Example usage for java.lang Class getInterfaces

List of usage examples for java.lang Class getInterfaces


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Class getInterfaces.


public Class<?>[] getInterfaces() 

Source Link


Returns the interfaces directly implemented by the class or interface represented by this object.


From source file:com.github.jakubkolar.autobuilder.impl.NamedResolver.java

private NamedResolver contributeValue(String name, @Nullable Class<?> type, Object value,
        Collection<Annotation> requiredAnnotations) {
    if (type == null || namedValues.containsKey(ImmutablePair.of(name, (Class) type))) {
        return this;
    }//from w  ww . j a  va  2  s .c  o m

    NamedResolver result = new NamedResolver(namedValues, ImmutablePair.of(name, type),
            new RegisteredValue(value, requiredAnnotations));

    result = result.contributeValue(name, type.getSuperclass(), value, requiredAnnotations);

    for (Class<?> iface : type.getInterfaces()) {
        result = result.contributeValue(name, iface, value, requiredAnnotations);

    return result;

From source file:org.openspotlight.graph.query.AbstractGeneralQueryTest.java

 * Adds the java interface hirarchy links.
 * //from   ww  w  .  java 2  s.  c o  m
 * @param root the root
 * @param iFace the i face
 * @param javaInterface the java interface
private void addJavaInterfaceHirarchyLinks(final Context root, final Class<?> iFace,
        final JavaInterface javaInterface) {
    final Class<?>[] superIFaces = iFace.getInterfaces();
    for (final Class<?> superIFace : superIFaces) {
        final Package iFacePack = iFace.getPackage();
        final JavaPackage javaPackage = writer.addNode(root, JavaPackage.class, iFacePack.getName());
        // javaPackage.setCaption(iFacePack.getName());
        final JavaInterface superJavaInterface = writer.addChildNode(javaPackage, JavaInterface.class,
        writer.addLink(PackageContainsType.class, javaPackage, superJavaInterface);
        // superJavaInterface.setCaption(superIFace.getName());
        writer.addLink(JavaInterfaceHierarchy.class, javaInterface, superJavaInterface);
        addJavaInterfaceHirarchyLinks(root, superIFace, superJavaInterface);

From source file:org.crazydog.util.spring.ClassUtils.java

 * Return the number of methods with a given name (with any argument types),
 * for the given class and/or its superclasses. Includes non-public methods.
 * @param clazz   the clazz to check//from   ww w  . j a va 2s. com
 * @param methodName the name of the method
 * @return the number of methods with the given name
public static int getMethodCountForName(Class<?> clazz, String methodName) {
    org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull(clazz, "Class must not be null");
    org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull(methodName, "Method name must not be null");
    int count = 0;
    Method[] declaredMethods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
    for (Method method : declaredMethods) {
        if (methodName.equals(method.getName())) {
    Class<?>[] ifcs = clazz.getInterfaces();
    for (Class<?> ifc : ifcs) {
        count += getMethodCountForName(ifc, methodName);
    if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null) {
        count += getMethodCountForName(clazz.getSuperclass(), methodName);
    return count;

From source file:org.compass.core.converter.DefaultConverterLookup.java

private Converter actualConverterLookup(Class type) {
    Converter c = convertersByClass.get(type.getName());
    if (c != null) {
        return c;
    }//from ww w . jav  a  2  s.  c  o m
    for (Class anInterface : type.getInterfaces()) {
        c = convertersByClass.get(anInterface.getName());
        if (c != null) {
            return c;
    Class superClass = type.getSuperclass();
    if (superClass == null) {
        return null;
    c = lookupConverter(superClass);
    if (c != null) {
        return c;
    return null;

