!classDescriptor.isInterface()) { node = getActualNode(session, node); checkCompatiblePrimaryNodeTypes(session, node, classDescriptor, true); } ClassDescriptor alternativeDescriptor = null; if (classDescriptor.usesNodeTypePerHierarchyStrategy()) { if (node.hasProperty(ManagerConstant.DISCRIMINATOR_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY)) { String className = node.getProperty(ManagerConstant.DISCRIMINATOR_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY) .getValue().getString(); alternativeDescriptor = getClassDescriptor(ReflectionUtils.forName(className)); } } else { if (classDescriptor.usesNodeTypePerConcreteClassStrategy()) { String nodeType = node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(); if (!nodeType.equals(classDescriptor.getJcrType())) { alternativeDescriptor = classDescriptor.getDescendantClassDescriptor(nodeType); // in case we an alternative could not be found by walking // the class descriptor hierarchy, check whether we would // have a descriptor for the node type directly (which // may the case if the class descriptor hierarchy is // incomplete due to missing configuration. See JCR-1145 // for details. if (alternativeDescriptor == null) { alternativeDescriptor = mapper.getClassDescriptorByNodeType(nodeType); } } } } // if we have an alternative class descriptor, check whether its // extends (or is the same) as the requested class. if (alternativeDescriptor != null) { Class alternativeClazz = ReflectionUtils.forName(alternativeDescriptor.getClassName()); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(alternativeClazz)) { clazz = alternativeClazz; classDescriptor = alternativeDescriptor; } } // ensure class is concrete (neither interface nor abstract) if (clazz.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers())) { throw new JcrMappingException("Cannot instantiate non-concrete class " + clazz.getName() + " for node " + path + " of type " + node.getPrimaryNodeType().getName()); } Object object = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(classDescriptor.getClassName()); if (!requestObjectCache.isCached(path)) { requestObjectCache.cache(path, object); } simpleFieldsHelp.retrieveSimpleFields(session, classDescriptor, node, object); retrieveBeanFields(session, classDescriptor, node, path, object, false); retrieveCollectionFields(session, classDescriptor, node, object, false); return object; } catch (PathNotFoundException pnfe) { // HINT should never get here throw new ObjectContentManagerException("Impossible to get the object at " + path, pnfe); } catch (RepositoryException re) { throw new org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.exception.RepositoryException( "Impossible to get the object at " + path, re); } }
From source
public <T> T generateRandom(Type type, Map<String, Type> itestGenericMap, ITestContext iTestContext) { ITestParamState iTestState = iTestContext.getCurrentParam(); Class<?> clazz = ITestTypeUtil.getRawClass(type); Class<?> requestedClass = getClassFromParam(iTestState); if (null != iTestState && null != iTestState.getAttribute(ITestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION)) { ITestParamState iTestStateLoaded = iTestConfig.getITestParamLoader() .loadITestParam(null == requestedClass ? clazz : requestedClass, iTestState.getAttribute(ITestConstants.ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION)) .getElement(ITestConstants.THIS); iTestState = iTestConfig.getITestParamsMerger().merge( new ITestParamAssignmentImpl("", iTestStateLoaded), new ITestParamAssignmentImpl("", iTestState)); iTestContext.replaceCurrentState(iTestState); }/*from w w w .j av a2s. c om*/ Object res; if (ITestParamState.class == clazz) { res = processITestState(iTestContext); } else if (null != iTestState && null == iTestState.getSizeParam() && null == iTestState.getValue()) { res = null; } else if (null != iTestState && null != iTestState.getAttribute(ITestConstants.REFERENCE_ATTRIBUTE)) { res = iTestContext.findGeneratedObject(iTestState.getAttribute(ITestConstants.REFERENCE_ATTRIBUTE)); } else if (PROXY_CLASS == requestedClass) { res = newDynamicProxy(type, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { res = fillCollection(null, type, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { res = fillMap(null, type, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (null != requestedClass) { res = generateRandom(requestedClass, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { GenericArrayType arrayType = (GenericArrayType) type; Class<?> componentClass; int size = random.nextInt(RANDOM_MAX - RANDOM_MIN) + RANDOM_MIN; if (null != iTestState && iTestState.getSizeParam() != null) { size = iTestState.getSizeParam(); } Map<String, Type> map = new HashMap<String, Type>(itestGenericMap); if (arrayType.getGenericComponentType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { componentClass = (Class<?>) ((ParameterizedType) arrayType.getGenericComponentType()).getRawType(); } else { componentClass = (Class<?