List of usage examples for java.lang CharSequence subSequence
CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end);
From source
public long considerStrings(Extractor ext, CrawlURI curi, CharSequence cs, boolean handlingJSFile) { long foundLinks = 0; Matcher strings = TextUtils.getMatcher(JAVASCRIPT_STRING_EXTRACTOR, cs); int startIndex = 0; while (strings.find(startIndex)) { CharSequence subsequence = cs.subSequence(strings.start(2), strings.end(2)); if (UriUtils.isPossibleUri(subsequence)) { if (considerString(ext, curi, handlingJSFile, subsequence.toString())) { foundLinks++;// w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m } } startIndex = strings.end(1); } TextUtils.recycleMatcher(strings); return foundLinks; }
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protected List<CharSequence> findGroups(String pattern, int groupNumber, CharSequence cs) { ArrayList<CharSequence> groups = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); Matcher m = TextUtils.getMatcher(pattern, cs); try {//from w ww.ja v a 2 s .c o m while (m.find()) { if ( != null) { groups.add(cs.subSequence(m.start(groupNumber), m.end(groupNumber))); } else { // group not found: end find condition break; } } return groups; } finally { TextUtils.recycleMatcher(m); } }
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@Override public void apply(final StatusBarNotificationEvo evolving) throws RemoteException { final INotification n = evolving.notification(); final IBundle extras = n.extras(); // WeChat use dynamic counter as notification ID, which unfortunately will be reset upon evolving (removal, to be exact) by us, // causing all messages combined into one notification. So we split them by re-coding the notification ID by title. final CharSequence title = extras.getCharSequence(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TITLE); if (title == null || title.length() == 0) return;/*from w w w . ja v a2s. c o m*/ evolving.setId(calcSplitId(title)); // Split into separate slots // Chat history in big content view final Collection<StatusBarNotificationEvo> history = getArchivedNotifications(evolving.getKey(), 20); if (history.isEmpty()) return; final List<CharSequence> lines = new ArrayList<>(KMaxNumLines); CharSequence text = null; int count = 0; final String redundant_prefix = title.toString() + ": "; for (final StatusBarNotificationEvo each : history) { final IBundle its_extras = each.notification().extras(); final CharSequence its_title = its_extras.getCharSequence(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TITLE); if (!title.equals(its_title)) continue; // Skip other conversations sharing the same key. final CharSequence its_text = its_extras.getCharSequence(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TEXT); if (its_text == null) continue; final int result = trimAndExtractLeadingCounter(its_text); if (result >= 0) { count = result & 0xFFFF; CharSequence trimmed_text = its_text.subSequence(result >> 16, its_text.length()); if (trimmed_text.toString().startsWith(redundant_prefix)) // Remove redundant prefix trimmed_text = trimmed_text.subSequence(redundant_prefix.length(), trimmed_text.length()); lines.add(text = trimmed_text); } else lines.add(text = its_text); } if (lines.isEmpty()) return; Collections.reverse(lines); // Latest first, since earliest lines will be trimmed by InboxStyle. extras.putCharSequence(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TEXT, text); extras.putCharSequence(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TITLE_BIG, title); extras.putCharSequenceArray(NotificationCompat.EXTRA_TEXT_LINES, lines); extras.putString(EXTRA_REBUILD_STYLE, STYLE_INBOX); n.setColor(0xFF33B332); if (count != 0) n.setNumber(count); }
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public void updateLicensePlate(CharSequence charSequence) { if (radioNewSrb.isChecked()) { if (charSequence.length() > 1) { txtCity.setText(charSequence.subSequence(0, 2)); if (charSequence.length() > 5) { txtNum.setText(charSequence.subSequence(2, charSequence.length() - 2) + "-" + charSequence.subSequence(charSequence.length() - 2, charSequence.length())); } else if (charSequence.length() > 2) { txtNum.setText(charSequence.subSequence(2, charSequence.length())); } else { txtNum.setText(""); }/*w w w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ } else { txtCity.setText(""); txtNum.setText(""); } if (charSequence.length() == 8) { txtNum.setTextScaleX(0.9f); } else { txtNum.setTextScaleX(1); } } else { txtNum.setText(charSequence); if (charSequence.length() > 10) { txtNum.setTextScaleX(0.85f); } else { txtNum.setTextScaleX(1); } } }
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/** * @param text// w ww . j a v a 2 s .c om * @param key * @param regions */ public static CharSequence createRegionBorder(CharSequence text, String key, Collection<Region> regions, String newlineKey) { if (regions == null || regions.size() == 0) return text; //sort border separators from end to start, so that it can easily insert into whole text from end to start, //and need not care about string change //the key is border point value, value is Set as it may have duplicated start or end in same point. Map<Integer, Set<RegionBorderPoint>> borders = new TreeMap<Integer, Set<RegionBorderPoint>>( new CompareToComparator( CompareToComparator.TYPE_OVERWRITE_SAME_VALUE | CompareToComparator.DESCEND)); int index = 1; for (Region region : regions) { int start = region.getStart(); int end = region.getEnd(); String newlineFix = new StringBuilder(text.subSequence(start, end)).indexOf("\n") == -1 ? "" : newlineKey; String regionKey = key + index + newlineFix; region.setKey(index + newlineFix); region.setKeyIndex(index); //~~~~~~~~~ start Set<RegionBorderPoint> list = borders.get(start); if (list == null) { list = new TreeSet<RegionBorderPoint>(new RegionBorderPointComparator()); list.add(new RegionBorderPoint(start, true, end, regionKey, index)); borders.put(start, list); } else { list.add(new RegionBorderPoint(start, true, end, regionKey, index)); } //~~~~~~~~~ end list = borders.get(end); if (list == null) { list = new TreeSet<RegionBorderPoint>(new RegionBorderPointComparator()); list.add(new RegionBorderPoint(end, false, start, regionKey, index)); borders.put(end, list); } else { list.add(new RegionBorderPoint(end, false, start, regionKey, index)); } index++; } //ok, here will do insert border key into original string StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text); //on behalf of above sort result, insert is simple, just looping borderPoint one by one as new insert won't impact //the others un-inserted point location. for (Set<RegionBorderPoint> set : borders.values()) { for (RegionBorderPoint point : set) { String regionKey = point.getRegionKey() + (point.isStart() ? "S" : "E"); sb.insert(point.getPoint(), regionKey); } } return sb; }