From source file:org.mule.transformer.TransformerWeighting.java

 * This is a very basic algorithm for creating a match rating for two classes. An offset weighting
 * can also be passed in. Where w is weighting,
 * if the classes are not assignable but the src is a primitive type, the w for the corresponding object type will be returned, otherwise return -1
 * if the classes match exactly and dest is Object then w+3 is returned
 * if the classes match exactly and dest is not Object then w+1 is returned
 * if the classes are assignable and there is a direct equality to an interface on the class, w+2  is returned,
 * If there a super class, that will get matched using the above criteria but using w = w + 1
 * If there is no match -1 is returned// w ww . j a v a  2s  . c o m
 * @param weighting an offset weighting, by default -1 should be used
 * @param src the src class being matched
 * @param dest the destination class to match to
 * @return a weighting where 0 would be an exact match, -1 would be no match and a positive integer that defines how close the match is
protected int getWeighting(int weighting, Class src, Class dest) {
    if (!dest.isAssignableFrom(src)) {
        if (src.isPrimitive()) {
            return getWeighting(weighting, MethodUtils.getPrimitiveWrapper(src), dest);

        return -1;

    if (dest.equals(src)) {
        if (dest.equals(Object.class)) {
            return weighting + 3;
        } else {
            return weighting + 1;

    if (dest.isInterface() && src.getInterfaces().length > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < src.getInterfaces().length; i++) {
            Class aClass = src.getInterfaces()[i];
            if (dest.equals(aClass)) {
                return weighting + 2;

    if (src.getSuperclass() != null) {
        return getWeighting(weighting + 1, src.getSuperclass(), dest);

    return -1;

From source file:org.agiso.core.i18n.util.I18nUtils.java

private static String findGetterFieldCode(Class<?> c, String field, boolean reflectionCheck)
        throws IntrospectionException {
    for (PropertyDescriptor pd : Introspector.getBeanInfo(c).getPropertyDescriptors()) {
        if (pd.getName().equals(field)) {
            final Method g = pd.getReadMethod();
            if (g != null) {
                // Jeli jest adnotacja I18n na metodzie odczytujcej pole, to pobieranie
                // pobieranie jej klucza (okrelonego przez 'value') lub klucza domylnego:
                if (g.isAnnotationPresent(I18n.class)) {
                    if (g.getAnnotation(I18n.class).value().length() > 0) {
                        return g.getAnnotation(I18n.class).value();
                    } else {
                        return g.getDeclaringClass().getName() + CODE_SEPARATOR + field;
                    }//from w ww  .ja  v a  2 s.c om
                } else if (reflectionCheck) {
                    // Pole nie jest opisane adnotacj I18n. Jeli do wyszukania maj by
                    // wykorzystane mechanizmy refleksji, to sprawdzamy interfejsy i nadklas:
                    for (Class<?> i : c.getInterfaces()) {
                        String i18nCode = findGetterFieldCode(i, field, false);
                        if (i18nCode != null) {
                            return i18nCode;
                    Class<?> s = c.getSuperclass();
                    if (s != null) {
                        return findGetterFieldCode(s, field, true);
    if (reflectionCheck) {
        for (Class<?> i : c.getInterfaces()) {
            String i18nCode = findGetterFieldCode(i, field, false);
            if (i18nCode != null) {
                return i18nCode;

    return null;

From source file:com.mirth.connect.server.api.providers.MirthResourceInvocationHandlerProvider.java

public InvocationHandler create(Invocable method) {
    return new InvocationHandler() {
        @Override/*from  www  .  j ava 2  s .  c o m*/
        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            String originalThreadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();

            try {
                if (proxy instanceof MirthServlet) {
                    try {
                        MirthServlet mirthServlet = (MirthServlet) proxy;

                        Map<Method, MethodInfo> methodMap = infoMap.get(proxy.getClass());
                        if (methodMap == null) {
                            methodMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Method, MethodInfo>();
                            infoMap.put(mirthServlet.getClass(), methodMap);

                        MethodInfo methodInfo = methodMap.get(method);
                        if (methodInfo == null) {
                            methodInfo = new MethodInfo();
                            methodMap.put(method, methodInfo);

                        Operation operation = methodInfo.getOperation();
                        if (operation == null) {
                             * Get the operation from the MirthOperation annotation present on
                             * the interface method.
                            Class<?> clazz = proxy.getClass();

