Example usage for java.lang Class cast

List of usage examples for java.lang Class cast


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Class cast.


public T cast(Object obj) 

Source Link


Casts an object to the class or interface represented by this Class object.


From source file:com.codelanx.codelanxlib.config.Config.java

 * Attempts to return the {@link Config} value as a casted type. If the
 * value cannot be casted it will attempt to return the default value. If
 * the default value is inappropriate for the class, the method will
 * throw a {@link ClassCastException}./*from w  ww . j  av  a 2 s  .com*/
 * @since 0.1.0
 * @version 0.1.0
 * @param <T> The type of the casting class
 * @param c The class type to cast to
 * @return A casted value, or {@code null} if unable to cast. If the passed
 *         class parameter is of a primitive type or autoboxed primitive,
 *         then a casted value of -1 is returned, or {@code false} for
 *         booleans. If the passed class parameter is for {@link String},
 *         then {@link Object#toString()} is called on the value instead
default public <T> T as(Class<T> c) {
    Validate.notNull(c, "Cannot cast to null");
    Validate.isTrue(Primitives.unwrap(c) != void.class, "Cannot cast to a void type");
    boolean primitive = Primitives.isWrapperType(c) || Primitives.isWrapperType(Primitives.wrap(c));
    Object o = this.get();
    if (primitive) {
        T back;
        if (o == null) {
            return Reflections.defaultPrimitiveValue(c);
        } else {
            back = Primitives.wrap(c).cast(o);
        return back;
    if (o == null) {
        return null;
    if (c == String.class) {
        return (T) String.valueOf(o);
    if (c.isInstance(o)) {
        return c.cast(o);
    if (c.isInstance(this.getDefault())) {
        return c.cast(this.getDefault());
    throw new ClassCastException("Unable to cast config value");

From source file:com.netflix.client.config.DefaultClientConfigImpl.java

@Override//from   w  w w  .j a  v a2s.  c o m
public <T> T get(IClientConfigKey<T> key) {
    Object obj = getProperty(key.key());
    if (obj == null) {
        return null;
    Class<T> type = key.type();
    try {
        return type.cast(obj);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            String stringValue = (String) obj;
            if (Integer.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) Integer.valueOf(stringValue);
            } else if (Boolean.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) Boolean.valueOf(stringValue);
            } else if (Float.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) Float.valueOf(stringValue);
            } else if (Long.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) Long.valueOf(stringValue);
            } else if (Double.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) Double.valueOf(stringValue);
            } else if (TimeUnit.class.equals(type)) {
                return (T) TimeUnit.valueOf(stringValue);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert string value to desired type " + type);
        } else {
            throw e;

From source file:com.futureplatforms.kirin.internal.attic.ProxyGenerator.java

public <T> T javascriptProxyForModule(Class<T> baseInterface, Class<?>... otherClasses) {
    Class<?>[] allClasses;//ww  w .  j a va  2s . c o  m

    if (otherClasses.length == 0) {
        allClasses = new Class[] { baseInterface };
    } else {
        allClasses = new Class[otherClasses.length + 1];
        allClasses[0] = baseInterface;
        System.arraycopy(otherClasses, 0, allClasses, 1, otherClasses.length);
    InvocationHandler h = new InvocationHandler() {
        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            mKirinHelper.jsMethod(method.getName(), (Object[]) args);
            return null;

    Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(baseInterface.getClassLoader(), allClasses, h);
    return baseInterface.cast(proxy);

From source file:fr.univlorraine.mondossierweb.views.windows.PreferencesApplicationWindow.java

 * Cre une fentre d'dition des preferences applicative
 * @param prfrence  diter/* ww  w.j a va 2  s.  c  om*/
public PreferencesApplicationWindow(PreferencesApplication prefApp) {
    /* Style */

    /* Layout */
    VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();

    /* Titre */
    setCaption(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".title", null, getLocale()));

    /* Formulaire */
    fieldGroup = new BeanFieldGroup<>(PreferencesApplication.class);

    fieldGroup.setFieldFactory(new FieldGroupFieldFactory() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public <T extends Field> T createField(Class<?> dataType, Class<T> fieldType) {
            if (fieldType == NativeSelect.class) {
                final NativeSelect field = new NativeSelect();
                field.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() {
                    public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
                return fieldType.cast(field);
            } else {
                final TextField field = new TextField();
                field.addTextChangeListener(new FieldEvents.TextChangeListener() {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                    public void textChange(TextChangeEvent event) {
                        if (!field.isReadOnly()) {
                return fieldType.cast(field);


    FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout();
    for (String fieldName : CONF_APP_FIELDS_ORDER) {
        String caption = applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".confAppTable." + fieldName, null, getLocale());
        //Si on est sur un parametre booleen
        if (fieldName.equals("valeur") && estUneValeurBooleenne(prefApp.getValeur())) {
            //On forme le nativeSelect
            Field<?> field = fieldGroup.buildAndBind(caption, fieldName, NativeSelect.class);
        } else {
            Field<?> field = fieldGroup.buildAndBind(caption, fieldName);
            if (field instanceof AbstractTextField) {
                ((AbstractTextField) field).setNullRepresentation("");

    fieldGroup.getField("prefId").setReadOnly(prefApp.getPrefId() != null);
    fieldGroup.getField("prefDesc").setReadOnly(prefApp.getPrefDesc() != null);


