List of usage examples for java.lang Class isArray
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public native boolean isArray();
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public static boolean isPojo(Class type) { if (defaultValues.containsKey(type)) { return false; } else if (type.isArray()) { return false; }//from w w w . j a v a 2s. co m return true; }
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/** * Method to populate a collection type which can be an array or a {@link Collection}. * * @param field The field in which the generated value will be set * @return an random collection matching type of field. * @throws IllegalAccessException Thrown when the generated value cannot be set to the given field * @throws NoSuchMethodException Thrown when there is no setter for the given field * @throws InvocationTargetException Thrown when the setter of the given field can not be invoked *///from w ww. j av a 2 s . c o m private Object getRandomCollection(final Field field) throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException { Class<?> fieldType = field.getType(); //Array type if (fieldType.isArray()) { return Array.newInstance(fieldType.getComponentType(), 0); } //Collection type Object collection = null; if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = Collections.emptyList(); } else if (NavigableSet.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new TreeSet(); } else if (SortedSet.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new TreeSet(); } else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = Collections.emptySet(); } else if (Deque.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new ArrayDeque(); } else if (Queue.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new ArrayDeque(); } else if (NavigableMap.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new TreeMap(); } else if (SortedMap.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = new TreeMap(); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = Collections.emptyMap(); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { collection = Collections.emptyList(); } return collection; }
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/** * Return a descriptive name for the given object's type: usually simply * the class name, but component type class name + "[]" for arrays, * and an appended list of implemented interfaces for JDK proxies. * @param value the value to introspect//from w w w. jav a 2 s . co m * @return the qualified name of the class */ public static String getDescriptiveType(Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } Class clazz = value.getClass(); if (Proxy.isProxyClass(clazz)) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(clazz.getName()); buf.append(" implementing "); Class[] ifcs = clazz.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < ifcs.length; i++) { buf.append(ifcs[i].getName()); if (i < ifcs.length - 1) { buf.append(','); } } return buf.toString(); } else if (clazz.isArray()) { return getQualifiedNameForArray(clazz); } else { return clazz.getName(); } }
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@Override protected Object provide(Autowired annotation, Member member, TypeLiteral<?> typeLiteral, Class<?> memberType, Annotation[] annotations) { Predicate<Binding> filter = createQualifierFilter(member, annotations); Class<?> type = typeLiteral.getRawType(); if (type.isArray()) { return provideArrayValue(member, typeLiteral, memberType, filter); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Collection collection = createCollection(type); return provideCollectionValues(collection, member, typeLiteral, filter); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Map map = createMap(type); return provideMapValues(map, member, typeLiteral, filter); } else {/*w w 2s .c o m*/ return provideSingleValue(member, type, annotation, filter); } }
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/** * Creates a JSON deserializer for the specified bean class unless a deserializer has already * been created. Created deserializers are cached and returned on subsequent calls to this method. * // w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m * @param <T> class type for bean * @param beanClazz bean class for which a deserializer should be created * @return the created deserializer * @throws SerializerFactoryException if unable to create deserializer or class is not a bean */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> JsonDeserializer<T> create(Class<T> beanClazz) throws SerializerFactoryException { JsonDeserializer<T> deserializer = (JsonDeserializer<T>) deserializers.get(beanClazz); if (deserializer != null) { return deserializer; } try { synchronized (this) { deserializer = (JsonDeserializer<T>) deserializers.get(beanClazz); if (deserializer != null) { return deserializer; } checkDeserializability(beanClazz, "json"); String intBeanClazzName = Serialization.createInternalClassName(beanClazz); Method[] methods = beanClazz.getMethods(); String intDeserializerClazzName = new StringBuffer(intBeanClazzName).append("JsonDeserializer") .toString(); // Create class ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter(0); String signature = Serialization .createClassSignature("com/nginious/http/serialize/JsonDeserializer", intBeanClazzName); writer.visit(Opcodes.V1_6, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, intDeserializerClazzName, signature, "com/nginious/http/serialize/JsonDeserializer", null); // Create constructor Serialization.createConstructor(writer, "com/nginious/http/serialize/JsonDeserializer"); // Create deserialize method MethodVisitor visitor = createDeserializeMethod(writer, intBeanClazzName); for (Method method : methods) { Serializable info = method.getAnnotation(Serializable.class); boolean canDeserialize = info == null || (info != null && info.deserialize() && info.types().indexOf("json") > -1); if (canDeserialize && method.getName().startsWith("set") && method.getReturnType().equals(void.class) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[0]; if (parameterType.isArray()) { Class<?> arrayType = parameterType.getComponentType(); if (arrayType.equals(boolean.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeBooleanArray", "[Z", "[Z", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(double.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeDoubleArray", "[D", "[D", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(float.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeFloatArray", "[F", "[F", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(int.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeIntArray", "[I", "[I", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(long.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeLongArray", "[J", "[J", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(short.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeShortArray", "[S", "[S", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (arrayType.equals(String.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeStringArray", "[Ljava/lang/String;", "[Ljava/lang/String;", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } } else if (parameterType.isPrimitive()) { if (parameterType.equals(boolean.