List of usage examples for java.lang Character isLetter
public static boolean isLetter(int codePoint)
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protected static String pascalCase(final String string) { final StringBuilder pascalized = new StringBuilder(); boolean upper = true; for (final char c : string.toCharArray()) if (Character.isDigit(c) || c == '_') { pascalized.append(c);// www .j a va 2 s . co m upper = true; } else if (!Character.isDigit(c) && !Character.isLetter(c)) { upper = true; } else if (Character.isLetter(c)) { pascalized.append(upper ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : c); upper = false; } return pascalized.toString(); }
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public synchronized static long parseDate(String sDate) { if (null == _allowedDatesArray_startsWithLetter) { _allowedDatesArray_startsWithLetter = new String[] { DateFormatUtils.SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT.getPattern(), "MMM d, yyyy hh:mm a", "MMM d, yyyy HH:mm", "MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss.SS a", "MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss.SS", "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy", "EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", "EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z (zzz)", }; _allowedDatesArray_numeric_1 = new String[] { "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.getPattern(), DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT.getPattern(), DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT.getPattern(), DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT.getPattern() }; _allowedDatesArray_numeric_2 = new String[] { "yyyyMMdd", "yyyyMMdd hh:mm a", "yyyyMMdd HH:mm", "yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss a", "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", "yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss.SS a", "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SS", // Julian, these are unlikely "yyyyDDD", "yyyyDDD hh:mm a", "yyyyDDD HH:mm", "yyyyDDD hh:mm:ss a", "yyyyDDD HH:mm:ss", "yyyyDDD hh:mm:ss.SS a", "yyyyDDD HH:mm:ss.SS", }; _allowedDatesArray_stringMonth = new String[] { "dd MMM yy", "dd MMM yy hh:mm a", "dd MMM yy HH:mm", "dd MMM yy hh:mm:ss a", "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss", "dd MMM yy hh:mm:ss.SS a", "dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss.SS", }; _allowedDatesArray_numericMonth = new String[] { "MM dd yy", "MM dd yy hh:mm a", "MM dd yy HH:mm", "MM dd yy hh:mm:ss a", "MM dd yy HH:mm:ss", "MM dd yy hh:mm:ss.SS a", "MM dd yy HH:mm:ss.SS", }; }/*from ww w . java 2s.c o m*/ // Starts with day or month: String sDateTmp = sDate; if (Character.isLetter(sDate.charAt(0))) { try { Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray_startsWithLetter); return date.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } // keep going } //TESTED else if (Character.isLetter(sDate.charAt(5))) { // month must be string, doesn't start with day though try { int index = sDate.indexOf(':'); if (index > 0) { sDate = new StringBuffer(sDate.substring(0, index).replaceAll("[./-]", " ")) .append(sDate.substring(index)).toString(); } else { sDate = sDate.replaceAll("[ ./-]", " "); } Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray_stringMonth); return date.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } // keep going } //TESTED else { // Starts with a number most likely... int n = 0; for (; n < 4; ++n) { if (!Character.isDigit(sDate.charAt(n))) { break; } } if (4 == n) { // (Probably starts with a year) // One of the formal formats starting with a year try { Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray_numeric_1); return date.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } // keep going // Something more ad hoc starting with a year try { int index = sDate.indexOf(':'); if (index > 0) { sDate = new StringBuffer(sDate.substring(0, index).replace("-", "")) .append(sDate.substring(index)).toString(); } else { sDate = sDate.replace("-", ""); } Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray_numeric_2); return date.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } // keep going } //TESTED // Probably starts with a day try { int index = sDate.indexOf(':'); if (index > 0) { sDate = new StringBuffer(sDate.substring(0, index).replaceAll("[./-]", " ")) .append(sDate.substring(index)).toString(); } else { sDate = sDate.replaceAll("[./-]", " "); } Date date = DateUtils.parseDate(sDate, _allowedDatesArray_numericMonth); return date.getTime(); } //TESTED catch (Exception e) { } // keep going } sDate = sDateTmp; // If we're here, nothing's worked, try "natural language processing" try { return Chronic.parse(sDate).getBeginCalendar().getTime().getTime(); } //TESTED catch (Exception e2) { // Error all the way out throw new RuntimeException("Can't parse: " + sDate); } //TESTED }
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public static int countWords(String s) { int wordCount = 0; boolean word = false; int endOfLine = s.length() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { // if the char is a letter, word = true. if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && i != endOfLine) { word = true;/*from w ww . ja va 2 s . com*/ // if char isn't a letter and there have been letters before, // counter goes up. } else if (!Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && word) { wordCount++; word = false; // last word of String; if it doesn't end with a non letter, it // wouldn't count without this. } else if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i)) && i == endOfLine) { wordCount++; } } return wordCount; }