                            while (clazz != null && operation == null) {
                                for (Class<?> interfaceClass : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
                                    if (BaseServletInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(interfaceClass)) {
                                        operation = OperationUtil.getOperation(interfaceClass, method);
                                        if (operation != null) {

                                clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();

                        // Set thread name based on the servlet class and operation name
                        Thread.currentThread().setName(mirthServlet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Thread ("
                                + operation.getDisplayName() + ") < " + originalThreadName);

                         * If a DontCheckAuthorized annotation is present on the server
                         * implementation method, then no auditing is done now and the servlet
                         * is expected to call checkUserAuthorized. Two other optional
                         * annotations determine whether the channel/user ID should be used in
                         * the authorization check.
                        Boolean checkAuthorized = methodInfo.getCheckAuthorized();
                        if (checkAuthorized == null) {
                            checkAuthorized = true;

                            Method matchingMethod = mirthServlet.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(),
                            if (matchingMethod != null) {
                                checkAuthorized = matchingMethod
                                        .getAnnotation(DontCheckAuthorized.class) == null;


                        if (checkAuthorized) {
                             * We need to know what parameter index the channel/user ID resides
                             * at so we can correctly include it with the authorization request.
                            Integer channelIdIndex = methodInfo.getChannelIdIndex();
                            Integer userIdIndex = methodInfo.getUserIdIndex();

                            if (args.length > 0) {
                                List<String> paramNames = methodInfo.getParamNames();
                                if (paramNames == null) {
                                    paramNames = new ArrayList<String>();
                                    List<Integer> notFoundIndicies = new ArrayList<Integer>();

                                     * The Param annotation lets us know at runtime the name to
                                     * use when adding entries into the parameter map, which
                                     * will eventually be stored in the event logs.
                                    int count = 0;
                                    for (Annotation[] paramAnnotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) {
                                        boolean found = false;
                                        for (Annotation annotation : paramAnnotations) {
                                            if (annotation instanceof Param) {
                                                Param param = (Param) annotation;
                                                // Set the name to null if we're not including it in the parameter map
                                                paramNames.add(param.excludeFromAudit() ? null : param.value());
                                                found = true;
                                        if (!found) {

                                    // For each parameter name that wasn't found, replace it with a default name to use in the parameter map
                                    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(notFoundIndicies)) {
                                        for (Integer index : notFoundIndicies) {
                                            paramNames.set(index, getDefaultParamName(paramNames));


                                // Add all arguments to the parameter map, except those that had excludeFromAudit enabled.
                                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                                    String paramName = paramNames.get(i);
                                    if (paramName != null) {
                                        mirthServlet.addToParameterMap(paramNames.get(i), args[i]);

                                if (channelIdIndex == null) {
                                    channelIdIndex = -1;
                                    if (methodInfo.getCheckAuthorizedChannelId() != null) {
                                        channelIdIndex = paramNames

                                if (userIdIndex == null) {
                                    userIdIndex = -1;
                                    if (methodInfo.getCheckAuthorizedUserId() != null) {
                                        userIdIndex = paramNames

                            // Authorize the request
                            if (channelIdIndex != null && channelIdIndex >= 0) {
                                mirthServlet.checkUserAuthorized((String) args[channelIdIndex]);
                            } else if (userIdIndex != null && userIdIndex >= 0) {
                                mirthServlet.checkUserAuthorized((Integer) args[userIdIndex],
                            } else {
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        Throwable converted = convertThrowable(t, new HashSet<Throwable>());
                        if (converted != null) {
                            t = converted;

                        if (!(t instanceof WebApplicationException)) {
                            t = new MirthApiException(t);
                        throw new InvocationTargetException(t);

                try {
                    return method.invoke(proxy, args);
                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                    Throwable converted = convertThrowable(e, new HashSet<Throwable>());
                    if (converted != null && converted instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
                        e = (InvocationTargetException) converted;
                    throw e;
            } finally {