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeBoolean", "Z", "Z", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(double.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeDouble", "D", "D", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(float.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeFloat", "F", "F", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(int.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeInt", "I", "I", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(long.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeLong", "J", "J", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(short.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeShort", "S", "S", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } } else if (parameterType.equals(Calendar.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeCalendar", "Ljava/util/Calendar;", "Ljava/util/Calendar;", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(Date.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeDate", "Ljava/util/Date;", "Ljava/util/Date;", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } else if (parameterType.equals(String.class)) { createPropertyDeserializationCode(visitor, intDeserializerClazzName, "deserializeString", "Ljava/lang/String;", "Ljava/lang/String;", intBeanClazzName, method.getName()); } } } visitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 3); visitor.visitInsn(Opcodes.ARETURN); visitor.visitMaxs(5, 4); visitor.visitEnd(); writer.visitEnd(); byte[] clazzBytes = writer.toByteArray(); ClassLoader controllerLoader = null; if (classLoader.hasLoaded(beanClazz)) { controllerLoader = beanClazz.getClassLoader(); } else { controllerLoader = this.classLoader; } Class<?> clazz = Serialization.loadClass(controllerLoader, intDeserializerClazzName.replace('/', '.'), clazzBytes); deserializer = (JsonDeserializer<T>) clazz.newInstance(); deserializers.put(beanClazz, deserializer); return deserializer; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new SerializerFactoryException(e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new SerializerFactoryException(e); } }
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/** * Return a "not-same" instance./*from www . java 2 s. c om*/ * @param type * @param o * @return */ public static Object getDifferentInstance(Class type, Object o) { if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-null type must be specified"); } if (type.isPrimitive()) { type = ClassUtils.getPrimitiveWrapper(type); } if (o != null && !type.isInstance(o)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative example object should be of type " + type); } if (type == Number.class) { type = Integer.class; } if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { byte b = (byte) (o == null ? 0 : ((Number) o).byteValue() + 1); try { return type.getConstructor(ONE_STRING).newInstance(new Object[] { Byte.toString(b) }); } catch (Exception e) { throw e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) e : new NestableRuntimeException(e); } } if (type == Character.class) { char c = (char) (o == null ? 0 : ((Character) o).charValue() + 1); return new Character(c); } if (type == Boolean.class) { return o != null && ((Boolean) o).booleanValue() ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE; } if (type.isArray()) { return Array.newInstance(type.getComponentType(), 0); } if (type == Class.class) { return o == Object.class ? Class.class : Object.class; } return ClassUtils.newInstance(convertCommonInterfaces(type)); }
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protected static Object getMultiParameterValues(JRParameter parameter, Collection values) { Object parameterValue;/* ww w .j a v a2 s .c om*/ Class parameterType = parameter.getValueClass(); if (parameterType.equals(Object.class) || parameterType.equals(Collection.class) || parameterType.equals(Set.class) || parameterType.equals(List.class)) { Collection paramValues; if (parameterType.equals(List.class)) { //if the parameter type is list, use a list paramValues = new ArrayList(values.size()); } else { //else use an ordered set paramValues = new ListOrderedSet(); } Class componentType = parameter.getNestedType(); for (Iterator it = values.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object val = (Object); Object paramValue; if (componentType == null || !(val instanceof String)) { //no conversion if no nested type set for the parameter paramValue = val; } else { paramValue = stringToValue((String) val, componentType); } paramValues.add(paramValue); } parameterValue = paramValues; } else if (parameterType.isArray()) { Class componentType = parameterType.getComponentType(); parameterValue = Array.newInstance(componentType, values.size()); int idx = 0; for (Iterator iter = values.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ++idx) { Object val =; Object paramValue; if (val instanceof String) { paramValue = stringToValue((String) val, componentType); } else { paramValue = val; } Array.set(parameterValue, idx, paramValue); } } else { parameterValue = values; } return parameterValue; }
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/** * ??/*from ww w . ja v a2s. co m*/ * * @param args ? * @return ? */ protected String getParameters(Object[] args) { if (args == null) return ""; StringBuilder sbd = new StringBuilder(); if (args.length > 0) { for (Object i : args) { if (i == null) { sbd.append("null"); } else { Class clz = i.getClass(); if (isPrimitive(clz)) { sbd.append(evalPrimitive(i)); } else if (clz.isArray()) { evalArray(i, sbd); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) { Object[] arr = ((Collection<?>) i).toArray(); evalArray(arr, sbd); } else if (i instanceof Date) { sbd.append('"').append(formatYmdHis(((Date) i))).append('"'); } else if (i instanceof IdEntity) { sbd.append(i.getClass().getSimpleName()).append("[id=").append(((IdEntity) i).getId()) .append(']'); } else { sbd.append(clz.getSimpleName()).append(":OBJ"); } } sbd.append(','); } sbd.setLength(sbd.length() - 1); } return sbd.toString(); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/* w w w . jav a2s . com*/ */ @Override public boolean canConvertValueForJava(final Object value, final ValueConverter globalDelegate, final Class<?> expectedClass) { boolean canConvert = value instanceof NativeArray; if (canConvert) { if (expectedClass.isAssignableFrom(List.class) || expectedClass.isArray()) { final NativeArray arr = (NativeArray) value; final Object[] ids = arr.getIds(); canConvert = this.isArray(ids); if (canConvert) { final Class<?> expectedComponentClass = expectedClass.isArray() ? expectedClass.getComponentType() : Object.class; for (int idx = 0; idx < ids.length && canConvert; idx++) { if (ids[idx] instanceof Integer) { final Object element = arr.get(((Integer) ids[idx]).intValue(), arr); canConvert = canConvert && globalDelegate.canConvertValueForJava(element, expectedComponentClass); } } } } else { canConvert = expectedClass.isAssignableFrom(Map.class); if (canConvert) { final NativeArray arr = (NativeArray) value; final Object[] ids = arr.getIds(); for (final Object propId : ids) { final Object val = arr.get(propId.toString(), arr); canConvert = canConvert && globalDelegate.canConvertValueForJava(propId) && globalDelegate.canConvertValueForJava(val); if (!canConvert) { break; } } } } } return canConvert; }