List of usage examples for java.lang Class getAnnotation
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> annotationClass)
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public String getEntityName() { Class<?> domainClass = getJavaType(); Entity entity = domainClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class); boolean hasName = null != entity && StringUtils.hasText(; return hasName ? : domainClass.getSimpleName(); }
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/** * Return the slug of the component, identified by the tag @TypeALias. * @return Component's slug, or null if @TypeAlias was not defined. *//*from w ww . j ava 2 s.c o m*/ public String slug() { String res; Class<? extends AbstractPoiComponent> c = this.getClass(); TypeAlias a = c.getAnnotation(TypeAlias.class); res = (a != null) ? a.value() : null; return res; }
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/** * Constructor using bean definition type as field. *///w ww.jav a 2 s . c o m public GetSpringBeansFilter(Class<?> type) { this.elementName = type.getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class).name(); this.elementNamespace = type.getPackage().getAnnotation(XmlSchema.class).namespace(); }
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@Override public Object instantiateService(Class serviceInterface) { InformationBean service = (InformationBean) serviceInterface.getAnnotation(InformationBean.class); if (service == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No bean found for interface " + serviceInterface.getName()); }/*from w w w. ja va 2 s . c o m*/ return getInformationContext().getBean(service.beanName()); }
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public TimeTracker(Class<?> testClass) { super(testClass); this.timeChop = testClass.getAnnotation(TimeChop.class); }
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@Test public void extendsWithPolymorphicDeserialization() throws ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader resultsClassLoader = schemaRule.generateAndCompile("/schema/polymorphic/extendsSchema.json", "com.example"); Class<?> subtype = resultsClassLoader.loadClass("com.example.ExtendsSchema"); Class<?> supertype = subtype.getSuperclass(); assertNotNull(supertype.getAnnotation(JsonTypeInfo.class)); }
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@PostConstruct public void init() { Class<ImMessage> messageClass = ImMessage.class; Document annotation = messageClass.getAnnotation(Document.class); collectionName = annotation == null ? messageClass.getSimpleName() : annotation.collection(); messageCollection = messageDb.getCollection(collectionName); }
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public String getEntityName() { Class<?> domainClass = getJavaType(); Entity entity = domainClass.getAnnotation(Entity.class); boolean hasName = !StringHelper.isNull(; return hasName ? : domainClass.getSimpleName(); }
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@Override public List<Constraint> resolveForParameter(MethodParameter param) { List<Constraint> constraints = new ArrayList<>(); for (Annotation annot : param.getParameterAnnotations()) { Class<? extends Annotation> type = annot.annotationType(); if (type.getAnnotation(javax.validation.Constraint.class) != null) { Constraint constraint = createConstraint(annot, type); constraints.add(constraint); }//from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m } return constraints; }
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public IterationTracker(final Class<?> testClass) { super(testClass); this.iterationChop = testClass.getAnnotation(IterationChop.class); }