From source file:android.bus.EventBus.java

/** Looks up all Class objects including super classes and interfaces. Should also work for interfaces. */
private List<Class<?>> lookupAllEventTypes(Class<?> eventClass) {
    synchronized (eventTypesCache) {
        List<Class<?>> eventTypes = eventTypesCache.get(eventClass);
        if (eventTypes == null) {
            eventTypes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
            Class<?> clazz = eventClass;
            while (clazz != null) {
                eventTypes.add(clazz);/* ww w.  ja v a  2  s.  com*/
                addInterfaces(eventTypes, clazz.getInterfaces());
                clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
            eventTypesCache.put(eventClass, eventTypes);
        return eventTypes;

From source file:com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextUtil.java

 * Traverse up class hierarchy looking for message.  Looks at class, then implemented interface,
 * before going up hierarchy./*w  w  w .  jav  a  2s.com*/
private static String findMessage(Class clazz, String key, String indexedKey, Locale locale, Object[] args,
        Set<String> checked, ValueStack valueStack) {
    if (checked == null) {
        checked = new TreeSet<String>();
    } else if (checked.contains(clazz.getName())) {
        return null;

    // look in properties of this class
    String msg = getMessage(clazz.getName(), locale, key, valueStack, args);

    if (msg != null) {
        return msg;

    if (indexedKey != null) {
        msg = getMessage(clazz.getName(), locale, indexedKey, valueStack, args);

        if (msg != null) {
            return msg;

    // look in properties of implemented interfaces
    Class[] interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();

    for (Class anInterface : interfaces) {
        msg = getMessage(anInterface.getName(), locale, key, valueStack, args);

        if (msg != null) {
            return msg;

        if (indexedKey != null) {
            msg = getMessage(anInterface.getName(), locale, indexedKey, valueStack, args);

            if (msg != null) {
                return msg;

    // traverse up hierarchy
    if (clazz.isInterface()) {
        interfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();

        for (Class anInterface : interfaces) {
            msg = findMessage(anInterface, key, indexedKey, locale, args, checked, valueStack);

            if (msg != null) {
                return msg;
    } else {
        if (!clazz.equals(Object.class) && !clazz.isPrimitive()) {
            return findMessage(clazz.getSuperclass(), key, indexedKey, locale, args, checked, valueStack);

    return null;

From source file:gov.va.vinci.leo.ae.LeoBaseAnnotator.java

 * Returns parameters defined in a static class named Param with static ConfigurationParameter objects.
 * <p/>//from   w w w  . j a  v  a 2  s.c  o m
 * For Example:
 * <p/>
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * protected String parameterName = "parameter value";
 * public static class Param {
 *      public static ConfigurationParameter PARAMETER_NAME
 *          = new ConfigurationParameterImpl(
 *              "parameterName", "Description", "String", false, true, new String[] {}
 *          );
 * }
 * }</pre>
 * @return  the annotator parameters this annotator can accept.
 * @throws IllegalAccessException  if there is an exception trying to get annotator parameters via reflection.
protected ConfigurationParameter[] getAnnotatorParams() throws IllegalAccessException {
    ConfigurationParameter params[] = null;

    for (Class c : this.getClass().getDeclaredClasses()) {
        if (c.isEnum() && Arrays.asList(c.getInterfaces()).contains(ConfigurationParameter.class)) {
            params = new ConfigurationParameter[EnumSet.allOf(c).size()];
            int counter = 0;
            for (Object o : EnumSet.allOf(c)) {
                params[counter] = ((ConfigurationParameter) o);
        } else if (c.getCanonicalName().endsWith(".Param")) {
            Field[] fields = c.getFields();
            List<ConfigurationParameter> paramList = new ArrayList<ConfigurationParameter>();

            for (Field f : fields) {
                if (ConfigurationParameter.class.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) {
                    paramList.add((ConfigurationParameter) f.get(null));
            params = paramList.toArray(new ConfigurationParameter[paramList.size()]);
    return params;