>) arrayType.getGenericComponentType(); } Object array = Array.newInstance(componentClass, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ITestParamState elementITestState = iTestState == null ? null : iTestState.getElement(String.valueOf(i)); Array.set(array, i, generateRandom(arrayType.getGenericComponentType(), map, iTestContext)); } res = array; } else if (null != iTestState && null == iTestState.getNames()) { res = iTestConfig.getITestValueConverter().convert(clazz, iTestState.getValue()); } else if (clazz.isInterface()) { res = newDynamicProxy(type, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (type instanceof Class) { res = generateRandom(clazz, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (Enum.class == clazz) { Type enumType = ITestTypeUtil.getTypeProxy(((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0], itestGenericMap); res = generateRandom(enumType, itestGenericMap, iTestContext); } else if (Class.class == clazz) { // probably proxy will be required here res = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; } else { Map<String, Type> map = ITestTypeUtil.getTypeMap(type, itestGenericMap); res = newInstance(clazz, iTestContext, ITestTypeUtil.getTypeActualArguments(type)); fillFields(clazz, res, iTestState, map, iTestContext); } return (T) res; }
From source
private static Class refineClass(final Object theAccessor, final Class theClass, final DataSource theSource, final Resource theId) { Class aClass = theClass; if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(aClass)) { // if the field we're assigning from is a collection, try and figure out the type of the thing // we're creating from the collection Type[] aTypes = null;/*from www . ja va 2s . com*/ if (theAccessor instanceof Field && ((Field) theAccessor).getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { aTypes = ((ParameterizedType) ((Field) theAccessor).getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments(); } else if (theAccessor instanceof Method) { aTypes = ((Method) theAccessor).getGenericParameterTypes(); } if (aTypes != null && aTypes.length >= 1) { // first type argument to a collection is usually the one we care most about if (aTypes[0] instanceof ParameterizedType && ((ParameterizedType) aTypes[0]).getActualTypeArguments().length > 0) { Type aType = ((ParameterizedType) aTypes[0]).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (aType instanceof Class) { aClass = (Class) aType; } else if (aType instanceof WildcardTypeImpl) { WildcardTypeImpl aWildcard = (WildcardTypeImpl) aType; // trying to suss out super v extends w/o resorting to string munging. if (aWildcard.getLowerBounds().length == 0 && aWildcard.getUpperBounds().length > 0) { // no lower bounds afaik indicates ? extends Foo aClass = ((Class) aWildcard.getUpperBounds()[0]); } else if (aWildcard.getLowerBounds().length > 0) { // lower & upper bounds I believe indicates something of the form Foo super Bar aClass = ((Class) aWildcard.getLowerBounds()[0]); } else { // shoot, we'll try the string hack that Adrian posted on the mailing list. try { aClass = Class.forName(aType.toString().split(" ")[2].substring(0, aTypes[0].toString().split(" ")[2].length() - 1)); } catch (Exception e) { // everything has failed, let aClass be the default (theClass) and hope for the best } } } else { // punt? wtf else could it be? try { aClass = Class.forName(aType.toString()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // oh well, we did the best we can } } } else if (aTypes[0] instanceof Class) { aClass = (Class) aTypes[0]; } } else { // could not figure out the type from the generics assertions on the Collection, they are either // not present, or my algorithm is not bullet proof. So lets try checking on the annotations // for a type hint. Class aTarget = BeanReflectUtil.getTargetEntity(theAccessor); if (aTarget != null) { aClass = aTarget; } } } if (!BeanReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(aClass, RdfsClass.class) || aClass.isInterface()) { // k, so either the parameter of the collection or the declared type of the field does // not map to an instance/bean type. this is most likely an error, but lets try and find // the rdf:type of the field, and see if we can map that to a class in the path and we'll // create an instance of that. that will work, and pushes the likely failure back off to // the assignment of the created instance Iterable<Resource> aTypes = DataSourceUtil.getTypes(theSource, theId); // k, so now we know the type, if we can match the type to a class then we're in business for (Resource aType : aTypes) { if (aType instanceof URI) { for (Class aTypeClass : TYPE_TO_CLASS.get((URI) aType)) { if ((BeanReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(aTypeClass, RdfsClass.class)) && (aClass.isAssignableFrom(aTypeClass))) { // lets try this one aClass = aTypeClass; break; } } } } } if (aClass.isInterface()) { if (BeanReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(aClass, RdfsClass.class)) { URI aType = FACTORY.createURI(((RdfsClass) aClass.getAnnotation(RdfsClass.class)).value()); for (Class aTypeClass : TYPE_TO_CLASS.get(aType)) { if ((BeanReflectUtil.hasAnnotation(aTypeClass, RdfsClass.class)) && (aClass.isAssignableFrom(aTypeClass))) { // lets try this one aClass = aTypeClass; return aClass; } } } } return aClass; }