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/** * Parses guaranteed opened regex block/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param buffer Input characters stream * @param startOffset Start parsing offset * @param bufferEnd Buffer last offset * @param openingChar Opener character * @return Parsed regex block or null if failed */ public static RegexBlock parseBlock(CharSequence buffer, int startOffset, int bufferEnd, char openingChar, boolean isSecondBlock) { char closingChar = getQuoteCloseChar(openingChar); boolean isEscaped = false; boolean isCharGroup = false; boolean isQuotesDiffers = closingChar != openingChar; int braceLevel = 0; int parenLevel = 0; int delimiterLevel = 0; RegexBlock newBlock = null; int currentOffset = startOffset; while (true) { if (currentOffset >= bufferEnd) { break; } char currentChar = buffer.charAt(currentOffset); if (delimiterLevel == 0 && braceLevel == 0 && !isCharGroup && !isEscaped && parenLevel == 0 && closingChar == currentChar) { newBlock = new RegexBlock(buffer, startOffset, currentOffset + 1, openingChar, closingChar); break; } if (!isSecondBlock) { if (!isEscaped && !isCharGroup && currentChar == '[') { Matcher m = POSIX_CHAR_CLASS_PATTERN.matcher(buffer.subSequence(currentOffset, bufferEnd)); if (m.lookingAt()) { currentOffset += m.toMatchResult().group(0).length(); continue; } else { isCharGroup = true; } } else if (!isEscaped && isCharGroup && currentChar == ']') { isCharGroup = false; } // @todo this is buggy, sometimes bare is allowed. See example from `redo` doc // if (!isEscaped && !isCharGroup && currentChar == '{') // braceLevel++; // else if (!isEscaped && !isCharGroup && braceLevel > 0 && currentChar == '}') // braceLevel--; // // if (!isEscaped && !isCharGroup && currentChar == '(') // parenLevel++; // else if (!isEscaped && !isCharGroup && parenLevel > 0 && currentChar == ')') // parenLevel--; } if (!isEscaped && isQuotesDiffers && !isCharGroup) { if (currentChar == openingChar) { delimiterLevel++; } else if (currentChar == closingChar && delimiterLevel > 0) { delimiterLevel--; } } isEscaped = !isEscaped && closingChar != '\\' && currentChar == '\\'; currentOffset++; } return newBlock; }
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/** * Try to prefix the sequence//from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m * * @param sequence * the sequence to prefix * @param prefix * the prefix * @return the prefixed sequence * @throws NullPointerException * if {@code sequence} or {@code prefix} are {@code null} */ public static String prefixIfNotStartsWith(final CharSequence sequence, final CharSequence prefix) { Objects.requireNonNull(sequence, ERROR_SEQUENCE); Objects.requireNonNull(prefix, ERROR_PREFIX); int lSequence = sequence.length(); int lPrefix = prefix.length(); if (lPrefix == 0 || (lSequence >= lPrefix && sequence.subSequence(0, lPrefix).equals(prefix))) { return sequence.toString(); } return prefix.toString().concat(sequence.toString()); }
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/** * Try to suffix the sequence// w ww . j av a2s .com * * @param sequence * the sequence to suffix * @param suffix * the suffix * @return the suffixed sequence * @throws NullPointerException * if {@code sequence} or {@code suffix} are {@code null} */ public static String suffixIfNotEndsWith(final CharSequence sequence, final CharSequence suffix) { Objects.requireNonNull(sequence, ERROR_SEQUENCE); Objects.requireNonNull(suffix, ERROR_SUFFIX); int lSequence = sequence.length(); int lSuffix = suffix.length(); if (lSuffix == 0 || (lSequence >= lSuffix && sequence.subSequence(lSequence - lSuffix, lSequence).equals(suffix))) { return sequence.toString(); } return sequence.toString().concat(suffix.toString()); }
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/** @return the extracted count in 0xFF range and start position in 0xFF00 range */ private int trimAndExtractLeadingCounter(final CharSequence text) { // Parse and remove the leading "[n]" or [n?//] if (text == null || text.length() < 4 || text.charAt(0) != '[') return -1; int text_start = 3, count_end; while (text.charAt(text_start++) != ']') if (text_start >= text.length()) return -1; try {/*from ww w .jav a 2 s. c o m*/ final String num = text.subSequence(1, text_start - 1).toString(); // may contain the suffix "?/" for (count_end = 0; count_end < num.length(); count_end++) if (!Character.isDigit(num.charAt(count_end))) break; if (count_end == 0) return -1; // Not the expected "unread count" final int count = Integer.parseInt(num.substring(0, count_end)); if (count < 2) return -1; return count < 0xFFFF ? (count & 0xFFFF) | ((text_start << 16) & 0xFFFF0000) : 0xFFFF | ((text_start << 16) & 0xFF00); } catch (final NumberFormatException ignored) { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse: " + text); return -1; } }
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/** * Set text to the EditText/*from w w w . j a va2s .c om*/ * * @param text */ public void setText(CharSequence text) { if (text.length() > mDigits) { text = text.subSequence(0, mDigits); } mEditText.setText(text); }