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private String filterAndJoin(String text) { boolean space = false; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (!space) { space = true;//w w w.java2 s . c o m buffer.append(' '); } continue; } if (!Character.isLetter(c) && !Character.isDigit(c)) { if (!space) { space = true; buffer.append(' '); } continue; } space = false; buffer.append(c); } return buffer.toString(); }
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public static String encodeFileName(String fileName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fileName.length(); i++) { char c = fileName.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(c) || Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == ' ' || c == '-' || c == '_') { builder.append(c);//from w w w . j av a2 s. c o m } else { builder.append("#"); builder.append(StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toHexString(c), 3, '0')); } } return builder.toString(); }
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static boolean isAbsolutePath(final String path, final boolean windowsOperatingSystem) { if (path != null && path.indexOf('\0') > -1) { return false; }/*from w w w.j a va2 s. c o m*/ final String normalizedPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(path, true); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(normalizedPath)) { return false; } final char separator = '/'; final char firstChar = normalizedPath.charAt(0); if (!windowsOperatingSystem) { return firstChar == separator; } if (!Character.isLetter(firstChar)) { return false; } final int colonIndex = normalizedPath.indexOf(':'); return colonIndex == 1 && normalizedPath.length() > 2 && normalizedPath.charAt(2) == separator; }
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private static void testStrId(int len, String s) { int[] ucps = StringUtils.toUCPArray(s); assertEquals(len, ucps.length);//w w w. ja va 2 s. co m if (len >= 1) { assertTrue("Value was " + Integer.toHexString(ucps[0]), Character.isLetter(ucps[0])); } if (len >= 2) { assertTrue("Value was " + Integer.toHexString(ucps[1]), Character.isDigit(ucps[1])); } for (int i = 2; i < len; i++) { assertTrue("Value was " + Integer.toHexString(ucps[i]), Character.isLetterOrDigit(ucps[i])); } }
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public static String decode(String encoded) { StringBuilder decoded = new StringBuilder(); int enlen = encoded.length(); for (int i = 0; i < enlen; i++) { char c = encoded.charAt(i); if (c == '$') { char nc = encoded.charAt(i + 1); if (nc == '$') { decoded.append('$'); i++;/*from ww w .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ } else if (nc == '.') { decoded.append('\\'); i++; } else if (nc == 'n') { decoded.append(eol); i++; } else if (Character.isDigit(nc)) { int count = 0; int nn = i + 1; while (Character.isDigit(nc)) { count = (count * 10); count += (nc - '0'); nc = encoded.charAt(++nn); } for (int d = 0; d < count; d++) { decoded.append(nc); } i = nn; } } else if (Character.isLetter(c)) { decoded.append(rot13(c)); } else { decoded.append(c); } } return decoded.toString(); }
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/** * make a string with only letters/*from ww w . j av a2 s .co m*/ * @param arg string * @return string with only letters, no punct, space, digits, etc. */ public static String justLetters(String arg) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < arg.length(); i++) { int c = arg.codePointAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(c)) { sb.appendCodePoint(c); } } return sb.toString(); }
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public static GWikiFragment parseText(GWikiFragmentText textFrag) { String text = textFrag.getSource(); ParseState state = ParseState.Start; int startLink = 0; GWikiFragmentChildContainer fcc = new GWikiFragmentChildContainer(); boolean startWord = true; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { char c = text.charAt(i); switch (state) { case Start: boolean ws = Character.isWhitespace(c); if (ws == true || Character.isLetter(c) == false) { // addTextFrag(fcc, text.substring(startLink, i)); // startLink = i; startWord = ws;//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m continue; } if (startWord == true && Character.isUpperCase(c) == true) { if (startLink != i) { addTextFrag(fcc, text.substring(startLink, i)); } startLink = i; state = ParseState.InWikiLink; break; } startWord = ws; break; case InWikiLink: if (Character.isLetter(c) == false) { String k = text.substring(startLink, i); if (isWikiLinkWord(k) == true) { fcc.addChild(new GWikiWikiLinkFragment(k)); } else { addTextFrag(fcc, k); } startLink = i; state = ParseState.Start; } break; } } if (startLink < text.length()) { String k = text.substring(startLink); if (state == ParseState.InWikiLink && isWikiLinkWord(k) == true) { fcc.addChild(new GWikiWikiLinkFragment(k)); } else { addTextFrag(fcc, k); } } return unfoldParsed(fcc); }