    /* Ajoute les boutons */
    HorizontalLayout buttonsLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
    buttonsLayout.setWidth(100, Unit.PERCENTAGE);

    btnAnnuler = new Button(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".btnAnnuler", null, getLocale()),
    btnAnnuler.addClickListener(e -> close());
    buttonsLayout.setComponentAlignment(btnAnnuler, Alignment.MIDDLE_LEFT);

    btnEnregistrer = new Button(applicationContext.getMessage(NAME + ".btnSave", null, getLocale()),
    btnEnregistrer.addClickListener(e -> {
        try {
            /* Valide la saisie */
            /* Enregistre la conf saisie */
            /* Ferme la fentre */
        } catch (CommitException ce) {
    buttonsLayout.setComponentAlignment(btnEnregistrer, Alignment.MIDDLE_RIGHT);

    /* Centre la fentre */

From source file:com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager.java

 * Returns all the components currently inside of Pico which are instances of the given class.
 * @param clazz the class to search for.
 * @return a list containing all the instances of the passed class registered in JIRA's pico container.
 *//*from   w  w  w.j a  v  a2s.c om*/
public static <T> List<T> getComponentsOfType(final Class<T> clazz) {
    final PicoContainer pico = getInstance().getContainer();
    final List<ComponentAdapter<T>> adapters = pico.getComponentAdapters(clazz);
    if (adapters.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    } else {
        final List<T> returnList = new ArrayList<T>(adapters.size());
        for (final ComponentAdapter<T> adapter : adapters) {
            // remove cast when we go to a Java5 pico
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(returnList);

From source file:ca.sqlpower.sqlobject.SQLObject.java

public <T extends SPObject> List<T> getChildrenWithoutPopulating(Class<T> type) {
    List<T> children = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (SQLObject child : getChildrenWithoutPopulating()) {
        if (type.isAssignableFrom(child.getClass())) {
        }/*from  w w  w.j  a  v a 2s .c o m*/
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(children);

From source file:com.blazemeter.bamboo.plugin.api.HttpUtility.java

public <T, V> T response(String url, V data, Method method, Class<T> returnType, Class<V> dataType) {
    T returnObj = null;//from   w ww . java  2  s . c om
    JSONObject jo = null;
    String output = null;
    HttpResponse response = null;
    try {
        response = httpResponse(url, data, method);
        if (response != null) {
            output = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
            logger.info("Received object from server: " + output);
            if (output.isEmpty()) {
                throw new IOException();
            jo = new JSONObject(output);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        logger.error("Received empty response from server: ", ioe);
        return null;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        logger.error("ERROR decoding Json: ", e);
        returnType = (Class<T>) String.class;
        return returnType.cast(output);

    try {
        returnObj = returnType.cast(jo);

    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        logger.error("Failed to parse response from server: ", cce);
        throw new RuntimeException(jo.toString());

    return returnObj;

From source file:gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.datareports.service.DatareportsServiceImpl.java

public Predicate genDatePredicate(final Class clazz, final String getter, final boolean before,
        final String dateStr, final DateFormat dateFormat) {
    return new Predicate() {
        public boolean evaluate(Object o) {
            if (dateStr == null || "".equals(dateStr)) {
                return true;
            }/*from   w w  w  .  ja  v a2 s  .c o  m*/
            Date date;
            try {
                date = dateFormat.parse(dateStr);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                return true;
            if (date == null) {
                return true;
            try {
                final Method m = GetterMethod.getGetter(clazz, getter);
                if (before) {
                    return ((Date) m.invoke(clazz.cast(o))).before(date);
                } else {
                    return ((Date) m.invoke(clazz.cast(o))).after(date);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return true;

From source file:com.keetip.versio.service.impl.VersioningServiceImpl.java

public <T extends Resource> Optional<T> getRevision(String projectName, String resourceName,
        Class<T> resourceClass, Integer revision) {
    Validate.notEmpty(projectName, "Project name is required");
    Validate.notEmpty(resourceName, "Resource name is required");

    //TODO1: resolve projectId from projectName
    UUID projectId = UUID.randomUUID();
    Optional<ResourceKey> key = resolveKey(projectId, resourceName);
    Optional<Resource> resourceHolder = null;
    if (!key.isPresent()) {
        Collection<Resource> allRevisions = mResourceProvider.getRevisions(projectId, resourceName);
    } else {/*from   www  . j av  a  2s.co  m*/

    if (!key.isPresent()) {
        resourceHolder = tryLoadResource(key.get(), projectId, resourceName);
    } else {
        resourceHolder = getLatestRevision(mResources.get(key.get()));
    if (resourceHolder.isPresent()) {
        Object resource = resourceHolder.get();
        return Optional.of(resourceClass.cast(resource));
    return Optional.absent();

From source file:com.slytechs.capture.FileFactory.java

public <T extends FileCapture<? extends FilePacket>> T openFile(final Class<T> type, final File file,
        FileMode mode, Filter<ProtocolFilterTarget> filter) throws IOException, FileFormatException {

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(//from w w w. jav  a  2 s . co  m
                file.getName() + ", type=" + type.getName() + (filter == null ? "" : ", filter=" + filter));

    FileCapture capture;
    if (type == PcapFile.class) {
        capture = new PcapFileCapture(file, mode, null);
    } else if (type == SnoopFile.class) {
        capture = new SnoopFileCapture(file, mode, null);
    } else {
        throw new FileFormatException("Unsupported file format type, " + type.getName());

    return type.cast(capture);